Ted talks a big game to his friends, but he confesses to Samantha that his image is all a façade: “This information cannot leave this room…it would devastate my reputation as a dude… I’ve never bagged a babe. [1] I think she doesn't remember that he's called Farmer Ted. Take CharacTour's quiz to get recommendations for thousands of characters, movies, TV shows, books, and games that are high matches for YOUR unique personality. Growing up in the suburbs, as I did, you have to have someone to mock. Fans of him like these movies, TV shows, books and video games. Sign-up deadline Oct 28 for Mefi's annual secret Gift Swap! He keeps his head held high even if things aren’t going his way. As Samantha thinks he is a dork who she wishes would leave her alone, she says "This is Farmer Fred". Please enable Javascript and hit the button below! Sixteen Candles. See our top-ranked characters and read their profiles. Given his dance moves and general demeanor, this won’t be easy. This has always puzzled me, too. I’m not a stud.”. IIRC, he's in the credits as "Farmer Ted/The Geek," which makes me think there's more to in than a throwaway line. I remember him telling Molly Ringwald, with some embarrassment, that he's not really a farmer, but does anybody know how his character got that nickname? I don't buy it. Sixteen Candles' Farmer Ted. With Molly Ringwald, Anthony Michael Hall, Justin Henry, Michael Schoeffling. Thank you pdb, I'm also from the 'burbs, so this line always made sense to me, I never questioned it. Interesting. Living… amongst his fellow geeks in high school. Wha? Ask MetaFilter is where thousands of life's little questions are answered. All posts copyright their original authors. I mean, why would you embarrass someone by calling him a farmer? Farmer Ted. Living… amongst his fellow geeks in high school. I always assumed it was because of that silly shirt he was wearing, it was a pink button-down shirt and it was either short sleeved or he had the sleeves rolled up. But I suspect there's an answer on a cutting-room floor someplace. I have long assumed that "farmer" = "freshman" and that "Ted" was just a general insult (as in, he wasn't worth the time to learn his name). Fans of him like these other characters in entertainment. I loved this movie. Instead, he puts all his energy into courting “fully aged sophomore meat.”, Relationship Status… single and hopeless. Samantha's life is going downhill fast. fans 1 rating 8.0 /10 (1 users) rate him fan fan About Him . As a sidenote of interest to very few people other than myself, I reckon, it says here on. You tend to mock hicks. Most underappreciated movies of the last decade. Ted doesn’t seem to care how much his courtship annoys Samantha. Why the hell is Anthony Michael Hall called "Farmer Ted" in "Sixteen Candles"? Despite his optimism, he is capable of reading the signs. Ask MetaFilter is a question and answer site that covers nearly any question on earth, where members help each other solve problems. Get entertainment recommendations for your unique personality and find out which of 5,500+ characters are most like you. Couple of lines, then he says "Aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?" As he tells her: “You know, I’m getting input here that I’m reading as relatively hostile.”. Challenge… convincing his friends, and Samantha, that he’s a charmer. A girl's "sweet" sixteenth birthday becomes anything but special, as she suffers from every embarrassment possible. I haven't seen that movie, but I remember the antagonism between the kids from the better-off white-collar suburbs and the poorer suburbs. Grew Up… thinking he was a stud. Profession… student and leader of the freshman outcasts. I went to high school in the suburbs and we never made fun of farmers, but perhaps we were unusual. She has a crush on the most popular boy in school, but the geekiest boy in school has a crush on her. Now a freshman in high school, Ted feels that he has to live up to his suave self-image. Actually vignettist, just to be pedantic, he refers to himself as Farmer Ted at the end of the movie, when he wakes up with Caroline in the church parking lot. Personality… relentless, enthusiastic, and optimistic. Using 'farmer' as an insult makes sense to me. I agree with the straightforward explanation of calling someone a farmer when one is from the affluent suburbs is a one-word way of saying, "this guy is a clueless hick". Why the hell is Anthony Michael Hall called "Farmer Ted" in "Sixteen Candles"? Despite being firmly in the geek group, Ted doesn’t give much thought to his studies. Ted, as a freshman, doesn’t have the social credentials that he wants. When he tries to charm attractive sophomore Samantha Baker, he gets rebuffed. Interests… girls. Directed by John Hughes. Ted, as a freshman, doesn’t have the social credentials that he wants. November 16, 2006 12:32 PM Subscribe. To take advantage of all of CharacTour’s features, you need your own personal account. Ted has somehow convinced his friends that he’s capable of “bagging” Samantha Baker. But I don't know the answer. Farmer Ted's popularity ranking on CharacTour is #4251 out of 5,600+ characters. Her sister's getting married, and with all the excitement the rest of her family forgets her sixteenth birthday! Now a freshman in high school, Ted feels that he has to live up to his suave self-image. Das darf man nur als Erwachsener (Originaltitel: Sixteen Candles) ist ein US-amerikanischer Highschool-Film aus dem Jahr 1984 von John Hughes, der mit diesem Film sein Regiedebüt gab. Join 6,437 readers in helping fund MetaFilter. Grew Up… thinking he was a stud. Thus, "farmer". Samantha is sitting with her friends at the dance when Ted walks over and sits down next to her.

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