You are responsible for promptly examining your Account statement each statement period, reviewing all transactions deposits/credits, checks paid, and other withdrawals/debits in the Account statement, and reporting any irregularities to us. F. Termination, VIII. This Agreement, together with specific terms and conditions governing your Account(s), provided separately, details our relationship with you. If the parties and the arbitrators cannot agree on the third arbitrator, the third arbitrator shall be designated by the President of the Texas Academy from the current roster of Distinguished Neutrals resident in Texas. Telephone: (800) 513-7678, In writing: WebYou deposit checks totaling more than $5,525 on any one day, including deposits made at Provident Bank ATMs (this limitation only is applicable to U.S. Treasury, New Jersey ATM and Debit Card re-presented transactions and all other transactions for which authorization has already occurred are processed in order from the lowest dollar amount to the highest dollar amount. Lobby Hours ATM The attorney, law firm, or any authorized individual on the Account agrees to indemnify and hold us harmless from and against any and all loss, costs, damage, liability, or exposure, including reasonable attorneys fees, we may suffer or incur arising out of any action or claim by any beneficiary or third party with respect to the authority, actions, or inaction taken by the trustee(s) or authorized individuals in handling or dealing with the Account. We do everything in our power to help you reach your financial goals. If a check is sent or returned as an electronic image or as a Substitute Check, it is still considered a check. atm unnecessary fees bombi M. Item means any check, ACH, funds transfer, teller cash withdrawal, ATM withdrawal, debit card purchase, fee, charge, or other withdrawal, deposit or amount that is added to or subtracted from or otherwise processed against your Account. If you change any phone number you have provided to Frost or any Frost third-party service provider, for any reason, you agree to immediately notify Frost to ensure that the above communications are not interrupted or inadvertently delivered to another recipient who may be reassigned your prior phone number. THIS MEANS ALL DISPUTES ARISING OUT OF, OR RELATED IN ANY WAY TO YOUR ACCOUNT OR THIS AGREEMENT, REGARDLESS OF ANY PRIOR AGREEMENT, DISCUSSION OR UNDERSTANDING, SHALL BE RESOLVED BY BINDING ARBITRATION, AND NOT THROUGH LITIGATION OF ANY KIND, IN ANY COURT, BY ANY JUDGE, BY ANY JURY OR OTHER TRIBUNAL (EXCEPT FOR MATTERS IN SMALL CLAIMS COURT, AND ACTIONS UNDER SECTION III.C. If you are the agent, then you have the authority to conduct transactions on the Account, except that the agent may not pledge or otherwise create a security interest in the Account. Withdrawals and transfers from your Account may be restricted as provided in any applicable Agreement or Schedule, or applicable law. If you are a sole proprietor, we may charge any of your Personal or Business Accounts. You are responsible for the condition of a check or item when you issue it. The Bank is required to examine and record at least one (1) form of identification. 1. Our acceptance of any Third Party retained by you based on our qualification criteria is not a representation or warranty by us regarding the fitness of the Third Partys capabilities or financial condition, nor is such acceptance by us an endorsement of any Third Partys ability to perform the Third-Party services for you. If you have any questions or issues with a third-party product or service, including issues pertaining to the operation of your Supported Digital Wallet Device, please contact the appropriate third party in accordance with that third partys procedures for customer support and assistance. Even if we choose to pay one (1) or more Overdrafts, we are not obligated to pay any future Overdrafts. (3) Holds on Other Funds (Check Cashing) Truncate means to remove an Original Check from the forward collection or return process and send to a recipient, in lieu of such Original Check, a Substitute Check or, by agreement, information relating to the Original Check (including data taken from the MICR line of the Original Check or an Electronic Image of the Original Check), whether with or without the subsequent delivery of the Original Check. (d) Community Property with Right of Survivorship Texas law allows persons who are married to each other to agree in writing that community property funds in an Account shall become the property of the surviving spouse on the death of either spouse. (2) Multiple-Party Accounts E. Device Eligibility Member FDIC No award or relief will be granted by the arbitrator except on behalf of, or against, a named party. (Federal regulations require us to retain the right to require all savings and all NOW Account Holders to give seven (7) days written notice before making a withdrawal.) We may pay any sum in the Account to a Party, including a Partys Power of Attorney or agent, at any time. (4) Funds Availability Holds on Other Funds (Other Accounts) If we accept for deposit a check that is drawn on another bank, we may make funds from the deposit available for withdrawal immediately but delay your availability to withdraw a corresponding amount of funds that you have on deposit in another Account with us. We reserve the right to verify that any transaction carried out by an agent with the owner(s) of the Account. Frost Bank If we lose a check, you agree to use reasonable efforts to help us locate or replace the lost check. If you have selected Online Statement Delivery as your statement preference, you will receive a notification when your statement is posted. We do not make any warranties or representations about the third parties or their products or services. Subject to applicable law, we may charge a dormant Account fee on the Account, and the Account will be presumed to be abandoned. For transactions processed through the Visa system (for example, use of your personal Debit Card when no PIN is used), liability limits differ from those set forth above. $999,999 ; $99,999,999 $999,999 ; Checks Drawn on a Foreign Bank. Arbitration hearings will take place in the county seat of the Texas county of your permanent residence at the time the claim is filed. Once the Account information for a Payment Card has been stored in accordance with the Digital Wallet procedures, it is represented by a Mobile Card within the Digital Wallet function. If you do and the check is presented for payment before the actual date on the check, we may pay it or return it unpaid. (i) Account Access you may use your card and PIN to: Withdraw money from your checking or savings Account; Make deposits to your checking or savings Account; Transfer funds between your checking and savings Accounts; Pay for purchases at places that have agreed to accept the card; and. 12 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, part 229) promulgated to comply with the Check 21 Act, as it may be amended, substituted for, or recodified from time to time, then such term generally shall have the meaning assigned to it in Regulation CC. tailspin gin smash; 72 chord progressions pdf study guide in all 12 keys A. Such warranties also include the following two (2) specific warranties regarding transfer and presentment: You warrant that the Electronic Image that we convert to a Substitute Check meets the requirements described in 229.51(a)(1) (2) of the Check 21 Regulation (found at 12 CFR 229.51(a)(1) (2)) for legal equivalence; and. P. Personal Account means any Account with Frost Bank that is used primarily for personal, family or household purposes. If we are unable to place a stop payment on a transaction for any reason, you must cancel the card. You authorize us to supply missing endorsements, and you warrant that all endorsements are genuine. Your Available Balance may be positive when a transaction is authorized, but your Current Balance may be negative when the transaction is later presented for payment, which may result in an Overdraft and an Overdraft fee. C. Relationships to Other Frost Agreements The arbitrators authority is limited to the dispute between you and Frost. You and any other trustee or person opening the Account, in your individual capacity and jointly and severally, agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from and against any and all loss, costs, damage, liability, or exposure, including reasonable attorneys fees, we may suffer or incur arising out of any action or claim by any beneficiary or other trustee with respect to the authority or actions taken by you in handling or dealing with the Account. While these electronic debits are listed on your Account statement, the electronic debit of the funds from your Account will not appear under the Checks Paid section of your monthly statement. The Carrier must continue to meet our vault location requirements. You may not copy, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, attempt to derive the source code of, modify, or create derivative works of any Mobile Card or the Digital Wallet Service, any updates, or any part thereof (except as and only to the extent any foregoing restriction is prohibited by applicable law or to the extent as may be permitted by the licensing terms governing the use of any open sourced components included with a Mobile Card or the Digital Wallet Service). If a foreign item is returned to us unpaid or there is some other problem with the foreign item, you are responsible for the item and you may incur a loss.
You authorize us to disclose information about your Account to a credit reporting agency if your Account was closed because you have abused it. Prior to binding arbitration described in this Agreement, you and the Bank shall first attempt to resolve any dispute arising out of your Account or this Agreement through negotiation. ), then the Account Holder must provide us with a copy of the business entitys certificate of incorporation or other comparable organizational document, and evidence to our satisfaction of the authority of the individuals who sign the Signature Card to act on behalf of the Account Holder. (2) Longer Delays May Apply Funds will normally be withdrawn from your Account the next Business Day. You may change your phone number by following the steps outlined at You may close your Account by notifying us at any time, except that we may require you to give us seven (7) days advance notice when you intend to close your savings or interest bearing checking Account by withdrawing funds. Telephone Customer Service We reserve the right to verify any transaction carried out by a convenience signer with the owner(s) of the Account. D. Eligibility We may agree with other banks regarding times and methods for collecting or returning items. K. Time Deposits Frost is not liable for any failure or performance of any Digital Wallet or any third partys products or services. A. Where there is any conflict of law regarding an appeal of any decision of the arbitrator(s), you and the Bank agree that Texas law shall control. To facilitate your participation, you acknowledge and agree that Frost may make certain Account information relating to each Payment Card you have selected to use with the Digital Wallet Service available for display, including your most recent transaction data, but not your full Payment Card account number. (2) General Information You can initiate up to 20 transactions per day. We will not be liable for the lack of care of any bank we use to collect checks, or for checks lost while being shipped. After the Account is closed, we have no obligation to accept deposits or pay any outstanding checks on that Account. We require you to provide the date of the check, the exact amount, the check number (or range of checks), and the name of the payee for all stop payment orders. Such Security Procedures offered by the Bank are described herein and in Documentation applicable to such services. THIS PARAGRAPH SHALL SURVIVE TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT FOR ANY REASON. You should also revoke your authorization for pre-authorized debit card transactions you may previously have provided to a merchant. All Substitute Checks deposited via Frost Digital Deposits must be endorsed payable to the order of Mobile Deposit Only, Frost Bank, followed by your signature and Account number. We provide this information only as a courtesy and convenience to you. A. N/A. Depending on the type of check that you deposit via Digital Deposits, funds may not be available until the second (2nd) Business Day after the day of your deposit. Judgment may be entered upon any award in any court having jurisdiction. You represent that for Digital Deposits, you consider the Security Procedures to be commercially reasonable with respect to the size, type, and frequency of deposits you anticipate submitting. In addition, we may also place a Hold on some or all of the funds in your Account, or on particular transactions on your Account, without any liability to you, in accordance with our obligations under Texas Finance Code Chapter 280 (Protection of Vulnerable Adults from Financial Exploitation) to investigate and report suspected incidents of financial exploitation against vulnerable adults as defined under that law, which includes adults who are sixty-five (65) years or older or a person with a disability. C. Fraud and Loss Prevention; Legal Process; Legal Compliance; Reservation of Rights Customer should not insert non-U.S. currency into the Smart Safe as non-U.S. currency will not be processed by the Smart Safe Vendor or Bank. (4) Substitute Checks Deposited by You Should you receive a valid Substitute Check from someone else that has not yet been collected, you may deposit that Substitute Check in the same manner as you would deposit an Original Check you received. Some or all of these original paper checks may be replaced with Substitute Checks. To help safeguard against potential unauthorized use of your Account, you should employ reasonable caution when using a mobile phone, mobile device, tablet, wearable device, or wireless Internet access to conduct any electronic transactions with us (including, but not limited to, SMS text message transactions). For stop payment orders on recurring ACH transactions, you can obtain the company name of the payee from your statement by looking at a prior ACH debit from that payee that posted to your Account. F. Business Days means Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays. We are pleased to provide you with our Deposit Account Agreement (the Agreement as further defined below), which applies to any personal or business checking, savings, money market or CD account (each either a Personal Account or a Business Account and, collectively, Account(s) as defined below) you may have with Frost Bank. That organization will apply its procedures in effect at the time the arbitration claim is filed. If you endorse a check outside of these areas, mark or otherwise obscure the other areas or a prior endorsement or make an endorsement that is illegible or incomplete, we may refuse the item or we may accept such nonconforming endorsement and you agree to hold us harmless from any loss, delay, liability, claim or damage which may arise as a result. 4 Mobile deposit: Another approach is to deposit a money order with your banks mobile deposit app. We may use funds held in multiple-party Accounts to repay the debts on which any one of you is liable, whether jointly with another or individually. ATM Hours. In receiving checks from you for withdrawal or deposit, we act only as your agent. If the Parties fail to agree upon a designated mediator, or if either Party fails to participate in the mediation within the thirty (30) calendar day timeframe stated above, such Party will be deemed to have waived its right to mediate and that Partys only remedy is binding arbitration. Such Electronic Images shall be deemed received by us for deposit based upon time of receipt as well as successful receipt of Electronic Images that are complete, usable, and adhere to the Standards. We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality and security of our customers financial information, which is consistent with Frost Banks values and commitment to customer service. Disputes in excess of $100,000 where the AAA or like organization cannot serve shall be decided by a panel of three (3) arbitrators selected in the manner and credentialed in the way described above. You should know that Frost Bank employs various security and authentication technologies to ensure that you (an authorized customer) are communicating directly with Frost Bank. Neither Party shall make any objection to a proposed mediator except for good cause shown. Mobile Devices which have been unlocked in an unauthorized fashion (jail-broken) or otherwise modified are not eligible to use the Digital Wallet Service. Such electronic debits generated by ARC, POP or BOC conversion are separate and distinct from Substitute Checks discussed previously, and are governed by separate laws rules and regulations for electronic debits. (2) Longer Delays May Apply Late payments, missed payments or other defaults on your Account may be reflected in your credit report. Such phone calls and text messages may include auto-dialed phone calls and text messages, prerecorded phones calls and text messages, or both. We may pay any sum in the Account to a Party, including a Partys Power of Attorney or agent, at any time. The following terms apply to withdrawals from your Account(s): (1) Manner of Withdrawal You may make withdrawals from your Account in any manner that is permitted by us for the type of Account you have. Furthermore, you are explicitly authorizing us to pay any and all checks presented against your Account which contain any mechanical signature which reasonably resembles the Mark you have adopted: Regardless of whether the Mark is actually that which you have adopted; Regardless of how or by whom the Mark was affixed; and. All other capitalized terms used that are not otherwise defined in this Agreement or in the Documentation shall have the meaning given to such term in Article 3 or Article 4 of the UCC (as amended from time to time) effective in Texas as adopted in the Texas Business and Commerce Code. 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