Some of the movies listed involve conspiracy theories and secret societies, like Eyes Wide Shut, National Treasure and The DaVinci Code. Finally, Rivera's autopsy described injuries that were inconsistent with a death by falling and the medical examiner on the case declared Rivera's death to be inconclusive rather than suicide. Once you are connected to a public network at a cafe or library, download and install the desktop version of Tor Browser. But then, everybody got stuck on the fact that he was found under this small hole in the roof.
In Unsolved Mysteries, it is speculated that if Rivera was murdered, it was probably by someone who lost money as a result of taking Rivera's stock advice. The episode suggests that it could be some kind of codebut if that's true, no one has been able to crack it thus far. It was too far away from either the hotels roof or the parking garage to make sense. The Real News Network
I wouldve thought there wouldve been more injuries to the feet. The hole doesnt make any sense. The first episode of Netflix's 'Unsolved Mysteries' features Rey Rivera, who left a rambling note before dying under mysterious circumstances. DO access SecureDrop on a network not associated with you, like the wifi at a library or cafe. Visit our corporate site. He also maintains a personal blog called My Geeky Geeky Ways which hosts his extensive episode guide for the television series making up The Arrowverse as well as his comedic Lets Play videos. Having plunged through the roof of this room, Rivera's body had been lying there for some time. It explores several strange circumstances surrounding his death, including the mysterious lack of damage to Riveras cell phone and glasses and his growing interest in Brottman meticulously follows any and all threads she can, including a long and fascinating detour into the world of Agora, a somewhat sinister and extremely wealthy company Rivera worked for shortly before his death. Stephen Janis: Yes. Marie Dauenheimer: I havent really worked that much with the Baltimore medical examiners office, Its been more Washington DC and some other cities. I mean, it was very preliminary work that anyone would do at the beginning of a homicide investigation, but these missing elements mean there has been no investigation, which is why were doing what were doing. He left a note behind, not of the suicide variety, that listed movies, books, music, and TV shows he enjoyed, as well as names of family and friends; it also referenced the Freemasons and filmmaker Stanley Kubrick. But Brottman's book is, sneakily, more than just a true crime narrative. Thank you. There is no diagram of the room where Reys body was found. In the days before his death, the alarms in Rivera's home went off twice, and on the day of his death he answered a work callthough the identity of this call has never been able to be identified. Remember, we cant do this work without your support. Just a note, anyone who wants to view her work can go to our website, Your online behavior can be extremely revealing. All advice, including picks and predictions, is based on individual commentators opinions and not that of Minute Media or its related brands. When you make your first submission, you will receive a unique codename. Also, I spoke to a homicide investigator who said there were no statements taken from anybody. He also started a production company. Dr. Moya mentioned that he had extensive head and neck injuries, but apparently, and I havent worked on any cases where somebodys fallen from that kind of Whatever it was, 11 stories or 13 stories. Our organization retains strict access control over our SecureDrop project. Netflix's Unsolved Mysteries premiered with the strange case of Rey Rivera; was his death a suicide, a murder or something far stranger? I find it all very shocking that that wasnt done. Her name is Marie Dauenheimer, and shes a medical illustrator, a person who literally creates a pictorial depiction of the victims injuries. You can also help by purchasing one of the books Stephen and I wrote together about policing and unsolved cases: Why Do We Kill: The Pathology of Murder in Baltimore, and You Cant Stop Murder: Truths About Policing in Baltimore and Beyond. It just really touched me. It doesnt make any sense that he came through that hole feet first, that you would have this very dramatic compound fracture on the right side, so its unilateral. Join us for part One of Four (episodes released weekly)32 year old writer Rey Rivera and his wife Allison moved to Baltimore from sunny California after his dreams of screenwriting didn't come to fruition. To protect your anonymity when using SecureDrop, it is essential that you do not use a network or device that can easily be traced back to your real identity. Signals servers will store only your phone number and the time you were last active, and messages can be set to automatically erase themselves from your phone and ours after a certain period of time. Taya Graham: That certainly would clue you in as to whether or not Rey jumped, or perhaps was positioned there. Police went to check it out and found Reys body. Time will tell, but if they do well be sure to share those updates too. But yeah, there were definitely injuries that werent consistent with falling from that height. Somebodys in some kind of an accident, these are the injuries right after the accident, these are the subsequent surgeries theyve had to have, and give an overview. At first, they suspected he died by suicide, but that didnt add up, particularly the position of the hole. The mystery call Rey had gotten originated from Stansberry & Associates, which was owned by Reys longtime friend, Porter Stansberry, who he was doing freelance work for. Who Is Hasnat Khan, Princess Dianas Boyfriend on Season 5 of The Crown. "Alonzo's story has been on our radar since 2017 before we even pitched Unsolved Mysteries to Netflix," Meurer says. "We had been tracking that story for a while. A few days after that, writer and professor Mikita Brottman saw a "Missing" poster "I stand before you a man who understands the purpose and value of our secrets. Speaking on the You Can't Make This Up podcast and reported by Cosmo UK, Unsolved Mysteries creator Terry Dunn Meurer divulged that an unidentified someone was very interested in Rivera's computers once they had been taken by the policeand even tried to pick them up (!). And it was just so baffling. Build your customFanSided TV email newsletter with news and analysis onNetflix and all your favorite sports teams, TV shows, and more. Marie Dauenheimer, join our growing community of sustaining members. Which is why the case was featured in the Netflix reboot of Unsolved Mysteries. So who was that caller? After a brief investigation they concluded his death was a suicide, and his records indicate [they] simply stopped investigating the case. Since the episode aired, however, there have been a couple of interesting theories from viewers. Stephen Janis: Well, again, I want to emphasize this because Rey Riveras case was not investigated. Stephen Janis: Does that strike you as usual that things like this would not have been included in the autopsy, like the x-rays or the photographs? Her new book, her tenth, An Unexplained Death: The True Story of a Body at the Belvedere, takes readers through a journey of these obsessive years of curiosity, of trying to get to the truth of what happened. A few days after that, writer and professor Mikita Brottman saw a "Missing" poster in her Baltimore neighborhood, including Rivera's photo, descriptions of his clothing, age, height and weight and the promise of a $1,000 reward for any information leading to his return. The FBI announced a $100,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible. He had multiple injuries, including laceration, fractured ribs and punctured lungs, suggesting he had fallen from a height into the room. He walked out of his home on May 16, 2006, and was found six days later in the second-story annex of the Belvedere Hotel in Baltimore. Why did the investigation into Riveras death come to such a sudden close? Taya Graham: Stephen, I am struck by several points that are raised in this interview. Terry Dunn Meurer is excited that fans have been streaming the new Unsolved Mysteries on Netflix since its July 1 debutnot only because it could lead to another season, but because she hopes to bring closure to those dealing with an unsolved mystery. Do not discuss leaking or whistleblowing, even with trusted contacts. Theres no photographs, for example, of the scene where Reys body was found. Then, you can make a small donation to support our work. Related: What Unsolved Mysteries Leaves Out About The Berkshires UFO Sightings. Stephen Janis: Absolutely. Layered throughout the book are indications of this affliction, how her own neighbors seem to forget her face in between introductions, how friends appear to forget about her when she's not around. Theres abrasions, lacerations, I think, but theres no fractures. Alison was very troubled.". If you write it down, be sure to destroy the copy as soon as youve committed it to memory. But, these injuries were really, really extensive. He was just a guy who was interested in everything. Even in the autopsy, theres no mention of where Reys body Which would be significant, very significant if you want to determine where he might have fallen from Where the body landed, any homicide detective would tell you is the basic starting point for when you try to verify that someone might have jumped from a certain cliff or ledge or height or whatever, and that evidence is just striking that its missing. 231 Holliday St.
If youd like, you can support our reporting by kicking in a little each month. Some even reached out to us. "She's spent a lot of time with that note, as did the FBI, just going through the note trying to figure out if there were any clues or anything else in there. SecureDrop is an anonymity tool for journalists and whistleblowers. New information has come to light in the Unsolved Mysteries case on Rey Rivera. Will the mystery callers or callers, if theyre the same person ever reveal themselves? Dis friends have said she referred to the doctor as the love of her life., She and Prince Philip strike up an unlikely friendship throughout the fifth season of 'The Crown.'. It would be, I think, one very important clue to confirm the theory that he jumped from the Belvedere Hotel, which is why its so troubling that its entirely missing from the homicide file. Allison feels that she's been through all the journals just trying to find any clue that could help her figure out what happened to him, and she couldn't find any real or strong connections in The Game. You can use our SecureDrop installation to anonymously submit documents to The Real News, and our journalists can use SecureDrop to securely communicate with anonymous contacts. Rey was said to have received a mysterious phone call on the day of his death Credit: Netflix. It would be instinctual. Its just on the one side, the right tibia and fibula. A file contains valuable metadata about its source when it was created and downloaded, what machine was involved, the machines owner, etc. A lot of people have called or asked me via the internet, where was Reys body exactly? Maybe they had a lot of cases, theyre overworked, it just didnt make sense to them, they didnt have the manpower. He fractured multiple ribs, punctured both lungs, has abrasions on his torso 7 to 9 inches long, and chest contusion. There were some areas where I would like to have had a little bit more information. Many including both conspiracy theory forum members and Rivera's widow believed it had something to do with this death. And second, how much of the information she says was lacking from the autopsy. Not to mention the roof was metal and his unbroken phone and glasses were found on the roof near the hole. Stephen Janis: And we are investigative reporters who live in Baltimore city. So, so many things. How does that make sense? And the program there, which is over a hundred years old, really focuses on teaching artists. Whether that hole was purposely put in the roof to make everybody think he had to have come from that trajectory, so you look up, he came through. You lose a lot of evidence. It definitely started to make more sense to me that he could have had some kind of, either a car, or something that came on the right side that would better explain those injuries, and specifically the injuries to the tibia and the fibula on the right side and to the pelvis. Baltimore, MD 21202. (He has denied such allegations. We tried to present the best pieces of the interviews to help tell the story. Recently, we received a call from a person who has a special talent and offered to help. Shortly before he died, Rey wrote a long, stream of consciousness note discovered by his family (opens in new tab), reports local station WBALTV, that may All betting content is intended for an audience ages 21+. Meanwhile, as authorities assess those tips, viewers have been rabidly sharing fan theories, reactions, and developments online, and Meurer discussed some of the more intriguing ones with EW. I know that he really loved Patrice. Thats really another difficult one. Rey Rivera, she believes, was a good man, a loving husband, smart and hardworking. Before we get started, we have to make a short pitch to help support our reporting and this podcast. Not rectangular. Theory one: "Rivera's death was linked to David Fincher's The Game". Copyright 2023 Meredith Corporation. Theres a body, theres a hole, he jumped. Whom virtue unites death will not separate," the last of which is apparently a Masonic phrase (the letter apparently closes with a Masonic phrase, too). She has written extensively for a variety of publications including the Afro American Newspaper, the oldest black-owned publication in the country, and was a frequent contributor to Morgan State Radio at a historic HBCU. Today, were going to speak with a medical illustrator who volunteered to depict Reys injuries. The injuries do not line up to what you can see physically. The 80 Best K-Dramas You'll Be Completely Hooked On, Selena Gomez Revealed Meryl Streep Is Joining 'Only Murders in the Building' Season 3, Sophia Brown on Joining the World of The Witcher: Blood Origin, 'Ginny & Georgia' Season 2: Everything We Know, The Cast of 'The Crown' Season 5: Your Guide. Stephen Janis: What do you think about the idea that Rey fell through a hole from a height? Ive worked on murder cases that have involved gunshot wounds, and trajectories of gunshot wounds and such. Yet there is little evidence to support the idea that Rivera was suicidal, and ample reason to believe he was the victim of foul play. Terry Dunn Meurer also offers insight into the cases of Patrice Endres and Alonzo Brooks. Marie Claire is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Maximilian Alvarez, Editor in Chief
And again, they would be bilateral. I think they should have really looked at the injuries and then tried to understand the mechanism, as opposed to just taking it at face value. Taya Graham: Its not just whats missing from the files. Rey left his North Baltimore home in May of 2006 in a hurry. Especially because so much evidence, and again, Im not a forensic expert, but because of the fact that he had been there for eight days, there was evidence that was lost. The mysterious death of Rey Rivera has continued to stoke speculation and controversy, especially after the case received national attention from a Netlfix reboot of Unsolved Mysteries in July, 2020.In Part 1 of their three-part investigation, TRNN reporters Taya Graham and Stephen Janis reviewed the unsettling circumstances surrounding Im not a police detective. I think what the investigators did, Im not trying to put blame, but I think they put the cart before the horse. The police theorized that Rivera had jumped to his death from a higher point and broken through the ceiling upon impact. We will continue to look into the case files and search for evidence that will hopefully provide clues to solve this case. Throughout this special investigation series, TRNN reporters Taya Graham and Stephen Janis have examined one of Baltimores most notorious and mysterious cases and detailed the glaring issues with the official police report that deemed Riveras death a suicide. Use your codename to sign back in to our source page, check for responses from our journalists, and upload additional materials. Latin America's new wave of leftist governments, Taya Graham and Stephen Janis have examined one of Baltimores most notorious and mysterious cases, glaring issues with the official police report that deemed Riveras death a suicide, Proudly powered by Newspack by Automattic. I had the internal injury illustration, the external injury, and I was using the information from the autopsy report to help me really plot and paint. Even the three people who found the hole in the roof that used to work with Rey at Agora, or at Stansberry Associates, there are no statements by police included in the file. WebMoya, Miryam. Do NOT access SecureDrop using your employers hardware. Im going to hopefully get more information and opinion from Dr. Moya. It seems odd. The note begins, "Brothers and Sisters, Right now, around the world volcanoes are erupting. He is the co-host and creator of The Police Accountability Report on The Real News Network, which has received more than 10,000,000 views on YouTube. That would give you Theres a thing called lividity, which is where blood pools, which can give you a sense of whether the body was moved. Alison was very troubled.. WebThe medical examiners autopsy report (Exhibit 3) says that Rey Riveras injuries were consistent with a fall from a height and were sustained as a result of precipitation from a This raises the question of who would want to kill Rivera, if his death was not a suicide. After the Unsolved episode came out, even more information has surfaced about Rivera's death. He also says, "That was a well-played game. Do NOT access SecureDrop on your home network. And then, he simply vanished. 'Unsolved Mysteries' on Netflix has brought renewed interest in 6 unsolved cases, including the deaths of Rey Rivera, Patrice Endres, and Alonzo Brooks. Once you are connected to a public network at a cafe or library, download and install the desktop version of Tor Browser. But this is what he did all the time. support our reporting by kicking in a little each month. There was also the matter of a note taped behind his home computer. Taya Graham is an award-winning investigative reporter who has covered U.S. politics, local government, and the criminal justice system. The TRNN newsroom can be reached via Signal at 1-443-216-9712. Anyway, there was much more to the case than the hole. The first theory was that Rivera has jumped to his death. Biologically male students will be banned from competing in women's sports from July, with the law being enforced through a "sports physical.". The thing that I found really frustrating about the Unsolved Mysteries show, and I know they only had an hour to include a lot of complex information, but I wanted more information specifically about the injuries. The emergency phone call that made Rivera dash off suddenly that day (never to be seen by his family again) was traced to his workplace. One of the most hauntingepisodes of theUnsolved Mysteriesreboot was the very first one, Mystery on the Rooftop, about the Rey Rivera cold case. With many elements of Rivera's death seemingly not adding up, some have speculated that the crime scene was staged to make it look like a suicide. On May 24, Rivera's body was discovered in an empty, abandoned room in the second-story annex of the Belvedere, once a grand hotel that has for years now been largely made up of condos one of which Brottman lives in with her partner and dog. There are intriguing aspects of Reys injuries that have not been fully explored that raise important questions. Marie Dauenheimer: I just assumed, when I watched the Netflix show, that somebody must have gone in there, a police photographer, that they wouldve done some kind of diagrams. Follow him on Twitter. Marie Dauenheimer: Yeah, Im not an expert like Dr. Moya, although Ive certainly worked on mechanism of injury illustrations with guidance, of course, usually from an expert, someone whos got the kind of background Dr. Moya has. The exact meaning of the note is unknown but the FBI and Rivera's family both agree that it was not a suicide note. But, I think whats really tragic is that it wasnt investigated thoroughly as a homicide, and now its 14 years later and theres a lot of time thats passed, obviously. This faulty theory of a suicide. Stansberry's company was also eventually fined $1.5 million disseminating false stock information and defrauding public investors. He was happily married and planning to move back to LA with his wife to pursue screenwriting. Welcome back to The Land of the Unsolved, the podcast that explores both the evidence and the politics of unsolved murders. "Wed love for someone to come forward and tell us what that phone call was about. Yeah, that is strange. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. There are no subpoenas for cell phone records for Reys cell phone, no records of cell phone records. Sprinkled through the narrative are anecdotes of violent murders, suicides, and natural deaths that occurred, and still occur, in the building's rooms, out its windows, and off its roofs. Well, when you look at the pictures that you can see online, the hole is very small. Rivera's car was found in a parking lot on St. Paul Street. Belvedere Hotel is located in the top left. Rey Omar Rivera was born on June 10, 1973, to Angel and Maria Rivera. At the time of his disappearance, Rivera was a 32-year-old finance writer for The Oxford Club as a video contractor. As a result of a series of unfortunate events, he jumps from the roof of a building through a glass ceiling, suggesting Rivera could've been acting out the events of the movie. How did he end up in that conference room? It also includes details of an inventory of items taken from Reys car, which was found parked near the Belvedere, and some photographs that we will discuss in a future episode. As pointed out in the podcast, someone called Rey, and no one knows why. Instead, use public wifi networks and devices you control. Finally and perhaps not coincidentally, several of the movies (The Matrix, Wide Awake and The Game) all feature scenes of a man jumping off a building. Follow her on Twitter. A 32-year-old newlywed at the time of his death, Rey Rivera was an aspiring screenwriter, the writer of a financial newsletter and a freelance videographer and writer Whats the Deal With Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss? The extremely human anxiety Brottman seems to be grappling with is one many of us may consider at one time or another: If we went missing, would anyone look for us? So what do we know right now? Someone with a special expertise who offered to help us answer some of the most vexing questions about Reys death that are still unresolved. Do not discuss leaking or whistleblowing, even with trusted contacts. But I think were moving closer to the idea that Rey didnt jump or fall from anywhere. Theyre all available at if youre interested. Taya Graham: Stephen, thats a really interesting point that you just made, that there are actual standards that are used during a homicide investigation that simply werent met. Although her reporting focuses on the criminal justice system and government accountability, she has provided on the ground coverage of presidential primaries and elections as well as local and state campaigns. She contacted us and volunteered, for free, to help illustrate Reys injuries. Real Name: Rey Omar Rivera Nickname: No known nicknames Location: Baltimore, Maryland Date: May 16, 2006 Details: Rey Rivera was a 32-year-old writer and aspiring filmmaker who recently moved to Baltimore with his wife, Allison, at the behest of his best friend, Porter Stansberry. I wouldve thought that you would see those kinds of injuries. Sending us physical mail is also an option that can preserve your anonymity, especially if you use a public mailbox: Maximilian Alvarez, Editor in Chief
231 Holliday St.
Unsolved Mysteries key art. The latest theories on how Rey Rivera died don't point to Usually if theres pretty extensive injuries, Ive seen x-rays and Ive also seen photographs. Marie Dauenheimer: Like what Dr. Moya said in terms of being unilateral, so its only on the right side. That area was being underutilized. There's a lot that's strange about this story, including a mysterious note he wrote the day he died that seemed to point to Freemasonry; theories have abounded about what may have happened to him. He referenced film directors Stanley Kubrick and M. Night Shyamalan as well as star Christopher Reeve. I was trying to read the autopsy report on the screen, and I just wanted to know more about what the injuries were. The only thing people are fairly sure it wasnt was a suicide note. The bottom line, if he was planning to kill himself, nothing in his life that had preceded his death indicated it was even a remote possibility. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. He is also the co-host of the true crime podcast Land of the Unsolved. In the weeks leading up to his death, Rivera had become overprotective of his wife, refusing to let her go anywhere without him. Although the event was ruled a probable suicide by the Baltimore Police Department, the circumstances of Rivera's death are mysterious and disputed. Not knowing who made that first call, or if it had anything to do with Rey dying, is also baffling. Regularly monitoring our publications social media or website can potentially flag you as a source. But then, it was a little nebulous when they were describing, for example, the compound fracture to the tibia and the fibula and some of the pelvic fractures, I wasnt really told precisely where they were or how large they were. But, as an investigative reporter who has worked in one of the most violent cities in the country for nearly 15 years, I can tell you this is not true. Received a call from a person who has covered U.S. politics, local,! The ceiling upon impact like, you will receive a unique codename view her work can go to website. About Rivera 's death are mysterious and disputed cases of Patrice Endres and Alonzo Brooks if you write it,... Found Reys body was found the police theorized that Rivera had jumped to his death Credit: Netflix think! A hole, he jumped all advice, including laceration, fractured ribs punctured. No records of cell phone records we may earn an affiliate commission Graham: its not whats. 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