A great way to give feedback while promoting increased interaction and engagement in online classes is by encouraging peer reviews. Peer feedback refers to when students review each other’s work and provide meaningful feedback. You can take a back seat and moderate this exercise by letting students indulge in a healthy exchange of perspectives. When offering meaningful feedback to students, a timely response is an effective approach especially in online courses. Getting feedback aims to improve your way of thinking – and working, as an online instructor. It’s gathered to help you start making more informed decisions about how your school functions or better yet – how it should function, helping you improve your course and increasing the value it offers to your students. Students … Make an Effort to Obtain Student Feedback "The most positive impact with online learning experiences is the class structure that supports flexibility, organization, and clear expectations" (Crews & Butterfield, 2014). If students have to wait several weeks for a grade on an assignment, feedback may not offer the opportunity for students to reflect, correct, and extend their performance. It helps to avoid content disconnection and student isolation.

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