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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 [10] Und obwohl die Demokraten gerade in roten Staaten besser abschnitten als üblich und ihre Wähler so gut mobilisieren konnten wie seit Jahren nicht, gelang es ihnen in vier Staaten nicht, ihre Mandatsinhaber zu retten, was NBC News auf die starke Polarisierung der Politik unter Präsident Trump zurückführte; das lasse darauf schließen, dass die Demokraten mit diesem Ergebnis ihr Maximum erreicht hätten und in Donald Trumps Präsidentschaft mit besseren Ergebnissen in strukturell republikanisch geneigten Gebieten nicht rechnen dürften. President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans are girding for a potentially brutal confrontation with Democrats over Trump’s border wall next month. Zusatzartikels: In beiden Bundesstaaten traten die jeweils von den Gouverneuren ernannten Interimssenatoren, Tina Smith in Minnesota und Cindy Hyde-Smith in Mississippi, zur Nachwahl an. The Democrat pulled out a come-from-behind victory to flip a formerly Republican seat. 1798/99 | President Donald Trump was at turns triumphal, resentful, conciliatory and combative in a Wednesday post-election press conference that exceeded even his usual freewheeling standards. 1808/09 | Die strukturellen Voraussetzungen waren ungünstig für die Demokraten, da sie deutlich mehr Mandate verteidigen mussten als die Republikaner (23 zu 8 und je eine Nachwahl). 1820/21 | Candidates who "worked with me in this incredible Midterm Election, embracing certain policies and principles, did very well,” President Donald Trump tweeted. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, greets supporters at his election night party in Houston, after winning re-election. 1972 | Democrat Mike Espy claims momentum in the final days of the Mississippi special Senate election, but Donald Trump heads to the state Monday to blunt it. Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith is competing in a runoff election to serve out the remainder of retired Sen. Thad Cochran’s term. | Rick Scuteri/AP Photo. ", “Those that worked with me in this incredible Midterm Election, embracing certain policies and principles, did very well,” the president wrote in a tweet. 1980 | 1912/13 Die Wahlen zum Senat der Vereinigten Staaten 2018 fanden am 6. The president and his aides celebrated the GOP's defense of the Senate, but there was no spinning away the grim reality of a Democratic House win. 1836/37 | | John Bazemore, Pool/AP Photo. The GOP increased its majority in the chamber. 1824/25 | Juli 2020 um 16:19 Uhr bearbeitet. Durch nachträgliche Bearbeitung der Originaldatei können einige Details verändert worden sein. 1960 | But to hear the president and his allies tell it, the winner of the election was President Donald Trump himself. View the House estimate, Senate balance and more. 1878/79 | Sinema had 49.7 percent of the vote to McSally’s 48 percent when The Associated Press called the race Monday evening. The county’s results could help decide the races for U.S. Senate, governor and agriculture commissioner, which are headed for recounts. [5] Die meisten bisherigen Senatoren wurden wiedergewählt. President Donald Trump fired off a series of agitated tweets on Friday about the looming Florida recount, alleging “election theft" in the Senate race and suggesting without evidence that Democrats were falsifying votes to undermine GOP candidates. on a race you wish to follow. The GOP padded its majority by at least one seat — and as many as five. 1952 | With the GOP set to give up the House in January, Republicans are staring at their last, best opportunity to get border wall funding. 1802/03 | 1994 | 1816/17 | 2016 | Es standen alle 33 Sitze der Klasse eins zur Wahl, etwa ein Drittel des Senats. 1804/05 | Zusätzlich fanden am selben Tag in Minnesota und Mississippi außerordentliche Nachwahlen statt (Rücktritte der Mandatsinhaber Al Franken und Thad Cochran). Sinema 1,097,321 50%; McSally 1,059,124 48%; Green 52,122 2% * incumbent. Am 6. 1862/63 | You aren't following any races. 1934 | Braun 1,155,277 51%; Donnelly 1,021,318 45%; Brenton 88,198 4% * incumbent. 1898/99 | 1870/71 | Battle for the Senate 2018. A handful of Senate races broke decisively for Republicans, allowing them to defeat at least three Democratic incumbents and protect multiple seats where the party had been on defense. Democrats seized control of the House on Tuesday, a major setback for President Donald Trump and the conservative, anti-immigration agenda he brought to Washington two years ago. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi speaks during a midterm election night party hosted by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in Washington, DC. [7], Das für die Demokraten enttäuschende Wahlergebnis wurde von Analysten unterschiedlich bewertet. [6] Am 27. 1978 | predicted that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer will shine as he navigates the shadow presidential primary among as many as a half-dozen of his Democrats. senate RACES YOU FOLLOW. 1950 | | Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Democrats could have lost nine or 10 seats in the chamber if the party hadn’t executed on Tuesday. Democrats blazed a suburban trail to wrest control of the House from Republicans, easily winning the popular vote in a national rebuke of President Donald Trump that is likely to yield a gain of more than 30 seats. 1940 | 1936 | 1792/93 | 1926 | The Senate race will be recounted, and the governor’s race could be close behind. The two counties are in their third day of reporting votes, and Broward, which has a history of controversial vote-counting processes, still has not offered an estimate of the amount of outstanding provisional and absentee ballots it has yet to count. Sen. Bill Nelson is girding up for a recount fight that could end his four-decade political career. Trump, Dems Brace for Showdown Over Ginsburg Seat 1858/59 | Nach Verabschiedung des 17. | Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP Photo. 1974 | Arizona Senate . Eine Analyse von McClatchy DC führte das darauf zurück, dass die Senatoren der Demokraten nach den Wahlen 2016 in allen wesentlichen Sachfragen, insbesondere der Erhaltung der Gesundheitsreform Obamacare und der Ablehnung der Steuerreform der Republikaner, geschlossen geblieben waren.[3]. 2006 | 1946 | Datum: 25. He also threatened them. 1800/01 | 1806/07 | 1794/95 | A sophomore girl in the picture is identified in the caption as Cindy Hyde. Die Republikaner konnten ihre bisherige Mehrheit von 51 Sitzen im Senat (insgesamt 100 Sitze) auf 53 Sitze ausbauen. 1788/89 | Reverted to version as of 05:03, 26 March 2013 (UTC): [http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2016/07/26/bernie-sanders-to-return-to-senate-as-an-independent/ "Bernie Sanders to Return to Senate as an Independent"] by Peter Nicholas (2016-07-26): “I was elect... Sanders is now a member of the Democratic party. 1924 | 1848/49 | März 2013, 21:54:35: Quelle: Eigenes Werk: Urheber: Info por favor: Lizenz. 1872/73 | 1812/13 | 1846/47 | 1790/91 | Driven by massive voter turnout, the 2018 midterm election was both a blue wave and a red wave. | Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images. 1868/69 | Zwischen März und September 2018 fanden die parteiinternen Vorwahlen zur Bestimmung der jeweiligen Kandidaten für die Hauptwahl statt. And part of the government, including the Department of Homeland Security, runs out of funding on Dec. 7, providing the most leverage the GOP will have before Democrats have power over money to build a wall on the border with Mexico. In seiner neuen Zusammensetzung trat der Senat erstmals am 3. | Evan Vucci/AP photo. Im April 2018 hatten alle zehn bedrohten Demokraten an Wahlkampfspenden jeweils einen deutlichen Vorsprung vor ihren republikanischen Herausforderern, während demokratische Herausforderer in vier Staaten mit bisher republikanischen Senatoren (Nevada, Texas, Arizona, Tennessee) über so gute Spendeneinnahmen verfügten, dass sie dort konkurrieren konnten.

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