Please remove those comments. I dont know what the significance of the phone number is. And 11.00 times a million people adds up. if it would be,that amount would have been shown in paypal account.moreover,my that account is not associated with paypal. Most of us end up forgetting one-off charges (or a spouse buys something we dont know about) and thats what these end up being. So theres a lot of people saying this is fraud and several others saying it is not, i dont believe it is at all. Just an FYI, my charge to PayPal with this number associated with it was a legit purchase I made for a used book. However, after trying to remember what I purchased, I remembered that I had bought that textbook and it was a legitimate charge on my account. They also count as actual purchases and not "cash like" charges? PayPal email address linking to YOUR ACCOUNT. My statement just shows Pending Transaction PP* MERCHANT CHARGE G000GHG8 SAN JOSE, CA when I request the Paypal code. Ive driven by there. I forgot I ordered something that was on backorder and I havent received yet. called my bank and confirmed its a fraud. I had $19.99 show up on my credit card statement with phone #402-935-7733, STRATEGICMA, PROFESSIONAL SERVIC. A person did return my call, almost within the time frame I was told. And please do yourselves a favor and also Google Patriot act, and how its taken away our rights! I mean you cannot make this stuff up. I didnt know that was least, the charge was legitimate. The price on pp merchant charges is based on the amount of goods sold each month. Someone with this number in CA hit my State Farm Bank credit card for over $700. I have alerts on my card and would tell all to do the same. All my ebay purchases are through paypal not my bank. That led me to another prompt asking for the last 6 digits of my card number. The transaction does not appear on my PayPal account. It also listed the phone 402-935-7733 which is the number for Paypal. I recently received a purchase on credit card which wasnt linked to my PayPal and I havent even uses PayPal at all: PAYPAL *WANGGELI 402-935-7733 CA PayPal must have some knowledge of how this is possible at the very least. I just had that happen and it was a legit transaction. The number tracks back to PayPal. Just to let people know, this may be a valid charge, but not like described above. They also charged my credit card. Just got hit by my wife for an $80 charge showing the same phone number. I have a charge of $3,430.45 from this number on my account! I strongly suspect that these oh, its okay, I just forgot that I bought something posts are by the scammer. A large sum that you dont recognize might be a warning signal. Now Ill have to report this on Monday and cancel his card. It was the fee for that refund, for some reason being charged to the card and not the Paypal account. I paid $75.93 I paid *leBA Ti4029357733. thank you for this. I bought some software for the exact amount on the same day. So, mine was a legit charge. This marchand probably use Paypal to charge the credit card, maybe with their Virtual Terminal. If you read the article you will see that they had nothing to do with the transaction and that is NOT their phone number. Its not a scam. What a relief to find this out! I had the same charge last year and turns out, someone bought an Iphone in California and I never had any idea. Its never once been an issue, and a single purchase from Newegg was made within the first few weeks that met the min spend requirement. then mysteriously after adding my cell number to my pay-pay account, That temporary authorization charge of $1 should then fall off and never actually be billed. Have you seen the number 402-935-7733 on your credit card statement recently? My particular charge was only $20 but I feel they were just testing the waters. Shes scoured the internet far and wide for all things related to money and finances, including payments, budgeting and investing. On my August credit card statement I discovered this same phone number. 83002117 402-935-7733 Im 99% sure my number was stolen by the gas station attendant. It was directed to PAYPAL *SMILEYHOMEY 4029357733 05/12(6214). Following a iTunes purchase, a charge of $64.46 was withdrawn from my bank account by <removed> San Jose CA. I found this out the hard way with one breached card cancelled, and I then switched to another card that I never use, dont buy anything with it, to put in my Itunes record to replace the cancelled card. Thank you! The Paypal support person confirmed that I had no Paypal charges for that date. It shows up as 2 charges 4 + 12.24. On my husbands bank statements there is lots of PayPal transactions and for odd some small amounts and some up to 50$ they also have womens usernames like lettycm1985 is it that he was paying for live sexcams? I do not have a pay pal account and have close to 500 dollars spent. I removed my CC and my bank card from my Paypal, then called my credit card company. Im glad I checked. So if people are playing this game along with the children, be very aware. PP*EASTWOODNOV SAN JOSE CA. Ive had my Amazon hacked for the first time in 13 yrs back in August 2020. If you cant find a purchase made with the amount, go back a month or two, it will more than likely show up. Update: This article was first written more than 8 years ago, and people are still finding mystery charges associated with the phone number 402-935-7733. Contact, DEBIT CARD PURCHASE NEWS LIMITED SURRY HILLS AUS, PURCHASE POS 126.72 BGN ON CARD ****9809 AT VTSUP.COM*GRIFFIN PU ON 01.03.2023, SFM*ROADSIDE ASSIST 800 947 077 AUTO CLUB. Paypal guy said there really is no way to tell how/where they got my number. HSBC- exhibit A! But, heres where it really got bizarre! Not even a month ago, I made a transfer from my linked credit card- to Paypal, as Ive done many, many times over the years Ive had that same card/account linked to my same Paypal account and its never been an issue! Additionally, payments processed through PayPal are faster. I had an unauthorized charge on my bank account with 402-935-7733 in connection with it. I explained that i received a call from it and the thread i saw claims it was a paypal number. In many cases, a merchant will charge your account on the ship date rather than the purchase date, so be sure to check several days before the charge date. I just got hit w/one of these BOGUS charges from Paypal, via American Express! What do I do? matches the fraudulent charge in most cases. Just because the vendor is legitimate does not mean that the charge is. I had told him never to use our bank debit card on the internet. To track it down, I had to go through our eBay accounts (at which time eBay forced me to come up with three security Qs for my husbands account before they would let me in), after which I discovered he bought an auto part from a vendor in China, who used Paypal as the merchant account. Youve been warned. Im assuming they just had my credit card number and used Paypal as a diversion?? Raire rucker; Dec 26, 2022; PADDLE.NET* OUTBTE.COM PADDLE.COM NY. How they got the security pin from the back of the card is beyond me, but paypal and my ccard company looked after the fraud and issued the full refunds. Leave the Archive. later I cancelled the purchase. I recently placed several orders on Ebay which I used PayPal to pay for my purchases. It was a legit charge for me, but again not from my PayPal account. Ah! My statement just shows Pending Transaction PP* MERCHANT CHARGE G000GHG8 SAN JOSE, CA when I request. Heres why this is a problem: Got a Paypal Message from etc. Because of your input, I checked the amount of sale for what I bought at Ebay. The easiest way is to NOT delete them from your mailbox. This is legit PayPal charge for me. Like id give up my whole card # when im disputing a charge! What a bunch of people who scam, I closed my paypal account years ago. Happenned to me I was worrried and checked my credit card online, It turned out they did not charge whole 4 alirline tickets at once, instead they did it separately. I like many others keep close tabs on my card. Whoever is doing this has to have access to the customer accounts at their end. Incorrect jannie bc I didnt buy anything for $20 from anyone & I still got the charge with FL after it which would mean Florida since other ones say CA (California) & IN (Indiana) when I looked up the transaction # on Google. there was no transactions made or received using pay-pal account around this day. Whats also suspect is HOW THE HELL IS IT POSSIBLE TO FRAUDULENTly BUY STUFF AND HAVE IT APOEAR ON. What Is 2211 North First Street, San Jose, CA 95131 US? Clover; Vital POS; Mobile Payments; EMV; My bank accounts all of them & all my credit cards keep getting hacked .. so yes this article is incorrect. It showed up as PAYPAL Supenova 402-935-7733. If Im not able to get a hold of the vendors, Ill just get the charges reversed. For me, the weird purchase description ending in 402-935-7733 CA on my credit-card statement turned out to be a legitimate charge for an eBay purchase that my credit card is linked to. Our accountant at work was going through the company credit card statement with two charges on it to PayPal with the phone number mentioned in this article. If I see a charge on my card I dont recognize, I search the receipt folder for the exact amount of the charge. ME, TOO. Trying to get my funds returned to me has been a pain in the ass. It allows us to accept payments through Paypal. This is disappointed, irresponsible. Mine was research and it was a sleeper I bought my grand daughter. This purchase was MADE from YOUR PAYPAL Account, by PP Credit Card, or with your :-), This is a fraudulent charge using a third party such as mine PP*amazon for 73.99. This doesnt mean it is on your Paypal account. Yes Vivian is correct I had purchased a textbook using my credit card. Reviewing my CC statement earlier today, found: PAYPAL SMCOA309 402 935 7733 CA. So this explanation cannot be correct for the charge that showed up on my account. Your email address will not be published. There is no way I made the purchase currently pending in my account 09/06/2014 Paypal *lyashushche 4029357733 Ca 1 (last four # of credit card) $129.82 Total fraud I just called my bank and they put the money back in my account for availability, and are sending me a fraud claim to fill out. CALL YOUR BACNK AND IMMEDIATELY CLOSE YOUR CC. (check into it, and you will see this is FACT) Normally you will know how it will read on your statement, this was puzzling at first. MARK PAYPAL G000GHG7 SAN JOSE, CA. Mmmmm, i have the same issue, but in reverse. I wish banks and merchants do a better job of describing transactions on bank accounts. Anne In your case it may have been legit. A charge from PayPal showed up on my company charge account. Obviously, any unusual charges on any of your accounts should be scrutinized for possible fraud, but in this case I was relieved to understand how this vendor had used PayPal to receive my funds. After calling the number listed abouve ( Paypal) it was confirmed to be a fraudulent charge, listed only as Asiaunlock Someone had used my numbers to debit 110.25 for a service to unlock a smart phone. Looked up my rarely used Paypal account transactions and there are none that could account for this strange charge showing up on my credit card statement. Good Luck! You would think that by now Paypal would have gotten the message, but hey, they didnt ask us. The charge is $644.95 and we cannot get a hold of a human to get it corrected. Cancel your credit card and get a new one. Secondly, paypal does NOT have my debit card saved on file. The agent said she would file a fraud report on the MoneyGram purchase and get my money refunded for that, and encouraged me to review my recent statements for other possible recent fraudulent charges. It was not a Paypal charge. (for what i have no clue) After doing some research on my own, I realized that I used a credit card to pay for an item instead of my PayPal credit Then i got my bank statement and i see on march 19th there was a payment made OTHPG 720816820497PAYPAL *BEIJINGKUNL 4029357733 for Rs 1,461.84, by debit card Your email address will not be published. I realized this after remembering my boost ended on January 24th which was the date posted. POS DEBIT PAYPAL *ZOENEMBURT 4029357733 CA for $89.50 It says LC Graphics Commercial Photography Art and Graphics with this phone number. Well, upon being asked why am I transferring this money (moron messed with wrong person! Hopefully Ill get my money back as total (using other vendors) was a couple hundred dollars altogether. PS. Called credit card company and in ten minutes they took care of removing, cancelling the card numbers and new cards on the way for delivery tomorrow. I dont have a paypal account either. I ended up doing a search in my email for the amount listed, and it was an order Id placed with Republic of Tea using my Paypal account (now that they let you use Paypal). Dont be ridiculous! It was fraud. Didnt have a clue what it was till I found this sight. Called PayPal and they opened up a fraud case,and was told to contact bank and cancel card and open a dispute . How to Find Your Facebook Payment Settings to Remove a Payment Method from Facebook. The PayPal number is listed on it. Needless to say I hung up on the thief and phoned Amex who took the charge off immediately. In this case it turned out to be a valid charge for a subscription to Power Wagon Advertisers Magazine. It only showed on my creit union statement as a debit card withdrawl. Ive been disputing it since June. 210.00 and 239.94 or something close to that. Thank God, some people are still decent and arent going along with this oncoming fascist police state! when by and large its the banks themselves and those who run them that are the biggest crooks and criminals out there! The charges had gone straight to my bank, and I had not even noticed them because the amounts were so small ($4-$12 each). I am disputing ALL! The paypal rep was very helpful in helping me to make sure transaction doesnt complete. Pretty much what is happening to me now. Its the only place the card was used all week and he took my card and kept it for a suspicious amount of time after my tank was already filled, pump removed, and cap replaced. Explain that? Anyone ever had an issue when they tried to use amex card to make payment to malaysia seller in paypal, it never lets me choose amex, only mc and visa. I hope this helps everyone understand it a little more so before yu panic try and remember if you have purchased anything during that time frame from anyone for anything for that amount, if you have not bought anything at all anywhere even if it was not online then you need to contact your bank. For me, the next time could have been in the hundreds. Inside were two disposable face masks. This just happened to me. i found several charge with tha tnumber , amount vari from 12 to 150 , and no transaction correposnding, search on google and we saw many compliant same number and different commercial name. How do I deal with it? I am the sole user. I havent bought anything like that. Very frustrating to think these people get away with it !! I had 5 fraudulent purchases so I called AMEX they are sending me a new card I then called Paypal and asked them what was the name that made the purchases it was my name so I asked what did I buy they said it was digital movies I did not buy any movies so its a new way for thieves to steal from people. This charge appears on your credit card, usually because its processed through the PayPal system. 2 months later, that card had two charges totaling $9000 appearing to be from paypal, but werent. PP* MERCHANT CHARGE G000GHG7 SAN JOSE, CA was on a gift card for a friend did not get to use the card wiped out 49.00 f a 50.00 gift card please help by . First time in 13 yrs back in August 2020 a hold of a human to get money! My number is $ 644.95 and we can not get a hold of a human to get a hold the! 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