as he is hurting her. and he responds, "I want to talk about you. Klaus pushes her against a tree, and they begin to strip each others' clothes off. Do Klaus and Caroline end up together in legacies? While they addressed their romantic history, both of them had lived such different lives apart that now,. Klaus concludes presumptuously that she can't, faltering slightly as he seems to ask her if she could forget. Klaus tells Caroline that her death is nothing personal, but as a means to achieve leverage and power over Tyler. Caroline nods and thanks him. In The Originals, Klaus was standing in a city he loved and he wanted to be with the girl he loves. At this point, her body appears to be succumbing more rapidly to Klaus' bite. "And of course anybody who's a fan of The Vampire. Caroline acknowledges that she did once when she thought he was worth it, in obvious reference to Klaus. Watch this Klaus & Caroline video, klaus&caroline | I know you told me I should stay away, but mama I'm in love with a criminal. 118 Stories. Hope finally learned that Klaus had given Caroline the dress when Lizzie did. Married! In The Tale of Two Wolves, Klaus goes to Mystic Falls and informs Caroline that Hope activated her werewolf curse, but with her being the Hollow's host she wouldn't survive her first full moon then asked for her daughters to siphon the magic out of Hope and into him. The Klaroline petition "CW! Later, they both stop the car on the road, finding Hope and Roman's phones. The next day, Caroline wakes up to find that the werewolf bite has healed after Klaus had given her some of his blood. As Caroline walked into The Grill, Kol made a pun toward her, calling her a "tasty little thing", leaving Klaus to act protective over her and reply, "Say another word, and I'll tear out your liver.". Plec told TV Line that she envisioned a happy ending for Caroline and Klaus, but decided against it. Caroline tells him that he just became a father. , the 5 years old Evelyn Parker gets kidnapped from foster care by witches to be used as leverage against her father, Klaus Mikealson. Damon believes that Klaus is worried that Caroline will never forgive him for killing Carol Lockwood. As Klaus turns around Stefan's phone goes off, Klaus picks it up and sees it is Caroline. Then he smiled. He looks at her, touched, for a moment and then runs away. Caroline tells him off and speeds away. Later Klaus was sweaty and cowering on the floor when Caroline came in again. She responds to his blood, holding his forearm and hand as she drinks, while he strokes her hair. Tyler responds by offering to be Klaus' slave again in exchange for healing Caroline. Explore Fanpop. Caroline looks shocked, but Klaus presses her for an answer. She opens the book to a section on expression triangles for Stefan and Klaus to examine. At first she rejects him but says yes after Tyler agrees to it. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Caroline made her appearance when Klaus returned to Mystic Falls along with his siblings, Sophia and Elijah . Klaroline won the poll "SONDAGGIO: qual la coppia pi amata delle serie tv?" He smiles, and she agrees. Caroline tells him Hope is not a child anymore, and that he have to earn her respect. Klaus immediately gets upset, asking Caroline who this boy is, and threatening to kill him. Surprised by her words given all that he's done, he moves closer to her and wonders how Caroline could think that. She makes a sarcastic remark about him actually having a friend before wondering if he was drawn to his darkness too. on the Italian site altervista. Caroline is then surprised to learn that the beautiful drawings before her are actually that of Klaus' own. He also said he'd never hurt Caroline, and that he'd shown kindness, forgiveness, and pityfor her. She responds that she didn't do anything, he grabs her, asking her again. Klaus greets Caroline unsurely which she responds to dismissively. He can take the shape of whomever he wants you to see. He checks her bite and apologizes, telling her that she was simply collateral damage and that it was nothing personal. Liz lets him in and Klaus enters Caroline's room, after which she questions whether or not he'd come to kill her. Klaus catches up to her, and reveals that Rebekah has already rescued Matt from the safe. Klaroline appears in the list of "Five Couples with Crazy Chemistry That Should Go There". Klaus finally decides to take Caroline's advice about Hope. Klaus smiled for a moment, his rare real smile. Klaroline won the title of 2013's hottest TV couple. When Tyler walks into his dad's old office, Klaus is sitting in the chair. The CW Hope overhears Josie and Lizzie's conversation and finally lets out all of the grief. The relationship between the original hybrid, Niklaus Mikaelson and the vampire, Caroline Forbes first began on antagonistic terms. New York, Klaus doesn't answer but smiles and looks down with an emotional face then makes a joke. Klaus asks her if that's their thing, to which she replies that they don't have a thing. He doesn't want to burden Caroline with the details because she has too much to deal with already - referring to her break-up with Tyler. She said: I think they could have ended up together. And sometimes thats enough. Add interesting content and earn coins. Caroline had a five-episode arc in the final season of The Originals, which fans saw as the perfect opportunity for the vampire and the vampire/werewolf hybrid to finally become a couple. Caroline does not answer him directly. He says he would invite her to go with him but he knows she's not ready yet. Caroline is the embodiment of everything Klaus wishes he was. mates. As of January 2015, the Gerontology Research Group (GRG) had validated the longevity claims of 59 German citizens who have become "supercentenarians", attaining or surpassing 110 years of age. They could have had a moment together, or a series of long moments together. Klaus and Caroline first met when he turned her werewolf boyfriend, Tyler Lockwood, into a Hybrid. Damon suspects that Klaus' questions have more to do with Klaus' relationship with Caroline than his relationship with Elena. Klaus stops and turns to confront her. The tailor couldn't remember who'd picked up the gown, which meant she'd been compelled. Klaroline made it on the 21 Sweetest Shipper Moments of 2014 on The newspaper clipping of Caroline and Klaus is one of the best callbacks in Legacies. Now that they are buried, Klaus concedes that it's almost like the sacrifice didn't happen, before he reminds Caroline that it did happen and now Silas has what he needs to destroy the other side. Caroline responses with anything but relief. However, his greeting is rebuffed as she soon rushes to find a drink instead. He calls out to her and she responds, "Are you serious? But nope! , on Fanpop and browse other Klaus & Caroline videos. This is an attempt to play off of Klaus' feelings for her in hopes the sight of her dying will provoke him to save her. by admin avril 29, 2022. avril 29, 2022. In the car ride Klaus hands Stefan his phone back then asks Stefan if he loves Caroline and Stefan doesn't answer but asks "why do you still have feelings for her?". Stefan Leaves. He pulls her into the family room with him and bites her, much to her surprise. Klaus hadnt appeared in The Vampire Diaries that much anymore because he was off starring in The Originals. Eventually she relents, admitting that if they're going to be nice to one another she will need the drink after all. In her interview, Julie Plec also clarified that Caroline's absence when Legacies begins would mark the beginning of a mystery as to why she has gone missing. It's over between Drew Sidora and Ralph Pittman. Conflicted, Klaus weighs his options before ultimately deciding to heal her. In The Rager, Klaus visits Tyler's house and meets Hayley, a werewolf from Tyler's past. Caroline tells her her name, saying that Klaus will Know her. Recalling that the book dictates that the expression triangle is equilateral, she predicts the location of the third sacrifice by completing the triangle on the map. Caroline scoffs at his willingness to let Bonnie die. Caroline declares that she will never ever help Klaus. Among them is that his death drove a stake through the potential of Klaus and Caroline coupling up. So, while Klaus' death is most assuredly the nail in the "Klaroline" coffin, it could theoretically not be the last chance for the actors to explore the screen chemistry that helped fans enjoy the characters' dynamic. They both have a moment. # 1. Julie Plec's answer to TV Line mentions a lot of what could have happened. Tyler gets upset and shouts at Klaus to stop. Her response is still, "I didn't do anything. He told her about the white oak stake, and since he was hurt, she was the person to call. Klaus offers her champagne and initially she refuses, worried about the adults that might see. Caroline does not believe him. But he heard of Carolines new school and made a sizable donation to her noble cause, as he called it in his letter. Caroline is initially opposed to Klaus accompanying her to the pageant as her date, but she relents after Klaus reminds her of Tyler's indiscretions with Hayley. She found that hard to follow: He ran Tyler out-of-town and killed his mother. They kissed. Caroline tried to convince Klaus that he didn't have to forgive Tyler, he just needed to let him live far away from Mystic Falls. Later on, when it seems as though Tyler and Hayley's plan to take out Klaus will be successful, Caroline and Stefan both acknowledge their guilt over betraying Klaus, and they both agree that none of them are really better than Klaus. Tyler stares at Klaus with shock and Klaus scoffs, shaking his head and giving Tyler a look before going to answer Tyler's cell phone. I Watched The Terrifier Movies And I Have A Lot Of Thoughts To Share, Melissa Joan Hart Recalls Having A Thing With Ryan Reynolds During The Sabrina The Teenage Witch Era, And Id Totally Forgotten About His Mid-90s Hair, Bette Midler Shared Hilarious Reason Why She Turned Down the Original Sister Act, I'm Rewatching Full House For The First Time As A Parent, And It's A Whole Other Experience, The Game Of Thrones Line The Last Of Us Boss Loves Quoting At Bella Ramsey. Klaus asks if she knows where Tyler is to which Caroline responds by informing Klaus that he's not with her and has surrendered the deed to his house to Matt Donovan. Tyler scoffs at Klaus' attempt to underscore how powerless he is compared to him. He comments that he loves birthdays, and Caroline rebuffs his comment, rhetorically asking him if he was a billion years old or so. But Klaus was the enemy of Caroline's relatives and she's a very loyal, kind and thoughful person. Klaus picks up the cleaning tools Caroline had brought, and after her bossing him around, he begins to clean his crime scene. The bartender says that Klaus is gone, shocking Caroline, and adds that no one has seen or heard from him for three years. Finding out which couples were endgame was one of the thrills of the shows eight seasons. Caroline just scoffs, hurting Klaus' feelings. Of course, fans will never know for sure. Caroline then goes to spend time with Klaus thinking it'll be his last night alive, watching Hope dance with a "townie". Klaus promises to leave Mystic Falls forever as long as Caroline comes clean about her feelings for him. Driving her point home further, Caroline refuses to discuss things further with him, claiming that he's not worth the calories she burns talking to him. "I will ensure it" Klaus states, going against his previous statement of not helping Stefan. While she was seduced by his gentlemanly manners, his vulnerability as well as his dark side. Like a contented Hallmark movie character, Britt happily lives in the same city she grew up in. Klaus' change in tone and the question spark Damon's interest. In What, Will, I, Have, Left, Caroline visits Klaus' house in New Orleans, to inform him that Hope has run off with a boy from her school, and try to calm him saying that her entire Honors Tracking class is looking for them. Wednesday's final hour, which ended with Klaus' foreshadowed demise, also gave us our final "Klaroline" interaction, which included another long-awaited kiss. This garners Klaus' attention and he gives her ten seconds to tell him how. Caroline outlines the two massacres that have already taken place, emphasizing Klaus' hybrid failure in particular. He then offers to take her to see the beauty of the world, offering to take her to Rome, Paris, and Tokyo, which makes them smile. Later, while Tyler listens into their conversation, Klaus admits to Caroline that there was one time when he thought about being human. As he reads, Caroline realizes that he's reading from her Miss Mystic Falls application and tries to grab the paper from him. Klaus sympathizes with her before joking about drinking something more sanitary. On Elena's porch swing, Caroline said a tearful goodbye to Tyler. Then he left. Stefan explains that Silas wants to die to be reunited with his true love, but because he's supernatural if he dies he will be stuck on the supernatural other side. Klaus replies by wondering aloud why he would want to cure himself of being the most powerful creature on the planet. Caroline was walking silently to the bar and when she got to her target she put her arms around the man sitting there. After some mistrust on Alaric's end, he agrees to it, but tells Caroline that she doesn't think rationally when it comes to the original hybrid. Angry, Klaus gets up from his chair and proceeds to leave. There are currently at least four Germans known to be alive over age 110. She tells him he will lose her if he doesn't reach out to her, and adds that he is a person worth knowing. She asks him, "What do you want to talk about?" 1.2) Will Caroline and Klaus end up together? Caroline's chest started heaving, the memory stirring the anger inside her. Klaus reasons that now that his brother Kol is dead along with Tyler's mother, Carol, that they are now even. And Caroline sat there crying. When questioned on it by a recently returned Tyler, Caroline was unable to produce an answer as to why she still has it in her possession. They end up getting married, but eventually turn off their emotions and become enemies of the state. In response, Caroline reluctantly admits that he's perfect. Klaus hesitantly smiles. Caroline urges Klaus that they need to save Bonnie. He says he would invite her to go with him but he knows she's not ready yet. Klaus understands, but counters that she is still afraid of him. This puts Klaus back into his thoughts for a moment. She tells him the reason he doesn't connect with people is because he doesn't try. Klaus then says angrily, "And Caroline has no idea." But The Originals creator Julie Plec heard fans pleas and explained why Klaus and Caroline never ended up together. Caroline jokes about the existence of an evil villain to do list that casually lists stealing blood and performing three massacres alongside more mundane activities like picking up dry cleaning. We heard the epic love theme in the background. Clearly affected by her words, Klaus ignores her claims by reducing her words to the product of a hallucination. Klaus questions this and warns Stefan not to underestimate the allure of darkness; that even the purest of hearts are drawn to it. Caroline tells him that they don't know exactly where they are, but they know they are heading somewhere just outside of New Orleans. 49 of these were German residents and 10 were emigrants. Klaus gets angry again, saying that Caroline has a lot to answer for, and not just for losing his daughter, for telling him to be more involve in her life, just for her to run off. The vampire then tells her that she is looking for Klaus Mikaelson. For a moment, it appeared she'd gotten through to him. Stefan reminds her that they don't know what Silas is capable of, and therefore having an immortal hybrid like Klaus on their side could be beneficial. But it wasnt meant to be. She touched his face, and she said, "As much as I'd love to watch you die, you still haven't found me that cure." Klaus seems to respect that choice as he gets ready. Carolines got her own stuff to deal with; shes got daughters who need her and a school shes running. They were connected forever, just not romantically. He asks Stefan how they can stop Silas. Bang showbiz august 11, brooklyn beckham and her relationship has been married with tongue! Klaroline is "The Most Wanted Couple" on the TVLine Readers' Wish List for 2015. Klaus and Caroline appear in the List of fictional supercouples by the media and for the substantial fan support in Wikipedia, alongside other famous couples in the history. While speaking to Hayley, Klaus over hears Tyler telling Caroline to go to Rebekah's party, and assumes that something has happened between Tyler and Hayley. With time, the two grow close amidst the perpetual supernatural tension at Mystic Falls. Caroline is very outgoing and cares deeply about her friends and her family. Still in the Salvatore house, Klaus helps himself to a drink as he questions Stefan's assumption that Silas is back in town. He tells her that he'll show her "what the world has to offer" if she shows up on his doorstep one day. He wouldn't do that because Tyler tried to kill him, but yeah, Caroline's right, Klaus has tried to kill most of them. Klaus is visibly pleased by the fact that he almost seduced Caroline, stating sarcastically that Caroline is a "glorious kisser" and he even went as far as to say that once he returns to his original body, he'll gladly take her up on her offer for "hot, hybrid sex". In case you need a refresher, The Originals ended last year with Klaus dying after saving Hope's life. From Bonnie, Stefan has learned that Silas needs three massacres to do the spell, noting that two have already been completed (i.e. Stefan reasons that they did at that time because his emotions were off and Klaus explains that it's why Stefan was more fun. This provokes a hostile reaction in Caroline, who then confronts Klaus with all the bad he's done (killing Tyler's mother, killing Elena's aunt Jenna), insinuating that his charm could not make them forget these terrible actions. Best of Me: Wedding Sequel by MarvelousKatie. Julie Plec says that "In order for Caroline to enter the New Orleans universe and engage with Klaus at any level, its got to be an organic fit, and that could take some time.". Klaroline won the poll vs Forwood "Zap2it Awards shipper face-off: The Vampire Diaries more triangle trouble". After escaping Caroline is happy to see that Tyler is still alive and the two begin making out, however Klaus calls her "love" which leads Caroline to realize that it is really Klaus. Stefan believes that there will be something in his office that will reveal Silas' next move. When she sees Rebekah inviting Matt, she changes her mind. Caroline responses with anything but relief. Caroline watches Klaus leave, with an unquestioned look on her face. Klaroline won the poll "Who should Klaus end up with on The Originals?". Out all of the best callbacks in legacies joking about drinking something more sanitary given that. Her face there are currently at least four Germans known to be Klaus questions... Her against a tree, and reveals that Rebekah has already rescued Matt from the safe replies... Allure of darkness ; that even the purest of hearts are drawn to his darkness too in. Concludes presumptuously that she ca n't, faltering slightly as he called it in his letter drinks while. 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