What if the devil don't exist, will Christianity still be a belief system?.. Plato also has ideas about souls living on, either to be rewarded or punished forever. In vain you raise as an objection to me the hypocritical insolence Interesting precursors occurred even earlier; for example, the 1836 book Quakerism Examined by John Wilkinson contained the following. Let's get back to my interview with Bart Ehrman, author of the new book "Heaven And Hell: A History Of The Afterlife." We begin life with God as our Creator and Judge. "Epistle to the author of the book, The Three Impostors". You teach in the - at The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He was the one who bringing them into it. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. But in Greek circles, going way back to Plato and before him, that was absolutely the belief. Artistic, wasn't it? So how does the Book of Revelation contribute to the vision of hell? It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings." . It's not that I wish I believed it; I wish that it were true. EHRMAN: I think one of the hardest things for people to get their minds around is that ancient Israelites and then Jews and then Jesus himself and his followers have a very different understanding of what the relationship between what we call body and soul. To display the idea of good and evil side by side Larson uses extreme syntax. So I - you know, it's not that I wish I believed it so much as I wish that it were true. And so I would be crazy to say, no, Mom, actually, yeah, you're not going to see him (laughter). GROSS: So is the pandemic making you think differently about your book? And secondly, every one of them has been incontrovertibly wrong (laughter). earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis. He wasn't raised in Israel; he was from outside of Israel. What ends up happening is that, over time, this expectation that the kingdom was coming soon began to be questioned because it was supposed to come soon and it didn't come soon, and it's still not coming, and when is it going to come? See Page 1. EHRMAN: When I talk with somebody, especially somebody who's close to me who is a firm believer in heaven and hell, I have no reason to disabuse them of that, unless they're using that belief to hurt somebody or to advocate social policies that are harmful to people. Justice Antonin Scalia and Keyser Soze agree: the greatest trick the devil could ever pull is convincing the world he didn't exist. / Would You Prefer A World Where Religion Don't Exist At All? Season 2 of Untold has arrived and it's more viral than ever! How is it that, witlessly, you have become the fourth? Satan would desire plenty of recognition, especially from those that would follow him into iniquity, since he bamboozles the nave suckers that it's perfectly all right to keep sinning, to get away with anything, even murder. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. I try to respect everybody's views. His new book is Heaven and Hell: A History of the Afterlife. If these people didn't believe Satan existed, they'd have no such fear in him, and he'd be useless to them. GROSS: So what do you believe about death now, about what happens after you die? Of these proud charlatans promoted to high honors, They troubled the earth, and I have consoled it. This is FRESH AIR. When God creates Adam, he creates him out of earth, and then he breathes life into him. There are people today who are saying that the reason of the pandemic is because, you know, one sin or another. F ebruary's biggest news on the TV frontbesides Rihanna headlining some little sporting event whose name escapes mewas the triumphant return of Starz's . If these people didn't believe Satan existed, they'd have no such fear in him, and he'd be useless to them. I'm Terry Gross, back with Bart Ehrman, author of the new book "Heaven And Hell: A History Of The Afterlife." Richard himself, testified that in those years, like the prodigal son in the Gospel, he wanted. During a pivotal scene Verbal described a mysterious demonic figure named Keyser Sze:[8]YouTube video, Title: The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didnt exist, Uploaded on April 30, 2009, Uploaded by: iPhilR, (Quotation starts at 0 minute 4 Continue reading. It'd be like paradise. Spiritually mature people realize that they create their own errors and grievances, that it's their own lower nature tempting them to stumble. In other words, Satan wanted to be God and he wanted all of the angels to worship and serve him. But he was also, like Jesus, an apocalypticist who thought that at the end of the age, there would be a resurrection of the dead. The notion of a demon running around wagging its tail whilst brandishing a garden fork is at best comical and at worst absurd. The prettiest trick of the devil is to make us believe he doesnt exist. [pg 262] I think if the devil doesn't exist, but man has created him, he has created him in his own image and likeness. Just as he did God, then? observed Alyosha. Of course, I'm not going to - I mean, there's no reason to shatter somebody's beliefs, especially if they simply are providing them with hope. All rights reserved. (SOUNDBITE OF PETROS KLAMPANIS' "EASY COME EASY GO"). He told me he doesn't even know if God exist sometimes and said he has some questions. If God destroyed evil (Satan), we wouldn't be evil right now. 66 Articles, By . Strange Reports from Zones Unknown and other writings of R. R. Stark can be found at: R. R. Stark now has three e-book at Amazon.com. If you're just joining us, my guest is religion scholar Bart Ehrman, author of the new book "Heaven And Hell: A History Of The Afterlife." And he will continue to do so until the end of time, when he will be bound forever and ever (see . And so he came up with the idea that he would have a temporary residence up with Christ in God's realm, in heaven, until the end came. It is a pleasure to have you back. Ezekiel 28:15 states the devil (originally named Lucifer) was created perfect from day one. Could a Loving God Create Hell To Torment People For Eternity? I have unmasked them with my pen for the past fifty years. Untold: The Girlfriend Who Didn't Exist (2022) by Cinematic Underdogs instantly on your tablet, phone or browser - no downloads needed. There will be less dogma with more virtue. The original text contained the mistaken phrase your hear instead of you hear:[4]1918 November, The English Review, Edited by Austin Harrison, Volume 27, The Generous Gambler by Charles Baudelaire, Translated from French by Arthur Symons, Start Page 354, Quote Page 355, Published Continue reading, He complained in no way of the evil reputation under which he lived, indeed, all over the world, and he assured me that he himself was of all living beings the most interested in the destruction of Superstition, and he avowed to me that he had been afraid, relatively as to his proper power, once only, and that was on the day when he had heard a preacher, more subtle than the rest of the human herd, cry in his pulpit: My dear brethren, do not ever forget, when your hear the progress of lights praised, that the loveliest trick of the Devil is to persuade you that they dont exist!, Here is a 1919 translation by Joseph T. Shipley:[5]1919, Baudelaire: His Prose and Poetry by Charles Baudelaire, Edited by T. R. Smith, Series: The Modern Library of the Worlds Best Books, Story: The Generous Player, Translated by Joseph T. Continue reading, He did not in any way bemoan the bad reputation which he enjoys in all parts of the world, assured me that he himself was the person most interested in the destruction of superstition, and confessed that he had never feared for his own power save once, on the day when he had heard a preacher, more subtle than his colleagues, cry from the pulpit: My dear brethren, never forget, when you hear the progress of wisdom vaunted, that the cleverest ruse of the Devil is to persuade you he does not exist!, In 1948 LIFE magazine published a piece titled The Devil by Whittaker Chambers which included an instance of the saying:[6] 1948 February 2, LIFE, The Devil by Whittaker Chambers, Start Page 77, Quote Page 81, Time Inc., Chicago, Illinois. The Turk, without asking whether the imam will pardon him, EHRMAN: Yeah, no, it's a good question. This kind of thinking, though, really came to prominence at the end of the 19th and into the 20th century and hit big prominence in 1945, when we actually had the means of destroying ourselves off the planet, which we still have, by the way. Isn't this a kind of exciting yet twisted paradise in its own right? Would you please explore this saying? In conclusion, Charles Baudelaire may be credited with the statement he wrote in "Le Joueur Gnreux". When people need to find life pleasant and hopeful and they need to be helpful to other people, they need to enjoy life, if all you're looking forward to is what's going to happen after you die, you can't really fully enjoy life now because this is just a dress rehearsal. "But you can't stop people from worshiping God," Jerry replied. Verbal Kint? But it's not what you believe. When philosophy, enlightening humanity, GROSS: You've talked about how belief in the end times led in a circuitous way to belief in heaven and hell. When Jesus was alive, he thought the end of days would be soon. The book is all about the terrible destruction that is going to take place on Earth when God destroys everything that is opposed to him, before bringing in a good kingdom. More insights from your Bible study - Get Started with Logos Bible Software for Free! GROSS: Are there things in the Hebrew Bible that still support the idea of heaven and hell as people came to understand it, things that you can extract from the Old Testament that might not literally mention heaven and hell but still support the vision that emerged of it? I have to show that in my book, and I lay it out and explain why it's absolutely not the case that Jesus believed you died and your soul went to heaven or hell. The angels were created as servants of God, and they were supposed to serve God in obedience. Thomas Jefferson, in an essay titled "If God Did Not Exist, it would be necessary to invent Him" (1803), claimed that "God is the only thing that is required to make a civilized society work.". God is punishing us. Gnostics disagreed with the Jewish idea that at the end of time, God would raise the dead physically. GROSS: FRESH AIR's executive producer is Danny Miller. But, as the fearsome enemy of this fanaticism, It's not that they're going to live on forever. terribly to eat at least the mash given to the pigs being fattened for market. Jesus believed that people would be destroyed when - at the end of time, they'd be annihilated. Keyser Sze? And as I say in my book, as we'll probably get to, it may be true that we will live after we die. So their punishment is they would not get the kingdom of God. But when you stumble, you get right back up and try again. Op you are already immediately mistaken for you know not that devil is simply, the evil, D' evil! Soaking there detestable hands in our blood; There can be life after death. GROSS: So a lot of the imagery of hell comes from the Book of Revelation. At the sound of their voice a hundred towns are covered in ruins, Again, Beam declaring Denji to be "Lord Chainsaw" as opposed to "Lord Denji" supports this allegory. And how important is the concept of God to societys well-being? I have told the disputants, hounding one another: Image Notes: Portrait of Charles Baudelaire by Emile Deroy circa 1844; accessed via Wikimedia Commons. There is hope in moments of complete despair. EHRMAN: Well, thank you for having me. We're recording this on Thursday. There started to be a belief that reward and punishment would be right after death, as opposed to after the Messiah comes. So suffering now must be rewarded later, and wicked behavior now must be punished later. It got put in a grave, or it got put in a pit, and that's what they called Sheol, is the place that your remains are. So, OK, suppose I'm just a regular old sinner, and I die when I'm 40, and so maybe I had about 25, maybe even 30 years of not being the most perfect person on Earth. GROSS: So your new book is about the history of heaven and hell. Doesn't religion require the contrast of a benevolent deity and an insidious devil? We agree with this. Those that think "the devil made me do it" are looking for a scapegoat, a way to get off the hook for their own screw-ups. So you write that starting in the sixth century, Hebrew prophets began to proclaim, you know, that the nation had been destroyed and would be restored back to life by God. Your wife more honest? You know, with us its beating, the, birch and the lash, thats our national way: with us nailed ears are, unthinkable, were Europeans after all, but the birch, the lashthat is ours, and cannot be taken from us. Your beliefs about what happens after death or if anything happens might shape how you're dealing with your fears and anxieties. If someone wants to assume an official position, He intended it to be a response to the atheistic clique. William Ramsey? Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death. And Samuel comes up and is really upset that she's called him up from the grave, and he gets upset with Saul for doing this, and he predicts that Saul is going to die the next day in battle, which he does. GROSS: When you were 15 and became a fundamentalist evangelical Christian, what would you have believed about the pandemic? And it's the view of Revelation. A human father is not the judge of the world. And that's how you start getting the development of the idea of hell, that it's a place where souls go to be punished in - as the opposite of the people who go to heaven to be rewarded. I'll talk with David Nott, who's been a trauma surgeon in conflict zones, including Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen and Iraq, and trains doctors in conflict and natural disaster zones. Demon inhabitation is real. Nourished by our work, quenched by our tears; He also claimed that the Bible had been preserved without changes to prevent it from being altered. They have never known that ghastly luminosity, that stabbing and searing glare which makes the background of permanent pain to our lives." (What a way to think of the glory of God from the perspective of the enemy!) I think that if the devil does not exist, and man has therefore created, him, he has created him in his own image and likeness., Youre a remarkably good implorator of unholy suits, as Polonius, Ivan laughed. Nobody frets about it or gets upset by having it. Let's get back to my interview with Bart Ehrman, author of the new book "Heaven And Hell: A History Of The Afterlife." . Then what? I do not try to convert anybody. In the Old Testament, what we would call the soul is really more like what we would call the breath. Predictions that didn't happen. Alas, their little exchange of pleasantries was cut short after that: V, who still has his nose buried in his book, tried to grope for a half-empty mug next to him and ended up pouring coffee all over the floor. It's why we experience so much pain and suffering because we live in these material shells. One of the mysteries of the Christian life is why God didn't destroy Satan immediately after Satan sinned. 9:27-28) and the fear of it. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Eventually, Jewish thinkers began to reason that it didn't make much sense because there were times when they would be doing what God told them to do, or at least they'd be doing their level best to do what God told them to do, and they'd still be suffering these plagues. It's a word that gets mistranslated into English. After attending the Moody Bible Institute, he studied at Princeton Theological Seminary, which introduced him to texts and interpretations that led him to a more liberal form of Christianity. We're staying - absolutely staying inside, and we're in the yard. A nice God youve got, if man created him in his image and likeness. We have, you know, plastics in the ocean, ice caps that are melting. Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people? There is the old philosophy that you can turn your stumbling blocks into stepping stones; in essence this means we learn from our mistakes. And stop biting one another for absurd chimeras." Reply . And the purged and purified tamed ego is attuning itself with God. A brief study of Voltaires Dictionnaire will reveal a man whose satirical writing style continues to draw readers in. Has become the catechism of all well made souls. And everybody thinks this is as bad as it can be. Who would people turn to in order to blame their misguided behavior, errors, sins, transgressions, everything they did wrong? The latter is an eminent critic. And, you know, this time we may have it right. And so this is what the later Paul has to say, and this is the beginning of the Christian idea of heaven and hell, that you can exist - even though your physical remains are dead, you can exist in the presence of God in heaven. Satan fell because of his pride and disobedience to the Lord. He wasn't one of the disciples. That became a view somewhat in Judaism, and it became a very pronounced view in Christianity. GROSS: Do you feel that believing in hell scarred you? Or it's because of, you know, one social ill or another that God is punishing. If God knew that Satan would rebel, why did He create him? At age 15, he became a born-again fundamentalist evangelical Christian. EHRMAN: Yeah. The, Turks, of course, are in it, but theyre foreigners. Will your children be more obedient to your voice? For countless centuries, many religious people have believed in the existence of the devil. Jesus himself held to the apocalyptic view that I laid out. And in fact, it's not right. Our view that you die and your soul goes to heaven or hell is not found anywhere in the Old Testament, and it's not what Jesus preached. Satan was needed to provoke Adam and Eve into Sin as they were not taking the bait. What it says is that Samuel came up, but it doesn't say where he was, and it doesn't say if he was living at the time. Jefferson did not intend his statement to . So there again is confirmation that serpent in the beginning with Satan. Copyright 2020 NPR. Regardless of what you attribute it to, one really cannot deny that people in t. He, at one time, was one of only two cherubs who covered the throne of the universe (Ezekiel 28:14). In the new book, "Heaven And Hell: A History Of The Afterlife," my guest Bart Ehrman writes about where the ideas of heaven and hell came from. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. The old testament has a fairly uniform and rather stark explanation for why there are plagues or epidemics or pandemics. Christopher McQuarrie? And now we have the pandemic. And so Paul thought he would be alive when the end came. We'll be right back. The portraits of your 3 impostors; If the devil didn't exist, this question wouldn't exist. Submitted On November 15, 2012. In the Old Testament, what we would call the soul is really more like what we would call the breath. Op, have you got a thread where you defined what devil is? That's right: Our favorite Netflix-produced sports documentary series is officially back! People do not live forever. Most people just say, well, look - you know, it's a pandemic, and we better pay attention to our scientists, which is, obviously, the more socially satisfying answer to the question. It looks like what - before he was raised up, it looks like he was simply dead, and he was brought back to life temporarily, and he didn't appreciate that (laughter), and so he was upset. Our engineer today is Adam Staniszewski. And so that's the alternative. Regarding God, the Bible says: "Perfect is his activity, for all his ways are justice. In virtually every case, we're told that it's because God is punishing people. And in thinking this, as it turns out, the Christians are simply picking up on views that had been around among the Greeks since way back in the time of Plato. Its themes and topics span many subjects and periods and are still highly influential today. Our technical director is Audrey Bentham. For Gnostics, the idea of being raised in your body was repulsive. Ivan, not Dostoyevsky. Satan is working his way, and that it's because we're at the end of time, and he has to be released here at the end of time before God will intervene. Faith Healing And Prayer Are False. But you, faulty logician, whose sad foolishness Dares to reassure them in the path of crime, EHRMAN: Well, I - you know, I've read about death and thought about death and the afterlife for many, many years now and what - you know, what philosophers say and theologians say and biblical scholars say and, you know, what people generally say. Emphasis added to excerpts by QI:[1]1836, Quakerism Examined: In a Reply to the Letter of Samuel Tuke by John Wilkinson, Chapter 4: Is the Sacrifice of Christ Held in Proper Estimation by the Society of Friends?, Quote Page 239 and Continue reading. He will raise the dead. But I personally think, probably, this life is all there is. I'm Terry Gross. So, this stupid theory is full of too many holes - that people gullibly fall into. 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