. All Rights Reserved. Please note: This website is still a work in progress, so some pages are not yet complete. Unscrupulous individuals may use this information to take advantage of them. This cookie is set by Addthis.com. Care Quality Commission regulate & inspect care providers, ensuring that safeguarding policies are being adhered to. Organisations must also have a whistleblowing policy and procedure, which provides guidance for employees to report concerns to higher management or outside agencies. Standard 9: Awareness of Mental Health, Dementia and Learning Disability, Standard 15: Infection Prevention and Control, Implement Person-Centred Approaches in Care Settings, Health, Safety and Well-Being in Care Settings, Promote Personal Development in Care Settings, Promote Equality and Inclusion in Care Settings, Promote Person-Centred Approaches in Care Settings, Promote Health, Safety and Wellbeing in Care Settings, Promote Effective Handling of Information in Care Settings, Work in partnership in health and social care or children and young peoples settings, Facilitate Person-Centred Assessment to Support Well-Being of Individuals, Facilitate Support Planning to Ensure Positive Outcomes for Individuals and to Support Well-Being, Understand Personalisation in Care and Support Services, Health and Safety in Health and Social Care Settings, Professional Practice in Health and Social Care for Adults or Children and Young People, Safeguard Children and Young People who are Present in the Adult Social Care Sector, Develop, Maintain and Use Records and Reports, Understand Safeguarding and Protection in Health and Social Care Settings, Service improvement, entrepreneurship and innovation, Safeguarding and protection in care settings, how to respond to suspected child abuse and neglect, reducing the likelihood of abuse occurring. This includes: The individual should always remain at the centre of the work we do, they should be respected, their opinions valued and their needs met. There is also a risk that malware could be inadvertently downloaded and installed on an individuals computer, which can lead to personal information being stolen. There is also a section about safety online. The Care Act 2014 says that safeguarding duties apply to individuals that: have needs for care and support are experiencing, or at risk of, abuse and neglect As the Internet is largely unregulated, individuals may be able to access information, images and videos that can be disturbing or have a negative influence on them. This can reduce the likelihood of abuse occurring. It may be thought of as abuse or neglect if you cause harm to an individual or do not do the things you should to prevent them from being harmed. locked doors, locked food cupboards etc. These should then be reported the local authority who have the duty to do welfare checks and investigate the allegations. Request to Buy Answer, Buy Answer of This Assessment & Raise Your Grades, Enter Discount Code If You Have, Else Leave Blank, Get Your Assignment Completed At Lower Prices. 1.1 Describe the duties and responsibilities of own work role. DO NOT copy and paste it into you portfolio or it is very likely your tutor will fail you. The cookie is used to collect information about the usage behavior for targeted advertising. Training and the development of staff also contributes to the safeguarding of individuals, it is important that staff are up to date on training such as, First Aid, Administrating Medication and . The six principles are: Empowerment - people are supported to make their own decisions and have control over their lives If unsure about what to do, you should always approach a manager for guidance. The cookies store information anonymously and assign a randomly generated number to identify unique visitors. Support others to understand and contribute to records, 3.1. sedatives etc. This can include the use of restraints, medication or seclusion. A Safeguarding & Protection Officer would lead the Adult Protection Alert. This includes both the prevention of harm, abuse and neglect and how to respond to it. threats, coercion etc. If an individual alleges that they are being abused, then the same process applies. . 7.3. Explain own role and responsibilities in safeguarding individuals As a healthcare professional, one of my most important responsibilities is to safeguard the patients in my care. This ensures that behavior in subsequent visits to the same site will be attributed to the same user ID. 3 reflect on their own role and responsibilities for promoting physical health and mental wellbeing . 2.1. Posts should also be appropriately and fairly graded for the work that they do (following job evaluation . Purpose This paper 1 provides clarity about the roles and responsibilities of the key agencies involved in adult safeguarding. All individuals eating and going to bed at the same time etc. These range from basic competencies such as literacy and numeracy, to more advanced skills such as clinical assessment, diagnostic reasoning, and professional standards. This means that staff should be trained to work in a person-centred way and be able to spot signs of abuse. You can do this by: Including safeguarding in induction. 2.4. Unit: Unit 2.2: Understand legislation relating to the safeguarding, protection and welfare of children Learning outcome: 2 Understand policies and procedures for the safeguarding, protection and welfare of children Assessment criteria: 2.3 Explain the boundaries of confidentiality in relation to the safeguarding, protection and welfare of children This will usually mean reporting to your manager or a nominated individual(s) responsible for safeguarding and making a written account of your concerns. Therefore, all organisations must have a policy and procedure for making complaints that the individuals they support are aware of, understand and can access easily. Independence increases an individuals confidence and self esteem and empowers them to challenge things that they do not think are right. In a setting where there is a designated safeguarding lead, the following would apply when reporting a concern: Calling 999 if the child is in immediate danger. DISCLAIMERThe information on this website is provided 'as is' without any guarantee of accuracy. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is responsible for the governance and inspection of health and social care organisations and agencies. Several factors can influence this: If there are suspicions that an individual is being abused or an individual discloses to you that they have been abused, then you should report it immediately in line with your organisations agreed ways of working. Hitting, kicking, burning, scalding, slapping, pushing etc. Disclaimer: Students Assignment Help Uk provides academic assistance to students so that they can complete their university assignments and projects on time. By simply understanding how they can maintain their personal safety and providing them with the resources to do so, the likelihood of them being abused can be reduced. Other colleagues and senior members of staff can also be a good source of advice, as can professionals from other agencies that may have seen the safeguarding process from a different perspective. Assessment criteria: 1.2 Explain own role and responsibilities in safeguarding individuals. Regularly checking staff understanding and practice. The data collected including the number visitors, the source where they have come from, and the pages visted in an anonymous form. 3.2 Extension strategies for products in the product lifecycle and the appropriateness of each, 5.2 Describe sources of information available in relation to moving and positioning individuals, 2.3 Use of break-even as an aid to decision making, 2.2 Revenue generated by sales of the product or service, 3.5 Identify therapies which can be used to help children and young people. Safeguarding is a term that describes the measures taken to protect the rights, health and well-being of vulnerable individuals so that they do not suffer from abuse, harm or neglect. This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. ), Psychological restraints (e.g. In order to be able to safeguard as many patients as possible as effectively as possible, healthcare professionals need a variety of skills and qualifications. Identify legislation and codes of practice that relate to handling information in care settings, Unit 8 Promote Health, Safety and Well-being in Care Settings, 9.4. Safeguarding and Protection in Care Settings, Explain own role and responsibilities in safeguarding individuals, Training/Know the signs and symptoms of abuse. If a care worker feels that their concerns have not been responded to seriously or appropriately, they should escalate it to senior management or outside agencies in line with the organisations whistleblowing policy and procedure. This cookie is set when the customer first lands on a page with the Hotjar script. Maintain records that are up-to-date, complete, accurate and legible, 2.2. For example, fitting a door chain to an elderly individuals front door and explaining the importance of using it reduces the likelihood of someone forcing entry into their home. _fS8 Ensure clear evacuation routes are maintained at all times. No guarantee is given for the accuracy, completeness, efficacy, timeliness, or correct sequencing of the information contained on this website. What are the six principles of safeguarding? Again, education is important to reduce these risks as well as having a strong support network to provide help and guidance. Roles and responsibilities of safeguarding Providers of health and social care services should ensure they have the key people, relationships, values and systems in place that will help them keep the people they serve safe. These cookies do not store any personal information. Unit 7 Safeguarding and Protection in Care Settings, L.O 1 Understand principles of safeguarding adults, Do You Need Assignment of This Question This cookie is set by the provider Addthis. 1.2 Explain own role and responsibilities in safeguarding individuals In my job role as a Team Leader my vision for venerable adult within the social care and health setting is the person has real choice and control over what happens to themselves, no decision should be made about them without asking them. This right of free education before school is part of the "Every Child Matters" agenda and the "Childcare Act 2006". 2.2. The personal development plan should be created by the individual and should include statements and an action plan that works towards achieving personal goals within their career role - this could include areas such as education, training, career, self-improvement. As a carer, you have certain responsibilities when safeguarding individuals. The policies and procedures in your workplace will tell you how to meet the Care Quality Commissions Fundamental Standards of Quality and Safety and ensure the individuals you care for dont come to harm. 2 Describe the actions to take when children or young people are ill or injured. This can include: All health and social care workers must understand that restrictive practices should not be used unless absolutely necessary to protect the individual or others from harm. This is employee and employer working together to make sure these steps are maintained to avoid abuse and neglect 2. 6 explain the role of inquiries in shaping policy and approaches to protect individuals The data includes the number of visits, average duration of the visit on the website, pages visited, etc. The table below identifies possible signs and symptoms of different types of abuse: Some individuals may be more vulnerable to abuse than others. 7 Your own background, experiences and beliefs that may have an impact on your practice. '1*`%\G+E l!X,A-}00.A``G#P EL4q=VP 0r_arcKS kC+0~y&LB0KP8$@A`],B!0tb%o$^z]0JW~?^\8 8 Your own roles, responsibilities and accountabilities with their limits and boundaries. Safeguarding means putting processes in place to ensure that vulnerable people are not abused in any way, including verbally or physically. This includes all procedures designed to prevent harm, also refers to the process of protecting children and adults - by providing safe and effective care What is safeguarding defined as for adults? In an emergency situation, you must take action to remove the individual from harm as long as it does not put yourself in danger. It prevents us from imposing our own views and ways of doing things for clients, so that we do things with people rather than for them and thus moves towards equalising the balance of power. your own roles and responsibilities with their limits and boundaries who you must report to at work The Care Act 2014 emphasises proactive strategies relating to preventing harm, abuse and neglect, being preferable to reactive strategies after the fact. This is because such settings often care for those who are most at risk of harm or abuse, such as children or adults with support needs. 7.2. stream Safeguarding is defined as the protection of a person's health, wellbeing, and right to live in safety, free from harm, abuse, and neglect. For example, if an individual discloses that they have been abused but asks you to keep it a secret, you should inform them that it is your duty to pass this information on. More specifically, safeguarding aims to make sure that vulnerable adults, young adults and children can live their lives free from abuse, harm and neglect. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". What are the different types of abuse and neglect? Describe the role and responsibilities of the registered manager in relation to compliance with regulations. 3 Identify circumstances when children and young people might require urgent medical attention. 3.4 Identify strategies which can be used to help children and young people. It also enables the next healthcare professional to review and follow up on the patients treatment plan. Legislation is the legal framework and includes laws or acts of parliament. The cookie is set by Addthis which enables the content of the website to be shared across different networking and social sharing websites. They must also commission Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs), formerly known as Serious Case Reviews. Safeguarding adults Roles and responsibilities in health and care services 1. 5 0 obj This cookie is set by Addthis.com to enable sharing of links on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, This cookie is used to recognize the visitor upon re-entry. straps, belts etc. It looks at how to reduce the likelihood of abuse occurring and how to recognise and respond to suspicions of abuse as well as the national and local context of safeguarding. iRuT}q_z]9u]`,ZtGm{V The purpose of this cookie is targeting and marketing.The domain of this cookie is related with a company called Bombora in USA. Your day-to-day practice should embrace person-centred values and you should empower vulnerable individuals to understand their rights and be as independent as possible. This website is intended to provide students with a starting point in their studies and recommends that students do their own research and fact-checking in addition to using the information contained herein. and Assessment Criteria. The Care Act 2014 says that safeguarding duties apply to individuals that: It is the duty and responsibility of all care workers to work in a way that helps to prevent abuse and, if abuse does occur, to promptly report it to the relevant person(s) or agency. 10.1b Explain their own role and responsibilities in safeguarding individuals As a carer, you have certain responsibilities when safeguarding individuals. The police force have a duty to protect the welfare of vulnerable individuals and investigate abuse or suspicions of abuse where a crime has been committed. Internet banking allows individuals to make financial transactions over the Internet. All vulnerable individuals should be treated with dignity and respect. This cookie allows to collect information on user behaviour and allows sharing function provided by Addthis.com. Restrictive practices refer to interventions whereby force is used to restrict an individuals movement or freedom. If an adult who has care and support needs and who is at risk of being abused or neglected cannot keep themselves safe from abuse or neglect because of their care and support needs, then the Ways of preserving evidence can include: Unsafe practices are any working practices that have the potential to cause harm. Good communication between them all is vital and failing to do so could mean that a child who is suffering will be left unnoticed. Internet use can include browsing websites, watching videos, downloading/uploading files (including pictures and videos) and using email. Responsibilities refer to the tasks and duties of their particular role or job description. If you can do so safely and proficiently, you should remove the hazard or make it as safe as possible. This cookie is set by Google and stored under the name doubleclick.com. The information contained on this website is a study guide only. SARs analyse serious cases of harm, abuse or neglect within the locality and identify ways that the likelihood of similar events could be reduced in the future. You must make sure that any action you take will prevent abuse or neglect. The aim is to ensure that the right things are done by the right people at the right time, working within their own agency and with partners. The local authority also has the responsibility to set up safeguarding boards which look into cases of abuse and analyse how things could have been done better. As a healthcare professional, one of my most important responsibilities is to safeguard the patients in my care. 4.1 Explain own roles and responsibilities as an employee and those of the employer in the prevention and control of infection; 4.2 Explain the causes and spread of infection in care settings; 4.3 Demonstrate the recommended method for hand washing settings; 4.4 Demonstrate the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and when to use it Unit 302. Regardless of the organisation, all concerns relating to suspected or alleged abuse should be reported to the designated person this could be your manager or a safeguarding lead and they must be treated seriously and investigated. If an individual discloses to you that they have been abused, you should first ensure their immediate safety and then listen to them in a compassionate and empathetic manner and reassure them that you will do everything you can to ensure that they are protected. Each of them are defined below: Harm is a deliberately inflicted physical injury. Analyse factors that can trigger stress, 9.1. 5.2 Source(s) of capital for business start-ups, 5.1 Appropriate forms of ownership for business start-ups, 4.5 How customer service is used to attract and retain customers, 4.4 Sales promotion techniques used to attract and retain customers and the appropriateness of each, 4.3 Types of advertising methods used to attract and retain customers and the appropriateness of each, 4.2 Types of pricing strategies and the appropriateness of each, 3.4 The impact of external factors on product development, 4.1 Factors to consider when pricing a product to attract and retain customers, 3.3 How to create product differentiation. Individuals should be advised not to share their usernames and passwords with anyone else and log out of their banking app immediately after use. Mental Capacity Act including DoLS and LPS, Safeguarding adults - roles and responsibilities in health and care services (PDF, 4 pages, 314KB), Joint letter regarding safeguarding adults boards, quality surveillance groups, partnerships (PDF, 2 pages, 390KB), Local Government Association company number 11177145, Roles and responsibilities in adult safeguarding, Membership and services for councils and councillors, LGA principal advisers and regional teams, Licences, regulations and trading standards. I also work to ensure that they have accurate information about their condition and treatment so that they can make informed decisions about their care. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspect and monitor care providers to ensure that no abusive practices are being used. . Similarly, social media apps, such as Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and Instagram, have direct messaging capabilities. It's important to help and support children as early as possible before issues escalate and become more damaging. As an adult care worker, you need a thorough understanding of your responsibilities for safeguarding vulnerable adults. Note: Prices & delivery time mentioned on website are for reference purpose only, may vary depending on the technicality, word count, and expertise required. K3.11 Explain how legislation and agreed ways of working influence own and others' responsibilities for ensuring confidential information is kept safe . In addition to caring for patients, safeguarding involves keeping detailed patient records so that healthcare professionals can monitor their progress. You should be familiar with your organisations agreed ways of working (policies and procedures) and follow them to ensure that you work in a way that is safe, legal and in line with best practices. It is your responsibility to protect the individuals that you work with from harm this could be harm that is caused by both doing something and doing nothing. Explain how to access support sources, 9.3. The term explain own role and responsibilities in safeguarding individuals means, that all caregivers have a duty and obligation to operate in a manner that discourages abuse, and if abusive behavior occurs, immediately contact the appropriate members or organization. 2. It is about people and organisations working together to prevent and stop both the risks and experience of abuse or neglect, while at the same time making sure that the adults wellbeing is promoted including, where appropriate, having regard to their views, wishes, feelings and beliefs in deciding on any action. It is important that all staff are on the same page with regards to each individual service users requirements. Follow agreed procedures for checking the identity of anyone requesting access to premises, information, 7.4. Individuals should be informed of the dangers of Internet usage. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. 2. To Download this unit 7 L.O answer click on the below link -h. Self esteem and empowers them to challenge things that they are being adhered to so could mean that a who! They have come from, and the pages visted in an anonymous form of own role. And using email abusive practices are being abused, then the same time etc please:! Whereby force is used to restrict an individuals confidence and self esteem empowers. Esteem and empowers them to challenge things that they do not copy paste... Accuracy, completeness, efficacy, timeliness, or correct sequencing of the key agencies involved Adult. Legislation is the legal framework and includes laws or acts of parliament and email... 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