I told him I didnt have a phone. Living a double life.. If I answer, they quickly start calling me dear, or my love, an I tell them to stop with the terms of endearment, we are not really friends, I fact we dont know each other, really. It shouldnt matter what anyone else thinks if you trust me, kinds of crap. Words With Friends Scammer Pictures As with any other social media platform, many players view their Words With Friends profile picture the same way they If youre unhappily married, you probably wont post your name and photograph on Tinder or Bumble, but you might play Words with Friends and look for someone to pursue. Mine was named SullivanJohn, engineer on an oil rig, wife died of cancer, daughter died in car accident and bringing up 8 year old granddaughter. They cast a spell, really you start to believe them. Today he suggested we communicate on Whatsappfirst I did a little research and saw that was a common ploy and then I responded that it appeared he was a scammer and I was resigning and asked him not to contact me again. George said that he was divorced and had a 14 yr. old son. I live with embarrassment and shame now. This biggest thing that finally got me to drop him was he had said that they were leaving out of the Port of Dallas. Be safe all! Here are some simple best practices to follow in order to keep scam artists at a distance: 1. She tells me she is in Dublin just now to pick up her gold inheritance. Anyone know?? The Lee County Sheriff's Office said it recently investigated one such instance of a romance scam in the county's South District that used the popular Zynga online game Zynga did not create WWF. The came back as Travis Austin! I bet Ill get blocked after that . Thank God Im poor!!! Are these bots? I wish there were more laws and regulations in place to prevent this type stuff from happening on gaming/social apps. That was a few years ago and he probably burned through his meet up for sex options eventually. These men are rude as hell. Loving, wants to build a family. I have had a young woman contact me. I guess they sit and wait for players and then set up games with people they think they can scam. I run into several a day on WWF. That picture provoked many WWF players to flirt with my mother, as they were hoping that the player was the granddaughter rather than the grandma. Ive had plenty of those people do the same thing. You should of asked him whod dug him up? I have another possible female who is asking about thanksgiving and seems real but who knows. You use caution and filter the people you add or follow on Instagram or Facebook. What made me suspicious was that he sounded like a foreigner (he said that he was from Germany and he lived in NY and Florida in the past) and might have been using a translator device or something. Thats classic. Thanks for your advice. He wanted to keep the charade going, so I let him. He goes by James Richard in WWF. How are you doing? Do any males get girls doing this too? Anyone have a Brandon Wyatt, Manuel Rutherford or Wilson Mark? Dont ever give in to these degenerates!! Most always have a score Of zero and the profile is brand new. I need a private helicopter to get off ship but it costs $5400 cash. Spells good, has good Englishjust wondering if anyone has heard from him, or of him. 2 more clowns Frank Scott, who sends you poems and prayers. But yeah, I survived. Towards the end of the con when they know I wont go to hangouts and please NEVER EVER go there as there is NO SECURITY at all. Still talking to the same guy? I just deleted WWF. LOL.. Usually its a small group of scammers who can be male or female and work in a room together like a small business. The first two disappeared when I called him out on it. The collage I was playing with a Gary Tellier. I speak from experience. Called me dear, baby, angel, contract with UN in Middle East. While you might not know them, if you use the same username on Words with Friends that you do for your other accounts, someone with evil intentions or who is following you online without your consent, might try and find you. Hi, got in on Academic Singles. 4 guys says they were dingle parents because their wife died tragically. William Mark from Florida. They are all engineers marine, chemical, building construction now its all oil rigs and army men. If they have to travel overseas for anything, that is also a red flag to keep in mind too. They were concerned for her health since he was so sexually active with strangers he met online no one really knew how many. (One guy asked me what my favorite color is. Anyway, beware. I have had 100+ of these scammers try to get me. 4. Steven Cohen, freelance writer with the UN in Yemen. Im not interested. I thought they were pervs so end up blocking them. I push them to their limit, and of course I dont share any personal information with them. So to win we eventually have to buy more points so that we can exchange them for better letters to play. Even as info.. pets names, location, fave color, family,its a o Occupation maiden name.. nothing Ladies. The very next day I received 7 game requests- all from men. Though there is some comfort in knowing how many others deal with this too. FBI..no help. Once he was in China, could not access his account and asked me to do that for him. Also has a teenage son (16) and has a live-in nanny for him. He was smooth. Just a lonely married man in a sad marriage to a mean wife. I ask what is coil and he said, sorry meant cool music. His voice didnt have a german accent. Lol lol. Also see how many languages they play. He had a good vocabulary, almost too good! DUKEWAYNE63@gmail.com or aka rahoolsairani@gmail.com another one my mom was scammed by! 2. Am getting this more and more on Words. Haha. Daniel Williams or Daniel William ? If someone falls in love with you, without ever meeting, they are more often than not a scammer who stole someone elses pictures. Blocked him. I think he at least used a real name and was a real person. Because of this, the easiest way to find out whether or not someone is a Words With Friends Scammer is to upload a screenshot of their profile picture into the search bar below. (American) His profile on FB, is Christian-based but noticed all photos on the profile were added at the same time (the day he contacted me). Do you know him please. I get hit on by young women all wanting iTunes gift cards eventually. If you were sincere you would not behave that way. Widowed, one girl 22 Stephanie living in Toronto. He told me he was from Poland and Vienna, Virginia. Claims hes German, and in
I like this game for yrs. He was married and hiding from his religious cult and controlling wife or just out to scam people who knows for what. Can you share some info about the person you might have come in contact with who is named Fred Anderson? I guess when youre married this feels a little safer. So be wary of any scammers claiming to be doctors, even real ones. WebJan 11, 2023 - Explore Juanita Sage's board "Scammers" on Pinterest. Ty be safe smart. If there are more I will start asking them first and pretend Im in the same city, ask where they like to eat, shop, etc. Not this guy lol! I talked w/him for three & a half weeks & have been surprised at how hard it has been to stop wanting to talk w/him. Address:SocialCatfish, LLC39252 Winchester Rd. When I said no, he asked for a $200 iTunes gift card and then a $100gift card. He did look like Bin Laden, lol! I talk to scammers in words with friends and genuine ppl though not always and on Instagram scammers are everywhere you turn. Man, more and more of them. Also they ask for bitcoins. Dating online is most people's go-to way to discover their prince charming or princess of their dre Searching for someone on social media doesn't have to be hard. My profile pic is a close-up of my dogs face. When youve learned to read the clues, dont tell them how theyve tipped their handit will only make the better for the next victim. Claims to be in the US Military. The pirates came aboard & beat me up. So even without the red-flag repetition of the same script across three different people, she was skeptical. Headed to Turkey to mine diamonds . As soon as I told them I work for the FBI, they stopped chatting!
, by the photo, very attractive men. Play along for a bit..feeding false info. Plays on the heart strings for the purpose of a payout. I never fell victim to any of them and rarely give out anything personal. Ive seen him still using the stolen pic on wwf. Looking them up is irrelevant. Sounds like the same one I got. If youre single, you might need an online date or use a dating app. Social Catfish, is a reverse lookup search engine to find people and verify identities that was founded in 2013 by co-founder David M. and Moe M. We often work with press about romance catfish scams for free if it makes sense for both parties and attribution is properly given to us. I just dont repond. Says he has a place in Chicago but owns a business in Brussels. Other times Ive pretended that Im a man that really messes with them! This is one reason why Owen and his ilk almost never use the first names of their intended victims, preferring my dear or honey or the like: they dont want to blow it and address Mary as Sally.. I told him to take his time. Luis Chanaga LC from Florida and now living in Ohio working as President for an Adventist hospital had sex with my wife from WWF stalking. Centaur is science writer Clive Thompsons term for a collaboration between people and programs that turns out to be more effective than either humans or bots alone. I told him I was from Newfoundland but wanted to know the style of the house I lived in. He was waiting to hear if he got the job that would take him on contract to Turkey. Exactlythis issue goes both ways. So Sad, & he keeps wanting me to get the Telegram Messenger App. I could tell something was up because they werent trying very hard. By the way, dont bother writing to Zynga tech support. I have played with other men online who do not insist on chatting and are good competitors. Meshell2tt 3 yr. ago Scammers or bots. hope scrabble companies filter messages like those in the near future.. 8.8.19 same stories from Greg Owen and David Craig on words with friends, in one week..beware!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I caught on within a few days.. Total smooth talker, well at least in the afternoon and evening Morning not so much.. Web9 SharonButtah 3 yr. ago Had the very same experience until I changed my profile picture to a baby pic. . Anyone have any dealings with Kevin Coleman? All the charm & concern about what Im eating & resting enough. Most havent even been married yet, or have children. I would hate to quit. I stopped sending money in January 2018 and after many of his tries, I refused to send more money. Because they turn over so fast the date is very recent. Then when I finally asked why she chose to play with and message me, she got mad and said whatever, I dont need to answer that then resigned. Same. This is such a fun game to play so its too bad so many scammers use it for scams or sex or general creepiness. He Hopefully your mom didnt lose any money to him. He is using the pictures of: Al Vazquez for his Profile pictures. I typically only play with women and I almost never start the new games. he messaged me on 2 different games, clearly a scammer, reported him! Does anybody know what this is about? Alex Peterson !!!! Anyone else had an experience? Same weird way of talking. I am playing with several scammers right now, and I really enjoy yanking their chains. If you suspect someone on the app is lying about not being married, search for their name and other details online. They usually ask where Im located. As time and many matches go by, Owen tells the woman player his life story, asks dozens of questions about her life and tastes, and talks romantically with her. Thank you for posting this. Collisions #12, Why Amazon Should Buy Lyft Collisions #4, Nonprofits are the real threat to Uber and Lyft Collisions #2, Ford Follows Facebook, Flounders Collisions #3, Why Uber Eats wont save Uber from Collapse Collisions #5, Who Might Own a Car in the Future? Ive been playing for years but suddenly almost every game is ruined by a creeper. I hope no one else gets hit by this guy. Guess it takes all kinds of people! THIS is the kinder, gentler Uber? I have a bunch from Germany living in us. Disclaimer: You may not use SocialCatfish.com or the information we provide to make decisions about consumer credit, employment, insurance, tenant screening, or any other purpose that would require FCRA compliance. Yes, happened to me. It makes me want to leave the game but it makes me mad because these losers win and keep playing WWF and go on to other victims. One of these scammers asked for my phone number. You can stop it by changing your gender to male and putting a non female picture, your dog, something else you like. whos a trauma and orthopedic doctor. Then I say GOT YOU! hha I am so used to their game now, that I like to turn the tables on them. Was also asked to help with a family member that was going to get kicked out of their home if I didnt come up with 500. I would never give out personal information. Hangouts has absolutely NO SECURITY! I started getting a lot of these about 2 weeks ago. Heres the deal. I hope his wife finally knows and leaves him because he should never be trusted. At least he laughed, but that was the end of that. If Owen is a rudimentary AI that is following a complex script including deliberately misspelled words to make the bot seem less botty then that means that this scam potentially has global scale at what is effectively zero cost to the scammers. Very unsafe. So I played with him, and he was very Me to Alex Collins shipping contractor from New York. I read a bit about a river that flows through there & did find a Port of Dallas but after hed resurfaced (had been using the Wi-Fi in the neighboring room), I finally called the Port of Dallas & asked if there was a way to verify the things he said were true. now the son is asking for $500(USD) to transport the sick man to a better hospital. If you do play with strangers and you shouldnt then dont share personal information. Thats where they were picking up the crude oil. He wants to marry me and be a step mother to his son. He has white hair and looks to be55-60. Anyone had any dealings with Michael Hansen, originally from Norway has lived in US for many years. I want to sue Words With Friends. Awesome!! But when Hangouts? Again, Im so sorry that happened to you. I was flattered and gave him one of my email addresses that I use. He claimed to be a Neurosurgeon doing Missionary work in S. Africa but has just been transferred to Somalia. After them saying their speeches. FYI. Donald gerrick, I had a guy named Tony that was probably a scammer. A little voice in the back of my head kept me sane. Look out for a Mark Spiegler. These fake profiles are usually made with pictures of models or social media influencers. . Both oil rig workers. I resigned from every game and blocked them all. I changed my profile pic to my dog and this has cut back on all scammers. Look at results on both teams. Anybody interact with DAVID HEWITT? I have been chatting with a female. Am I being paranoid? Such a disaster!! Didnt get a lot of game requests. Are we in third grade?) The problem is, clicking that link could download malware to your computer. You arent giving us a chance with letters that always need to be swapped. Password reset instructions sent to your email. Pictures, videos the lot. asked if I was married or not, asked if I wanted to get married again. A doctor working for NATO. He was suggesting google hangouts. Wow. Not just resigned. Has anyone heard of this man yet? [Cross-posted on the Center site and elsewhere. He wasnt sure where they were taking it. Do they pay some ring for the scripts and lists of players to target? The hot guy whos a little younger with grown children, widowed, and worth large amounts of hidden wealth isnt looking for an older, lonely Polly Anna to share his fortune and ride off into the sunset. Beware of Micheal Scott. They may all be the same guy! You can also hit their name and most have only been playing the last month or too. At least Luis Chanaga didnt ask me for money or gift cards lol. Tonight this was a Micheal (big red flag with spelling) Siebert from Albany NYC. I allow them to think they have my undivided attention and when they ask me what I do for a living I tell them that I work for the government. Never won a game??? Just curious hes been talking to me but not asking personal questions. Not sure how we can stop it! Marine chemist Heres a stitched-together screenshot of one such conversation: The conversation turned creepy the moment Owen asks my mother how tall she is. Theres a man that has been talking to me. Truth be told, I dont really have any friends on the app (or in life), and the few acquaintances I do have are not reliable. The game completely disappeared! My favorite colors are red and white. Play them at their own fame, then call them out. But yes, I think I am addicted to WWF because I love to do crosswords and puzzles like this. I must have hit an age where they think I will fall for this garbage. Another give away is many of them claim to have really great jobs, (military. And it just got better and better. These guys stop playing as soon as you stop talking. Definitely a scammer. Doesnt last more than a week usually. It didnt take long for me to figure out the guy was a nut. I have reported him to the FBI and Federal Trade Commission. nor can he make facetime calls or else (also because the rig had been attacked by pirates in the past so no localisation possible LOL). I am so relieved to find this thread! I said it was like playing a video game or choose your own adventure story. met on WWF. Its easy for them to hack your phone computer etc and they show you stolen photos so they seem to appear more legitimate of course we all know they are NOT!! He claims hes Norwegian and moved to the U.S. when he turned 25. His daughter needs an operation that costs $20,000, but Owen is stuck aboard a ship of the coast of Turkey, or some other remote place. Not all of you . The WWF scam is newer, but it has already claimed at least one victim: a New Zealand woman lost $60,000 over the course of months to a con artist. Huge red flag. He asked if I am happily married with kids and still wants to chat after I said yes. I get a new one challenging me to play almost every day. Just block them and they leave your screen no win or loss recorded. Required fields are marked *. Made the mistake of telling one guy I worked in the medical field and lo and behold, hes an orthopedic surgeon for NATO going to the Ukraine. I tell these guys I am married, broke, 6 kids. He asked me how old I am and where i lived. They love you and dont understand why you cant help. And thats how he spelled, red flags everywhere! Big Deal!! 5. Crazy. They always want to go on another firm of contact so they can send you pictures, and want to see yours. Names to watch out for, I am living with shame and embarrassment now and feel like a loser for falling for these scams. Alex Peterson ! I told him three times that. I had a guy Kennedy Derek said he was from Germany living in Florida. lol. Sweet dreams. Tap on your Profile. Players of WWF can trade instant messages with opponents during each match, so theres a social component to the game. When I liked who he was online enough to try to get him to meet in person he wasnt ready. Be warned. After reading all these scenarios, I am so glad I followed my gut. One just started a game with me yesterday, Curdias9. Weve tried taking her electronics. Where they were dingle parents because their wife died tragically a score of zero and the profile brand... Doctors, even real ones Collins shipping contractor from new York or.! 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