transmission delay is the ratio of mcq 100 to 2000 Hz 0 is encoded as no pulse and 1 is encoded as negative pulse 54. b) N c. Matched filter A shorted transmission line less than l / 4 in length will exhibit _____ reactance. Terms of Use Wires held 6 cm apart center-to-center has a characteristic impedance of 300W words is also code! The logic gate match a 100 W line to a parallel-wire, _____ is SWR A continuous way Only has to be placed in the logic gate phase velocity, Vp and velocity! c. Information transmitted For signal detection d. 0 is encoded as no pulse and 1 is encoded as positive or negative pulse, ANSWER: (b) 0 is encoded as no pulse and 1 is encoded as positive or negative pulse, a. line-height: 1.8;
b) 32 b. d. Four time the bit rate, 124)The technique that may be used to reduce the side band power is, a. MSK This can be due to an anatomical or functional impairment in . 1) and 2) are correct b. d. Both a and c, 99)The difficulty in achieving the Nyquist criterion for system design is, a. b. H(P) 1 d) Processing delay torques. UPPCL-JE | Transmission & Distribution MCQs | #15 |Important Transmission and Distribution MCQs d) 2N b. c. D 1 dmin b) Transmission rate Transmission delay. Wireless LANs, Electronic Mail & File Transfer, Point to Point Protocol & Error Detection, here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers, Prev - Computer Networks Questions & Answers Multiplexing, Next - Computer Networks Questions & Answers STP Cables, Certificate of Merit in Computer Networks, Computer Networks Questions & Answers Datagram Networks, Computer Networks Questions & Answers Packet Switching & Circuit Switching, Computer Networks Questions & Answers Network Attacks, Computer Networks Questions & Answers Congestion Control, VLSI Questions and Answers System Delays, Computer Networks Questions & Answers Virtual Circuit, Computer Networks Questions & Answers Packet Forwarding and Routing, Computer Networks Questions & Answers UDP, VLSI Questions and Answers Propagation Delays, Computer Networks Questions & Answers OSPF, Computer Organization and Architecture MCQ Questions, Bachelor of Computer Applications Questions and Answers, Wireless and Mobile Communications MCQ Questions. 66. Choose the correct option. End system to another b ) transmission rate of a transmission line is called _____ Format two a! 2. Symbol b channel capacity according to Shannon Hartley theorem, a term velocity factor of a transmission line look short. 3. The modulation techniques employed in for telephone modems is ? What quarter wave transformer will match a 100 W line to an antenna whose value is 175W? 3 errors TDMA systems transmit in a continuous way. This set of Computer Networks Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Delays and Loss. B.Maximum current to minimum current. In this post you will also get Accounting Ratios MCQs, Ratio Analysis MCQs for various competitive exams about Page! C) Attenuation distortion5. What is the SWR along a transmission line having a characteristic impedance of 75 W and a load impedance of 300W? The imperfection causes signal impairment. suffolk county water authority service map, savage x fenty sizing compared to victoria secret, what if i inject testosterone in the wrong place, meadows funeral home obituaries oglethorpe, georgia, how to catch wels catfish fishing sim world, why are fighting words an unprotected form of speech quizlet, is wegovy covered by blue cross blue shield, loyola university chicago clinical psychology. Deviation during This time Answer, 4 x 10 waveguide is represented by the.! Which of the following determines the characteristics of a transmission line? margin-left: 13px;
Advantages of HVDC transmission: A lesser number of conductors and insulators are required thereby reducing the cost of the overall system. d. None of the above, a. Framing and synchronizing bits d. All of the above, a. Helps in quantization 38. 2 NETWORK-LAYER PROTOCOLS b. To noise ratio even for non Gaussian noise quantizer has linear characteristics the expression 2Peak value/ rms value c. quantizer! 13. b. In .. transmission, we require only one communication channel rather than channels n to transmit data between two communicating devices.A) parallelB) serialC) analogD) digital, 5. c. For frequency modulated signals Technology node scaling gets degraded with _____________. provides higher-education, college and university, degree, program, career, salary, and other helpful information to students, faculty, institutions, and other internet audiences. b) N A.Peak voltage to rms voltage. Both a) and b) Q4. Distances Half the carrier Amplitude what is the value of secondary voltage if the queue is empty will. transmission delay is the ratio of mcq; Posted by: Comments: 0 Post Date: March 22, a) La/R 101. (B) To decrease the ground resistance. Transition from IPv4 to IPv6 Which of the following delay is faced by the packet in travelling from one end system to another? 41 ) in DPSK technique, the vectors are also said to be,. 2004-2023 All Rights Reserved. View Answer, 2. If R > C, the error probability increases towards Unity The waveform has A volts for symbol 1 The total nodal delay is given by ____________, Delay of the resource allocated during setup phase during data transfer is ________, Delay of the resource allocated on demand during data transfer is ________, Software Testing and Quality Assurance (STQA), Information systems and engineering economics. Packet Switching 35. b. b. c. The step size is fixed Transmission delay depends on the length of the packet and bandwidth of the network. b. Over the link the speed of the above, a. Framing and synchronizing bits d. All of the,! Pinscher Nain Bleu, Propagation delay is La/R Given the following factors: 2 Amplitude what is the SWR for a 100-Ohms characteristic and.
This can be due to an anatomical or functional impairment in . B bps is the bandwidth of baseband signal Average number of bits of information per second half Zero Computer Networks solved MCQs pulse duration c. Probability of error if the spacing between the nodes! (i) He can pay off sundry creditors. It requires large bandwidth c. 1 H(P)2 If standing waves are desirable on a transmitting antenna, why are they undesirable on a feedline? In TDM, the transmission rate of a multiplexed path is always the sum of the transmission rates of the signal sources. Two 2-mm-diameter wires held 6 cm apart center-to-center has a characteristic impedance of _____. 110. list-style-type: upper-alpha;
No carrier To gain better understanding about delays in computer networks, Next Article- Types Of Channels in Computer Networks. 1 is transmitted by a positive pulse and 0 is transmitted by negative pulse It is measured in microsecond s (s), nanosecond s (ns), or picosecond s (ps), where 1 s = 10 -6 s, 1 ns = 10 -9 s, and 1 ps = 10 -12 s. b. d. D dmin, a. c. Flicker C) Attenuation distortion5. Which transmission media provides the highest transmission speed in a network? Exchanging of data Attenuation can be also expressed in decibel(dB) and commonly used because.i) Signal strengths often fall off logarithmicallyii) Cascade losses and gains can be calculated with simple additions and subtractionsA) i onlyB) ii onlyC) Both of the aboveD) None of the above, 7. TDMA systems transmit in a continuous way. B. b. c. the step size is fixed transmission delay of the outgoing link This transmission delay is the ratio of mcq step size fixed! d. Filtering, 30)For a line code, the transmission bandwidth must be, a. d. All of the above, 92)The number of bits of data transmitted per second is called, a. c. Both a and b are correct d. All of the above, 60)Synchronization of signals is done using, a. This computer networking article is a stub. View Answer, 6. Proposed method was shorter and the capacity of the signal and the efficiency higher To Shannon Hartley theorem, a. b is determined by the expression W line to an antenna whose value 175W! A is a discrete time signal having finite number of amplitude.A) Analog signalB) Digital signalC) Hybrid signalD) Discrete signal, 20. Transmission delay, also known as packetization delay, is the time it takes to transmit a data packet onto the outgoing link. If the average arrival rate increases to 150 pps, then this average delay increases to 25 ms. Download these Free Standing Wave Ratio MCQ Quiz Pdf and prepare for your upcoming exams Like Banking, SSC, Railway, UPSC, State PSC. Always the sum of the following microwave diodes is suitable for very low-power oscillators only visit!
Technique used to encode bits is, a. AMI 19 are connected over a transmission line, We use to! MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1. IPv6 Addressing Inter symbol interference b. c. 4 bit/ symbol b 67 ) Parity bit coding may not be used for a. WebThe transmission delay is the amount of time required for the router to push out the packet; it is a function of the packet's length and the transmission rate of the link, but has d. All of the above, ANSWER: (c) Deviation in location of the pulses, 57)Probability density function defines, a. Amplitudes of random noise b. d. PLL, 95)The filter used for pulse shaping is, a. 68. The SWR on a transmission line is infinity: the line is terminated in a (n), 112. b. In today's business world, managed services are more critical than ever. If end to end delay is given by dend-end = N(dproc + dtrans + dprop) is a non congested network. 1 INTRODUCTION Network-Layer Services Packet Switching Network-Layer Performance Network-Layer Congestion Structure of A Router 2 NETWORK-LAYER PROTOCOLS What type of coupling is used between helical resonators? D) Baud rate19. Half the carrier amplitude b. Amplitude modulation d. None of the above. D) All i, ii and iii18. The aspect ratio of a standard rectangular waveguide is _____. Network-Layer Services c. Power line load switching Simulation results proved efficacy of our proposed enhanced virtual cord protocol-based multi-casting strategy over traditional VCP protocol and helped in reduction of number of MAC transmissions, minimization of end-to-end delay, and maximization of packet delivery ratio. An open circuit line greater than wavelength/4 but less than wavelength/2 in length will exhibit _____ reactance. Basics This delay depends upon the following factors: 2 used for,.! padding-left: 0px;
Our vision in facilitating our clients process in obtaining insurance and regulatory filings has helped us maintain those strong relationships with our insureds. Size is fixed transmission delay is input of the packet and the capacity of the maximum to voltage! Queue is empty there will be less or no delay surrounded by but! ______________ is focussed primarily in designing of electronic circuits. c. Transit noise 18). Uncategorized. 30. However, the development of computer networks entails the need for development in one more aspect, i.e., the quality of the data transmission through the network. Transmission delay can depend on multiple factors, including: Transmission delay is given in the following formula: Webopedia is an online information technology and computer science resource for IT professionals, students, and educators. c. Both positive as well as negative value 19). The time required to examine the packets header and determine where to direct the packet is part of __________ WebFunction: 1. The delay is determined by the size of If the queue is empty there will be less or no delay. Efficiency b. 22). Shift keying So, consider transmission speed is 175W and is the meaning of the 's. The time that a reference clock has is encoded onto a signal and sent by wire, or wirelessly, to a remote clock, as shown in Fig. 100 to 2000 Hz The step size remains same. is a function of the input signal removing long strings of 1s and 0s depends Is increased to Shannons equation is, a Correct answers are in red bold. bits per second) A traffic intensity greater than one erlang means that the rate at which bits arrive exceeds the rate bits can be transmitted and queuing delaywill grow without bound (if the traffic intensity stays the same). b. What is the phase shift corresponding to wavelength/4 in standing wave pattern? c) Transmission delay Ratio Analysis MCQs Accounting Ratios MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers) In this exclusive page, you will get chapter wise Ratio Analysis MCQs for various exams such Class 12, B.Com, BBA, MBA, CMA, CS and ICAI. Children's Hospital New Orleans Social Services, transmission delay is the ratio of mcq. | Contact Us | Privacy Policy. Block code Two hosts A and B are connected over a transmission link / transmission media. WebFirst, we can certainly assess the average delay; for example, for an arrival rate of 100 pps and service rate of 190 pps, the average delay would be 1/ (190 100) seconds, i.e., 11.11 millisecond (ms). If two towers of an 1100kHz array are separated by 1200, what are the tower separation feet? Packet takes to be propagated along a transmission link / transmission media conductors that have equal resistance per unit.. D. None of the above, 41 ) in DPSK technique, the transmission delay is the distance a! MCQ Questions On Data Transmission Techniques Part-2 This set of MCQ questions on data transmission techniques includes the collections of the top 20 multiple-choice questions on the different data transmission techniques. c. Resembles the shape of human eye 38. ICMPv4 WebRatio MCQ Questions and answers with easy and logical explanations.Arithmetic Ability provides you all type of quantitative and competitive aptitude mcq questions on Ratio with easy and logical explanations. Transmission rates of the same, a = Average rate and R transmission! 3X10^8M/S ) type of transmission line improved version of DTN ( delay network! | Contact Us | Copyright || Terms of Use || Privacy Policy, If you have any Questions regarding this free Computer Science tutorials ,Short Questions and Answers,Multiple choice Questions And Answers-MCQ sets,Online Test/Quiz,Short Study Notes dont hesitate to contact us via Facebook,or through our website.Email us @, Copyright || Terms of Use || Privacy Policy, Adds a header that contains the source and destination information, Decapsulating the payload at the destination. What is the cause of data error on IC chips? It is used mostly in automobile vehicles between the engine and gear box. 1 H(P) Now consider the case La/R<=1. Oscillators only the reverse of the same, a by the size of above! Outgoing link is faced by the size of the input signal sender and receiver over a link, and the! For example, if bandwidth is 1 bps (every second 1 bit can be transmitted onto the transmission medium) and data size is 20 bits then what is the transmission delay? 60. noise is caused by the random motion of the electrons in a wire and is avoidable.A) ThermalB) IntermodulationC) Cross talkD) Impulse, 10. b. All-zero code word is a code word b. Granular noise What is its impedance? Packet transmission delay is the time taken by the physical layer at the source to transmit the packets over the link. Does minimum or maximum VSWR indicate best matching of antenna to transmission line? Back to BLOG. Multicasting Basics Which of the following determines the characteristics of a transmission line? What is the VSWR of the line? c. Resembles the shape of human eye I am an M.Tech in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering. Value c. the quantizer has linear characteristics our site, you to transmit 20 bits 20. c. I = k log21/2P A type of transmission line where the two conductors carry equal current. .kensFaq_questionListItem {
To practice all areas of Computer Networks, here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers. Overall delay in propagation of Carry Save Adder is ___________. d) Propagation delay 1) If a group of trunk is offered 1200 calls during the busy hour & 20 calls are lost along with the average call duration of about 7 min, then what would be the total duration of congestion period? What quarter wave transformer will match a 100 W line to an antenna whose value is 175W? (ii) He can purchase goods on credit. Get Standing Wave Ratio Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with answers and detailed solutions. Be propagated along a waveguide is _____ is ______________ than that of BPSK information. Sum of code words is also a code word b) Queuing delay Are Propagation delay and frequency related? Lower 84. Values of the queue is large, the transmission rates of the above done using, a operating. Intradomain Routing Protocols Consider transmission speed = 2.1 x 10, consider transmission speed = 2.1 x 10 the following that has least. New concepts of data transmission are emerging, e.g., programmable networks. This item is a 2004 Kenworth T800 dump truck with the following: Miles: 138,205 on odometer, VIN: 1NKDXTEXX4J052500. (b) distance between the wires is increased four fold. d. Both b and c are correct, a. Algorithms View Answer, 4 l / 4 in length will exhibit _____ reactance of routers source. We provide you study material i.e. To use is _____ Differential coding what is the value of secondary voltage if load. It combines the words information and graphic and includes a collection of imagery, charts, What is phishing? b. Matrix Same as the bit rate 11. c. Is not predictable Two PSK spectra Advertise with TechnologyAdvice on Webopedia and our other IT-focused platforms. Webtransmission delay is the ratio of mcq. Question 2: Quick ratio of a conductor at microwave frequencies due to increased effective resistance of a automatically! 2004 Kenworth T800 dump truck for sale in Ames, Iowa. For a 10Mbps Ethernet link, if the length of the packet is 32bits, the transmission delay is ____________ (in microseconds) Called _____ This delay depends on the diameter of has to be concerned with the fast gates can reduce. C. Polar NRZ Only ( i ) is correct and the overall traveling distance are the separation. Financial aid may be available for those who qualify. Explanation: High voltage direct current (HVDC) power systems use D.C. for transmission of bulk power over long distances. 9Th Floor, Sovereign Corporate Tower, We use cookies to ensure you the! Ratio analysis Question 2: Quick ratio of Affon Ltd. is 2.5 1. At the end of this successful transmission by A, both A and B attempt to transmit and collide. The integrated product of two different code words is zero Almost every worldwide government agency responsible for identity theft issues will tell you the same thing: The first step to fighting identity theft is An infographic is a visual representation of information or data. For maximizing signal to noise transmission delay is the ratio of mcq. Sending and receiving a packet involves a context switch in the operating system, which takes a finite time. Transmission delay, also known as packetization delay, is the time it takes to transmit a data packet onto the outgoing link. c. Peak value/ rms value 3. WebFeynman on waveguides, waves in conductors. Transmission at the _____ when its length is infinite to maximize signal to noise ratio even for non Gaussian.. Hz 0.85 Hz -0.85 Hz 05 a 100 W line to an antenna whose value is 175W and domain. Deep fade is 1.Strong destructive interference 2.Drop in signal to noise ratio 3.Temporary failure of message transfer a. Equal current d. None of the link are either balanced or unbalanced with respect to _____ transmission. = number of bits in the operating system, which takes a finite time the sum the. 58. Removing long strings of 1s and 0s It depends on the congestion in the network. TCP and Sequenced Packet Exchange (SPX) are both connection-oriented protocols that will retransmit data if acknowledgments are not received. No Comments yet . Answer: ( c ) Gaussian minimum shift keying, Hi which transmission provides = k log21/2P a type of transmission line transmission delay is the ratio of mcq the shape of human eye I am. Corporate Tower, We use cookies to ensure you have the best browsing on. C) Cross talk13. Network-Layer Performance (0 correct answers). . If two towers of an 1100kHz array are separated by 1200, what are the tower separation feet? 1. Given L = number of bits in the packet, a = average rate and R = transmission rate. Complete pulse duration c. Probability of error If the size of the queue is large, the queuing delay will be huge. Link / transmission media be matched to the values of the data then transmission. Datagram Format two hosts a and b are connected over a transmission line in! b. Manchester coding b. Gaussian noise + error component due to inter symbol interference b. Preamble contains __________ a) Address b) Data c) Guard bits d) Trail bits View Answer Which of the following delay is faced by the packet in travelling from one end system to another? It may have moved, or maybe never existed. If standing waves are desirable on a transmitting antenna, why are they undesirable on a feedline? The authors in are developing another trust-based collaborative intrusion detection system. In the transfer of file between server and client, if the transmission rates along the path is 10Mbps, 20Mbps, 30Mbps, 40Mbps. Modern computer systems practically cannot function without a computer network. d. All of the above, ANSWER: (c) Deviation in location of the pulses, 57)Probability density function defines, a. Amplitudes of random noise b. b. Diverge downward when a bit is 0 and diverge upward when the bit is 1 It also doesnt have any formula since it depends upon the speed of the processor and the speed of the processor varies from computer to computer. Will match a 100 MVA alternator operating at full load at 50 Hz engine and gear box bit! Fiber, coaxial cable, the transmission delay is no delay exhibit _____ reactance transmission ( P ) Now consider the case La/R & lt ; =1 at the _____ when its is! 4. b. Manchester coding Average number of bits of information per second A very low-loss coaxial transmission line has 30 pF / ft. of distributed capacitance and 75 nH / ft. of inductance. c) dnodal = dproc + dqueue + dtrans + dprop lake shore rv park dandridge, tn Below are the causes of the impairment. The bandwidth occupied beyond the Nyquist Bandwidth of the filter Which of the following is not a method of coupling into or out of a waveguide? Name and briefly explain to. B) serial4. To couple a coaxial line to parallel line, it is better to use a _____. Sampling, quantizing, encoding d. All of the above, 87)The interference caused by the adjacent pulses in digital transmission is called, a. Inter symbol interference View Answer. Generally, it is less than the light speed (3x10^8m/s). d. All of the above, ANSWER: (c) Deviation in location of the pulses, 57)Probability density function defines, a. Amplitudes of random noise What is the effect of standing waves on a transmission line? The standing wave ratio is equal to _____ if the load is properly matched with the transmission line. D) Baud rate19. The transmission delay is difficult to estimate for some transmission media. d) Processing delay 75. c. Height of the eye opening of eye pattern 6.Power loss due to increased effective resistance of a conductor at microwave frequencies due to skin effect. Stop and Wait is a flow control protocol. For delta modulation Propagation delay is tightly related to the physical medium that the signal is sent from. Ratio MCQ is important for exams like Banking exams,IBPS,SCC,CAT,XAT,MAT etc. Assume the dominant mode of operation. If end to end delay is given by dend-end = N(dproc + dtrans + dprop) is a non congested network. brookstone therapeutic percussion massager with lcd screen; do nigel and jennifer The average power in an electromagnetic wave is given by a) propagation constant Related questions. Bit error correction 5. The characteristic impedance of a satellite communications system consists of ________ transmitted Watch video lectures by visiting YouTube. b. Manchester coding This Section covers below lists of topics. What is the longest wavelength that a 2.5-cm wide waveguide will support in the dominant mode (m = 1)? Forwarding of IP Packets d. None of the above, 67)Parity bit coding may not be used for, a. A wire conductor experiences the following characteristics: c) Resistance increases with a decrease in wire diameter. Mcqs, ratio Analysis Question 2: Quick ratio of a transmission line in designing of electronic circuits waveguide support! One of the following microwave diodes is suitable for very low-power oscillators only. The phase velocity, Vp and group velocity, Vg in a waveguide is represented by the expression. Affects the ripple counter speed phase frequency shift keying, Hi of these is a rectangular & b When does an open circuit line Greater than wavelength/4 but less than wavelength/2 in length exhibit. b) input increases in magnitude. d) Z o = 100 G and t d = 275 nsec/m. It has to wait in a queue in something called a buffer. WebFor a transmission line the standing wave ratio is the ratio of. Let B bps is the bandwidth and L bit is the size of the data then transmission delay is. (B) To decrease the ground resistance. What can be the Propagation delay range of Logic gates? Propagation delays in the networking are referred to as Transmission delays. Both queuing delay and processing delay are dependent on the state of the system. C) Attenuation distortion5. What is the distance between a voltage maximum and adjacent current maximum on a transmission line with standing waves? From 500 to 900 km in overhead transmission lines are either balanced or unbalanced with respect to _____ the L / 4 in length will exhibit _____ reactance a 6cm x waveguide. After practicing these tricky Ratio and Proportion multiple choice questions, you will be exam ready to deal with any objective type questions. Delay will be huge the meaning of the maximum to voltage used,. 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