settler, d. 15 Jan 1848. North of Malcolm X Boulevard & behind Lincoln High School. Location? 31 50A-L COATS CEMETERY Sunnyvale 75182. aka Strause Cem. The cemetery is located in the
1856, d. 24 Dec 1859. WebThe Church of St. John the Baptist is located in the village of Mlzovy, near the chateau complex. is located on the North side of the road. From IH 635, go 0.1 mile North on Hillcrest Road, then 0.3 mile
This cemetery location is derived from Rita Barnes' Texas State
Road just East of Fountaindale, Bethel Hill Assembly of God Church,
Lair ANDERSON (1819-1885) and a Peters Colony settler of 1846
Joseph F. MERRIFIELD (1840-1899), son of John
Bridge Road intersection. 1.5 acres. To further meet the needs of church members and the surrounding communities, St. John opened the H.O.P.E. on Samuell Boulevard. 3.0 acres originally, now
See Myers Graves #1 (inside destroyed (concreted over) cemetery
10D-G **MILLWOOD CEM At end of
??? Your Scrapbook is currently empty. The cemetery is located on the west (right) side of Midway,
This cemetery is named for the family
246 Unk 15 75V Cem on East side of Gerry
to as Eagle Ford, Texas. 1871). 263 40A-B ANDERSON BLACK CEMETERY Garland
GASTON acquired title to the land in 1874 & founded Trinity
on:, Added June
Documented with photographs. between Walnut Hill Lane & Stichter (NW corner of Walnut
creek. road until it dead-ends at Lumley Road. From IH 30E, go 0.8 mile North on NW 19th Street. is on the North side of the road & on the East side of the
aka Mooneyham Fam Cem. The former convent, used by the Franciscan Sisters, was moved from Centralia also, and placed across the road from the new building in readiness for future high school classes. Riley Cemetery), ** Additional Cemetery Locations Noted
Apartments are now on location. This was probably one of the earliest
3 acres. First Name. of White Rock Union cemetery here. (Spelling: Fyke, Fike)
A broken James WEST marker is across Oaks Trail next to the Restoration
6. Article on cemetery is posted on Jim Wheat's web site: A. C. Morgan [emailprotected]. 0.5 acre. 66* 43M LA REUNION CEMETERY 1855-58
187 47N ROMANIAN CEM 4626 Dolphin
The cemetery is located NW of this intersection, across
natchitoches The cemetery is
on Jim Wheat's web site: Community Assembly of God. killed in action in the Pacific during WWII & was originally The earliest marked grave in the Masonic section is that of Elizabeth
cemetery location in June 2002, by A. C. Morgan, shows 4 MYERS
Farmland is on the west side of Lawson Road. Crawford TREES donated original
cemetery is on the East side of Carpenter Avenue, just North
Albert CARVER (1827-1911) and wife Mary (MARKHAM) CARVER, as
This photo was not uploaded because you have already uploaded 5 photos to this cemetery. Try again later. 243 UNK 2 77K Cem on East side of Lancaster
10 acres for a public burial ground. 1925 Entrance off Commerce Street (south side),
No evidence of graves are left at this location. He was the son of Elisha and Elizabeth Turner
SE Dallas
Other pioneers buried here:
From westbound access road of US 80, go 0.2 mile north on East
Bluffview Farm, Denton Road. C. C. HUFFHINES
These are all located on the South side of Haymarket Road. Right approx. have been located. is on the east side of the road. CARTWRIGHT CEMETERY
Also known as Coats-Paschall Cemetery. Inside Kleberg, aka Hickory Cem @ rear. cemetery is almost completely obliterated by construction. 560E **ALLEN CEMETERY McDermott at Dogwood,
1848 8001 Scyene @ Buckner Blvd., Dallas 75227. 2 acres. East of the Tarrant County line on South side of Hwy 183), Cemetery census data:
No additional information about this cemetery. of Murdock Road, on the south side of Lincoln Memorial Park Cemetery. Uhl. of Westmoreland Road and Davis Boulevard. 75225. Laurel Land Road East and R.L. Webb Chapel Road and Lombardy Road. Off Lake June Road on Cardwell, Balch Springs 75180. Entrance west of Merrifield Road on Mountain Creek Parkway. Traditionally, John began his ministry by proclaiming the coming of the Messiah. 204* 51M SOUTHLAND CEM, OLD 1910-1940's
Turn left at Saturn Springs Drive and go 0.3
Gravestones showing death dates
Beeman Cemetery is on the east side of Shearith Israel (Jewish) Cemetery
including Eliza (d. 1918), her second husband Henry PARRISH (James'
The graveyard is located in the southwest area
10250 Block of Sand Springs Avenue in Sand Springs Community Park, Dallas
The cemetery is located on
was added to the cemetery about 1911, when the church moved away. 23* 25V CARUTH PIONEER CEMETERY Est. located at the intersection of Kleberg and Woody Roads, on the
The cemetery is located on the
Cemetery census survey data is at the
North of Stratton, Dallas 75216. Also found a broken headstone and pieces of pink
of East Illinois Avenue and Mayforge Drive, approx. The cemetery entrance is on the south side
Established in the early 1860's by William and Mattie WORTHINGTON
County 75087. Phone# (214) 363-6551. From I-635, go 0.2 mile north on Lake June Road. 188 80A-H ROSE LAWN MEM GARDENS CEM
180 71B-T STRAUSE (Strauss) CEM
182 45K RAYNAUD FAM CEM N/W corner
1925 & 1935., Topographical map showing location
Airport. name) Exit Mt. Springs. 1925 9220 Restland Road, Richardson 75081. is located approximately 33 feet south of road, immediately west of
Fish Road, Kleberg 75253. Dolphin Road, Dallas 75223. 2.3 miles South of IH 30 @ SW
west side of Woody Road. (a class, cohort, etc.). gate in the fence on the east side of the road. 151 40M MYERS GRAVES #2
The cemetery is located on the north side of the road. 14 Oct 1871;
This cemetery is indicated to be located on the Trinity Portland
18 acres. a group of students. The cemetery served Joppa Community. its center, marked with a cross. Road, turn right & go 0.5 mile East. The construction of the present church began around 1473 at the site where a much smaller tuff stone Romanesque church stood since the early 11th century. John the Baptist Cemetery N Brandywine Ave Schenectady NY 12307 (518) 374-5319 Claim this business (518) 374-5319 Website More Directions Advertisement History If you want to maintain the Roman Catholic traditions of your family, then St. John the Baptist Cemetery is the team to call when it is time to lay a loved one to rest. Franklin L. Crawford. From Fort Worth Avenue, go 0.1 mile North on North Willomet Avenue. Jim & Pat Mobley are contacts (972)
Stakes were used to hold the logs in place. 20 Aug 1879), Topographical map showing location
On April 8, 2006, St. John Church broke ground in Southlake, TX at 800 Kimball Avenue. King Cole Circle (King Cole @ Bonnie View), Dallas 75216. Topographical map showing location
is now located. 183 17N RESTLAND MEMORIAL PARK CEM
12 acres. From SH 183, go 0.2 mile South on Esters Road. Includes Letot Family Cemetery. Greg Staples indicates in Feb 2005 the cemetery property is listed
100 45P IOOF CEMETERY Dallas 75201. The cemetery is located just north of Galloway
Boulevard, Irving 75060. 223 61A-J VERNOY CEM 3729 Ridgewood,
South of present day Dallas Convention Center. Dallas 75227. 2 acres. please contact Lynn at (920) 434-2145 ext. 1894. 45P PIONEER PARK CEM 1857 Ceremonial
Map #'s are from
There was a problem getting your location. Earliest marked grave is of Abraham CARVER
Hutchins Road just East of Witt Road, Hutchins 75141. cemetery is located at the base of the Air Traffic Control Tower
Harrison HUSTEAD (b. See Myers Graves #1Survey here. Landowner refused access to site. Last Name (s) Search this cemetery. 104 30B-E JONES/McSHAN CEMETERY Rowlett
reflecting earlier birth dates, Thomas E. VERNOY (d. 1879) &
William's second wife, Martha (FROST)
Privacy Policy. 1.125 acres for the first Southeast Dallas County cemetery. 75115. 10 acres. Turn
6, 2004:
Marker @ Valley View Lane, 13S, Farmers Branch. 550X **McCURLEY CEM Located off
a public cemetery. Dallas Convention Center opened in 1973 & portions of that
Cemetery Map, 1945
The Fletchers
From Walnut Hill Lane, go 0.5 mile North on Marsh Lane. (214) 327-0967. Take HWY 78 North from Garland to Sachse. go 1.0 mile south on Murdock Road. The original cemetery site was enlarged from the original 3.0
The original MILLS
Family Cemetery on FM 740, South of Forney
Use tab to navigate through the menu items. ???? . 82 47G GROVE HILL MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY
of Bruton Road and Masters Drive, 3.3 miles north of US 175
merge). 3 acres. 31V SHADY OAK CEM Compton &
See Elmwood (Piedmont Baptist Church)
1 May 1811; d. 8 Apr 1891) and wife, Lucinda
23 year old Smith KING in 1895. Street and Cotton Lane, Dallas 75216. of Crown Hill Cemetery here. This cemetery is the only present-day
to the old Duck Creek Methodist Church yard, organized in the
213 25H THOMAS FAM CEM Dallas
Wise Lane & Oaks Trail, Garland 75043. Cemetery. 1040 High Pointe Lane @ the Cedar Hill Historical Society, Cedar
& 5400 Wise Lane, Garland 75043. 1854. Relatives
is on the northwest side of the road. (State Highway 342), along the fence line to a grove of large
View Road at Estelle Road, Irving 75261. Oops, something didn't work. (1835-1909) set aside the land for this cemetery. 75043. 55 85T?, 85P? 219 42V TRINITY PORTLAND CEMENT CO
Burial place of French, Belgian, and Swiss settlers brought
Follow it for approx. North of Miller Road on Chiesa between Pennridge Circle and
Get the BillionGraves app now and help collect images for Drive. Failed to delete memorial. Glenn Family and Woody Family inside. & A(lice) V., b. He remained vocal, even denouncing Herod Antipas who had taken his brother's wife, Herodias, and married her, contrary to the Mosaic Law. Topographical map showing location
acquired title to the land in 1874 and founded Trinity Cemetery. Burial Costs Grave Openings include: Full Interment $1,000 Cremains Interment $500 Plots Plots are available in new lower section and limited plots are available in the older section. There is a cemetery sign at the alley entrance. GREAT NEWS! 361T **PECAN GROVE CEM East of
The cemetery
There is a fenced & locked, black portion of the cemetery
An ancient chain-link fence surrounds
WebMain Entrance to St John the Baptist Cemetery. @ Wake Forest, South of Grandy's Lane, Collin,
mile East. Street and Reed Lane. cemeteries), Topographical map showing location
WILSON, 1860. From IH 20E, go 0.6 mile North on South Carrier Parkway. The cemetery contains separate sections
Kleberg, Dallas 75253. 2023 St. John the Baptist. This named Dallas Cemetery was the proposed
75043. The cemetery
Are you adding a grave photo that will fulfill this request? FARMS/RANCHO GRANDE CEM 5519 5603 Arlington Park
Oldest stone, Annie BRITAIN, 1846. Records:. Valley. Rita Barnes' Texas Highway Department map of cemeteries places
Lyndon B. JOHNSON. Cemetery
as a golf course until the 1930s. Also known as Calvary Catholic Cemetery. Memories. NOT on Dallas Mapsco **NEWTON
(#1), Photo
Cemetery location is about where present day Ivey Lumber Company
enclosure fell off and somebody leaned it against a hackberry
From Scyene Road, go 0.1 mile south on Carpenter Avenue. left at Whitley Road and go 0.2 mile northeast. Make sure that the file is a photo. of Beeville & Fabrication. not listed on the 1850 Census. The
Originally named Smith's Hall Cemetery and was located beside the
of where Collin County Road 23 turns North to Collin County Road
The Fletchers originally owned the land
CEM, established in 1925, isactually adjacent to (part
In 1891, vandals destroyed 35 headstones. John was believed to have been buried at Samaria where, in the 4th century, the tomb was desecrated. 3.3 acres. aka Ramsey Cem. and Hickory Tree Roads on the southwest side. Approximately 80 graves found in an archeological dig by the State
Carrollton 75006. cemetery data is in:, Topographical map showing location
Maple Ave, Moved to Greenwood Cem, Dallas. and granite headstones and a couple of fieldstone markers. ATWOOD, BELL, BOYETTE, CHENDULL, GRACE, HERNDON, KIRBY, PEMBERTON,
One of his sons was buried in 1882. Dead-ends into a fenced area, now First Baptist Church, Balch
241 69Y Unnamed
George W.
Oldest stone, Amanda L. HOUX (1829-1847). From Belt Line Road East, go 0.3 mile South on Geller Road. Includes I. O. O. F. Cemetery. 103 ??? aka Grange Hall, Grange Hill, Raines. 191 30G SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CEM
& several ancestors of Pres. area where the cemetery was originally located. Lebanon Road, 1.6 miles West on Texas Plume Road to
Dallas County Cemetery Map by Rita Barnes
In the 1970's, there were 12 legible headstones
cemeteries found within miles of your location will be saved to your photo volunteer list. Cedardale Road. Also known as Odd Fellows Cemetery. Balch Springs Road, Balch Springs 75149. Redbird Mall (now Southwest Center Mall). 2 acres. Articles on these sections are posted
Office phone number: (214) 381-7118. 5, 2004:
family who lived in the area in the 1800's. and lost Dallas County Cemeteries. Turn right
3 acres. North side of Haymarket Road), 241 69Y Unnamed Black
165 59A-D, 60-A FROST CEMETERY Mesquite
6, 2004:
Found more than one record for entered Email, You need to confirm this account before you can sign in. bend in the road, go 0.3 mile East on private ranch road. & BRAND. The cemetery is located in the Northwest Section of Calvary Hill Cemetery, 3235
From IH 30 (Tom Landry Hwy), go 0.1 mile South on Cockrell Hill
Cemetery is located between Blackburn South & Lemmon East. in 1845. 24, Denton County 75034. Topographical map showing location
Hill's first preacher and school teacher, gave 4 acres of his
Was located in the Dallas Convention Center area. 355J **Cemetery located 0.25 mile due West
were married in 1846. 149 ??? No stones are left in the cemetery. 5 acres. Bennett Memorial Gardens is located in the northwest Corner of Laurel Oaks
He died
Daughter of J(ohn). Some photo documentation of this cemetery. There are 1,000 graves at
The Fields family was prosperous for
The earliest record of a land transfer for the purpose of establishing a church burial ground appears in the Lasalle County Courthouse records of 1854. house @ 1019 Mobile, Dallas 75208. 75203. The cemetery is composed of the remnants of four early graveyards. near the barn. 258S **HUNT CEMETERY Just West of FM
cemetery in the 1930's. 555R **BACCUS CEMETERY 1847
The cemetery is on both sides of Nokomis Road. ???? 244 Unk 14 75Q Cem on West side of Ames
The cemetery is on the north
1 acre. Through
Some documentation. It bends to the SW (just past Palomino
L. POTTER (d. Jul 1861) who was the son of John P. (1827-1899)
Lake June Road, Balch Springs 75180. Sam Houston). Year should not be greater than current year. is located. 58 58N ELAM FAMILY CEMETERY Dallas 75217. Also known as Carver Cemetery. An email has been sent to the person who requested the photo informing them that you have fulfilled their request, There is an open photo request for this memorial. of the trailer park. located approx. 199 32P SMITH CEM 1886 At end
of Frost Cemetery here. originally buried here, as an article in the Dallas Daily Herald,
Are you sure that you want to report this flower to administrators as offensive or abusive? You can always change this later in your Account settings. They all disappeared. Rite of Christian Initation of Adults (RCIA). location. The cemetery
4 acres. N. Tollway, Lupton Road by a church, Dallas 75225. Two stones are left after vandalism through the years,
Oldest existing stone, Susan NANNEY,
88D is located approximately 700 Block of Goode Road. North side of Simonds Road., Photographs by Allen Wheatley, taken, Topographical map showing location
CARUTH on their plantation. 1850's. North of Belt Line Road on Moore about 0.2 mile, right on Christi
NOTE: A. C. Morgan. Thomas (1808-1879) and Sarah McCALLISTER KEENAN (1807-1872). WebSt John the Baptist Church, Hartwell South Northamptonshire, Northamptonshire, England, United Kingdom edit Edit Cemetery photo Add Images Add images of the cemetery gates Add headstone images group_add Add records border_outer Edit Boundary Total Records 0 Total Images 0 Research Volunteer Register to get full access to this cemetery Barnes has location noted. Also known as Garvin Cemetery. Every grave and stone was moved to Oak Cliff Cemetery in 1920, Dallas. Phone number: (214) 398-8133. Educator Invite and work with. Turn left
54 83T, U DeSOTO CEMETERY DeSoto 75115. Exit south off of Elam Road across (Samuell-Crawford Memorial Park
0.75 acre. the cemetery is on the east side of Joes Creek. From US 75 (North Central Expressway), go 0.2 mile northwest on North
After 1920 when additional land was obtained, Father Mockel set to work planning and beautifying the cemetery with shrubs, trees and flowers. He & Anna KIMMEL (1831-1913) a fellow Illinois native
was one of the inhabitants of Bird's Fort, in the days before
1 acre. Please send additions & corrections
102 45P HEBREW CEMETERY Dallas 75201. the cemetery except that of Juanita VELASQUEZ and two
From IH 635, go 1.0 mile East on Military Parkway (SH 352). Office Phone# (972) 272-2552. 1.3 acres. between Hidalgo & Crown Hill Cem, Off Larga, Dallas 75220. Thornton Freeway Oak Cliff, Dallas 75232. The City of Dallas Parks & Recreation Department took over
Hill is completely on the west side of Joes Creek. Two burials for John Henry JONES (d. 1862) & Elizabeth McCULLOUGH
The cemetery is located at the NW corner of Compton
From US 75, go 0.5 mile South on Woody Road. cemetery is located just North of Malcolm X Boulevard & Lincoln
for Hispanics (50+) & African-Americans (1 headstone). (Vincent Cemetery, in northwest corner of Holy Redeemer Cemetery). Railroad tracks. New Hope Vicinity. The cemetery
complex now cover part of the original city cemetery. Denny D. Davis. in the W. H. Keen Survey and buried their folks 20 years before
2 acres. No evidence of this cemetery was found by Greg Staples, Feb 2005. Under his leadership, the St. John Credit Union was organized, and the Medallion Apartment Complex at 504 SW 23rd St. was purchased. a few new entries added)
Turn right @ Ridgewood
From IH 30, go 1.0 mile South on Belt Line Road. From Marsh Lane, go 0.5 mile East on Northaven Road. 83* 31M, R HALEY MEMORIAL CEMETERY 1875
**GRAPEVINE CEMETERY Grapevine. JOYCE CEMETERY 1900 Garland Road at Miller Road, Garland 75040. Unknown exact location. Roads. 132+ 13U MARSH FAM CEM 3315 Rockmartin
(contributed by David Johnson). of Judge T. A. Thanks to Greg Staples with the Texas
From I-30, go 0.1 mile South on Lyons Road to Bobtown Road. 79* 48S W. W. GLOVER CEMETERY 1857
261N **McLARRY CEM Collin, McKinney
Plume Road, to Tangle Ridge, Cedar Hill 75104. (no
close to Indian Creek. @ the SE corner of Shady Grove & Hard Rock Roads. 0.6 mile South. 45P OLD DOWNTOWN CEM Akard &
cabin in 1846. 160 31B-Z OAK GROVE MEM PARK CEM
East of Old Lawson Road on Lumley Road. Educational Facilities (Adult-Child Training Center). 75034. 4 acres. the Overton Road intersection go 0.1 mile further south on the
Kleberg. No actual cemetery location in Feb 2005 by Greg Staples, but
**ROUTH CEM Plano, Collin County
The cemetery is
Road @ Kleberg, Kleberg, Dallas 75253. About Us Historical Association Historical Markers Historical Markers O through Z St. John the Baptist Cemetery St. John the Baptist Cemetery Marker Name St. John the Baptist Cemetery Marker Dedicated May 14, 2010 Marker Sponsor West Baton Rouge Historical Association Marker Location Eastern entrance to cemetery North Side Park (Dallas Zoo). The cemetery is on the East side of the road between Villa Creek
Cottonwood Cemetery Foundation. posts. This
aka Mooneyham/Sparkman Fam Cem. 190* 10N SACHSE CEM, WILLIAM 3033
Now known as Laurel Oaks Memorial Park Cemetery. Please enter your email and password to sign in. at Cochran Chapel Road and go 0.5 mile west. Cemetery located just East of SW Bell Central Office. Added by: Lena and Dennis on 0.15 mile
154 83B NANCE CEM 700 W. Spinner
NOTE: This cemetery is definitely an endangered Dallas County
Mesquite High School Property. Turn left (East) into first driveway South of Oak
Rita Barnes' Texas Highway Map of Dallas County Cemeteries
Mount SINAI ??? 9* 1A-Y, 11A-C BETHEL CEMETERY 1853
Railroad tracks. From Kingsley Road, go 0.3 mile North on Audelia Road. Malinda
Failed to Update., Topographical map showing location
Office Phone# (214) 421-2244. Office Phone# (214) 388-4110. The cemetery served Joppa Community. 4M FRANKFORD CEMETERY East of Dallas
The cemetery is locate on the South side of Holley Park
were owners in the W. H. Keen Survey and buried their folks 20
The cemetery is 0.1 mile west of Gravel Slough Road on Malloy
Buckner Children and Family Services, 5200 S. Buckner, Dallas
Mound Cemetery on Scyene Road and Loop 12, Dallas 75227.