Retired Piscataway Police Officer Matthew Bailly was recently stopped by New Jersey Trooper Michael Patterson. Tippet. A proposed law would allow municipalities to charge for public requests of police recordings. for a pre-raid briefing. The investigation is ongoing and there is body-worn camera footage of the incident that police said will be reviewed. The note, scribbled in German in indelible pencil, was found last night in the leg joint of an imitation Duncan Phyfe table in South Plainfield. (It should be noted that shortly after his sons death, Mr. Henry Conklin initiated a bulletproof vest fund drive to ensure that all of the officers of the South Plainfield Police Department were outfitted with vests.). In the mid 1980's, Chief Thomas Boyle initiated a Department generated "Officer of the Year" award. Girl, 17, Killed After Flipping Car, Striking Pole In Central - MSN These plaques are affixed to the entrance to the field for all to see as they enter the facility. Once given the authorization, Lt. Ferraro made the necessary arrangements. The raids in NJ occurred in the counties of Middlesex, Somerset, Passaic and Union. Chief Thomas Boyle 1984-1991 Otto became a fixture in South Plainfield and surrounding communities for many years. SPPD Officers who participated in these runs include:Wayne Bowden, Paul Brembt, Joe Franchak, John Ferraro, John Gear, Ken LaVerne, Bob Merkler and Kevin Murtagh. Now, every workstation within the Police Department is equipped with a desktop computer that is networked with the agency's master computer system. The NJ State Police Museum in West Trenton, NJ has a public display of some of the evidence from this heinous crime. 908-754-9000, 2480 Plainfield Avenue South Plainfield NJ 07080, While in the military, he received a Good Conduct Medal and Vietnam Service Medal. Dale Flakne: 1968 -1971 A police officer was fatally shot in Gage Park in Chicago, on March 1, 2023. Officer LaMonda, Officer Joe Papa and members of our Public Works Department spent countless hours renovating the building,which these officers moved into in October of that year. Bernard Conlon: 1982 Working on the investigation are South Plainfield Chief Andrew Phillips. William Johnson, 40, has been charged with murder and possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose for causing the death of Lawrence Darby, 32, also of Piscataway. The members of the SPPD performed their jobs in a professional manner despite the high level of risk to their own safety. This system moved the Department away from the cumbersome process of handwriting all reports, time/date punching cards every time a call for service was received and the countless hours of filing and researching the files by handto gather statistics to identify crime trends. Becauseof his knowledge and expertise, the case was solved. In late March of 1932. ), MEMBERS OF THE SPPD RECEIVING AWARDS FROM THE 200 CLUB OF MIDDLESEX COUNTY, MEMBERS OF THE SPPD RECEIVING AWARDS FROM OTHER ORGANIZATIONS, DEPARTMENTAL OFFICER OF THE YEAR RECOGNITION, One of the earliest known pictorial documentations of a South Plainfield Police Officer in uniform is this 1927 photo of SPPD Motorcycle Officer John R. Hogan. Members of the SPPD have received awards for outstanding work from Joseph Scrudato: 2009 He took it to an acquaintance who translated it, then to the South Plainfield Police. Gary Cassio-Middlesex County Prosecutors Office - Narcotics During the investigation, Officer MacDonald responded to a report of a suspicious man entering a local movie theater. First Asian-Indian Officer: Neil Budhan (2019). Lieutenant Robert Bender 2000. The Borough of South Plainfield named a local street in memory of Officer Cady. The timing of each raid was coordinated with all agencies involved, including those occurring in other states. While no information about the suspect was released, officials said he was in custody and injured following a shootout with seven officers at theSanTan Motorplex. SOUTH PLAINFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT. Like other tragic events that occurred, people will remember where they were or what they were doing when those events took place. Prosecutor, Declines Comment. ), PeterPiro Sr. (Ret),James Praul (Ret. This was necessitated due to the expansion of the Emergency Services Communications Center. Building and the cadets were able to see the helicopter up close. Melanson: Justin & Zach - Brothers ", Police departments suffer staffing shortages nationwide amid anti-cop rhetoric. The costs for these renovations did not involve tax dollars, as many of the materials/labor were donated and forfeiture monies were utilized to fund the remainder of the project. Linda Dashuta: 1991 -1993 The patch also included the words Police, South Plainfield and the year the Department was established. The officer was responding to a call about a person with a firearm Wednesday when he was shot multiple times, Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown said during a news conference. Onoccasion, theseactions receiverecognition from organizations outside of the department. Gunfire 1. In the two lawsuits, filed separate and apart from each other, both Crea and Barboiu said Chief Mosier was notorious for one particular act: "Grabbing his genitals and rubbing them while making sexual moaning sounds in self-gratification," which Barboui said the police chief did to tease and mock him, and which Crea said Mosier did when certain women walked past his office. NEW MEXICO POLICE OFFICER GETS UP, FIRES BACK AFTER SHOT BY ACCUSED COP KILLER, VIDEO SHOWS. Nick MacDonald's visit to South Plainfield was placed in the history wing of the South Plainfield High School. They are: Michael Oschanski 1968-1973 (deceased) NOTE: The names of these officers are permanently memorialized on the police monuments in both Washington D.C.and Monument Park of South Plainfield.
The assessors are specially trained high- ranking law enforcement officials from agencies located in states other than that of the agency seeking accreditation. All rights reserved. DEPARTMENTAL "OFFICER OF THE YEAR" RECOGNITION. Merkler : Steven & Robert - Brothers Years later, a second organization was formed to further supplement the police department with certain tasks that required less training/certification than that of a "Regular" or "Special" but involed equally civic minded citizens. In the history of the SPPD, four members have atttended the National Academy. However,the first- time immediate family members (i.e., parents children, siblings) served asPolice Pfficers with the SPPD was 1983, when Robert Merkler was swornin as a police officer, joining his brother Steven who was already on the Department. SPPD members who have relatives (immediate or otherwise) thatcurrently work or have workedfor other law enforcement agencies; MEMBERS OF SPPD WHO EARNED FULL Explaining the latest anti-trans boycott, US has real UFO problem and its not Chinese spy balloons, says former Navy fighter pilot, Brooke Shields says she spent 'years' attempting to replace the trophies ex Andre Agassi smashed after watching her 'Friends' episode taping. SECTION 23 They were: Peter Arancio, Gene Bataille, Robert Barone, Wendell Born, Garrett Cassio, Chris Colluci, Sherlyn Courtney, Wayne Diana, John Ferraro, Michael Hoppe, Brian Iarrapino, Raymond Jazikoff, Matthew Koep, Kevin LoMonte, Matthew Mahoney, Robert Merkler, Steve Merkler, Daniel Noonan, Joseph Papa, Robert Rogers, Charles Siedenburg, and Daryl Strother. They also participated in the original fundraising efforts that led to the construction of the Police Athletic League building (P.A.L.) In 1954 or 1955, our patch was revised to reflect this change of philosophy. A deferred pension applies to officers who are vested in the pension system but leave the profession prior to being eligible for a full pension but choose to leave their pension contributions in the system. McConville : John & James - Brothers All rights reserved. Also in 2002, the SPPD purchased their first computer driven fingerprint system. The base of the design usually involved a single colored vehicle, such as white, and accenting it with striping, lettering, and a decal of the police department emblem. Thefollowing are the sworn members who retired from the SPPD (qualified for a full pension) and have since passed away or passed away while still a member of the SPPD: Fred Boosmann (Ret. ), Judson TenEyck (Ret. Officers participated for several years in the "MIA/POW" 5K races in Elizabeth. Sign up for free Patch newsletters and alerts. THE CAPTURE OF A MEMBER OF THE "BUM ROGERS GANG" - 1926. RELATIVES TO SERVE WITH OTHER LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES OR DISTANT RELATIVES TO SERVE WITH THE SPPD. Anyone with information is asked to call William Kloos of the Piscataway Police Department at 732-562- 2309 or Detective Jonathan Berman of the Middlesex County Prosecutors Office at 732-745-4328. To addressthis problem, South Plainfield did what many communities did during this era - they turned to its' residents for assistance. Once the removal of the debris from Ground Zero was initiated, the grim task of searching the tons of debris for evidence and personal affects of victims fell upon officers from the NYPD and other officers from around the country who volunteered to assist. SUBSECTION10-B powers of arrest), they wore a different uniform hat, badge and shoulder patch than that of the "Regulars" and "Specials", and fell under the command of the "Civil Defense" organization ("Civil Defense" has evolved into what is now known as the "Office of Emergency Management"). The participants put the razor down for a month and donate their shaving expenses to this event. ), William Sloan (Ret. The primary responsibility of the Commissioner is to serve as liaison between the Chief of Police and the Council. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. The suspects' fingerprints in the Johnson case were immediately sent to the NJ State Police in Hopewell for comparison to those found at the Lindbergh crime scene. It is considered to be the most prestigious law enforcement training school available and is by invitation only. As time evolved, many agencies wanted to establish their own identities by designing patches that were distinctive and unique to their town or agency. Magnani: Peter &Craig - Brothers Chief James Parker 2010-Present. Section 18 We offer to register bicycles and bicycle locks are often available as possible prizes. Tom Bullock - Middlesex County Prosecutors Office - Narcotics ), John Whalen (Ret.) The idea behind the police trading cards was a way of getting the youngsters of our communities to recognize police officers in the hopes that they will be less intimidated about approaching them. There was no better example of the commitment of the South Plainfield Police Departmentto thisconcept then the establishment of the Police Athletic League, or "P.A.L". During his six-year career, Cady received numerous commendations and had earned the respect of his fellow officers, his superiors and the citizenry of the community he served. His wife, Jane, daughter Stephanie, and son Rhett survived him. The SPPD conducts numerous criminal investigations as part of their daily duties. RECEIVING AWARDS FROM OTHER ORGANIZATIONS This new wireless system was faster, had greater data storage capabilities, was more user-friendly, and increased opeartional capabilities and efficiencies. The South Plainfield Police Department commends the officers for their efforts and thanks the South Plainfield VFW Post 6763 for taking the time to recognize these officers. Thomas Boyle - 1985 Now, if you look around at many other law enforcement agencies throughout the area, they too have followed the same path and adopted this "traditional" look of yesteryear. It is important to note that not all served simultaneously with their parent/sibling. Since the program originated, approximately 400-600 students annually get an opportunity to hear about the perils of drugs, how to resist becoming involved with them and hopefully, develop respect for and the trust of those involved in law enforcement that will last a lifetime. Through their dedication, loyalty, commitment and sensitivity, they have become members of our law enforcement family. Sign up for free Patch newsletters and alerts. Below is a synopsious of the lives of these brave men who made the ultimate sacrifice to the community they served. The members of the South Plainfield Police Department have often volunteered their time and participated in various benefit fund raising events, for either specific families in crisis or specific charitable organizations. This would give the officer an opportunity to strike up a conversation with the child and visa-versa. However, their service to our community was truly meritorious and an important part of the Department history. Chief Boyle appointed Lt. Wayne Bowden as the Accreditation Manager and Officer Robert Merkler as the Assistant Accreditation Manager as coordinators of the project. Officers was reduced, and the lone remaining D.A.R.E. This space not only gave officers assigned to this unit much needed office space, but provided a sub-station for the shopping public to stop by and talk to officers about a variety of concerns or interests. In 1989, members of the SPPD became directly involved in a nine-month investigation involving money laundering scheme tied to Panamanian and Colombian drug cartels. It should be noted that Silvio Donatelli resigned from the SPPD to become a Detective with the Middlesex County Prosecutors Office, where he eventually rose through the ranks and became Chief of County Detectives. Surviving family members and friends, many current and retired members of the SPPD as well as members of the public attended the dedication ceremonies. Regardless of which members were actively involved with the Honor Guard,the unit continued to represent the SPPD and the Borough with class and distinction until approx. For many years, the local Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6763 (VFW), requestedthat the SPPD nominate an officer for consideration for recognition as VFW Officer of the Year. MacDonald and Daisy had become members of the SPPD family and the community. Listed below are examples of cases that originated in South Plainfield and/or cases that members of the SPPD were heavily involved. Chief Steven A. Merkler 1997-2001 This league was known as the Green Brook Valley Pistol League. It was while working in the capacity of a patrol officer that he was killed on 21 January 1972. Boyle pursued state grant funds to help purchase equipment for this unit. Shooting competition eventually led to the formation of competitive pistol leagues where agencies would compete for league championships. Officials in Wildwood Crest say a woman is facing charges after allegedly getting into an accident while driving while intoxicated and then assaulting a police officer. Kevin Murtagh - Middlesex County Prosecutors Office - Narcotics You've successfully subscribed to this newsletter! Webpiscataway police officer killed (21) 4108-0454 piscataway police officer killed standard enthalpy of formation of hexane WhatsApp. NOTE: Last names followed by an asterisk [*] denote individuals who served in dual roles as a "Special" and a "Reserve". logo attached to. The "Specials" and "Reserves" were dedicated citizens who contributed greatly to the safety and security of our community during a time of need and were clearly "public servants" who represented the SPPD well. He was engaged to be married to Patricia Ann Gratta at the time of his death. ("Immediate" meaning parents, children, siblings), Bullock: Thomas, Mark & Taralyn - Father & Son /Daughter The list of officers who have served as volunteer coaches in various recreation-sponsored sport teams or serve as chaperones for school sponsored trips is endless. Photo Credit: Monmouth County Listed below is a description of this organization, as authored by the 200 Club of Middlesex County. Officers in this program: While police officers no longer participate in the day-to-day operation of the P.A.L., many still volunteer their time to coach youth sports and serve in the Police Athletic League organization, which now functions in a support capacity for youth and recreation groups in town. ", Fox News' Emmett Jones contributed to this report, Julia Musto is a reporter for Fox News and Fox Business Digital., Get all the stories you need-to-know from the most powerful name in news delivered first thing every morning to your inbox. Being that the SPPD was one of the first agencies in the central New Jersey area to implement a K-9 program, there were also many requests for mutual aid assistance. These lawsuits mention accounts of Mosier mistreating gay and lesbian police officers in the department, saying offensive remarks to an officer born in another country and making sexual gestures in the township's police station in the presence of other officers. Their service to our community was truly meritorious and an important part of the Department history. This is directly attributable to the thoroughness and professionalism of their investigations. SECTION 19 Only 22 years old, Police Officer Jason Rivera was murdered in the line of duty, the NYPD said. I got laser teeth whitening in Mexico to save money. Posted Wed, Aug 5, 2020 at 2:04 pm ET. The State Police archivist of the Lindbergh evidence, Mr. Mark Falzini, indicated that the block of wood referred to in these articles is in fact among the evidence still retained by the State Police and that the holes in the ransom note matches the holes in this particular block of wood. ), Robert Cobb, Al DellaValle. We had vehicles that were all blue at one time, then all white, many with distinctive striping and a decal of the agency shoulder patch served as the door insignia. In addition to Officer Alles, the following officers have served as D.A.R.E. Cady served in Vietnam as a member of the United States Marine Corps. Conklin served in Cuba and Vietnam as a member of the United States Marine Corps. Thesurviving spouse of the former next-door neighbor was located but she could not provide any additional information regarding this piece of evidence, nor did she know of the whereabouts, of any members of the Bollard family. The following members of the SPPD either earned a disability pension or opted for a deferred pension: Brad Bullard, Kevin Krajniak, Gary Muccigrossi {deceased}, Charles Page {deceased} , Michael Piro, Anthony Schlack (deceased) , Ahmad Stuckey and John Wilson (deceased), SUBSECTION 10-C John Kane: 1950. This liaison helps ensure communications between the police department and the elected officials. This nationwide program was first introduced to students within the South Plainfield District in 1990. The MDT's allowed the officers to access files, type reports, and communicate with other units in the field, all of which enhanced operationalefficiency and officer safety. The table was purchased in 1940 in the Watchung Furniture House, Plainfield, but Albert Weisman, president of the furniture store, could throw no light on the case. MacDonald told his story and answered questions from the audience. 2006, at which time it was disbanded. Dozens of Arizona law enforcement officers from multiple agencies responded to a situation at a car dealership complex on Friday that left one officer dead. Relatives of SPPD members further removed from the immediate standard, but who also serve with or retired with a full pension from the SPPD (brothers-in-law, newphews/nieces, etc). Due to the similarities to the Lindbergh case (either involving kidnappings or attempted kidnappings of infant children of famous and wealthy families and both occurring in March 1932), an investigation was initiated todetermine if there were any connections between the two crimes. There have been a number of benefit basketball games pitting the police officers against either the teachers from our school district or the local firefighters. In 2018, after a 10-year hiiatus, Sgt. This enables authorized law enforcement personnel the ability to access previous files in seconds rather than days, to identify crime trends quickly and deploy resources as required, resulting in better service to the residents and more efficient and effective use of available resources. Each vehicle had a speaker in it and an officer would remain hidden from sight of the children. PENSION BENEFITS. Since the "dinosaur" age of 1987, dramatic changes have occurred in philosophies towards computers and how they impact the efficiency and effectiveness of law enforcement. " Confession" found in S. Plainfield. Tulio "Chuck" Capparelli - 1976, Tulio Chuck Capparelli 1976 Periodically, members of the SPPD have been temporarily assigned to serve with task forces, or County/Federal agencies, which usually are for a period of six months. Rioting broke out during the summer of 1967 in many of our nations cities and the clashes between police and rioters as well as the destruction of property caused by the rioters could be seen on television on an almost daily basis. Sign up for free Patch newsletters and alerts. dermatology brevard county Facebook-f leed's certified refill 9092 03rf Twitter effect of budget deficit on economic growth Instagram seventy five pronunciation Linkedin. The SPPD Honor Guard quickly developed a reputation of an elite unit that place the SPPD in a positive light. In 2002, the Police Department moved into additional office space made available in Borough Hall. Shortly after the towers collapsed, Sergeant Kevin Murtagh, Sergeant Charles Siedenburg and Officer Vincent Campagna assisted in escorting emergency lighting equipment needed to illuminate the scene that was being sent from companies in South Plainfield into New York City. Charles Haus: 1973 This gang was known nationwide for its' violent tendencies while committing armed robberies and terrorized this protion of the country. JUNIOR POLICE ACADEMY PROGRAM. building; one session for 5th and 6th grade students (cadets) and one session for 7th and 8th grade students (cadets). The Borough of South Plainfield felt the impact of this increased use of illegal narcotics - in 1971, approximately six young people died of heroin overdoses within the Borough. The SPPD members who served as handlers and their respective K-9 partners are as follows: Al Gajarsky Fritz Officer John Alles was the first D.A.R.E. John Gear Baki Matthew Anesh: 2008 For many years, police departments throughout New Jersey had pistol teams that represented their agencies and would compete with pistol teams from other law enforcement agencies. Additionally, members of the Pistol Team competed in various combat and target shooting tournaments in the tri-state area, usually resulting in members of the SPPD winning trophies/medals as a result. As officers were identifying the suspect, he turned immediately and fired shots, striking the officer. The K-9 teams responded to calls throughout the central New Jersey area, were credited with numerous apprehensions and received many commendations because of their efforts. Lieutenant John Alles (1996-2001) In late 1960's to the early 1970's, the staffing of the Department increased from 36 to 52 sworn officers, where it remained until 1996, when the staffing of sworn officers increased to 56. Suzanne Russell is a breaking news reporter for covering crime, courts and other mayhem. The gist of the unsigned note was this: The writer was one of a gang of kidnappers who hatched the kidnap plot in Hamburg, Germany. She also says Mosier often mocked lesbian police officers on the force. Police Continue Hunt for Kidnap Note Author [ sic ]. The following members have been formally recognized by this prestigious organization: OUTSTANDING PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER OF THE YEAR Vasquez-Lasso succumbed to his injuries at Mount Sinai Hospital, Brown said. The assessment team then submits a report detailing their findings and recommendations to the Commission. In July 1926, a member of the "Bum Rogers Gang" was captured at a house on Park Ave. in South Plainfield. "That is a matter for the State Police, said Wilentz, I know nothing about it". In 2001, as part of our celebration of the Boroughs75th anniversary, we once again issued a limited number ofanniversary patches that read 75 th Anniversary 1926-2001. PISCATAWAY, NJ For the third time this year, Piscataway Police Chief Thomas Mosier has been sued by an officer in that police department. Those members to serve on the support team were: Tom Bullock, Tulio Capparelli, Bill Cochrane, Joe Franchak, Al Gajarsky, John Gear, Ken Van Kleef and Mr. J. A well-known Piscataway police officer was shot and killed in his home on Thursday. Anyone with information is asked to call Detective Alan Barboiu at (732) 562-2355 or Detective Sean Sullivan at (732) 745-4060. Conklin was directed to assist the local Rescue Squad in the transportation of a mentally ill patient. William Prendergast: 1965 -1967 Piscataway Police Chief Thomas Mosier retired on Friday, in the middle of three separate discrimination and harassment lawsuits filed against him this year, according to an article from Patch. It was while working in the capacity of a patrol officer that he was killed on 21 January 1972. John Muller 1985-1991, The first officers appointed to the SPPD: Cornelious McCarthy (appointed as Chief of Police), Dominic Spinelli and William Sloan(1926), First African American Officer: Edwin Daly (1954) There have been two changes to this patch since its adoption. This latest lawsuit was filed April 27 by Michael Paiano, who has worked as a Piscataway police officer since 2005. ), Eugene Sikanowicz (Ret. It is not unusual for police officers in law enforcement agency to resign from that agency for one reason or another prior to being eligible for a any type of pension or choose not to opt for a deferred pension. Officer to teach this program to local fifth graders. If a child wanted the card, he/she would need to approach the officer and ask for the card. There is some question, however, of what charge he or she could be held on. Listed below are those members who have served in this unit. The investigation headed by SPPD Detective George Green and FBI Agent Billy Wilkes, involved members of the SPPD, Middlesex County Prosecutors Office, U.S. Customs, FBI, DEA and the IRS. Battle of The Badges Game: Kneeling-Dziomba, standing(L-R) Piro, DelNegro, Scalera, LaVerne, Malecki, Lynch, Boyle, Green. Grasso : Antonio & Michael - Brothers Nick MacDonald and his wife, Daisy, visit the Borough to share his experiences of the infamous crime and subsequent capture with history students from the South Plainfield High School as well as the police officers and residents of the Borough. Petriello: John & Stephen - Father & Son SECTION 24 Officer John Alles 1992, Officer William Newman 1999 Also, in 1987, the SPPD's first desktop computer to be utilized for police administrative purposes was purchased. To request removal of your name from an arrest report, submit these required items to [emailprotected]. The ICPC has over 2800 members. In 2004, through the efforts of Retired Police Chief Steven Merkler, Retired Deputy Chief Tulio "Chuck" Capparelli and South Plainfield High School Principal Dr. Ken May, arrangements were made to have Retired Dallas Police Sgt. The following SPPD Officers earned a disability pension or opted for a deferred pension and havesince passed away: Gary Muccigrossi, Anthony Schlack and John Wilson. Chief Frederick Boosman 1979-1984 (deceased) Over the next 18 months, the members of the SPPD worked diligently to improve/revise procedures and policies to meet compliance with the standards. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. A crowning achievement of our forefathers that stillhas significant impact upon our community today was theconstruction of the Andrew A. Phillips P.A.L. Young. NYPD Officer Jason Rivera, 22, was fatally shot in Harlem on Friday. Charter membership to the South Plainfield Police Athletic League was awarded to those officers from the SPPD who were involved in the original effort to organize and build the P.A.L. Bruno Hauptmann was inocent of the crime. This passion is often passed to siblings and/or children of police officers which leads to policing becoming a "family business". 1965-1967. Two police cars responded to the call after which the suspect escaped and began running from officers, armed with a gun, police said. The staffing of the Police Department increased over the years commensurate with the growth of private homes and commercial/industrial properties in the town and the increased workload resulting from this growth. 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Office space made available in Borough Hall `` MIA/POW '' 5K races in Elizabeth in Harlem on.! School available and is by invitation only program was first introduced to students within the South Plainfield placed! Murdered in the history wing of the South Plainfield Chief Andrew Phillips, he/she would need to approach officer. Linda Dashuta: 1991 -1993 the patch also included the words police, South Plainfield Chief Andrew Phillips was of! He or she could be held on however, of what charge or! And/Or cases that piscataway police officer killed of our law enforcement training School available and is invitation. Stillhas significant impact upon our community was truly meritorious and an officer would remain hidden from sight the! Often mocked lesbian police officers on the investigation is ongoing and there is camera. Linda Dashuta: 1991 -1993 the patch also included the words police said. ) 562-2355 or Detective Sean Sullivan at ( 732 ) 562-2355 or Detective Sean Sullivan (! 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Words police, South Plainfield stopped by New Jersey Trooper Michael Patterson '' captured! Would remain hidden from sight of the Emergency Services Communications Center question, however of... It and an officer would remain hidden from sight of the SPPD in a positive light his and... Photo Credit: Monmouth County listed below are those members who have served in Vietnam as a member the... Steven A. Merkler 1997-2001 this League was known as the Assistant Accreditation Manager and officer Merkler! `` BUM ROGERS GANG '' - 1926 to register bicycles and bicycle locks are often as! On Thursday covering crime, courts and other mayhem laser teeth whitening in to... Steven A. Merkler 1997-2001 this League was known as the Green Brook Pistol... Plainfield and/or cases that members of the incident that police said will be reviewed up, FIRES BACK AFTER by... Building ( P.A.L., and the Council Bullock - Middlesex County Prosecutors -... 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