2324). of Docs., U.S. Govt. Competence for execution is an infrequently raised competence issue, and the reader is referred to Zapf (2016) for a review and discussion. ECST-R items are rated by the clinician and provide a score on each of these scales. The following are the McGarry criteria for competence to stand trial, and my determination of whether this defendant fulfills each criterion. Golding and Roesch (1988) defined the open-textured, context-dependent nature of the construct of competency to stand trial: Mere presence of severe disturbance (a psychopathological criterion) is only a threshold issueit must be further demonstrated that such severe disturbance in this defendant, facing these charges, in light of existing evidence, anticipating the substantial effort of a particular attorney with a relationship of known characteristics, results in the defendant being unable to rationally assist the attorney or to comprehend the nature of the proceedings and their likely outcome. Indeed, some evaluators may choose to use multiple FAIs for the same evaluation, as each type of FAI provides slightly different perspectives and information about a defendants competence.
An interesting question is whether involuntary medication would also prove effective in restoring competence. Because of small sample sizes and large variability, they provide the following caution: only a gross estimate can be made of the degree to which CAST-MR total scores discriminate between groups found to be competent versus those found to be incompetent (Ref. Some resistance is encountered from the either-or fallacy wherein practitioners erroneously assume that they must choose between their own individualized methods and psychometrically validated measures. It is also a consideration if a defendant chooses to represent him or herself.
competency likert grading They are followed by a more in-depth examination of competency measures as a form of evidence-based practice. Evaluations for competency to stand trial are distinguished from other areas of forensic consultation by their long history of standardized assessment beginning in the 1970s. See Pate v. Robinson, 383 U.S. 375, 378 (1966). However, the limited research has produced mixed results. The CAST-MR is administered as an interview, although examinees are given a copy of the items to facilitate comprehension. 32, p 148). While competency to stand trial is the most commonly used term, competency in the criminal trial process encompasses all stages of participation in the legal process, including pretrial, trial, sentencing, and appeals. Manual for Competence Assessment for Standing Trial for Defendants with Mental Retardation: CAST-MR. Review of the Evaluation of Competency to Stand Trial-Revised. Competency to participate fully in the defense of his or her criminal case is an essential right of a defendant to ensure a fair trial. The Competency Screening Test (CST) is a screening measure for identifying clearly competent defendants and thus avoiding inpatient evaluations (Lipsitt, Lelos, & McGarry, 1971). Description and Congruence (Fit) between Dusky's Prongs and Selected Competency Measures. Reliabilities and Error Rates of the Three Competency Measures. Instead, the original MacArthur research was intended to assess a much broader construct of decisional competence via a lengthy research measure, the MacArthur Structured Assessment of the Competencies of Criminal Defendants.42 It was subsequently shortened and retrofitted for the evaluation of competency to stand trial. The Jackson decision led to revisions in state statutes that provided alternatives to commitment and limited the length of commitment (Roesch & Golding, 1980). Get info about his position, age, height, weight, draft status, shoots, school and more on Basketball-Reference.com Its competency scales parallel the Dusky prongs: Consult With Counsel (CWC; six items), Factual Understanding of the Courtroom Proceedings (FAC; six items), and Rational Understanding of the Courtroom Proceedings (RAC; seven items). Slade and his colleagues6 carefully evaluated the acceptance of an empirically based assessment model involving a constellation of standardized measures. For defendants found incompetent, treatment is usually successful in restoring competence and allowing them to return to court and proceed with the resolution of their cases. More details of the vignette are provided as the examiner moves through the first two sections of the MacCAT-CA. In addition to psychological tests, there are a number of forensic assessment instruments (FAIs) that may be helpful to evaluators, some of which also provide screens for assessing feigning of mental disorders (Rogers, Sewell, Grandjean, & Tillbrook, 2002). Descriptive but not normative data are presented from two studies of criminal defendants. For example, standardized observations of attorney-client interactions would be valuable. He was allowed to represent himself, and his behavior during the trial led Perlin to comment that the Godinez decision resulted in a trial in which dignity, a prerequisite for a fair trial, was not preserved. The purpose of these competency measures is to provide standardized data to assist practitioners in reaching empirically based conclusions about elements of competency to stand trial. With reference to forensic concerns, can the concept be empirically tested and does the research have the potential to disprove the conclusion? The presence of psychosis, for example, is associated with a finding of incompetency. It explicitly rejected the test established in Frye v. United States,10 which relied solely on general acceptance. This is not the case for most defendants who are actually incompetent and hospitalized (see Ref 40, Tables 46): the understanding scale: 33.2 percent clinically significant impairment, 15.9 percent mild impairment, and 50.9 percent minimal or no impairment; the reasoning scale: 41.3 percent clinically significant impairment, 13.8 percent mild impairment, and 44.9 percent minimal or no impairment; and the appreciation scale: 44.5 percent clinically significant impairment, 9.2 percent mild impairment, and 39.2 percent minimal or no impairment. Treatment is usually relatively brief, as approximately 75% are restored to competency within six months and are returned at that point to court for the resumption of their criminal cases (Morris & Parker, 2008; Nicholson & McNulty, 1992). Two measures are intended for general competency evaluations: the MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool-Criminal Adjudication (MacCAT-CA)40 and the ECST-R.30 The third measure, the Competence Assessment for Standing Trial for Defendants with Mental Retardation (CAST-MR),41 concentrates on defendants with mental retardation. One concern about restoring competence through medication is that defendants who are found competent and are proceeding with their criminal cases may discontinue taking medications. As summarized in Table 2, trained practitioners are able to achieve a high level of inter-rater reliability on each measure, with exceptional estimates for the CAST-MR (r = 0.90) and ECST-R (r = 0.93 and 0.996). WebEven a person who meets civil commitment criteria may be considered competent to stand trial, although there does appear to be a strong relationship between incompetence and commitability. For instance, what would be the similarities in MacCAT-CA's aggravated assault between friends and delusionally motivated crimes? Legal procedures that protect the rights of criminal defendants have been adopted to ensure that they have the capacity to participate fully in their defense (Youtsey v. United States, 1899; Dusky v. United States, 1960). WebAlthough no precise U.S. statistics are available, the best estimates suggest that the frequency of evaluations of compe- tence to stand trial has risen significantly in recent years.1The often-cited 1973 estimate by McGarry2 putthenumberofcompetenceevaluationsat25,000 to 36,000 each year in the United States. It emphasizes the ability of the defendant to cooperate with his counsel, while not acquiescing to others (e.g., police or prosecutors). WebCOLLINS - BOOK PROOF (DO NOT DELETE) 4/9/2019 4:44 PM No. The Jackson decision raises the issue of whether it is possible to predict which incompetent defendants are unlikely to be restored. THREE EXPERIMENTS WERE This information may help with the consult-with-counsel prong. Conservative estimates suggest there are 60,000 competency cases per year, with rates of incompetency often falling in the 20- to 30-percent range.32 When extrapolated from the number of actively psychotic and mentally disordered inmates,33 the potential number of competency evaluations could easily be twice this estimate. For example, Nicholson and Kugler (1991) reviewed 30 studies and concluded that defendants with psychotic disorders were more likely to be incompetent. Indeed, the term itself is misleading because few defendants actually go to trial, as the vast majority of cases are resolved through plea bargaining. As evidence of polarized views, three of these same objections were seen by other practitioners as benefits including usefulness (45%), nonduplication of services (25%), and brevity (25%). The key components for each prong were assessed by five competency experts via prototypical analysis. Dusky is a vague standard as it provides little clear direction to forensic examiners asked to provide an assessment of a defendants competence. The MacCAT-CA also assesses courtroom personnel and then uses a hypothetical case to evaluate criminal charges related to assault and matters such as plea bargaining. Evaluation of Competency to Stand Trial-Revised (ECST-R) and Professional Manual. For example, the three competency measures differ in the extent to which they have been evaluated for pretrial defendants with mental retardation. Although they focused on treatment, several findings may be applicable to forensic practice. A semi-structured interview gathers information to score 13 items related to legal issues, such as appraisal of available legal defenses, quality of relating to attorney, capacity to disclose pertinent facts, and capacity to testify relevantly. Items are scored on a 5-point scale, ranging from total incapacity to no incapacity. The CAI manual contains clinical examples of levels of incapacity, as well as suggested interview questions. Although classifications based on the ECST-R evidence a high concordance with legal outcome (88.9%), classifications by ECST-R scales are based on construct validity and the use of normative data. Practitioners should be familiar with the Dusky standard and relevant appellate cases. The standard for competency to stand trial was established by the Supreme Court's decision in Dusky v. United States31 with a one-sentence formulation requiring that the defendant has sufficient present ability to consult with his lawyer with a reasonable degree of rational understandingand whether he has a rational as well as factual understanding of the proceedings against him. Rogers and Shuman14 provide a legal summary of Dusky's three prongs: a rational ability to consult one's own attorney, a factual understanding of the proceedings, and a rational understanding of the proceedings. (B) Upon the filing of a Plea of Mental Incompetency to Stand Trial, the judge shall conduct a bench trial to determine the issue of mental competency to stand trial unless the state or the defendant, within twenty days of filing of the plea, demands a A recent study of defendants found incompetent in the federal court system (Cochrane, Herbel, Reardon, & Lloyd, 2013) found that 79% of 132 involuntarily medicated defendants were successfully restored to competence, with an average treatment period of less than five months. Parenthetically, the qualifying term usually seems difficult to understand. The patricidal tendency of researchers to diminish the contributions of seasoned practitioners may play a relevant role. Criminal trial competency is raised substantially more often than other pretrial forensic assessment issues such as criminal responsibility. December 18, 2021. However, most of the reliability studies examine agreement between two examiners using the same competency measure making dichotomous decisions about competence. The CAST-MR also has a specific scale for considering the defendant's memory of the offense and subsequent arrest. Competency restoration practices are reviewed later. Issues such as intellectual and developmental disabilities or cognitive deficits resulting from fetal alcohol spectrum disorder or other organic causes should be considered when appropriate in evaluations of competence (Cochrane, Grisso, & Frederick, 2001; Everington & Dunn, 1995; McLachlan, Roesch, Viljoen, & Douglas, 2014; Zapf, Roesch, & Pirelli, 2013). For two scales (FAC and RAC), such ratings would show only moderate impairment, which is typically associated with competent defendants. Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a single article for personal use (for details see Privacy Policy and Legal Notice). Those components retained an average of 6.10 on a 7.00 rating scale of their representativeness. Once the issue is raised, the trial court will typically request an evaluation. Once a competency evaluation is ordered, the evaluation itself can take place in a range of settings, including jails, forensic facilities, or if a defendant is released on bail, in an outpatient setting. The competency measures are markedly divergent in their assessment of Dusky's consult-with-counsel prong. An important consideration in establishing error rates is whether bogus (e.g., malingered) presentations will be mistaken for genuine incompetency. In their studies of reports of competency evaluators in Utah, Skeem et al. For example, does the length and complexity of competency questions substantially exceed the defendant's ability to process this information? You could not be signed in, please check and try again. Incompetent defendants are typically sent to residential forensic facilities, although outpatient treatment is an option (Miller, 2003). Using the Daubert guidelines as a framework, we examined each competency measure regarding its relevance to the Dusky standard and its error and classification rates. Competency for trial: A screening instrument. Practitioners sometimes exaggerate the limitations of standardized measures while possibly overvaluing their own expertise. We do not capture any email address. The defendant is asked a series of questions about Freds situation and how Fred might deal with various aspects of his case. Models for competency to stand trial can be conceptu-alized as extrapolated or Web(1) (a) The legislature establishes a performance target of seven days or fewer to extend an offer of admission to a defendant in pretrial custody for inpatient competency evaluation or inpatient competency restoration services, when access to Most competency evaluations are typically done by psychologists or psychiatrists, but social workers are also qualified in some states to conduct these evaluations (Jenkins v. United States, 1962; Roesch, 2015). For feigning, the ECST-R uses Atypical Presentation (ATP) scales that are organized by content (i.e., ATP-Psychotic and ATP-Nonpsychotic) and purported impairment (i.e., ATP-Impairment). Although not a perfect match, this last scale is most closely aligned with factual understanding. Competence Assessment for Standing Trial for defendants with Mental Retardation (CAST-MR) assesses the competence of defendants with intellectual deficits (Everington & Luckasson, 1992). WebThe Competence to Stand Trial Assessment Instrument, often called the Competency Assessment Instrument (CAI), was developed in 1973 as a companion instrument to the Competency Screening Test (CST) and sought to standardize as well as quantify the criteria for competence to stand trial. Recent case law is discussed regarding the role of amnesia in determining competency to stand trial. It is difficult to get an accurate estimate of the annual rates nationally. The practical effect of this decision was to prevent experts from circumventing Daubert by claiming that their expertise (e.g., clinical practice) was nonscientific. CST was developed by Lipsitt, Lelos, and McGarry in 1971 and is usually administered before Paris1 ably documents the evolution of psychiatric practice from idiosyncratic clinical inferences and basic research studies to systematic investigations of evidence-based practice. The CAST-MR is an outgrowth of a doctoral dissertation. The items are scored on a 3-point scale with a score of 2 indicating full understanding of the item. Despite its extreme rarity (i.e., 0 for 356 defendants), practitioners may want to consider quickly screening ECST-R protocols for this remote possibility. The issue reached the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Sell v. United States (2003). To be sure, the presence of a severe mental disorder such as a psychosis is an important first step in the evaluation of competence (Rosenfeld & Wall, 1998). Perlin cited the case of Colin Ferguson, who was accused of murdering six people and injuring 19 others on the Long Island Rail Road. The Supreme Court held that medication could be forced but only in rare, limited circumstances in which it is found that medication is substantially likely to render the defendant competent to stand trial and substantially unlikely to have side effects that will interfere significantly with the defendants ability to assist counsel in conducting a defense. The Court also noted that it must be shown that less intrusive treatments are unlikely to restore competence. However, consistent with the functional approach to competency assessments, the scale scores are not summed to total one final score for the ECST-R, and no cut-offs are used to determine whether a defendant is competent or incompetent. Regardless of their professional background, it is essential that professionals conducting competency evaluations obtain training in the requisite knowledge and skills to do so, including familiarity with relevant state statutes and case law (Zapf & Roesch, 2009). For mental health experts, the practical effect of this ruling is that different trial judges within the same jurisdiction may legitimately reach opposite conclusions about the admissibility of specific methods, such as competency measures.14 In Kumho, the Supreme Court applied the Daubert guidelines beyond scientific evidence to all expert testimony. Overall, these two studies suggest that while agreement between evaluators is generally high, there are a substantial number of cases in which evaluators disagree (18% in Utah and 29% in Hawaii). Of mostly historical interest, first-generation measures have limited data on their psychometric properties, a lack of normative data, and poor correspondence to the relevant legal standard.38 Although reviews of these measures are readily available,39 this article focuses more selectively on three published competency measures. WebTwo measures are intended for general competency evaluations: the MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool-Criminal Adjudication (MacCAT-CA) 40 and the ECST-R. WebMitch McGary was born on June 6, 1992, and grew up in the Chesterton, Indiana, area.He played in YMCA and Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) basketball leagues as a youth, and Among the broad array of criticisms, researchers have been singled out as motivated by personal and professional gain.5 An alternative view is that traditionalists are equally motivated to avert criticisms of their current clinical practices by researchers. WebMcGarry Criteria. Rather, the MacCAT-CA asks the examinee to consider a hypothetical case about two men (Fred and Reggie) and their involvement in a serious, almost deadly, assault following an altercation while playing pool. He was subsequently charged with attempted murder, battery with a deadly weapon, criminal recklessness, and theft. The ECST-R has excellent normative data based on 200 competency referrals and 128 jail detainees. He refused to consent to treatment, and the treatment facility attempted to force medication involuntarily. Duration of Commitment . They found that for the 17 cases seen by the blue-ribbon panelists, they agreed with the IFI panelists 88% of the time, with the hospital staff 82% of the time, and with the courts 88% of the time, and they concluded that on the basis of these data it would be hard to argue for one criterion definition over another (p. 331). Several points should be emphasized: 1. An investigation of the construct of competence: A comparison of the FIT, the MacCAT-CA, and the MacCAT-T, Future directions in the restoration of competence to stand trial, Personality Assessment in Clinical Psychology, Psychological Assessment of Older Persons. The psychometric properties of the MacCAT-CA show that it is a reliable and valid instrument that is useful in assessing competency (Otto et al., 1998). Of interest, that criticism was leveled specifically at the ECST-R rather than being evaluated critically for competency measures in general. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia and found incompetent to stand trial and remanded for treatment, which successfully restored his competence. It is important, however, that mental health professionals are able to reliably and validly inform the court about the competency of defendants whose competence has been questioned by their lawyers, the prosecution, or the court. Another pertinent consideration is whether the theory or technique has been subjected to peer review and publication. A second evaluation in 2002 was requested by his attorneys, and he was found to be competent, but they requested a third evaluation in which he was found to be incompetent. As well, assessments of juveniles are increasingly becoming more common, but the issues of concern focus more on developmental factors like maturity (Ryba, Cooper, & Zapf, 2008) rather than mental illness (see Kruh & Grisso, 2009; Roesch & Viljoen, 2016; Warren et al., 2009). The case carried through the appeals process and was eventually heard by the U.S. Supreme Court, which held that a trial judge can deny a defendant the right to proceed pro se even if he or she had previously been found competent. 41, p 19). Therefore, it assesses rational abilities but does not consider the actual defendant-attorney relationship or the ability to communicate rationally. These items are scored on the basis of the reasons that the defendant provides for his or her judgment and whether they are plausible or implausible (i.e., grounded in reality or based on delusional beliefs). The MacCAT-CA is composed of 22 items that are organized into three scales: understanding (8 items), reasoning (8 items), and appreciation (6 items). Calculated as the standard error of measurement (SEM), each competency measure produces small SEMs, indicating a high level of accuracy (Table 2). Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence (ed 2). The practice has evolved to assess first if a defendant has a psycholegal ability incapacity and if so, whether the defendants mental status (mental illness or intellectual deficit) is causally connected to that incapacity. Individual items for the competency scales were developed and pilot tested. Especially useful for court reports and subsequent testimony is the 95 percent confidence interval. (2002). For the rational-understanding prong, both the MacCAT-CA and the ECST-R elicit information about the likely outcome of the case. The MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool-Criminal Adjudication (MacCAT-CA; Hoge, Bonnie, Poythress, & Monahan, 1999; Poythress et al., 1999) uses a hypothetical vignette to explore a defendants understanding, reasoning, and appreciation abilities. This practice was challenged in Jackson. The Supreme Court revisited this issue in the case of Indiana v. Edwards (2008). The Georgia Court Competency Test (GCCT) was developed by Wildman et al. WebCompetency to Stand Trial Assessment Instructions I. While cautioning that the CAST-MR is only one part of the competence assessment, we note that the mean total score for the defendants with mental retardation was 25.6 for incompetence versus 37.0 for competence. Beyond this critically important discussion, the relevance of a measure must also consider its appropriateness for the intended population (i.e., impaired defendants). WebState 1960 The criteria for determining competency to stand trial in Georgia was handed down by the Georgia Supreme Court in Brown v. State (1960) two months before Dusky Daubert reviews have also considered several forensic measures for which the adequacy of their psychometric properties has been debated: competency to confess measures23,24 and the Mental State at the Time of the Offense scale.25,26. Objections by practitioners to using the assessment model have included concerns about its cost (35%), usefulness (38%), duplicated effort (23%), and duration (10%). Competency to stand trial is a long-established legal principle in the U.S. criminal justice system that ensures that a criminal defendants right to a fair trial is protected. The first-generation of competency measures was introduced in the 1970s. 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