On July 30th, less than two months after the series debuted, The New York Times reported that Lever wanted to sponsor a new show for the 1959-1960 season and was withdrawing its sponsorship of Brenner. I couldnt deal with him being beaten up and making funny faces while being pummeled. John Vivyan owned a message center in a building on Wilshire Blvd.
San Antonio Express-News April 3, 1960, p. 106. Birthday: May 31, 1915 Date of Death: December 20, 1983 Age at Death: 68 Live Live Death Statistics Worldwide and The United States John Vivyan Its protagonist was a very complex character with a shady past, a professional gambler running a barely legal casino outside the three mile limit. [slides open door to phone booth and sticks receiver out] Memorial ID. He also served as production supervisor. I LOVED that cat! i thought it was a great series for the times, having just returned from overseas in the far east serving in the navy i especially enjoyed the lightheartness of the scripts in spite of the plots. The Peter Gunn album remains my hands down favorite album for almost 60 years. The series was filmed at the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios in Hollywood with additional locations filmed in Long Beach, California. Decades had been showing Mr. Lucky at 5 AM Eastern. But that certainly didnt stop a lot of dishonest people from showing up. I dont intend to tell him that I bought it for him, though we have watched it together. John was 68 years old at the time of death.
John must of been at least 62. Its now a site for snorkling and diving. In another episode, a businessman came to Lucky with an offer to buy the Fortuna II, an offer Lucky was advised to accept. Cormora (I dont remember if it was spelled with a C or K was a manager for Annette Funachello sp? David, if John is your Uncle, wasnt his name Vukoyan or something like that? Reviewing the premiere episode for United Press International, Fred Danzig wrote Vivyan manages to somnambulate through some shattering experiences with a supercilious smile or boisterous laughter. It was a lifestyle that appealed to many recently discharged veterans, thirty-six of whom, including Vivyan, were inducted into the American Legion at a ceremony in July 1946. He followed this success with a late summer engagement in a Nol Coward play, On Approval, with the popular Arthur Treacher casting reflected glory on his younger co-star. He worked very infrequently after 1970; his last two appearances being the sitcom WKRP in Cincinnati (1982) and the detective series Simon & Simon (1983). Lucky and Andamo often found themselves facing mobsters, gangsters, smugglers, hit men and counterfeiters. [9] New York City was a creative center for early live television, particularly anthology series, which featured a new story and cast with each episode. But I cant understand why they killed a show with good ratings to put on so many bad series this year [27]. [29] This was followed by an even quicker stint in a new play about the United Nations, called The Paradise Question. I would like to see the pics of your collection. However, seeing this classic TV show on DVD, and once again hearing the beautiful Henry Mancini score, brings back much warm memories of a simpler time, when Television was indeed real entertainment. Not surprisingly, given the clientele visiting the Fortuna II, Mr. Lucky was a violent series. The youngsters should like it [11]. He was 68. Broadcasting reported in late September that production on the series had only recently gotten underway, explaining why it would have such a late premiere [3]. Starring Leon Ames, the show lasted only two weeks in New Haven, Connecticut and Philadelphia.[30][31]. Behrman's play, "The Second Man," at the Ogunquit Playhouse in Ogunquit, Maine. Off-camera, she reportedly called John Vivyan "Vookie", as a teasing reference to his real last name and the then popular character of "Kookie" on 77 Sunset Strip. Wolters also reported the cancellation on April 16th [21]. role was in the 1949 episode Two Sharp Knives in the anthology Studio I cant remember the exact name it was originally given, but it also appeared on an episode of The Untouchables.. She called him her mentor. The following summer, they and their friend, Teddy Montague (who later became the long-time personal secretary for George Burns & Gracie Allen) went to the Barter Theatre in Virginia for a season. A couple sets came out one with 10 eps and one with 13. [4] After a year at Lake View High School,[5] he dropped out to start work. But the man got drunk and began stumbling around and his wife started interfering. The theme song always touched my heart, even as a child. By late December 1959 it was doing well enough in the ratings for United Press International to call it one of the few newcomers liable to remain on the air next year [16]. John Vivyan wasnt worried: Its just a question of whether well end up on NBC or ABC. [43] Later, he was said to occasionally date actress Nita Talbot among others. My mom had a friend, Carrie Gall, who went to school with his sister, and knew John. Birthday: May 31, 1915 Date of Death: December 20, 1983 Age at Death: 68 Live Live Death Statistics Worldwide and The United States John Vivyan It was there they met another budding actor, Ernie Borgnine. It was re-acquired by the US Navy, as it was originally a Navy vessel. I was just over two when the series came out. Yvonne DeCarlo plays a doctor struggling to begin a practice in the 1890s. The company planned to offer them to TV stations for local syndication [28]. See also Other Works | Publicity Listings | Official Sites Vivyan died in Santa Monica, California, at the age of sixty-eight and is interred at Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery in Los Angeles. As with Peter Gunn actor Craig Stevens, Vivyan was cast by Edwards for the way his appearance and style suggested film star Cary Grant. This should be no bar to its success [9]. WebDeath. John Vivian (Liberal politician) (18181879), English Liberal politician. Because CBS was unable to find another primary sponsor, they cancelled the series at the end of the season, despite its high ratings. The series didnt shy away from violence against women. Room of Prayer, at wall EE, #175. WebVivyan died on December 20, 1983 in Santa Monica, California at the age of 68, and is interred at Westwood Village Memorial Park, in Los Angeles. Luckys was no longer a casino but instead had been transformed into an exclusive, private club open to members only. Ross Martin and Pippa Scott still had thriving careers around that time but not John Vivyan. I hope I can hear more about how the intro was developed and if any artifacts still exist. He still traveled between the coasts for stage work, but that ceased with 1957, when he did episodes of eight television shows in Hollywood, followed by eight more in 1958. From an unidentified source: ELIZABETH WAS DAUGHTER AND ONE OF THE HEIRESS OF THOMAS TRETHERFF, VIDE PERD. help the man out. (In the second episode, during a conversation about the casino he used to run with Andamo on the island, Lucky referred either to it or the island itself as Chobalobo.). US Social Security Applications and Claim Index 1936-2007, retrieved from, US, World War II Draft Cards for Young Men, 1940-1947 for John Vukayan, retrieved from, US, World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946, John R Vukayan, retrieved from, US, World War II Hospital Admission Card Files, 1942-1954, for John R Vukayan, retrieved from, US Dept of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File for John Vivyan, 1950-2010, retrieved from, Los Angeles County Voters Registration for 1958, retrieved from, Los Angeles County Voters Registration for 1960, retrieved from, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=John_Vivyan&oldid=1144896467, United States Army personnel of World War II, United States Army non-commissioned officers, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using infobox military person with embed, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, His first credited performance; a reviewer placed him in a different role, that of "David Kingsley", Both John Vivyan and Karl Lukas doubled up on parts in this staging, Written by the Chapel Playhouse's director, Charlotte Buchwald, John Vivyan's grueling summer ended with his seventh major role, Following a two-month tour, Vivyan did this week-long engagement, This was John's second time playing this role, That he did three episodes is known only from later interviews, He was uncredited in this New York based anthology series, Vivyan's character was killed by mobsters, His character is gunned down by Russian soldiers, His first known West Coast TV work had him play a drunk, An uncredited role in this installment of Disney's, Weekly on Saturday evenings from Oct 24, 1959 thru June 18, 1960, An uncredited role that marks how quickly fame fades, A few months after this episode aired John Vivyan had open heart surgery, Broadcast on December 8, 1983, two weeks before John Vivyan's death, This page was last edited on 16 March 2023, at 05:03. Remember how Blake Edwards use wet city streets as an ominous effect ? My other memory was that, being 6, I was expected to get to bed early. As the first episode began, Mr. Lucky and Andamo were running a casino on an unnamed island ruled by a corrupt dictator known as El Presidente. Vivyan told a newspaper columnist that he had tried marriage once, but it did not work out. The organist on the Mr. Edwards directed the premiere episode and co-wrote it with Arthur Ross. John was a corporal[7] with Company E of the 2nd Battalion, which was thrown into the Battle for Mt Austen on January 2, 1943. Would like to have seen more of John Vivyan and Ross Martin working together. When he refused, the man hired someone to kill Lucky. It has for lack of a better word sureness of touch and never aims any higher than it can successfully go which isnt very high. The series didnt shy away from violence against women. [1] References 1.0 1.1 John Vivyan. Official Sites. His first screen role was in the 1949 episode Two Sharp Knives in the anthology Studio One. I was in my early teens when it aired, and he was my role model cool guy, cool haircut, cool girlfriend. Lucky. The cool guy + cool music was a winning combination for me. [21] He scraped by on doing summer stock theatre, performing work disdained by established actors for its low pay and grueling pace. As late as June 1960, Vivyan still held out hope that another network would pick up the series [24]. I only have vague memories of this series (content) but recall The latter show was broadcast just two weeks before he died of heart failure at Santa Monica Hospital on December 20, 1983. Shayne, Im impressed you can even remember being scared by the opening credits to Mr. Lucky, given that you were only two. From there his regiment moved to New Caledonia in March 1942, eventually forming part of the Americal Division. With Yvonne De Carlo, John Vivyan, Charles Watts, Guy Lee. Memorial ID. WebThe Lady Was an M.D. My late mother (Jo Waffle) and John Vivyan were dear friends and both 1946 graduates of the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in NYC (same class as Colleen Dewhurst). [21] He used his G.I. Plus one very thought inducing, winking cat! Lucky was occasionally seen romancing other women. MeTV currently (as of this writing) airing Mr. Lucky every Monday morning at 2:30. Signing autographs and such, he even had a Mr Lucky checking account. But when he gets on board the Fortuna II he discovers that Lucky was one step ahead of him. He was 68. Nice story. At the end of the episode, having spent their last $5,000 to purchase a small boat, the two are left with nothing but their lives. Another recurring character, Lieutenant Rovacs, was introduced in the fourth episode. Just discovered this series on amazon prime and I love it, the series premiered when I was two months old so I never saw its original broadcast but I am enjoying it now. After attending WebVivyan died on December 20, 1983 in Santa Monica, California at the age of 68, and is interred at Westwood Village Memorial Park, in Los Angeles. He plays the percentages [7]. That same month, Vivyan revealed that he had to give up a film role opposite Ingrid Bergman because it would conflict with production on the second season of Mr. Lucky [19]. Edit Now Early life and career You probably got four women sitting there holding their breath. Thats when a jealous Maggie burst in, thinking she had caught Lucky with another woman. [13] The injury to his left leg would continue to bother him and limit his physical activity for years to come. Lucky was a gambler but he was an honest one and along with Andamo ran an honest casino aboard the Fortuna II. | He also did a second film, Imitation of Life, before being cast as the star in a new Blake Edwards series. WebVivyan died on December 20, 1983 in Santa Monica, California at the age of 68, and is interred at Westwood Village Memorial Park, in Los Angeles. He is interred at Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery in Los Angeles. No, Im not with another woman, Im at the public library. Its to bad that good shows were bumped for silly reasons. That was limiting Edwards was so incensed that he had his name removed from the credits [15]. In July 1961, The New York Times reported that Official Films had acquired the rights to Mr. Lucky and several other shows including Peter Gunn and Yancy Derringer. John Vivyan. Lucky being a gambler, insisting he and his boat become something else or theyd cancel their sponsorship. John was 68 years old at the time of death. These tapered off quickly to two or three shows a year, then became more infrequent after Vivyan turned fifty in 1965. 1959 At the time of his death, he was 68 years old. WebVivyan died on December 20, 1983 in Santa Monica, California, at the age of 68. I would really like to know the symbolism of the dice floating thru the universe and selection of the cat as perhaps Lady luck of the ordinary man. This was partly the reason why the shows format was changed id season from a casino to a super club. No, of course I dont believe you. ABC is especially eager to have it. Westwood Memorial Park. The series didnt shy away from violence against women. He used Luckys boat, the Fortuna, to run guns, so El Presidente had it sunk. John Henry Vivian (17851855), Welsh industrialist and politician of Cornish extraction. However this was still not enough to placate the viewers in the Bible belt. (peter gunn back on there alos). Joan Blondell was the star of a multi-city tour for A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, with Vivyan playing her romantic interest. John was 68 years old at the time of death. It took me up until a couple of days ago to even FIND any footage online of this series. Tom Brown played "Lt. Rovacs", a police officer who was grudgingly helpful to Mr. Lucky and Andamo. Prime Video shows all of them, complete. Ross Martin was 511. John Charles Vivian (18871964), United States attorney, journalist, Governor of Colorado. Thanks to all for this wonderful site! At the time of his death he survived by his large extended friends and family. He soon cast John Vivyan in the lead role with Ross Martin co-starring as Andamo, Luckys right-hand man [2]. He served in the U.S. Army during the Guadalcanal campaign for the 132nd Infantry Regiment, Company "E" in World War II, where he wounded his leg. After years of near obscurity, Vivyan caught a break in 1952. There was no fixing or rigging of games at Luckys. John Vivyan Death: and Cause of Death On December 20, 1983, John Vivyan died of non-communicable disease. But did not have much of a career. The final first-run episode of Brenner was broadcast on September 19th, 1959; repeats were shown through October 10th.CBS aired a musical special on October 17th and the following week, on October 24th, Mr. Lucky premiered. My older sister bought the Gunn soundtrack, and when I heard it, I became a lifelong avid fan of Henry Mancinis music. Lucky in 1959-60, has died of heart failure. Its name when spoken was Fortuna the Second. [32], He thrived on the fast pace and handling different characters, but faced a physical challenge with the many Western shows he was doing. English Wikipedia, Other Works [22], Vivyan told a newspaper columnist that he had tried marriage once, but it did not work out. I remember seeing him as one of the Penguins henchmen in a Batman two-parter during the Sixties. Titles Death Valley Days, The Lady Was an M.D. Required fields are marked *. The library is a very quiet place. John Vivian (Liberal politician) (18181879), English Liberal politician. In November 1960, John Vivyan discussed Mr. Luckys cancellation with Vernon Scott of United Press International. changed his last name to Vivyan, and he first appeared on stage in the With the casino setting in place after the second episode, the series began in earnest. WebActor (1915-1983) John Vivyan was born in Chicago (city and county seat of Cook County, Illinois, United States of America) on May 31st, 1915 and died in Santa Monica (beachfront city in Los Angeles County, California, United States) on December 20th, 1983 at the age of 68. Credits to Mr. Lucky was a winning combination for me season from a casino but instead had been into! Surprisingly, given the clientele visiting the Fortuna II, Mr. Lucky at 5 AM Eastern at... Brown played `` Lt. Rovacs '', a police officer who was grudgingly helpful to Mr. Lucky given! Being a gambler, insisting he and his wife started interfering age of 68 ) airing Mr.,! 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