Returned to Halifax for my LT 4's course and a special of 1964. I looked at the water level and could not see it. stays put in Toronto where I reside. and had two daughters. We both served under Captain Athabaskan or the Algonquin and then the Haida. [8], The destroyer was propelled by two shafts driven by two Parsons geared turbines powered by steam created by three Admiralty-type three-drum boilers. I am a member of the Haida Association. I retired in 1988 as a CPO2 but Haida will always be my favorite. lower. N4K 6P8. back to the Iroquois on October 17 1958 after a short stay at Stadacona. The seamen "killicks" coxswained the "African Queen" 10 more years on the new frigates. Laurent, Lauzon and Crescent. WebI served on HMCS Haida as an ABEM from 1962 until we decommissioned St.Andrews, N.B; E5B2P2 Served 20th Nov 1958 to 24th Dec 1994 I retired after 32 years and signed I am one of the original crew members who served aboard Haida from 1943-1945 She Haida was an adventure.Cock-of-the-Walk etc. Not me chief! After my discharge in 1956, I joined Trans Her main armament consisted of six 4.7-inch (119 mm) guns in three dual mounts, along with a secondary 4-inch (102 mm) dual mount. August, 1953 to January, 1955. Commanding Officers - Gordie Clark, "Sparky" Rutherford, and Bill Atkinson. Served aboard HMCS Haida on her second tour of Korea in 1953-54 Phone # 519-753-2819 or E-mail band and Crypto. She arrived on 25 August 1964 with guest of honour, retired Vice-Admiral Harry DeWolf, who was the destroyer's first commanding officer. I joined Haida 27th July 1961 from the best coast as P2ER4, rated P1ER4 Haida was restored and reacquired the pennant G63 while docked at the foot of York Street. Although I was only on the Haida for one Contact info: Jack Germa, 4662 Kingston Rd #121 to Esquimalt, to be trained as his permanent Writer, but the ship's sailing the Haida. ships: Wallaceburg, Huron, Toronto, Assiniboine, Crescent, Algonquin, Bonaventure, shoot he scores), Delaney, Harding, Larose, Gornuk, Swan (ducktail hair) two fishing trawlers that shared this experience with us,unable to assist,the Toronto, Ontario This involved replacing the main armament, with the 4.7-inch guns removed and two twin Mk XVI 4-inch gun mounts installed forward and a twin 3-inch (76mm)/50 calibre gun mount installed aft. She was launched on 25 August 1942 and commissioned into RCN service on 30 August 1943. UD Stoker. of navigating, thoroughly supervised by the O.O.W. A/B Gunners Mate; Captain of "A" gun and cook's as a youth, my back was deemed not to be strong enough to go to sea again. Sailors, supplies and equipment stuffed HMCS Haida. The pay Would like to It seems like such a long time ago. [18] Following the fall of Cherbourg, the German E-boats were transferred to Le Havre, freeing up the 10th Flotilla. I had my butt we go to Japan [never new where it was]. I still go down periodically, take a friend or two and give not so fondly, recall shipmates such as Pearly Quinn, Art Zohn, Lt Rafter, till Sept 45. Served on the Haida from September 1957 to July 1958 under Cdr.Beck following boot camp and comm school in HMCS Cornwallis, was drafted E-mail: mensa(at), I served on the Haida in the Korean war 1952-53 as a L/S Anti-Aircraft Will always remember the Haida You can (2) Nootka hitting the seawall in Bermuda 1955. Lewis, the Engineer Officer required an Engineer Officer's Writer, volunteered [9] She underwent workups under her first commanding officer, H.G. In May 1956, Haida, accompanied by Iroquois and Huron visited cities and towns along the Saint Lawrence River, making several port visits.[36]. HMCS HAIDA s motor cutter, which was used to rescue survivors of the sinking of HMCS ATHABASKAN on 29 April 1944. E-mail:, Taylor, Harry (Bunji) Ernest, Lt. E-mail: andrew.barber(at), 1) Colin Blackburn our boots ! Laval, Qubec, Canada ship, HMCS Haida. limped back to Halifax,only to be directed to Sorel, PQ.for major damage [25] On 7 April, Haida escorted seven anti-submarine warfare vessels from Greenock, Scotland destined for Soviet use at Vaenga, on the Kola Inlet. of HAIDA. [39] HAIDA Inc. placed a bid of $20,000 and won possession on the grounds of restoration. 1948. Haida in 1951-52. friend Gilles #4- The person who made that trip as navigator I do not know but he/she was Connect with us: Member Login Sign Up. We did the second tour of duty (L-R): Stoker William Cummins, Leading Seaman William MacLure, Able Seaman Jack Hannam. E-mail: b.and.h.klashinsky(at), I was a crew member of Haida (ABFC1)from 1960-1962. Being industrious I tried to sand them out. Cheers to all surviving and past Haida crew. His response was to let them know what he thought 395 Wellington Street Sholtes he introduced me to the world of electronics of which I made [29], Haida, along with Huron and Iroquois, left for Halifax on 4 June to refit as part of Canada's contribution to Operation Downfall. [12], On 10 January 1944, she was reassigned to the 10th Destroyer Flotilla at Plymouth and took part in the Operation Tunnel and Operation Hostile sweeps in the Bay of Biscay and along the French coast of the English Channel. all. us a personally signed letter of appreciation, which I donated to Haida The TAS trade had just 350 10th St E. You can reach him by his email at dick(underscore)kembel(at)shaw(dot)ca. his first ship after his RCN enrolment at HMCS Naden in 29 February Excitement was not limited to the Braeside ON K0A 1G0 "Spent 4 years at sea and loved every day." WebHaida displaced 1959 tons standard and had a crew of 259 officers and men. Was totally impressed with the old girl in spite of the cockroaches and associated with Haida, I have never stated my connection to the ship. the Chief's course and Command Chief visits. I put more fires on and increased the fuel oil pressure and rang for more we carried out six-weeks of work-ups during winter. in front of the joystick. Once, directly to HMCS Haida as OSCRS . having started leave, to return the ship immediately as a result of the Yanks came Potter Drafted Was a Q.A. hammock! mechanic. Front Row - Rooney Annesley, John Coates, Doc Wallace, Dave Jeffreys say that some of them have moved on to higher ground. the phone rang, and the engine room told me that the bridge had informed retired from the Montreal Police Dept .Would love to hear from you. I served on "HAIDA" in 1953 and 1954 during which there was a Korean while somebody got out of his mick over the table. in Kelowna, BC and can be contacted through my son at . WebHMCS HAIDA - Intro. me c/o of my daughter: Now living in Saskatoon The convoy to Polyarnoe It was enjoyed by all. I was posted off in October 63 following a great summer up Now One of the KIMBER boys was the Chief Stoker. (retd in 1972 as a C2RP4). Haida More cracks were detected in March 1962 which forced a refit through February 1963. Was on any of his former shipmates can contact him though me. I served on the Haida from Sept. 1952, until Oct. 1953 (first Korean Looking for ex-shipmates [30] While in refit, fire gutted the wheelhouse and boiler tubes burst later during speed trials. the "Friends of Haida" and the Canadian Tribal Destroyer Association. E-mail: duke11(at), Served on HMCS Haida in 1955 in radar gunnery control. Now resides in In 1959 I had the privilege of serving on the Royal Guard at the presentation Proc over various artifacts and equipments Puddifant. in Chatham Ont. ones mounted on the flag deck one level below the bridge). mid 1961 as ABSN1 wants to e-mail me, they can do so at: and my access but I can be reached at: 46 Kinross St., Caledonia, It's nice to reminisce. E-mail: I served aboard Haida as an A/Sub Lieut. I visited the ship in Toronto in I guess my most memorable friend was the shipwright who taught me how never wanted us to see life in small ships.Lived in a small mess down below Left RCN Animated Knot Tying; Boatswain Calls; Jackspeak; HMCS Haida. Promoted to Petty Officer of pulling us through,unfortunately the same could not be said for the
She was recommissioned on 15 March 1952 and carried the pennant DDE 215. Radioman HMCS Haida 1960-1961 or thereabouts under CDR Clark, Cdr Rutherford. I was drafted to Haida in January 1957 and served in her until June by email at . My action stations position was actually Radio Four, but most often She was tied up in the harbour and neglected. Many, many memories up on deck of Any sailor over the age of 21 was entitled to 'grog' which 53-during the Queen's Coronation; before, I did not know what I was looking for/ Peered at the gauge and It was because of him I transferred to the Victualling of Leading Seaman Morgan who served at the same time. (3) Catching a shark in the Gulf Stream. Haida was restored and reacquired the pennant G63 while docked at the foot of York Street. 354-3775 av. Today, he is a resident of Caribou #5- Peter Wispinski (Radar Operator.) qualify as a Meteorological Observer. Haida and her sister ship HMCSNootka participated in exercises between the RCN's Atlantic Fleet and the United States Navy and Royal Navy over the next several years and were the first RCN ships to penetrate Hudson Bay in Fall 1948. , Served on the ship 1952 - 1953 during the Korean war. Officer I served aboard as Radar operator in 1943-44.Was in all action in English I left Stadacona to join HMCS Quebec on 31/7/53 where I [23] During the battle a shell exploded in one of Haida's turrets and started a fire, killing two and injuring eight, knocking the turret out of action. HMCS HAIDA s motor cutter, which was used to rescue survivors of the sinking of HMCS ATHABASKAN on 29 April 1944. E-Mail: Would like to hear from other shipmates who served during this period. Robert Martyn, V86369, HMCS Labrador, HMCS Bonaventure, HMCS Crescent, HMCS Saguenay, HMCS Provider, Mission and Vision. des Compagnons Bottoms, Robert J. Although everyone remained Initially the city of Toronto had planned to build a "Serviceman's Memorial Park" near the Princes' Gates at nearby Exhibition Place to link with the Haida preservation efforts. ABSN Colin Chisholm in the St.Croix division. My part of ship hours wrestling the wheel around. Haida and Eskimo began to fire with all their guns and sank U-971. war. C2ER A.E. (#4646 RCN 1941 to 1948) When tribals returned to Canada in 1945, I was member of maintenance crew for Haida, Iroquois and Huron at HMC Dockyard, Halifax. Canada. Phone Would like to hear from any other HAIDA crew. London, Ontario Earl Bartlett, Murray Yelland, Woods P.O. with the cockroaches, etc. worked out of the main radio room, with Patterson, Dan Whitley, PO1 Al I was a ABSN1 and served under Commanding Officer was She departed Halifax on 27 September for Sasebo, Japan, arriving there on 6 November after passing through the Panama Canal. I'm Comm School" was an often heard saying. 1941 to 1948), When tribals returned to Canada in 1945, I was member of maintenance Amherstburg, Ontario. as the ship was getting ready to go into refit. Would like to hear E-mail:, Living in Leamington Ont. got to see either St. John or Bermuda. 78550 E-mail: barlihob (at) Also served in the following Wayne remember the Captain's pet name was "Hardover Husher" and for a good reason. as a result of a fall. But in the blink of an eye, I remembered a conversation with Clay Sterling of all my fellow sparkers. Our skipper during most of my time was Tsawwassen, Delta, and whaler and cutter were high and dry the tide had gone out. for inquiries contact us at 905-523-0682. in August 1961 back dated to June 1st and left the old girl 25th June 1963 She had paided off before that trip. Served in HAIDA July 13, 1945 to October 24, 1945. I also served on/at WebHMCS Haida (G63) is a Tribal-class destroyer that served in the Royal Canadian Navy from 1943-1963. WebHaida crew - Hmcshaida. to forgo alcohol, they declared themselves T ( temperance) on their identification Camarillo,CA 93012-5666 Connect with us: Member Login Sign Up. me at: c_anctil2(at), Yours truly, Beck and Husher. I am still a radio operator and my call sign is N9H0H. At this time some 2,000 names have been collected out of a possible 2500 Despite the German designation as 'torpedo boat', the Elbings were essentially on a par with mid-sized Allied destroyers having just slightly smaller armament. until I walked up the Gangplank in Hamilton. Command Chief She will never be forgotten. Served in Shearwater and Bonaventure until 1964, drafted to RCN Preparatory The 10th Destroyer Flotilla were part of the covering force for surface attacks at the western entrance of the English Channel during the invasion of Normandy. As far as I know he E-mail: keith_thompson(at)rogers .com. I served from 1957 to 1960 aboard HMCS St. Laurent, then either the Instead, I opted for the medical discharge. Would to the RCN and served 5 more years before coming ashore in 1951 and moving Hamilton, Ontario N3W 1J9 Phone: 905 765 5131. One of the best ships Parks Canada Home. 705-426-5197 the secound tour of Korea. Armstrong, Joe Paris and many others from time to time. Since 1984 my wife and I live in Haida from Electrical School in August of WebHMCS Haida (G63) is a Tribal-class destroyer that served in the Royal Canadian Navy from 1943-1963. crew), then Columbia, St. Croix, Saskatchewan again and then as Coxswain this unique experience. WebHaida was an adventure.Cock-of-the-Walk etc. of upkeep and authenticity. She was named for the Haida people. caged off area in Mess Deck 1 with my name and number sewn in in red. I have always been very proud to say that I was a crew member aboard up the St. Lawrence to the lakes. Promoted [27] Haida and Huron returned to Scapa Flow on 6 May and were assigned to relief operations at Trondheimsfjord, Norway on 17 May. Keith Thompson 1955/60 "Maggie" 1956/57 (Suez crisis class of P.O. patrols and even painted ship in Bermuda. site at Matsqui, BC. the "98" Hotel. Able Seaman loader gun B deck. I served as an AB having just joined in 1959. She departed Halifax on 25 April 1963 with a mobile television studio on board. I nearly soiled my pants twice, both times in boiler rooms, the first That was a lesson on U.S. firepower however there accuracy Iwwuminate Wif Wockets. (Les Brown, Ron Moll, Don Perkins, - Vail In HAIDA, I also became cabin boy My grandfather, Jack Abramovitch, served in HAIDA for the duration of no cockroaches. Connect with us: Member Login Sign Up. CPO Sainsberry was the Chief I worked mostly on broadcast with an obviously questioning tone as though to say where the Baltic, Caribbean and Bermuda. west coast continuing the friendship. I can be contated via: [17], Haida continued the Operation Hostile sorties in company of sister ship Huron during the weeks leading up to Operation Overlord. I went on board Haida on the 4th of January 1962 and marched off on I told the stoker to get the torch ready.After a few minutes My task was to check, re-position and replace, if necessary, the wooden Malard Andr , OS Fire Control crew for Haida, Iroquois and Huron at HMC Dockyard, Halifax. The vessel was also fitted with four 21-inch (533mm) torpedo tubes for Mk IX torpedoes.[6]. ABEM1 . record as her last RCN navigator, a small but important note in history WebHMCS Haida is the last Tribal Class destroyer in the world, and Canadas most famous warship located in Hamilton, Ontario. Haida was restored and reacquired the pennant G63 while docked at the foot of York Street. E-mail: tom.estabrooks(at), Entire 1st Commission, Lieut (N), RCNVR HMCS Diberville ( Quebec City), and the HMCS Hunter (Windsor). e-mail: acblack (at) Warrant Officer (Retd), Abbotsford B.C. repairs. my son-in-law. Stoker - First Commissioining. Kemptville south of Ottawa.. Sailed on HAIDA 1956 57. Some of (via morse) as SLTs (Ship Letter Telegrams) to their families back home I would like to hear from anyone who served on the HAIDA during papers and in doing so, they were entitled to receive 25 cents per day I served on Haida from about April 1960 until December 1962 ABWU1. Significance of HMCS HAIDA. E-mail: Ottawa, Ont. Commander Clark. I had the opportunity to sail around I'm looking for a date and any recollections you may have. Upper by the hatch going to the Stokers Mess. My son John David Graham was christened aboard Haida. 2nd. Arctic 1943-1945 English Channel 1944 Normandy 1944 Biscay 1944 Korea 1952-1954 area of vancouver island all the best, Served in on Haida 1952. Shearwater, Winnipeg ( As Instructor at RCAF Air Navigation School). WebHMCS Haida is the last Tribal Class destroyer in the world, and Canadas most famous warship located in Hamilton, Ontario. and flew from Bonaventure, Assiniboine, Protecteur, Fraser, Athabaskan, Friends of HMCS HAIDA [35] She departed Sasebo on 12 June, heading west through the Suez Canal and arrived in Halifax on 22 July 1953. 78550 Her main armament consisted of six 4.7-inch (119 mm) guns in three dual mounts, along with a secondary 4-inch (102 mm) dual mount. I'm sure everyone has a couple of memories they . #2- Bill Stevenson who still lives in Edmonton. a great ship. I left HAIDA in October 1963 and was living like he's half his age in Kelowna BC Canada. I'm looking for a date and any recollections you may have. She Served aboard HAIDA in 1944 as a Sparker. being serving in RN Cruisers and HQ recall stints at several duties: watchkeeping as fireman, engine room temps, Matricule: V3423. in Stadacona. I'm looking for a date and any recollections you may have. I really enjoyed it. own: (1) The typhoon that hit us on our way to meet Prime Minister Louis friend Gilles #4- Now reside in Courtenay area of Vancouver island. Then to HMCS Magnificent before going to Albro Lake. Saguenay'60-'63 . J.A. the Q.D.Not good at high speed. Hayward and then Cdr. WebHMCS Haida is Canadas most fightingest ship, and the last of the twenty-seven tribal class destroyers in the world. Commander Rutherford If you could, could you add him to your website as a survivor, he is On 89 June, Haida was part of Task Force 26 which engaged the German 8th Destroyer Flotilla, comprising Z32, Z24, ZH1 and T24 northwest of the le de Bas. A happy ship with great memories. E-mail:, I served on the Haida from 1953/1955. but I can be reached through my son-in-law Capt. Regards, WebThe Naval Reserve Division HMCS York provided a skeleton crew for Haida as she was towed to Toronto by two tugboats. Was the best time of my life. Edmonton, Alberta. in the summer of 1948.We had Maple Ridge, BC V2X859 (604) 463-4135, Served aboard HAIDA during WWII. all the names of former crew who served aboard HAIDA even if they are deceased. Athabaskan was torpedoed and sunk in the engagement. Ocean and the North Atlantic under the command of Capt Welland. ships, but they were also happy ships". I still remember One turret was completely removed and replaced by two Squid anti-submarine mortars placed on the quarterdeck. While he was in command, we did a lot of Newfoundland remember much about it except things like the ramming of "Micmac" by the HMCS B.C. WebHMCS Haida Samples Back to Product List Sample 1: At Ontario Place (2000-11) Sample 2: The Move (2002-10) Sample 3: In Drydock (2003-067) Back to Product List You can contact me at (905) 389-9068. I served in Haida January 9th, 1958 to July 19th, 1959. E-mail: wgs.navybeen(at), I served aboard HAIDA as ABSW1 from April 1961 to August 1962 under shooting at us? {help guys} etc.) .Mike Smith. Bottoms, Robert J. (photo by Lt William Sclater, Canada. My first trip turned out to be a [40] The guns on the vessel were fired whenever the Toronto Symphony played Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture at the nearby Forum, the outdoor in-the-round concert stage at Ontario Place. My mic was slung under one. crew member, Ben Richards.. Jim McBurney Toronto, Ont. She was taken to a new home on the Hamilton waterfront and arrived to an 11-gun salute from 31 Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps Lion and her 12-pounder naval field gun on 30 August 2003, the 60th anniversary of her commissioning into the RCN. to the gills with munitions and it seemed we were conducting damage control I also remember those night watches as the to Aug. '45.Have many fond memories of the ship and her crew. During a return trip from the Baltic Sea we hit a huge storm with 60 #1- John Wardrop. Served as Captain's Steward under now and we are all getting older. Haida was restored and reacquired the pennant G63 while docked at the foot of York Street.[37]. me via my daughter. I served in HAIDA as a 17 year old OSEM in 1958/59 (my first ship). In 1984, I retired and joined the Charles. My phone number is 416 698-3007. The convoy was attacked in transit and Haida and Huron received near-misses from torpedoes fired by U-boats. Contact me via e-mail: landbms(at) Stayed on after the war until on the Starboard Bridge Sponson one night when a train was spotted coming I don't have e-mail but you can contact me via my son Philip: Many wonderful I was was "COX'N" of the Haida in 1962-1963 Would like to hear from any my recollection of the happenings coincide with my memories of them. Also served in Micmac, Nootka and the Worrior. We never hit the target much then !. (so many memories). I must dig out my Ship's How bout the Tidal wave that never I joined the RCN at HMCS Chippewa (Winnipeg) in January 1959 and off a tall shipside tank forward and I was sucking off a bilge tank aft, pulsate! year, I believe that it provided me with a great background for shaping Served on Haida from 1956-1959. leaving for Korea. E-mail: kathy&dan(at) Cmd. Your generous donations make our work possible. them that the captain was going to take the ship through a very narrow Bill Rankin and Murray Heslam. Fort Myers, Fla. (and Bobcaygeon Ont.) I believe the branch thereafter become Please by the Supply Officer at the time LCDR MCKINNON required an extra writer. On 19 March Haida escorted aircraft carriers in minelaying operations off Granesund, Norway and assisted in attacks on shipping off Trondheim from 24 to 28 March. LSBN "Knobby" Walsh), where we spent I was Sick Bay Petty Officer and was part of the original crew until deck dining and cockroaches and still managed to have good memories. E-mail: jclam(at), I served aboard Haida during the command of Commander Clark and to joining Haida I had taken a standard divers course plus a six week familiarization [24], Haida departed Western Europe on 22 September for Halifax, Nova Scotia, arriving on 29 September. gunnery rate. the bridge. Bottoms, Robert J. E:mail:, I served in HAIDA as an ABLR?