They said he always used the airplane checklist, one first officer stated that he was a by-the-book pilot who would not tolerate any deviation from standard procedure..
There were 157 people, including eight crew, on board the flight. Maus was an experienced pilot who had worked for the airline for 31 years, flying Fairchild F-27, Boeing 727, Boeing 757, McDonnell Douglas DC-9, and McDonnell Douglas MD-80 aircraft. Northwest one eighty five metro tower three center taxi into position and hold you have about three minutes two to three minutes on the runway. And there was a Laguna Niguel businessman, ending a long weekend of partying with his sister in Detroit, heading back to work. From the Vault: The 1987 crash of Northwest Flight 255 in Metro Detroit It sits at the top of a hill at Middlebelt Road and I-94. He loved children, Resst said. Hank Winchester: Its hard to believe its been 35 years since Flight 255 crashed on I-94 Wiegings penchant for saying the right thing at the right time helped Sharon Resst and her daughter cope with the grief of losing her daughters father unexpectedly. ((Sound of secondary stall recognition aural warning starts)). Stream live on Local 4+. It was the end of a two-week vacation to visit family in Michigan. Witnesses of Flight 255 agreed that the takeoff roll was longer than what is normal in similar airplane takeoffs. There were the sudden bonds of humanity forged by tragedy and need, anguish and caring. I just feel very lost without him, Zanger said. Its louder than officials claim, Why remote work is becoming a blue-state privilege. electric power between the airplane's left dc. He remained at Our Lady of Lourdes for 39 years, guiding the parish through the difficult process of closing its school, demolishing its old church and the construction of a new church. J. Cathie Corona, 44, St. Clair Shores, Mich. Lewis Dresch, 45, Sterling Heights, Mich. Peter Frank, age and hometown unavailable. The reason for the absence of electrical power could not be determined. Wieging lived in Ohio as his father served in World War II. Why didn't anybody? There was only one survivor from the crash, 4-year-old Cecelia Cichan. [1]:17, At 20:34:40, the pushback tug was disconnected from the aircraft and at 20:34:50, the controller cleared Flight 255 to taxi to runway number 3C (center). Melvin C. Roundy, 53, Mesa, off-duty Northwest employee. Flight 255 is the seventh deadliest plane crash in United States history, and is the deadliest aviation disaster to have a sole survivor. WebWelcome to Northwest Flight 255 Memorial Home | The Crash | In Loving Memory | Resources | Guestbook | eMail | Search View the Memorial Marker Copyright 2003 The Northwest hangar at the airport served as a temporary morgue. The Saturday before she left, Hidi went to say goodby to her grandmother, Thelma Lesniewski. Northwest fourteen sixty six metro tower traffic your following is a very short final runway three left cleared to land winds three zero zero at one three. Listed Maintenance records showed that there was no evidence of any preexisting malfunctions or failures of any airplane structures or systems which would have contributed to the crash. Flying never bothered the 45-year-old nurse. Following the investigation, the Safety Board concluded that the supervisors decision was reasonable. Stream live on Local 4+. And for a self-described sports nut, what better place to be than Southern California. Eyewitnesses stated that Flight 255's takeoff roll was longer than usual and that the aircraft took off at a steeper angle. Born Sept. 27, 1941, in Monroe, Fr. Why didn't my brother survive? The cockpit recording revealed that the flight crew neither called for nor accomplished the TAXI checklist. [19], On August 16, 2012, the 25th anniversary of the crash, another memorial service was held at the crash site. The sole survivor was a 4-year-old girl who sustained serious injuries. After brief assignments as associate pastor of St. Lawrence Parish in Utica (1967-71) and St. David of Wales in Detroit (1971-73), Fr. Webeast feliciana parish police jury // flight 255 crash victims photos. She had wanted to drive to Michigan this summer in the couples new Chevy Blazer. WebThe victims of the crash included NBA player Nick Vanos, seven people from Orange County, California and a four-month old baby from Arizona. below are names of Passengers and Crew Members who lost their lives I have visual scars, my arms and my legs and I have scars on my forehead.". [5], Flight 255's captain was 57-year-old John R. Maus, from Las Vegas, Nevada. Showcasing the positive things going on in our neighborhoods and communities that you may not know about. Runway 3C was the shortest of the three available runways. This lead to the plane's wing flaps failing to extend prior to takeoff. In total, 154 people on their way to Phoenix died that day in Detroit on August 16, 1987. Wreckage of Northwest Flight 255 lay strewn across Middlebelt Road after the Aug. 16, 1987, crash. Then there is Bahia Bakari, who was 14 when she survived after Yemenia flight 626 plummeted into the Indian Ocean in 2009, and spent nine hours clinging to plane wreckage before she was rescued. His wife, waiting nervously at John Wayne Airport for news of the severity of the Northwest crash, never knew of her husbands inattentiveness--and good fortune--until she spotted him in the Orange County terminal arriving on another airline from Detroit. John Thiede was a Romulus firefighter the night the plane crashed and he was on the north side of the crash scene within minutes. However, the flight had been instructed by ground control to taxi to runway 3C. Why me?". ((Sound similar to nose gear strut extension)), ((Sound similar to nose wheel spinning down)). Two motorists on nearby Middlebelt Road also perished and five people on the ground were injured, one seriously. More than 30 of the passengers were under 25. He was employed for 31 years and was certified to fly several different types of planes. She planned to spend a month in Orange County before returning for her freshman year at Michigan State. Their conclusion: Bracing for impact can indeed be a lifesaver. Those from Orange County on the flight generally mirrored the overall passenger list. He had been at a family reunion in Toledo but left early.
The NTSB was unable to determine a cause for the electrical-power failure in the central aural warning system (CAWS): "The failure of the takeoff warning system was caused by the loss of input 28V dc. Northwest Airlines Flight 1466 (to Detroit tower). He gave us hope, Zanger said. The FDR data showed that, at liftoff, the planes airspeed was about 169 KIAS (the airplane equivalent of MPH or KPH) and that instead of decelerating over the 14 seconds of the flight like an airplane that hit a wind shear would, the plane accelerated to about 184 KIAS and climbed almost 50 feet. [10] She sustained severe burns and fractures to her skull, collarbone, and left leg. ((Sound of stick shaker starts and continues until the end of tape)). The family had moved west earlier in the year, but Joanne stayed in Michigan to finish her senior year of high school and to spend time with her boyfriend. Returning to Michigan after the war, the family settled in Ecorse, where the young James Wieging attended St. Francis Xavier Parish and school the same parish he would return to lead half a century later. They said they had no qualms about taking the same flight home. And there was a Laguna Niguel businessman, ending a long weekend of partying with his sister in Detroit, heading back to work. Eighteen passengers hailed from Michigan. Mary Ann flew back Aug. 4 and Hidi wanted to return then, too, Mary Ann recalls. Joanne, 18, had stayed until Sunday so she could spend the day with her boyfriend of five years, 21-year-old David Wilner. They knew little of what had happened beyond what appeared on the Northwest flight announcement screen: Canceled Flight. When she finished packing, she called home to confirm that her mother would be waiting at John Wayne Airport when Northwest Flight 255 landed at 10:35 p.m. Also boarding the Northwest jet at Detroits Metropolitan Airport was a Laguna Hills couple on the last leg of a two-week trip back to New York. They call themselves the Flight 255 family. Twenty-five times now, theyve gathered at a Her mother, father and 6-year-old brother, David, who were on the flight with her, were all killed. "Being an adolescent and confused, so it was just extra stress for me. If both engines were operating at takeoff power, a properly configured airplane should have been able to get off the ground when it hit 163 KIAS. Zanger said the families of Flight 255 have braced for the day when Fr. The takeoff performance data that was in the flight crews package was based on using either runway 21L or 21R. He and fellow Firefighter Daniel Kish were close to the wreckage when Kish heard moaning. Or purchase a subscription for unlimited access to real news you can count on. During the visit, Lisa, a 26-year-old nurse at a Laguna Hills convalescent home, went to Syracuse to visit her sister, Dawn Van Patten, and learned that she was engaged. Each needed to be in Orange County that night. Two weeks visiting her father and other relatives had been enough. 1 of 9. Its been 35 years since Northwest Airlines Flight 255 crashed onto I-94, killing all but one passenger. Cecelia Crocker, nee Cichan, was the only survivor of Northwest Flight 255, which crashed after takeoff from Detroit Metropolitan Airport on Aug. 16, 1987. Their spirit lives on in our hearts and minds forever. Crocker, who graduated from the University of Alabama and now lives on the East Coast, still has scars from the burns she suffered in the crash. Home The sole survivor of the crash was Cecilia Cichan, a four-year-old girl from Tempe, Arizona, who was returning home alongside her mother, Paula, father, Michael, and a six-year-old brother, David, after visiting relatives in Pennsylvania. "[1]:68, After the crash, Northwest retired the flight number 255 along with its counterpart flight number 254, which was the outbound flight from Phoenix to Detroit. Flight 255, bound for Phoenix and then Orange County, was airborne only a few moments before it exploded into a fiery ball of jet fuel, metal and body parts on a Detroit highway at the end of Runway 3C. John Maus, was headed for Phoenix and on to Southern California. As of 2013, the crash is the fourth-deadliest aviation accident in U.S. history. Captain John R. Maus, a 57-year-old from Las Vegas, and First Officer David J. Dodds, a 35-year-old from Galena, Illinois, picked up their aircraft, a McDonnell Douglas MD-82, that had just finished a leg with stops in Minneapolis and Saginaw, and prepared for their flight to Phoenix. Now, almost 26 years later, that little girl is all grown up, and she is speaking out for the first time about the tragedy that forever changed her life. Its mostly on my mind because of the tight bond we developed with the Flight 255 families.. Their takeoff weight had to be below the allowable limits for runway 3C. "When I realized I was the only person to survive that plane crash, I was maybe in middle school, high school maybe," Crocker said. Nick Vanos, a 24-year-old center for the Phoenix Suns, was killed. The flight's captain, John R. Maus, was an experienced pilot with 31 years of experience with the airline. The CVR provided evidence of the flight crew's omission of the taxi checklist. Despite that, Fr. He served for 46 years as a member of the International Conference of Police Chaplains, including as its vice president in 1981 and president in 1983. Seven were from Orange County, California, and the remainder were from Arizona, Michigan or other states. The plane began to break apart, bursting into flames as it hit a railroad and an overpass on I-94. Tanned from a day of boating and beer drinking in the hot Detroit sun, Lori Frank drove her brother, Peter, to the airport Sunday evening. There was a possible failure of the takeoff warning system to provide aural warning for an improper takeoff configuration. The film's director, Ky Dickens, said being a sole survivor is both a blessing and a burden. 1997, killing all 26 passengers and three crew members. Do you want me to come out there? David asked. The names and ages, where available, were compiled from various sources, including the Wayne County medical examiner's office and relatives who were notified by the airline. Around 5 p.m., Hidi and her father left for the airport in Toledo, for the short flight to Detroit. Okay position and hold northwest one eighty five. Dodds acknowledged the instructions to follow the taxiways, but did not repeat the new frequency and did not tune the radio to it. Flight attendant Roberta E. Rademacher, 35, Eagan, Minn. (Europa Press) Today, the crash of Spanair flight 5022 holds several important qualifiers which give it enduring significance. About 10 people boarded the plane in Wieging didnt hesitate. It was in the air for almost a minute. He finally bribed me by offering to pick up my lunch the next day.. Interviews with first officers and other captains who had flown with him described him as a competent and capable pilot. Debris from the crash of a Northwest Airlines MD-80 is strewn across Middlebelt Road in Romulus, Mich. on Aug. 18, 1987. Wieging wasnt the timid type, those who knew him admit. However, the airline has repeatedly said it will not release a passenger list. He never left us.. A granite monument honors those killed when Northwest Airlines Flight 255 crashed on Aug. 16, 1987. , also is a marker to the crash victims from the first responders who were called to the scene. The plane was still rolling to the left when it collided with the ground, Middlebelt Road. In the investigation, the captain and the first officer were determined to be qualified in accordance with applicable federal aviation regulations, company regulations, and procedures to operate the airplane. [22][23] She did not speak publicly about the crash until 2013, when the documentary was released. Discovery Channel's "Curiosity: Plane Crash" investigation compiled a team of experts who rigged a 727 jet with cameras, sensors and test dummies and then crashed it, on purpose, in the Mexican desert to see whether there are ways to help passengers survive when tragedy unfolds. [1]:2 During the stopover in Detroit, a Northwest Airlines mechanic inspected the aircraft and the logbook. The dispatch packet provided by the airline included takeoff performance data based on using runways 21L or 21R, but the flight was cleared for takeoff on Detroit's runway 3C, the shortest available runway. poem or song. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigated the crash. She was excited about the trip, her first to California. Are you still hungry? Joanne asked David. A Comair flight crashed 18 miles short of the airport on Jan. 9. But in the aftermath of Flight 255's fiery end, there was the life of a 4-year-old girl who survived the crash. She was booked on a Continental flight from Detroit. It's that constant struggle where my inner voice wants to keep going forward and the good voice says, 'Yeah, come on,' you have the inner strength to do that , but the bad voice says, no stay here, have another shot of liquor.". For some people affected by the incident, this was their first return to the site since the crash. They had just bought their first home, a three-bedroom house in a quiet, woodsy El Toro neighborhood. Takeoff initiated on Runway 3C at They had moved to California 14 years ago after her parents divorced, but they flew back each summer for the big family reunion--which was always on the first Sunday in August. Northwest Airlines Flight 255 is one of the deadliest aviation crashes in the nation. Flight attendant Roberta E. Rademacher, 35, Eagan, Minn. The backboard rescuers used to remove the 4-year-old from the wreckage was laminated and hangs on the wall of the firehouse. The planes takeoff configuration, the pre-takeoff checklists, and the decisions leading up to the plane leaving the ground. After kissing their two children goodby at her mothers home in Hillman, Mich., Bill Robinson drove his wife, Virginia, to the Detroit airport and watched her board Continental Flight 657 bound for Orange County. After graduating from Sacred Heart Seminary High School and College and St. Johns Provincial Seminary, he was ordained a priest in 1967. Click on any highlighted name to view. Detroit tower (to Northwest Airlines Flight 185). click here or visit one of the A devout member of Faith Lutheran Church in Huntington Beach, she believed that whatever happened was out of her hands. About ten minutes before the flight was due to depart the gate, a company transportation agent brought the flight release package to the airplane. Look at Grandma, David, she thinks Im not coming back!. The mechanic noted that there was no record of any maintenance being done on the airplane while it was at DTW. The plane, now completely out of control, hit Middlebelt just before the I-94 overpass and exploded after striking it. This page was last edited on 25 March 2023, at 07:26. Wieging, 79, ended his decades-long service as a chaplain and friend to those whose lives were irreversibly changed that day. A Comair flight crashed 18 miles short of the airport on Jan. 9. The passengers left the plane; some transferred to flights bound for Los Angeles International Airport. I saw a chair, and underneath that I saw an arm. By that time, Kish had gone in another direction to search for survivors. He wanted animal crackers, fruit punch and a balloon release for the kids. In memory of the victims, a black granite memorial was erected in 1994; it stands (surrounded by blue spruce trees) at the top of the hill at Middlebelt Road and I-94, the site of the crash. [8][9] Romulus firemen found Cichan still belted in her seat, which was faced down. The flight was headed to California when it left the gate in Detroit. She was found several feet from the bodies of her family. The victims of the crash included NBA player Nick Vanos, seven people from Orange County, California and a four-month old baby from Arizona. We will truly miss him! Other than one training report during his probationary period, all of the airline's captains with whom Dodds had flown graded him as average or above average. And I said, Father, what are we supposed to do? And he said, You family members will figure it out, and I expect that you will carry on. And that's what we're going to do., Fr. Whatever I did, she did with me, he said. [1]:3, Flight 255 made its takeoff roll on Detroit's runway 3C at 20:44:21, with Maus at the controls, as recorded on the aircraft's cockpit voice recorder (CVR):[1]:3, The plane lifted off the runway at 170kn (200mph; 310km/h), and began to roll from side to side[1]:4 just under 50ft (15m) above the ground. The remaining 149 passengers, including her parents and brother, along with six crewmembers and two people on the ground, all perished in the crash. This Sole Survivor project is more about a group, and thats why Im willing to get involved and be part of something bigger.. He gave us hope when we felt very hopeless., I feel today a sense of great loss; its like another pall of sadness has overcome our family members, Zanger added. According to the accident report, the flight crews training records did not reveal anything abnormal. Witnesses Describe Gory Scene With PM-Plane Crash, Bjt GEOFFREY HAYNES August 17, 1987 GMT ROMULUS, Mich. (AP) _ Horrified motorists who saw They bought three souviakias, and ate one each. She had slept little Sunday night, and now she was chain-smoking as she waited at Gate 26 for this new Flight 255. DETROIT Its one of the worst aviation disasters in U.S. history. Dodds also recalculated the allowable takeoff weight for the flight, and concluded that it was within normal limits. A standout athlete, he took a year off after graduating from Mission Viejo High School in 1986 to figure what he wanted to do with his life. ((Sound similar to parking brake released)), Detroit tower (to Northwest Airlines Flight 1466). Investigators had to exhaust every option to determine the cause of the crash. In one of the magazines, Joanne found her weekly horoscope. They wanted to spend it in and around their hometown of Corning and the bucolic countryside with their most valued possessions--family and friends. It was now time to point the investigation towards the actual takeoff. This change in takeoff routine could be the reason the TAXI checklist was forgone. A memorial to the victims of Flight 255 was erected near the scene of the crash and families of the victims have gathered there since on the anniversary. Cecelia Crocker, nee Cichan, was 4 years old when the airliner went down shortly after takeoff near Detroit Metropolitan Airport on a Sunday night in 1987. William Wilder, a San Clemente engineer, was in the Detroit airport reading a Western novel but did not hear the Flight 255 boarding announcement, realizing too late that the plane had left. Cecelia Crocker, nee Cichan, was the only survivor of Northwest Flight 255, which crashed after takeoff from Detroit Metropolitan Airport on Aug. 16, 1987. His matter-of-fact, pull-no-punches personality allowed him to cut to the chase, both in his personal life and his parish work a trait those around him appreciated, even if they didnt always like what he had to say. Most were traveling to the GM Desert Proving Ground in Mesa, Arizona. The sole survivor was a 4-year-old girl who sustained serious injuries. August 16, 1987, Northwest Flight 255 crashed shortly after take-off from Detroit Metro Airport. He never beat around the bush. The sole survivor of the crash was a 4-year-old girl named Cecelia Cichan, who was seriously injured. As the passengers disembarked Monday night, they passed a TV screen showing flight schedules. Denise Barton was booked on Flight 255 last Sunday, but not out of Detroit. She knew her friend, Bonnie Monary, was planning to meet the Continental flight. What are the odds?. The crew was also informed about the update of the automatic terminal information service information, to which Dodds reported on weather data update. Northwest fourteen sixty six so far that's approved I'll advise different. He learned the girl was alive several hours later. Wieging would no longer be around but that doesnt make the loss any easier. As the families of 156 people who perished desperately awaited word about their loved ones, Fr. 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