17. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Alfred burns the letter because it's the kindest thing to do. do you go for the girl or the person who is truly important. I'll keep a running count. WebRachel Dawes death was similar to how Jason Todd was killed: both characters ended up killed by the Joker, and both of their deaths involved the explosion of a building they were trapped in seconds before their attempted rescuers arrived. Webochsner obgyn residents // does rachel die in the dark knight. Book where Earth is invaded by a future, parallel-universe Earth. Instead, Batman tackles Dent to his death. When Bruce returns to Gotham, Rachel is surprised that he did not contact her, and later feels disappointed in him, taking his playboy faade at face value. Here's why. Joker just knew addresses but didn't know who was where. No, it does sound like something he'd do but i thought it was batman being clever. Meanwhile, the GCPD, believing theyre rescuing Harvey, end up making it to Rachel too late. Katie Holmes was replaced by Maggie Gyllenhaal as Rachel Dawes in 2008's The Dark Knight. There is only one Allan, Sign up for the Need sufficiently nuanced translation of whole thing. Rachel Dawes was created for Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy, first appearing in Batman Begins as Can I disengage and reengage in a surprise combat situation to retry for a better Initiative? Just as he promised, Joker was able tomold the most righteous man in town in his own image. She explains that while Gotham may come to no longer need the Batman, she then knew that Additionally, a picture of her appears in Wayne Manor (Maggie Gyllenhaals archival portrayal of the character in The Dark Knight only).
Right before she died, Rachel wanted to say something to Harvey, but she wasnt able to finish so what were those last words going to be? Why Bruce Destroys The Sonar System Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Do you have a source? Director Christopher Nolan admitted that he was quite upset that Holmes didnt return. Rachel is horrified and slaps Bruce telling him that his late parents would be ashamed of him. RELATED: The Flash Seems to Give Affleck's Batman a Classic Blue and Gray Costume. Share Improve this answer Follow edited Feb 18, 2015 at 21:03 Null 69.3k 22 289 377 answered Feb 18, 2015 at This would've served Joker's purposes far better, and by showing the better part of valor, Gotham City proves its clown-faced captor wrong. Curve modifier causing twisting instead of straight deformation. Actually, it was the opposite of what he said. This is the retrospective you deserve and the one you need right now. Nolans Batman saved Harvey Dent alone but Batman never works alone. At the funeral, the Joker attempts to assassinate Mayor Anthony Garcia (Nestor Carbonell), and leaves behind evidence indicating that Rachel will be next. Batman fires his grapple, snagging Rachels ankle activates one wing of his cape. At the end of the movie's novelization, she is named interim District Attorney. Soon, the city was overrun by Arkham's inmates, whom the League had released, and Rachel and the boy were surrounded by lunatics led by Falcone's henchman, Victor Zsasz. Two, Rachel has to die to spark Harveys transformation into Two-Face because the plot demands it happen that way. My question is why did he do that? The cape saves their lives, and IMDb's Dark Knight FAQ page concurs: How did Batman and Rachel survive the fall from the penthouse? Even though Bale's Batman was the centerpiece of the trilogy, Rachel Dawes was a welcome addition to the Batman canon, and was portrayed by two of Hollywood's best at the time. He admits that he desires to turn himself in as Batman and hopes they could eventually be together, which Rachel says cannot happen if he goes to prison. Rachel initially begins as a "goddess figure." Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. WebBruce Wayne, also known by his vigilante persona Batman, is a fictional character who is the main protagonist in Christopher Nolan's trilogy of superhero films, based on the DC Comics character of the same name, created by Bill Finger and Bob Kane.Portrayed by Christian Bale, this version of Batman is arguably explored more in-depth compared to Isaiah Whitaker Studied at Thornton Township High School Author has 88 answers and 530.5K answer views Updated 4 y Easy. The movies second big twist plays out something like this: After finally being taken into police custody, the Joker has his henchmen rig up a devilish no-win trap for Batman involving the love of his life (Rachel) and his hope for the city (Dent.) The exercise typically shows a human disposition to work together, rather than in self-interest, and sure enough, this is howJoker's boat trap plays out. Two dimensional Batmans world is a lot more dangerous than three dimensional Batmans, and most of that danger is a lot bigger. Rachel is a symbol of the normal life that Bruce Wayne must sacrifice to become a hero, and this is why she always had to die. Batman jumps out the window after her, breaking their fall on a car below. How does Blake know that Bruce Wayne is Batman? The Dark Knight is a game-changing piece of superhero cinema from Christopher Nolan. Rachel was just a bonus in his already innate dark tendecies, that just blossomed in a wild and untamed way. Rachel was just a bonus in his already innate dark tendecies, that just blossomed in a wild and untamed way. How can I self-edit? Rachel enrolled in Harvard law school and got an internship at the Gotham City District Attorney's office during her first year. Watching a guy a normal human guy, no less consistently pull off stunts that should never be done, win fights that cant be won, and come through with plans that should never work is part of what makes Batman so endearing. Obviously, Bruce had no choice, but Batman breaking his one rule toend a villain Joker himself createdwould please the villain no endin his Arkham cell. Batman envelops Rachel they slam into the hood of a passing taxi. WebRachel is next seen at the funeral of police commissioner Gillian Loeb ( Colin MacFarlane ), who was murdered by the Joker. However, unlike Spidey, whose true face does seem to be Peter Parker, Batman's true face will always be the mask, and not the man. Rachel wrote the letter so Bruce could move onaftershesettled down with Dent. Their battle culminates in an abandoned high-rise construction site, with Joker holding a group of civilians hostage and orchestrating a "social experiment" with two ferries, while Harvey Dent holds Commission Gordon's family at gunpoint. The blades hit Joker square in the face, and Bruce takes advantage by tossing the villainfrom the building but, crucially, chooses to spare the Clown Prince of Crime. The audience is left to assume he rots in Arkham Asylum forever, although this is partially down to the tragic death of Heath Ledger shortly after filming. Alfred leaves Bruce, telling him that he has buried enough members of the Wayne family. In the wide open spaces of Batman mythology, Christopher Nolan is famous for playing things a little fast and loose. I think the odds of him being killed are pretty high. Rachel is mentioned several times throughout The Dark Knight Rises. During the interrogation scene the Joker says "You know for a while there I thought you really were Dent. Once at a party in law school, a classmate slipped a hallucinogenic in her lemonade and she hallucinated for the next 14 hours. Batman does die in batman the dark knight rises. Here's why. Batman does die in batman the dark knight rises. [P.S. Unfortunately, it doesnt hold up under much scrutiny. If no ferry pulls the trigger, both will be destroyed. He has also delved into the tedious world of stop-motion animation, putting together a handful of short films. The Nolan trilogys refutation of that one principle, and all the flaws that came with it, are never more obvious than in the Jokers gambit to kill either Harvey Dent or Rachel Dawes. Although director Christopher Nolan was not thrilled about losing Holmes, he did not hold any ill will towards her. Rachel Dawes was created for Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy, first appearing in Batman Begins as the childhood friend and love interest of Bruce Wayne. Both minor characters had parts - whether unknowingly or not - in setting Two-Face and Rachel up to possibly die, and the latter was forced to coax Gordon's family out into the open by the aforementioned criminal toward the movie's end. Does rachel die in dark knight? Why didn't Bane reveal to the public that Bruce Wayne is Batman? Towards the end of the film, Rachel visits the remains of Wayne Manor, finding Bruce and Alfred sorting through the wreckage. The hostages inside the Prewitt building are dressed upas henchmen, while the Joker's real goons masquerade as hostages. Thanks. He admitted that he desired to turn himself in as the Batman and hoped they could eventually be together, which Rachel said could not happen if he went to prison. Two, Rachel has to die to spark Harveys transformation into Two-Face because the plot demands it happen that way. [4] Gyllenhaal has acknowledged that Rachel is a damsel in distress to an extent, but says Nolan sought ways to empower the character, so "Rachel's really clear about what's important to her and unwilling to compromise her morals, which made a nice change" from the many conflicted characters whom she has previously portrayed.[5]. Not very clever to chance Rachel's death, if Batman loved her. Nolan riffs on the philosophical ideas of social contract andTucker's Prisoner's Dilemma in this scene, the latter of which is a social experiment designed to study whether two opposing sides will trust the other to cooperate in the hope of better outcome for both. where Rachel died). Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Rachel was just a bonus in his already innate dark tendecies, that just blossomed in a wild and untamed way. He comes devilishly close to achieving that aim too. How did FOCAL convert strings to a number? She and Bruce share a kiss, but she tells him that they cannot be together until Gotham no longer needs Batman, now fully aware of his secret. When she goes to Arkham to evaluate the situation, Crane drugs her with fear toxin as well. The Batman saved them at the last minute and gave Rachel a hint as to his secret identity. Rather than tell the public the truth, the vigilante and the Commissioner agree to let Batman take the rap, and he runs off into the night with officers close behind. Related:Christopher Nolan's Best Movie Is The One He Never Made. After Bruce's parents were murdered by Joe Chill, Rachel's mother sought other employment and left Wayne Manor with Rachel.[1]. Bruce revealed to Rachel that he intended to murder Chill himself, and was angry that he was deprived of revenge. Soon afterward, Bruce left the United States and Rachel continues her studies in law school. As is generally the case in Hollywood, creative differences or frustration between a cast member and the director can tend to result in actors leaving a project. On Images of God the Father According to Catholicism? The Dark Knight, which is a story about the commitment to being Batman, must kill Rachel to permanently kill that possibility. But when Bruces inability to resolve a conflict boils down to his stubborn lack of community and willful isolation for isolations sake, the story stops being about Batman growing and changing and starts being about a petulant boy in a bat mask who refuses to ask for help, even at astronomical cost. Bruce refuses to let his ethics be compromised by Joker, and this means scrapping a machine that keeps tabs on the entire city. Batman saves them at the last minute and gives Rachel a hint as to his secret identity. Of course this event corrupted Dent and the Joker points out how the Batman is the most true one of them all (Last scene with the Joker), but Batman had to do what was best for Gotham.