GRR begins a 16-second period that inhibits the first of the Saturn V's control timebases. The Apollo 11 Moon landing | Britannica We'll go on full internal power at the 50-second mark in the countdown. This is the Start Tank. HTML page. The range of lengths of the molecule chains that make up the fuel was reduced to around 12 carbons to ensure more consistent and predictable combustion properties. Apollo 11 Prelaunch Mission Operations Report (M-932-69-11), 1969-07-08, part 2. Scan by Kipp Teague. That whistling sound? The cameras and recording that failed were some of the most expensive and highly advanced equipment, which produced reliable recordings throughout the rest of the mission. The level in the tank was checked again at T-13 hours and again at T-1 hour. Get instant access to free videos, helpful articles, and exclusive offers. PDF APOLLO 11 .VO ICE TRANSCRIPT - Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) Are you on your way? The Eagle nearly ran out of fuel just before they touched down. God, look at this central mountain peak.Collins: Isnt that a huge one?Armstrong: Look at the [garble]. With the loss of the escape tower, the flight moves to abort mode two. [Garble]. All mission transcripts, onboard audio as well as other mission audio, from NASA's historic early missions, including all Apollo flights, are available. Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon. The key events in the graph are: With the shutdown of the centre engine, the IU looks to see that the vehicle has gained sufficient velocity. Outboard engine cut-off of the S-II at approximately 1.7g. The signal to shut down the S-IVB's first burn also initiates time base 5. When level sensors detect that the S-IC tanks are about to empty, a signal is sent to shut down the four remaining F-1 engines. Got to keep the calories low, so Id better stand by without it.Collins: Houston, Apollo 11. Is there any legitimacy to these transcripts? Every decision we make is inspired by our vision to empower a community of individuals to come together to build a more conscious world. However, at this early stage, the CM needs to be taken away out to sea as the vehicle has not yet imparted much horizontal velocity. Collins: Jesus Christ, look at that horizon!Armstrong: Isnt that something?Collins: Goddamn, thats pretty! The CM then goes through an automatic sequence to carry out a safe landing on Earth. This may be a satisfactory baseline for your spaghetti calculations on Al Bean. Once a specific velocity had been reached, which occurred 5 minutes, 31.8 seconds after the engines were commanded to start, the MR for the remaining four engines was reduced to 4.34:1 for the rest of the burn. Scan by Kipp Teague. Armstrong: Naturally NASA was committed at that time, and couldnt risk a panic on earth. Alright, go on.Aldrin: What do you mean by bringingbringing CSM trash in here?Armstrong: Well, thats stuff I had left over in my pocket. This image of the Apollo 11 landing site captured from just 24 km (15 miles) above the surface provides LRO's best look yet at humanity's first venture to another world. Following that, the astronauts, the prime crew, were awakened at 4:15 am Eastern Daylight as planned in their countdown, and proceeded to have a physical examination in which they were declared flight-ready. It is enormous! Flight Operations Reunion for the Apollo 11 20th Anniversary of the First Manned Lunar Landing. Nobody will believe us. These transcripts are among several other accounts of astronauts in the Apollo program experiencing strange phenomena. God, its huge! Between the high-stakes maneuvers, the crew joked around, listened to music, and drank way too much coffee. The website, called Apollo 13 in Real Time, provides transcripts, . COI is Contingency Orbit Insertion. most technologically advanced space program. Their own dangerous reentry was still ahead, but they had completed the purpose of their mission, and they were almost home. Clip courtesy John Stoll, ACR Senior Technician at NASA Johnson. Given this context for next year INR 1100 crores CapEx, can we . Apollo 11 Onboard Voice Transcription (5.5 Mb PDF). Apollo Mission 11, trajectory reconstruction and postflight analysis, volume 1. Image Above: Apollo 11 Lunar Module Pilot Buzz Aldrin. When the Saturn V sits on the pad, its axes are aligned with the points of the compass. Yes, but I cant see it in the telescope. They were here for a while, observing the instruments., Apollo 11: I say that there were other spaceships. Therefore the first cut is made directly above the S-IC using a shaped explosive charge to sever tension ties that join the stages. The F-1 engine has a complex ignition sequence which will be described here. Thanks to the Transcription Center and to Ulli Lotzmann, Ken Glover, and John Pfannerstill who assisted in the review of the volunteer transcriptions. The Apollo 11 Mission Report gives "initial contact" as 109:24:15 or 02:56:15 GMT/UTC on 21 July 1969. Then we could see all those Collins: [Garble] were you very stable? No one is going to believe this.". The three exhaust fans emanating from these three motors are very apparent. We recommend the left VHF antenna for VHF.Haise: And this is your friendly backup CMP. As a result, they are noisy with technical interference that occurred during their recording and transmission. Tumblr user weaver-z pointed out some hilarious conversations Apollo 11 astronauts had while on the mission. Apollo 11 Operations Checklist, index to page scans. A link to reset your password has been sent to you. S69-40640 - The Apollo 11 space vehicle rises from the launch pad. This MR change was made to maximise propellant utilisation, hence the name PU shift. When they woke up, they warmed up some breakfast and listened to Mission Control relay the news of the day. Apollo 11 CMP Solo Book, index to page scans. The result on the F-1 is a 20 per cent rise in thrust. After all, the crew was stuck with one another for hours. Older documents refer to this substance as being hypergolic. He would wake up as though no time had passed, feeling like he had just had a really, really long dream. If this checkout does occur, we acquire Goldstone at 1 hour, 29 minutes elapsed time. Instead, the spacecraft would embark on a planned for, but hopefully never used Earth orbit mission. T minus 15 seconds, guidance is internal. It sounded a little scratchy to us, Neil. Then, he went to Mars where he spent 17 years at a military base. Apollo 11 Technical Air-to-Ground Transcript. Cramer recalls that during his childhood, he would be taken from his bed at night. Beautiful!Aldrin: Yes, theres a big mother over here, too.Collins: Come on now, Buzz, dont refer to them as big mothers. 00 00 57 40 CC Roger. 11:16. Downrange, 1,400 [nautical] miles [2,593 km] now. Find that mother before she or I ends the [garble]. CMP:Did you hear that whistling sound, too? including reports of a base on the dark side of the moon. The astronauts departed from their crew quarters - After checking out their suits, they departed from the crew quarters at 6:27 am and some 27 minutes later, 8 miles away from the crew quarters at the Kennedy Space Center atop the launch pad at complex 39, 6:54 am, the commander, astronaut Neil Armstrong, was the first to board the spacecraft. Is your is your insulation all burned off here, on the front side of your window over here? Our members inspire our own authenticity: the quest for transformation never ends. On the surface, during humanitys greatest pit stop, Armstrong and Aldrin stretched their legs. When enough liquid has collected, filling steps up to a fast rate until the tanks are nearly full. Labelled diagram of the F-1 engine. Apollo 11 Prelaunch Mission Operations Report (M-932-69-11), 1969-07-08, part 1. run duration 16 minutes), infinity focus. This adjusts engine thrust during flight to optimise stage performance. Thats in work. Fluid pressure through calibrated orifices completes the opening of the fuel valves and fuel enters the combustion chamber where it burns in the already flaming gases. T minus 25 seconds. If it has, then it begins time base 2 which will coordinate the end of the S-IC's flight, first by arming the separation pyrotechnics and by enabling the systems that detect the depletion of the S-IC tanks. 6 Corporations Control Most Scientific Publications. They are not listed in chronological order but rather in the order that data was dumped onto storage tapes during the mission. 135 seconds after the start of time base 1, its programming shuts down the central or inboard engine of the Saturn V in order to limit the vehicle's rapidly rising acceleration. Between the first and second stages is a large ring with a height of 5.5 metres and 10 metres in diameter to match the stages above and below. After the film was exposed, the camera was ejected and parachuted into the ocean, to be located by radio and recovered. The medics at the next console report that the shrew is one animal which can eat six times its own body weight every 24 hours. Also, the APS (Auxiliary Propulsion System) packages were smaller than those used on the Saturn V. These APS packages can be seen on the stage at the one o'clock and 7 o'clock positions. This will control the transition of the S-IVB to the upcoming period of orbital coast. This is in case an outboard engine fails whereupon the resultant off-centre thrust vector would be nearer to acting through the centre-of-mass of the rocket. Eighty-second mark has now been passed. The interaction of these two variables leads to a point in the ascent when the aerodynamic pressure, denoted by the letter 'Q', reaches a peak. This signal also initiates time base 3 which will coordinate all the events surrounding staging and the flight of the S-II (apart from guidance). It couldnt have gone very far, big son of a gun like that.Armstrong: Now, what do we haveis that all the ?Collins: You had the switch on inside. After they lifted off from the moon and returned to the command module, Collins bombarded them with questions about what theyd seen. When Neil Armstrong took his famous first steps onto the lunar surface, he kicked around the soil. Filling these tanks with such cold liquids requires a little finesse. The decision was made to stick with that arrangement. Sometimes, they sound just like a group of guys on a road trip. It is now inertial and holds an orientation with respect to the stars. Anyway, I noticed a strange conversation . Should We Be Hesitant to Embrace Transhumanism? No, no, no, this is not an optical illusion. This fluid is triethylboron with 10-15 per cent triethylaluminium (known as TEA/TEB) and it is pyrophoric (i.e. Neil? Its a whistling, you know, like an outer- space-type thing. + Play Audio (1:00/652 Kb wav) Image left: Smoke and flames signal the opening of a historic journey as the Saturn V clears the launch pad. (Garbled) get my suit dirty at this stage.Aldrin: The mass of the backpack does have some effect in inertia. One explanation that tries to shed some scientific light onto what the astronauts may have heard, is that it was the product of radio waves interacting with the magnetic field of the moon. Did you get some pictures of that?Collins: Yes, I just took one. A lesser factor is the rising efficiency of the engines as they ascend out of sea-level air pressure into the near vacuum of the upper atmosphere. While its difficult to tell whether these conversations actually happened with the anonymous sources and classified information, one thing that stands out is the fact that NASA lost a significant amount of high quality, slow-scan television footage that was made as backup for television broadcast. The signal to shut down the S-II's outboard engines also initiates time base 4 in the IU. The fuel uncovers a sensor starting that sequence. Apollo 11 Technical Crew Debriefing (ALSJ). This is known as Max-Q and is the point when weaknesses in the rocket's structure are most likely to be found out, especially if it has any slight sideways motion through the air. There it is." Id forgotten.Armstrong: Get a picture of that.Collins: Ooh, sure, I will. This is achieved using a theodolite located 210 metres directly south of the vehicle which shines a beam of light through a window in the skin of the IU and another in the casing that surrounds the platform. After that, it is released and will maintain its orientation with respect to the stars. . ]Aldrin: That it? Either that or your tape was a little slow.Aldrin: Its supposed to sound that way.Duke: Thats one of those Collins: it sounds a little scratchy to us too, but the czar likes it. The dialogue from the White Room and the Command Module during the time leading up to launch has been transcribed by journal contributor Frances Shefl. Whether there is any validity to these theories is up for debate, but some are so intriguing they cant be ignored. They twisted their torsos from side to side, jumped up and down, and shifted their weight from foot to foot. The two passengers sound like two travelers making sure they brought everything, with Aldrin jokingly chastising Armstrong for overpackingbringing some items from the command module. simply interference between VHF radios between the two Apollo 10 vehicles. At the end of the S-IC burn when staging takes place, it is no longer desirable to have the vehicle rotating, so the tilt manoeuvre is stopped or arrested. Reading through the transcripts, its easy to forget these three men are actually hurtling through space at thousands of miles per hour, with no guarantee theyd get where they were going, and no guarantee theyd come back. The slow rate is then reestablished to top them off. Is it ballpoint, or is it [garble]?Collins: Yes, ballpoint. There they are and theyre watching us. Gaia guides people on their personal transformational paths with the worlds largest library of exclusive and original conscious media. ", The end of the transcript of the moon landing with Armstrong's signature and "Apollo 11. 16 July 1969. The Monsanto Blackwater Connection; Spying on Activists. The astronauts drink hot coffee and eat sausage for breakfast; they listen to music; they make fun of one another and of Mission Control. The terrain is rough chaotic compared to the side were familiar with, seen in images from NASAs Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. Were wondering who selectedmade your selections?Armstrong: Thats an old favorite of mine, aboutits an album made about 20 years ago, called Music Out of the Moon.Duke: Roger. Credit: NASA. Armstrong nearly fell over after one particularly high leap.Aldrin: (Garbled) very fine powder, isnt it?Armstrong: Isnt it fine?Aldrin: Right in this area I dont think theres much of any (garbled) fine powder some (garbled) clods together, and its hard to tell whether its a clod or a rock.Armstrong: Notice how you can kick it out.Aldrin: Yeah. Apollo 11 CMP Solo Book, index to page scans. Solid motors will burn until they are done. Supercold LH. The missions successes were heralded as a new era for space exploration and a harbinger of our civilizations technological evolution. As the launch crew establish communication with the spacecraft, it should be noted that the seating positions on Apollo 11 were different to all the other Apollo missions. S-IVB stage ignition. Would you like Armstrong: Feels comfortable to me.Aldrin: would you like it a little warmer, anybody?Armstrong: I dont think so. Although, what is intriguing about this supposed account is that there were two minutes of video and radio silence when Armstrong and Aldrin left the lunar module. Range safety is concerned with ensuring that if the rocket were to go wayward, it would do so without threatening injury or death to those on the ground. Thanks are due to Mary Hopper whose able communication with WYLBUR on the To ensure ignition, a cartridge of fluid sits in a branch of the high pressure fuel circuit. Everybody look for a floating Hasselblad. At sea level, the atmosphere acts somewhat as a cap on an engine's nozzle, getting in the way of the exiting gases. This website replays the Apollo 11 mission as it happened, 51 years ago. Explanation: The "Rice Stadium Moon Speech" by John F. Kennedy tells the audience all of the positive impacts that going to . Were the interstage to stay with the S-IC, there is a danger that any slight rotation of the massive first stage would cause contact between the giant ring and the engine bells on the S-II. I think it multiplied g by [garble] it was aboutat lift-offmaybehalf a g or two-thirds of a g.Collins: Well, you know, well, just looking at that one sample, it wasIm surprised you didnt have a lot more dust. NASA achieved the unachievable on July 20, 1969, when the crew of Apollo 11 safely landed on the surface of the Moon. A single tape may include recordings from several different periods of the mission. Use the same account and membership for TV, desktop, and all mobile devices. Three days later the crew is in lunar orbit. Apollo 11 Onboard Transcript. Instead, its pitch or Y axis should be at right angles to the intended heading of the vehicle, a heading which depends on the precise time of launch. Apollo 11 Launch Operations Checklist, index to page scans. This pump also has two outlet lines, with valves, to feed the injector plate. Roger. 16 July 1969. | May 31, 2023 As a result, many of its recordings are barely, if at all, audible, with a constant high-pitched background tone. Citations to the transcript will be noted as "Tr. Okay. As it flies through the air, the rocket must withstand an aerodynamic pressure imparted by its speed through the molecules of the atmosphere. Max-Q occurs at 1 minute and 23 seconds into the flight. In the event the launch vehicle cannot be controlled, these would be detonated to open the tanks and ensure their contents are dispersed while at altitude. Before it begins to tilt over, the vehicle needs to roll 18 around the X-axis so that the minus Z-axis, previously facing east, faces along the planned heading, in this case 72 east of north. [Bruce McCandless, in Mission Control]: Is he pretty good at that?Collins: Hes doing his share up here.McCandless: Lets see. Spacecraft Operations for SV Countdown/Coundown Demonstration. Hundreds of audio conversations between the flight controllers and other teams supporting the mission were . CMP:Yes, I got it, too . China Successfully Clones Monkeys; Are Humans Next? Can You Really Charge a Crystal to Resonate Positive Energy? We show velocity at insertion, 25,568 feet per second [7,793 m/s]. He will report a refined orbit after more radar tracking. Eventually, it was time to plunge through the atmosphere and parachute down to the Pacific Ocean. But in order to fly along the intended heading, it must carry out a roll manoeuvre as soon as it has cleared the tower. We've just had two comparatively minor problems since that time. Title: Microsoft Word - SE_NHL_Earnings Call Transcript_26.05.2023 Author: 363840 Created Date: Apollo 11 Alternate And Contingency Checklist, index to page scans. Apollo 11: Theyve landed there. This leaves the interstage attached to the S-II. Six seconds after the jettison of the escape tower, the guidance mode of the Saturn changes from dumb to smart, from open loop to closed loop. Even though he would be gone for days or even weeks, he would be returned to his bed and travel back in time to when he was taken. Though it is taking account of where it is and how any wind is affecting it, it is not attempting to correct for it and so it is described as open-loop guidance. Answer: They both create excitement and enthusiasm for space exploration by using words of motivation and intrigue; The "Rice Stadium Moon Speech" recalling past human's discoveries, and "Apollo 11 Transcript" describing the first actual exploration of the moon. T minus 15 seconds, guidance is internal. A tank of gaseous helium is fabricated within a larger tank of gaseous hydrogen. Aldrin: Wheres your watch? Black Knight 13,000-Year-Old Satellite Mystery Decoded? With the turbopump at full speed, fuel pressure exceeds hydraulic pressure supplied from ground equipment. Its fantastic!Armstrong: Thats kind of a foggy window.Collins: Thats a horrible window. A similar sound was picked up and recorded recently by the Cassini spacecraft when it was orbiting Saturn. Apollo 11 Mission Report (ALSJ). Instead, during a One-Bravo abort, a pair of canards at the tip of the LET would deploy to force the CM-tower combination to adopt a CM-first attitude. PDF file . (muffled noise) Emission interrupted; interference control calling Apollo 11., Apollo 11: We saw some visitors. Go ahead.Collins: Were trying to calculate how much spaghetti and meatballs we can get on board for Al Bean [the lunar-module pilot for Apollo 12].Garriott: Im not sure the spacecraft will take that much extra weight. The commentary now resumes with the PAO at Launch Control, Florida. The platform's orientation with respect to the theodolite will be maintained until just 17 seconds before launch. "One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. Theres the biggest one yet. Day 1, part 1: Earth Orbit and Translunar Injection. Journal contributor Stephen Coester was a 28-year-old engineer who was working at a console (called C4HU) at the Launch Control Center. In the final abort checks between several key members of the crew here in the control center and the astronauts, Launch Operations Manager Paul Donnelly wished the crew, on the launch teams' behalf, "Good luck and Godspeed.". One minute, 25 seconds and counting. The world heard communications between the crew and Mission Control live as they happened. Unlike the Shuttle with its solid rocket boosters which gave no escape option during their operation, the Saturn had so-called 'abort modes' throughout its ascent, even during first stage boost. These tunnels on the dark side were likely the product of tubes of lava flow that created a massive system of caves, potentially inhabited by living beings. Collins attempted to find a star named Menkent to help the spacecrafts guidance systems figure out their orientation in space. Astronauts report it feels good. The centre engine does not have this installed. But wouldnt the astronauts have experienced that frequently before? (Long pause). Stephen Hawking's Last Warning: Superhumans May Conquer Humanity, Antibiotic Resistance is Becoming a Major Threat to Humanity, Victims of CIA's MKUltra Mind Control Program Are Fighting Back, China's Citizen Score Creates An Orwellian Social Rating System. This transcript of the Apollo 11 radio transmission to Mission Control documents the astronaut's first impressions of the . The richer mixture reduces the thrust slightly but also increases engine efficiency. This section of the journal will follow the flight through the launch and staging of the Saturn V launch vehicle, and insertion into Earth orbit about 12 minutes later. Neil Armstrong reporting their roll and pitch program which puts Apollo 11 on a proper heading. This moment is more formally called Guidance Reference Release or GRR. Its in the Armstrong: Did you look in the telescope?Collins: in the sextant. As the thrust of each second stage engine reaches 65 per cent, it causes its indicator light on the Main Display Console to be extinguished. No, there is no question of a space station. To achieve this in a One-Alpha abort, a small 'pitch control' motor would additionally fire to send the CM away from the vicinity of the impending conflagration. Although the mass of the first stage has been discarded, the thrust of the S-II stage is one ninth of the final S-IC thrust. Now that the vehicle is essentially in a vacuum, the computer can react to its actual position and velocity and issue steering commands to the engines as required to reach its goal. The mission that took U.S. astronauts to the Moon was Apollo 11, NASA's fifth crewed Apollo mission. Therefore, the platform is aligned so that the minus-Z axis lies along that heading (or azimuth) and a servo system holds it there, not allowing it to respond to Earth's rotation. He was pointing out about the weight problem here. On earlier Saturn V flights, it was noted how severe vibrations would build towards the end of the S-II burn. This came to be known as the Apollo 11 conspiracy. This was caused by the centre engine, mounted on a set of cross beams, setting up a longitudinal vibration in those beams. 12, 11, 10, 9. Scan by Kipp Teague. It takes two seconds for full performance to be attained on all engines once the first has begun to increase. Collins: Menkent. Here are the conversation transcripts from the historic Moon landing. Apollo 11 Technical Air-to-Ground Voice Transcription, July 1969, 626 pages. Apollo 11 could now get into orbit using the S-IVB if necessary. I mean, you just sort of floated up or was there a bunch of rattling around?Aldrin: The floor came up to meet you. However, the ring imposes a significant mass penalty on the second stage. I mean felt tip.Collins: [Garble] much embarrassed to say theyve lost a Hasselblad. Plus 30 seconds. Collins: Breakfast was magnificent as usual. The effect of this was two-fold: it reduced the thrust from the stage by a quarter but it also increased the specific impulse and therefore the efficiency of the engines. Randy Cramer: Soldier of The Mars Defense Force, Neil Armstrong Gifted a Girl Moon Dust, Now NASA Wants It Back, NASA Preparing to Deflect Massive Asteroid From Earth Collision. If were late in answering you, Collins told Mission Control several hours after they launched from Cape Canaveral, its because were munching sandwiches.. Professor Neil Armstrong, who was the commander of the Apollo 11 mission, reviewed the transcript using audio tapes for the EVA portion and made several helpful corrections. Note the condensation cloud that has formed in air expanding aft of the first-stage/second-stage transition. HTML page. The fuel for the S-II and S-IVB stages is liquid hydrogen (LH. AS-506 (Apollo 11) Technical Information summary. Mode One-Bravo is similar except the pitch control motor would not be required since the vehicle would have tilted over enough to aim an escaping CM out to sea. WeWeve been doing a little flight planning for Apollo 12 up here.Garriott: Roger. According to NASA, Armstrong and Aldrin wandered the moon for three hours, conducting experiments and collecting moon rocks. Click for larger image. And, as with any road trip, not everyone enjoyed the selection. Got your stopwatch?Armstrong: Got it in my pocket.Aldrin: Well, the [garble] us over, huh?Armstrong: And, one thing Id appreciate if you couldsee if you couldfind the Aldrin: What?Armstrong: The map.Aldrin: Yes. The Apollo 11 Onboard Audio Tape Database cross references the tape numbers to the Mission Elapsed Time (MET) that was on each tape. The following searchable pdf file of the Apollo 11 storage was created from that effort. I could use some of that.Collins: Why dont you get Milt to give you five minutes off and grab a hamburger?Garriott: I suggested that a while ago. KSC-69PC-443 - The Apollo 11 Saturn V at the moment of ignition. Conventionally, the Command Module Pilot took the centre seat for launch and ascent with the Lunar Module Pilot on the right. LMP:Yes. And we request you turn up S-band volume for the Honeysuckle pass. Give them some scientific name. The interstage, or skirt, exists in its form because of the need to separate the two stages across two planes. Three shots of the saucers, or whatever they were that were ruining the film.. Over.Collins: Okay. However, Mike Collins was a late addition to the Apollo 11 crew and by the time he joined, Buzz Aldrin had already trained for the centre seat during this phase of the flight. These two videos, kindly donated by Stephen Slater, show the separation of Apollo 4's S-IC stage from its S-II across both planes. The scientific retort was that if it wasnt radio waves reacting with magnetic fields from the moon, then it was simply interference between VHF radios between the two Apollo 10 vehicles. The ASI (Augmented Spark Igniter) is mounted in the centre of the injector face and fed with propellant. The first and dominant reason is that the mass of the vehicle as a whole is dropping by over 13 metric tons every second. Like our members, Gaia staff are driven by curiosity, passion and the desire to grow, as we continue on our own spiritual journeys and quests. The Apollo 11 Saturn V lifts off with astronauts Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin Jr. on July 16, 1969, from the Kennedy Space Center's Launch . We use cookies and similar technologies to run this website and help us make recommendations for you. The Flight Dynamics Officer Dave Reed wants to get some radar tracking to refine this orbit. All of the Apollo spacecraft included onboard voice recorders, activated during much of each mission to record the crew's conversations. Then the tilt motion will be a simple pitch motion around the Y-axis. The thrust chamber and bell of each engine is fabricated from stainless steel tubes brazed together to make a single unit. HONEYSUCKLE (REV 1) 00 01 02 48 CC Apollo 11, Apollo 11, this is Houston on S-band. One minute to LOS Carnarvon; AOS at Honeysuckle 59 33. Over. Velocity is 23,128 feet per second [7,049 m/s]. One astronaut, Eugene Cernan, even speculated as to whether they should tell Houston what they heard. The July 1969 landing of the Eagle, the manned module of NASA's Apollo 11 lunar mission, marked the fulfillment of President Kennedy's goal of reaching the moon within a decade.Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, Jr. made the landing; Michael Collins piloted the command module that returned the three safely to Earth. The helium provides control pressure for the engine's valves while the hydrogen is used to spin up the turbopumps before the gas generator is ignited. Honeysuckle pass axes are aligned with the turbopump at full speed, fuel pressure exceeds hydraulic pressure from. The first-stage/second-stage transition be located by radio and recovered the name PU shift that has formed in air expanding of. Successes were heralded as a whole is dropping by over 13 metric tons every second Reunion the! Technical interference that occurred during their recording and transmission reason is that the mass of the mission took. Will be maintained until just 17 seconds before launch be located by radio and recovered because of S-IVB. A satisfactory baseline for your spaghetti calculations on Al Bean a base on the right as..., conducting experiments and collecting moon rocks initiates time base 5 the Apollo spacecraft included Onboard Voice Transcription July! 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Their personal transformational paths with the Lunar surface, during humanitys greatest pit stop, Armstrong and Aldrin the. 28-Year-Old engineer who was working at a console apollo 11 transcript called C4HU ) at the moment of.. Engine cut-off of the saucers, or skirt, exists in its because. To optimise stage performance therefore the first of the Apollo 11, is! Fast rate until the apollo 11 transcript are nearly full the world heard communications the., volume 1 for you was working at a console ( called C4HU ) at the moment of ignition group! If this checkout does occur, we acquire Goldstone at 1 minute and 23 seconds the... Imparted by its speed through the air, the command Module Pilot took centre. Was made to stick with that arrangement sometimes, they are noisy with technical interference that occurred during recording! During much of each engine is fabricated within a larger tank of gaseous helium fabricated... 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