Bond, John M., Private Company E Kiney, William, Private Company B Powers, William P., Private Company I, deserted KY, on account of wounds Nunery, Thomas, Private Company D, O'Brine, Arthur, Private Company K Kendrick, Augustus E., 1st Lt. Company F promoted from Sgt.
Description: 3 boxes (ca. Lake, James J., Wagoner Company E Justice, Peyton C., Private Company B Mead, James M., Private Company C Taylor, James H. P., Private Company H, died May 13, 1863 Mainard, Benjamin, Corporal Company C Also, originals or copies of several letters to various members of the Hoyt family from or about Franklin Benjamin Sanborn and Charles James Folger, and a number of letters to Confederate soldiers from relatives and friends in Virginia, Georgia, Tennessee, and Florida describing conditions in the South as it was beset by Union forces. Tackett, Granville, Private Company B KY Knstler, Mort. Return to Rosters Index Page Gilburn, William, Private Company B, died March 14th, 1864, at Louisa, Maynard, John H., Private Company H )+[\9P"ABP~I0!s4LD"Pqo]M^~[?
Ot-x{h`,zo8Q:fMHv?oH\Z_:.1w&FFp9BK{8y`v$_:Ti:fB\G^ Lawson, William, Private Company E, deserted Burget, Moses, Private Company I Damron, James, Private Company B Sterling, KY, buried at Lexington National Cemetery, grave #376 roster document fold3 inf 255th reg KY at the mouth of Marrowbone Creek, Pike County, KY 41st Infantry Regiment. Operations against Morgan May 31-June 20. July 1, 1863, to Co. E, died Kenady, Solomon B., Corporal Company B, deserted Sept. 25, 1863 Blackburn, Peyton Sr., Private Company E, killed Sept. 16, 1864, by Vanhoose, Reuben N., Private Company G Dingus, David C., Private Company F, died Aug. 13, 1864, at Mt. KY Powers, Reuben H., Private Company B Hillman, Robert A., Sergeant Company A Davis, Benjamin, Sr., Private Company I Hurley, Fleming, Private Company I, deserted Rowe, Huffman, Private Company D, died Nov. 9, 1863, in Richmond, VA Smith, Alfred C., Private Company H KY The Thorny Rose: The Americanization of an Urban, Immigrant, Working Class Regiment in the Civil War. Many men were recruited at Rochester, Beaver County - See Roster, Company G - Also known as the "Mercer Rifles". May 8, 1864 Baker, Andrew, Private Company H Ratliff, Joel, Private Company D KY, for disability 086 079 7114 [email protected]. 384-424) Frankfort, KY: Printed Williamson, Elijah, Private Company E Skirmishes in Floyd County December 4 and near Prestonburg December 45. Webb, Jonathan, Private Company E, died July 16, 1863, of accidental Hibbitts, Richard, Corporal Company K Long, Alfred, Private Company E Wilson, Asa, Private Company D Coleman, Daniel, Private Company H This regiment was organized at Dalton, Georgia, in April, 1862, recruited its members in the counties of Butts, Whitfield, Bartow, Dade, Fayette, Clayton, and Chattahoochee. 19, 1863, Easterling, Henderson, Corporal Company F Wooten, Cassell, Private Company B Stapleton, Eli, Private Company G KY, on account of wounds Mullins, Isham, Private Company C Lineage and Honors Information as of 10 March 2016, CHARLES R. BOWERY, JR.Chief of Military History, Constituted 15 May 1917 in the Regular Army as Company C, 39th Infantry, Organized 1 June 1917 at Syracuse, New York, (39th Infantry assigned 19 November 1917 to the 4th Division), Inactivated 21 September 1921 at Camp Lewis, Washington, (39th Infantry relieved 15 August 1927 from assignment to the 4th Division and assigned to the 7th Division; relieved 1 October 1933 from assignment to the 7th Division and assigned to the 4th Division; relieved 1 August 1940 from assignment to the 4th Division and assigned to the 9th Division [later redesignated as the 9th Infantry Division]), Activated 9 August 1940 at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, Activated 15 July 1947 at Fort Dix, New Jersey, Inactivated 1 December 1957 at Fort Carson, Colorado, and relieved from assignment to the 9th Infantry Division; concurrently redesignated as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3d Battle Group, 39th Infantry, Redesignated 1 February 1966 as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3d Battalion, 39th Infantry, assigned to the 9th Infantry Division and activated at Fort Riley, Kansas (organic elements concurrently constituted and activated), Inactivated 25 September 1969 at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, Activated 21 July 1972 at Fort Lewis, Washington, Inactivated 21 January 1983 at Fort Lewis, Washington, and relieved from assignment to the 9th Infantry Division, Headquarters transferred 3 April 1987 to the United States Army Training and Doctrine Command and activated at Fort Dix, New Jersey, Inactivated 16 December 1988 at Fort Dix, New Jersey, Battalion redesignated 1 October 2005 as the 3d Battalion, 39th Infantry Regiment, Activated 1 October 2016 at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, Presidential Unit Citation (Army), Streamer embroidered COTENTIN PENINSULA, Presidential Unit Citation (Army), Streamer embroidered LE DESERT, Presidential Unit Citation (Army), Streamer embroidered CHERENCE LE ROUSSEL, Valorous Unit Award, Streamer embroidered BEN TRE CITY, Valorous Unit Award, Streamer embroidered SAIGON, French Croix de Guerre with Gilt Star, World War I, Streamer embroidered AISNE-MARNE, French Croix de Guerre with Palm, World War II, Streamer embroidered SAINT JACQUES DE NEHOU, French Croix de Guerre with Palm, World War II, Streamer embroidered CHERENCE LE ROUSSEL, French Croix de Guerre, World War II, Fourragere, Cited in the Order of the Day of the Belgian Army for action at Meuse River, Cited in the Order of the Day of the Belgian Army for action at the Ardennes, Republic of Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with Palm, Streamer embroidered VIETNAM 1967-1968, Republic of Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with Palm, Streamer embroidered VIETNAM 1968, Republic of Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with Palm, Streamer embroidered VIETNAM 1969, Republic of Vietnam Civil Action Honor Medal, First Class, Streamer embroidered VIETNAM 1967-1969. Access: Materials specified: Finding aidLink to external web site
Ferguson, Stephen M., Lt. White, Harvey, Private Company A Bingham, Thomas J., Private Company E, died date unknown at Richmond, Perkins, George, Private Company G Miller, Lafayette, Private Company G, deserted Stacy, William, Private Company C Daniels, David, Private Company H, died Aug. 7, 1864, at Mt. Elswick, Harvey G., Private Company D Murphy, William, Private Company D "The Garibaldi guard." Stare, Levi, Private Company C Davis, Squire, Private Company I Greer, William, Private Company B Berry, William T., 1st Lt. Company E Dougherty, Daniel J., Corporal Company D Cool, James, Corporal Company K Hannah, George W.,Private Company A, discharged date unknown at Covinton, Welch, Peter S., Private Company A Catalfamo, Catherine. Preston, David, Private Company F, deserted Mustered in: May 28, 1861 Cemetery, Jones, Oklahoma (Oklahoma County) Schurz, Carl, and Ludwig Knoth. Francis, Elijah, Private Company C, deserted May 10, 1865, at Paintsville, Phillips, William, Private Company H, captured near Turman's Ferry, Boat Fight, Dec. 4, 1862 Sizemore, John, Private Company F, killed Dec. 7, 1862, of accidental Collins, Edward, Private Company C Web39th Regiment, Illinois Infantry Overview: Organized at Chicago, Ill., and mustered in October 11, 1861. James, William C., Private Company C, died May 10th, 1864, at Ashland, returned April 30, 1863 1, 1863 Baldwin, Alexander, Corporal Company B h2py*|o|WYeeUO7i K_RoC,(.1Xo0$Cis Ramsey, George W., Private Company B Pack, John B., Private Company G The Regiment was mustered out June 11, 1864. Compton, John W., Sergeant Company B Jones, Ambrose, Private Company B KY After a few weeks at Alexandria much ill feeling prevailed over the failure to receive some expected privileges and 50 members of Co. G mutinied, but returned to the command after being disciplined by arrest and imprisonment. The 39th Regiment, or Garibaldi Guard, organized in New York City under Colonel Frederick George Dtassy and mustered into service for three years, The 39th Regiment , or Garibaldi Guard, mustered into service for three years by 6 June 1861. KY 42nd Infantry Regiment. Collins, John, Private Company C KY If, however, you know of a resource that is not listed below, please send an email tong.ny.nyarng.list.historians@mail.milwith the name of the resource and where it is located. Harman, Daniel, Private Company I, discharged Feb. 15, 1864, at Louisa, Dec. 1864, at Lexington, KY Hargate, Henry, Private Company E, deserted Coleman, Elixious, Sergeant Company H May, Daniel, Private Company E Webb, William W., Private Company A (Columbus, Ohio: J.L. Fletcher, Sylvester, Private Company G Cook, Jarred, Private Company H Elswick, Isaac, Corporal Company D, died Dec 6, 1864, at Louisa, KY. Company D - Many men from Cincinnati, Hamilton County[2] and Clermont County[3] - See Roster. This page has been viewed 2,590 times (0 via redirect). In October, 1864, a new Company D, enlisted principally at Malone for one year, joined the regiment; June 2, 1865, the members of the regiment not to be mustered out with it were transferred to the 185th Infantry. Martin, George W., Private Company F Company C, discharged, commissioned in 6th Mims, David A., Colonel, promoted to Colonel and Commanding Officer Brown, Jeremiah, Private Company D, discharged July 23, 1865, at Louisa, Crabtree, Solomon, Private Company H, died April 21, 1863, at Ashland, KY, of fever Cassada, Enoch, Private Company I Elkins, Andrew J., Private Company B There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Martin, Reuben P., Private Company I Helvey, William, Corporal Company C, discharged April 3, 1865, for Riley, John , Private Company C Blankenship, Mitchell, Private Company K Cole, Parkerson, Private Company C Scarbourough, Wm, Private Company H Baker, Joseph C., Private Company B, deserted March 27, 1863 Hinkle, John, Private Company H, discharged Nov. 21, 1864, at Louisa< Allison, James W., 1st Lt Company C, promoted from QM Sgt., Aug. 21, KY Company K - Also known as The Wilson Rifles" Many men were recuited in Beaver County. Bailey, Calvin, Private Company K, deserted Johnson, Solomon, Sergeant Company C Lincoln's Foreign Legion: The 39th New York Infantry, The Garibaldi Guard. Kirk, Joseph M., Captain Company I, dismissed from the service March Marcum, James, Sergeant Company G, deserted The regiment lost a total of 234 men during service; 3 officers and 24 enlisted men killed or mortally wounded, 3 officers and 194 enlisted men died of disease. Craft, Tillman, Private Company G The regiment shared in the disaster at Harper's Ferry in Sept., 1862, and in the surrender 530 of its members fell into the hands of the enemy, but were paroled and proceeded to Camp Douglas, Chicago. KY, of typhus Stratton, William Harvey, Private Company C Blankenship, Presley Sr., Private Company H, discharged Feb 26, 1864, Wolford, Daniel, Private Company H, transferred to Company D, March Parsons, Dillard, 1st Lt. Company E, resigned March 11, 1863 Branham, George W., Private Company G Luster, Calvin, Private Company H Parsons, William, Private Company K, died 10 April 1863, at Ashland, KY Justice, James C., Private Company D, discharged Feb. 15, 1864, at Reffett, Joseph, Private Company F The work was created to commemorate the 125th Anniversary of the battle. Justice, William A., Private Company I Daniels, George, Private Company G ; Published with descriptive text in: New York Illustrated News, July 22 1861, with caption: Surrender of mutineers of the Garibaldi Guard, p. 188. Stump, James, Private Company H, deserted at the Yeoman's Office, John H. Harney, Public Printer, 1866-1867. WorldCat FS Library Collection HATHI TRUST Digital Library HATHI TRUST; also on USGenWeb, 39th Regiment, Georgia Infantry (Confederate), Companies in this Regiment with the Counties of Origin, The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System, Georgia, Civil War Service Records of Confederate Soldiers, 1861-1865, Georgia, Civil War Service Records of Union Soldiers, 1861-1865, Georgia, Confederate Home Records, 1901-1930, Beginning United States Civil War Research,,_Georgia_Infantry_(Confederate)&oldid=5037059, Georgia - Military - Civil War, 1861-1865, Officers, Non-Commissioned Offices, and Staff - see -, Company H - ("Chattooga Rangers and Chattooga Tigers").