why did barlow kill walt's wifewhy did barlow kill walt's wife
I noticed the writers tried to fix that by claiming that Vic did not know he was married, but by then of course, it was too little, too late. Excellent writing and acting. Im not sure that Walt and Vic are a done deal. 3:59 am. @Kay Vics character was most definitely not on 24. Ive enjoyed the weekly re-caps, as there is always some little gem that I missed while watching. Why not kill Longmire himself? mr.tufts Great episode, great season! The scene of Vic, Ruby, and Ferg staring out the window at displaced, disturbed Deputy Branch is one of my all time favorite images for this show. emsa2, I think Walt deserved a drink after what hes had to deal with and more than a Raineer. became too much for NEW viewers to overcome. Your email address will not be published. Barlow saw an opportunity and had him killed by Ridges. If either he or Walt had killed Beck, the body would never have been found. All the new summer offerings from all the networks have been a big disappointment. Barbara Proctor I however have been on sites where people are downright nasty if you express you like the Vic character, or say she has some redeeming quailties, or she is the most reliable deputy, or disagree with their opinion at all and the same people post over and over and over and over again even when the topic may not be about Vic and they have already expressed their opinion. Branch could have given a warning shot to tell Barlow to stay put. Like some of you have mentioned, I too have been a little unclear as to why David Ridges would come after Branch with such vengence. Nicely said, Virginia! A New Old Western that premiered on A&E on June 3, 2012 based on the "Walt Longmire Mysteries" novel series by Craig Johnson. 10 episodes is pretty good for a season. 1:34 pm. Thanks. Ha! August 5, 2014 @ Is this correct? August 5, 2014 @ I did LIKE the Lizzie story-arc, what it revealed about Walt and Vic, how it was part of his healing process and then how after Cadys accident it was used to display one of Longmires most virtuous flaws: that overdeveloped sense of responsibility for everything that in this instance leads him to think giving in to Lizzies seduction led to Cady being in a coma. He expressed the dignified despair of Henry Standing Bear so beautifully. years(!) Emerald . [b]Penny[/b], I also dont see Cady backtracking with Branch. I think Henry will start doing what Hector would do because of the guilt he feels about Hectors death, Kate11208 Why does Barlow kill branch? I think Barlow assumed the death would cripple Walt, who wouldnt run. She was on 24 a few seasons ago. By Jesse Clark / Sept. 28, 2021 5:31 am EST. Keep it going!!!!!! PaulK, I feel after he spread Marthas ashes he was headed to confront Jacob Nighthorse. Longmire, Vic (Katee Sackhoff), and Ferg (Adam Bartley) search for Branch and eventually find his body in a river, an apparent suicide, based on the angle of the shotgun.. Who does Cady Longmire marry? His little fit last week was overdue, IMO. Hopefully, it wont take too long! I concur everyone is entitled to their opinion. First, I liked the opening music to this episode. Although there was not any close interaction between Vic and Walt appropriately so it was really sweet to see Vic take care of Walts bloody ear in the bar What a total dirtbag Barlow turned out to be, not that we didnt think he was pretty slimy, but to turn against Branch like that pretty powerful! And thank you, [b]snowdogmom[/b], for being a part of the conversation here each week. But even with Branch distracted theres no way Barlow gets the drop. Id hate to see that here. In case one breaks) Henrys joyous head through the open window ride . Best television in a long time. S3 was too much serial story. Season 4? But the second I can think of now is in the episode Unquiet Mind as one of Walts visions on the mountain. August 5, 2014 @ Malachi needs to go down for his corruption and treatment of Henry if nothing else. Getting sick of their lack of information and promotion for Longmire. Dog stated: Its been a lot of fun reviewing the show each week and meeting so many other fans of the show. The anti Vic, anti Walt/Vic haters and trolls are just more vocal and use any opportunity to ignite the dialog to rant about their point of view. A&E was never the right network for Longmire. I will say a prayer to the Corporate Gods tonight that they see their way to continuing this good show and if not, Ive got a feather for them. Who is the father of Vic's baby on Longmire? What was in the jar was Walts dead wife ashes! Also, thank you for stopping by. [b]Edward[/b], I meant Branch no longer in the Sheriffs office, but remaining on the show as Walts nemesis as mayor or running his fathers company. Lingerie needs to come back. It took A&E until end of November to release their official renewal announcement. As to Branch and his dad. And doesnt it seem rather misplaced for Barlow to kill Longmires wifewhy would he think that would get his son into the sheriffs office? 3:37 am. Some real big laughs in Ashes to Ashes. Its rare for me to laugh out loud watching films but this had me laughing. The season wrapped up the David Ridges storyline, as well as Vics stalker situation and Henry Standing Bears plight. I think what Henry said to Branch about returning to his job under Walt after he lost the election has a much deeper meaning now. I read that Longmire DVDs and Blu-Ray sell well on Amazon and elsewhere but then do those buyers find it on TV? I was surprised at Henry pouring one for Cady, hes enabling her. Feel dumb for asking, but what was in the jar Henry took out of the rocks at the end? Cant wait for season 4!!! I knew enough to tell me I wasnt interested in a show about Zombies. Branch then delivers his father up to Longmire (his alternate father figure). . Craigs latest book Any Other Name was so good with Vic getting the best of Lucian with her come backs and Walt watching it all unfold. this show has been great and has kept you interested with each show. I agree with many of you, if there is a S4, it should be better (and easier to join) with individual weekly episodes without so much undercurrent. Lou Stefano August 5, 2014 @ If Ridges had killed Branch at the end of last season, this season would have been even more dark and intense as they investigated his murder. If A&E decides it doesnt want to renew Longmire, Warner can pitch it to another station, correct? However, I think TNT is planning another Major Crimes spinoff with Jon Tenney (Fritz) as head of LAPD Special Ops after retiring from the FBI and I bet they slot that after Major Crimes. The shaving creamed reflection, Branchs envisioning warrior mode in his imninent actions to battle against his dad. Why did Ridges go after Branch? As the scene closes with Branch getting ready to take in his corrupt father, maybe hoping to earn his way back into the department or just because hes realized that hes not like his dad, Branchs father says hes sorry he failed him, but its not too late to have another son. they deserve to stay on for several more seasons. thus setting Branch free to be his own man, thus creating another That might be some major competition for Longmire if Longmire stays on A&E at 10pm Monday. I so love longmire and hope they keep this t.v show going. Characters dont transition from one show to another like that, specially on completely different networks and eras. We just let them rant. Not only did Barlow funnel money through Nighthorse to support Branch's campaign for Sheriff, he also made a significant payment made to Nighthorse's business the week that Martha was killeda payment intended for a "soldier," with no questions asked. Several British stars have turned down the offer to help ring in King Charles III's coronation. As much as we enjoyed his little jaunt with Walt to prove the existence of a certain feather, it didnt look like it was going to matter. Of course we wont get a 4th season. A rifle was fired but that does not mean someone was killed but that scene was quite powerful regardless. Her reason for that was incredibly heartbreaking. I cant see that person living in the half finished cabin or driving that Casi-NO bumper-stickered car. But once Walt realizes Barlows involvement I can see him forgiving Branch. [FAQ] What happened to branch on longmire? [b]bitsyo8[/b], Regardless of a season four Im almost positive that Longmire and these actors will be returning in one form or another. I hope Branch isnt dead, but it seems like he might be and sometimes great characters have to die to advance a story.of course it could be his father who was shot, so.. Cindy Pierce Your email address will not be published. It seemed to have old So thats why (in terms of story justice) Longmire got to shoot Ridges himself, even though he doesnt yet know that it was Ridges who killed Miller Beck. If Barlow is dead, he is going to need Walt more than ever. I think Branch shooting his dad sets up another season very well still lots to chase down, including how much Nighthorse knew. I think the writers might go in a different direction than killing one of them off. Why did Henry take Hectors drop jar? Walt Longmire's fictional biography. The continuing arcs are what allow the writers to make the characters more interesting. Andrey is a coach, sports writer and editor. We knew that Walt and Henry are the fantastic duo, but who knew that Vic and Henry could play so well off each other? Why does Barlow kill branch? August 5, 2014 @ I like your Fales name observation and thank you for some very intriguing and fresh interpretations. Thank you, Mr. Grainger for your wonderful posts! I simply dont watch television, with the exception of Monday nights. In a season of incredible performances from the whole cast, Robert Taylor delivered powerfully in the scene when Walt finally lets go of Martha. But then I have never seen Martha as some sweet little wife who just waved Walt off in the morning with a take care of yourself dear and went back in the house to bake a pie and do some knitting while she waited for him to come home in the evening with his supper ready for him. Jeffrey His line that son of a bitch Walt Longmire sounded like he has a deep hatred for him. why f with a good show. Their feelings regarding certain characters may be justified. It gave us everything we hoped for to see him no longer have to be on the run. It is this unpredictability that contributes to the success of Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead. austinmoose Not only did Barlow funnel money through Nighthorse to support Branchs campaign for Sheriff, he also made a significant payment made to Nighthorses business the week that Martha was killeda payment intended for a soldier, with no questions asked. I remember reading once that many settlers of Wyoming were driven mad by some combination of the incessant wind of the high plains and the loneliness. I think at the time Martha was killed, Branch was actually pretty close to Walt and Barlow was jealous of that. I mostly lurk here but have followed these recaps and enjoyed them very much. 3:26 am. Why this and why that? Ive been watching from the beginning and after season 1 aired it wasnt seen again until season 2 was ready to premiere 9 months later. I do think Barlow was the one to go down, but maybe not by Branch. . It had to be done before anything romantic could happen with Vic. Now, how long do we have to wait for season 4? Walt says, The usual, and Vic says, Walt punched me. Just another day at the office. August 5, 2014 @ Looking forward to season 4! Everyone on this show makes the most of their screen time. I wouldnt write him out until the divorce, although hes proven himself to be a coward in the face of dangernot Vics type. 2:11 am. Wasnt expecting the possibility of Branchs dad being the person responsible for Marthas death. [url=http://deadline.com/2014/08/longmire-cancelled-by-ae-will-be-shopped-elsewhere-826379/]http://deadline.com/2014/08/longmire-cancelled-by-ae-will-be-shopped-elsewhere-826379/[/url]. Why would he help Branch unless as some form of twisted parental support. Loved how they tied up the Henry trial and Marthas murder, but left open ends for next season. But, perhaps, someone else has a better answer? To all Im really enjoying all your thoughts. Then in the Red Pony Henry says to Vic I think you are spending too much time with Walt you are picking up his speech patterns. He is also the editor/publisher of the BEAT to a PULP webzine and books. Id love to see more of Peter Wellers character, Lucien Connally. Pretty sick, right? What a hoot (owl pun intended). I dont like the idea of Branch in any other job but with the sheriffs department. 10:30 pm. August 12, 2014 @ Of course he has some serious apologizing to Vic. This is the first time in three seasons that that has happened. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. Longmire made a HUGE move for a show with an uncertain future, exposing Barlow as the man responsible, but also not having Walt arrest him. The humorous scenes between Walt and Henry were indeed a welcomed return. One episode ago, we didnt think this guy was actually going to be doing anything productive. A personal observation about the viewer drop this year from and average of 3.7 (S2) to 3.5(S3). I have read all the books and highly recommend them. That 60/40 against Walt/Vic is a guess. Outside the office, Longmire bars Branch from going in. A really good show and we would hate to see this series end. Luckily, Walts daughter proved herself to be more than capable. I agree with all of you. Anyone else, would have been perfect. The kind of thing that just leaves you breathless. Arcs settled. This is a good series. Favorite line remains, If you do the job right, Walt, by the time you put down your sheriffs badge, youre a wanted man. I appreciate you lurking, bungluna! Then I read that some Indians believe that when you see an owl it might be just an owl or it might be a shape-shifting witch or an unquiet spirt of the dead. Unquiet spirit of the dead resonated with me. All the tributes proved just how many people Hector had helped and how much he was missed. I think Walts wife had a crusade to keep a casino from being built on the reservation. I think even Henry was surprised. 3:54 pm, We truly enjoy this episode and think this show has the best cast on tv. fantastic drama, pulse-pounding action and emotional catharsis. I think it was ridges. Heres hoping. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Keep up the good work!! . I found it odd that both season 2 and 3 ended with Branch getting shot. Or how about Walt finally appreciating that other blond woman who likes him? Besides, I would not want to give up that amazing scene in The Election where he just says what the hell, goes back in, throws off the hat and jacket, sweeps the table clear and proceeds to ravish Lizzie right there on it. You never saw Branch actually die. They also are weak in their other programming and it seems generally incompatible with the Longmire viewer type so they are unlikely to stumble upon it. OK, Walt & Vic can get together as long as it is done well. It sounds kind of Longmirish. if they take longmire off there is only reserection left. I was stunned by the anti-Vic wing. August 5, 2014 @ This is an attempt to do whats right, and wash himself free of the familys sins. Whether the producers/actors will let us know or not, who knows. August 5, 2014 @ I am sure that Branch shot his father because this is not the kind of show where the main characters die so I dont find the ending suspenseful. The interplay between Henry and Walt is very true to Mr. Johnsons books. 11:22 am. August 5, 2014 @ I cant wait for Season 4. Was Longmire on his way to confront Connelly? By visiting this site, you consent to have cookie data stored. Announce a Season 4 and give us at least 12 episodes! I myself didnt like the Gorski storyline. Another indication of people not liking storyline or direction ( not necessarily regarding Walt/Vic) is the decline in viewership. What a great finale and another great season! I have a feeling Vics husband is not out of the picture yet. Though the way Barlow said I dont have time to make another fortune, Id have my doubts he killed himself. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Very good points, [b]Penny[/b]. The exchange between Longmire and Henry as they navigate the cops into helping them out is a comical routine, Henry playing a grave robberwith two shovelswith lawman Longmire hot on his heels. I think the whole Martha being killed story arc wasnt needed. Too many tv shows are lazy and predictable keeping on main characters that should be gone to shake up the show. Hopefully he reacted fast enough, but then again they both had clayshot simiar to the Dick Cheney shooting so its very survivable. Drax The Destroyer Retired Sheriff Lucian Connally was a recurring character on the Longmire Television series. Et on A&E), the case of Walt's dead wife came back into the show in a big way. What did you think about the Longmire finale, and were the reveals everything that you expected and then some? I have enjoyed reading the posts on this site this year, and thank you for providing an outlet for comments and opinions. Why is it still functional in s3.10? I love both of them but had to get used to the people in the books not being the same as the people in the TV show. ! moments (insert voice of Annie Savoy, Susan Sarandans character in Bull Durham, responding to Crash Davis little speech about what he believes in in matters of the heart) Ive ever seen on TV. Left open ends for next season and give us at least 12!... We hoped for to see him no longer have to be doing anything.! Show each week and meeting so many other fans of the rocks at the time Martha was killed but scene. It gave us everything we hoped for to see more of Peter Wellers character, Connally... With Branch getting shot Longmire and hope they keep this t.v show going or not, who run! Figure ) on this site this year from and average of 3.7 ( S2 ) to 3.5 ( )... One of Walts visions on the reservation November to release their official renewal announcement best. Despair of Henry Standing Bear so beautifully to season 4 trial and Marthas murder, but what was in jar... 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