[16] The meeting ended in violent clashes between demonstrators and the police. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Most were translations framing the war in (romantic) heroic narratives. The German occupiers used such repression in order to maintain control in Denmark and to respond to the sabotage activities of the resistance movement. Your email address will not be published. Our point of departure will be a brief sketch of Danish society before the outbreak of the war. By far the most important of these was The Extraordinary Commission (Den overordentlige Kommission) which monitored supplies and prices and advised on policies. Denmark’s was an open economy deeply integrated in European and global markets and highly dependent on both imports and exports. ...read more, On April 9, 1945, Lutheran pastor and theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer is hanged at Flossenburg, only days before the American liberation of the POW camp. Norwegian forces refused to accept German rule in the guise of a Quisling government and continued to fight alongside British troops. Their position was famously summarized in 1892 by left-wing liberal Viggo Hørup (1841-1902) in the short sentence, “To what avail?” pointing to the improbability of Denmark being able to wage a successful defensive war against Germany. The resistance movement was involved in an illegal press and carrying out sabotage operations. From a purely military perspective, the importance of Denmark in a European total war hinged on the fact that Denmark could control access to the Baltic Sea. The Norwegian government refused, and the Germans responded with a parachute invasion and the establishment of a puppet regime led by Quisling (whose name would become a synonym for “traitor”). It is the aim of this article to demonstrate this by looking into some of the key elements of Denmark’s wartime experience. Being composed only of wealthy men, however, these were not representative bodies, and their function was only advisory. The seemingly ever rising prices of stocks resulted in massive speculations, and Alfred Horwitz coined the term Minut-Millionær (Millionaire-in-a-Minute) for a new (and to his eyes dominant) creed of businessmen who were only interested in short term profits. In a neutrality proclamation of 1912 Denmark had promised not to take such a measure and to do so would be a political act against Britain. Frederick’s decree of March 30, 1863, appeared to confirm Holstein’s separation: it allowed legislation enacted for the whole monarchy to be valid for Denmark and Schleswig but subject to veto within Holstein. Major newspapers also sent reporters to the war zones and several of these later collected their articles in books. It didn’t take more than a couple of hours ’til they took over the country. Does this mean that we can extend the conclusions of Deborah Dwork and Jay Winter that “war is good for babies” and lead to better living conditions for the poorest parts of the working class from Britain to Denmark? When the British fleet next proceeded to threaten the Swedish naval port of Karlskrona, Russia started negotiations with Britain. is licensed under: CC by-NC-ND 3.0 Germany - Attribution, Non-commercial, No Derivative Works. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. In 1801 British navy ships entered The Sound and destroyed much of the Danish fleet in a battle in the Copenhagen harbour. digtere, malere, tegnere og fotografer [Eyewitnesses. German sympathies predominated in Schleswig and Holstein at the time, however, and the duchies responded to Frederick’s initiative by requesting admission to the German Confederation as a single state. Sweden was however isolated. To the government, the diplomatic arena was of much greater importance, though, and for evident reasons diplomatic activity focused primarily on Germany. Folkebibliotekernes bibliografiske Kontor: Dansk Bogfortegnelse 1915-1919 [The Bibliographcial Office of the Public Libraries: A Register of Books Published in Danish, 1915-1919], Copenhagen 1921. At the outset of World War II in September 1939, Denmark declared itself neutral. The importance of Denmark no longer hinged exclusively on the fact that the access to the Baltic Sea could be controlled from Danish territory. Denmark, not prepared for war, was forced to capitulate, and the British expropriated the Danish fleet. Between 1914-1915 and 1918-1919, government expenditures quadrupled. by Ute Daniel, Peter Gatrell, Oliver Janz, Heather Jones, Jennifer Keene, Alan Kramer, and Bill Nasson, issued by Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin 2014-10-08. The occupation of the Sudetenland, the border regions in the north and west of Czechoslovakia, was the first time Hitler flexed his military muscles in Europe. [22] It is no accident that agricultural interest groups who felt underrepresented in the organs of the regulated war economy established the Agricultural Council (Landbrugsraadet) in the wake of the war to secure their position both vis-à-vis the state and other organised business interests. The dominant mode of representations of the Danish “home front experience” was clearly comical or satirical. First, the organised economy of the war years created much stronger economic interest groups. From late 1914, unemployment fell, and by New Year 1915-1916 the stockbroker Alfred Horwitz (1877-1946) wrote of “A Golden Age… that brought the economy to its current heights.”[9] Later Horwitz became increasingly worried that much economic activity was based on aggressive speculation and, more generally speaking, the economic situation in Denmark became more and more difficult during the last years of the war. In Copenhagen, syndicalists organized a spectacular “storm of the stock exchange” in February 1918 and on 10 November a meeting was organized to protest the arrest of several syndicalist leaders. Clemens had signed on as a pilot’s apprentice in 1857 while on his way to Mississippi. Finally, the passing of a new and far more democratic constitution in 1915 also aided the continued support of the Social Democrats. Sweden did the same, and so did a now independent Norway. Quoted from Bertolt, Oluf/Christiansen, Ernst/Hansen, Poul: En bygning vi rejser.

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