If the Americans jump in, then it's a lollercoaster. (hypothetical question) 1.USA vs China 2.UK vs Russia 3.Israel vs Iran, 4.India vs Pakistan, 5.France vs Germany 6.Venezuela vs Mexico 7.Canada vs Cuba 8.Japan vs N. Korea 9.S.Korea vs Thailand 10.Vietnam vs South Africa 11.Nigeria vs Sao Tome and Principe 12.Indonesia vs Hungary 1 on 1 Dead or Alive fighting match : who would win CONSIDERING … Their power is in numbers and nukes. These are the reason why I think the EU will outrpoduce them in quality and quantity. Russia. The grand prize winner will take home the console and game. In facth UK is broke, its economy lagging, just like the rest of Europe. The EU has given its backing to Mrs May and announced they “are ready to offer support if necessary”. Infact the only quality Export Russia does nowadays is them Hot, blonde blue eyed escorts that they keep sending over to the west. The UK has much much more latest ships then Russia and would easily blockade Russia off. They also spemd less money on their military. The second country to develop nuclear weapons, Russia has the largest nuclear arsenal in the world with a total of 7,000 warheads. Has an Army comprised of Black people ever defeated an Army composed of white people? Can a deployment end early or be canceled at the last minute? Russia has enough nukes to mop the continent with radiation, but that's about it, and I think the U.K. and France also have nukes, so the best they could do is make everyone lose, but I don't think that the Soviets could win. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. If Russia and the EU go head-to-head in a conflict, the latter clearly has the larger military force. It's as they say, "the third time's the charm.". Where as Russia can't really conscript many more as they don't have the purchasing power, and they already have conscription. 's military budget is over triple what the Russian's is. Is funny that some people still believe UK would stand a chance against Russia. Russia has a poorly trained military. Russia spends less on defence than the UK but, given that a lot of our budget is taken up on developing new Nuclear weapons, we could lose out to a Russian mass attack. Pulling out of the EU to save it's self from war would be the biggest political suicide on a global scale the world would ever see. The EU would be forced to massively cut their welfare programs and remilitarize, but they have shown themselves very much capable of doing that during the Cold War. The no nukes thing is what makes it decisive; Russia's military is big but old as ****. So, if there was a war between the nations of Western Europe and Russia, who has a more powerful military? *Open to the US, Puerto Rico, and Canada (excluding Quebec). They still have a large blue water Navy, around 480,000 conscript troops compared to about 120,000 British Servicemen, mass tank formations. Actually why ask, you obviously are. Moving with my mom to my cousin's place in Homestead, Florida next week how to prepare and what will it be like down there? Heavily mechanized and salted with combat veterans, the U.S. Army and … Get answers by asking now. They still have a large blue water Navy, around 480,000 conscript troops compared to about 120,000 British Servicemen, mass tank formations. The Eastern European countries of the former Soviet Union were the real threat to the West during the Cold War, and more than a few of those countries are in the EU. The most modern Typhoon is no match for Sukhoi SU 30, and is not true that UK defense budget is higher. Former Russian double-agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia are in critical conditions after coming into contact with a nerve agent called Novichok in Salisbury over a week ago. I'd guess it'd go down like every European war since napolean; they'd kick ass right across the continent, get stopped at Britain and gradually go down hill from there. Russia would almost certainly lose. Britain could just use a small well trained force with the latest equipment and tanks and take Moscow very very easily. Please see our Privacy Notice for details of your data protection rights. Also the purchasing power of the UK would be incredible if they went to a mass war, and they could conscript around 20,000,000 more people, and have the resources to fully equip them. haha?!?!?! deeliman, [QUOTE="Ninja-Hippo"]UK's military spending is pretty redonkulous, plus it's an island nation which is incredibly difficult to invade, with an elite branch of special forces. The UK would have Europe AND the USA on their side. Like someone said, logically the uk would win. No prime minister could even utter that as an option in parliament without being laughed out. This topic is locked from further discussion. However, they certainly have more military personnel than Russia. Meanwhile, the combined spending on defence between the six countries is more than £130bn. Russia has nearly 800,000 active army personnel, The Uk when combined with the EU have nearly 1million full time soldiers, Bosnian bid to join EU in doubt as east turns to Russia, Labour MEP declares party’s support for the formation of an EU army, KILLER ROBOTS WARNING: Time is 'running out' to stop automated army. Its a close one. Collectorbob, the UK has been an independent nuclear state since 1952, get back in your box. UK is in the EU, which means that if Russia declares war on 1 EU country, they declare war on all of them, including UK. In a conventional war (i.e.- no nukes), the Russians get their asses handed to them even without the EU receiving American help. Really all the got is the same Crap Saddam had just more of it. GazaAli is an official internet armchair warrior. The EU would win. For now, anyway. Plus the USA would get involved and all will be over. © 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. When will nuclear war start? Ninja-Hippo. I think the defending force usually has a bit of an advantage, unless they are grossly outmatched or are taken by surprise. British fighter planes are like 50 yrs ahead of anything Russia might have. Russia has almost always had to rely on buffer states to survive any great war. In contrast, Western Europe’s landmass covers fewer than 5million kilometres. If not, I'll go with Russia. That's the reason for the Iron Curtain. The EU, from my understanding, has a better-funded, more modern military, a navy that has a small handful of aircraft carriers, an island nation that would prove quite difficult (well, probably impossible) for Russia to invade, etc. You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. The US has decided to sit back and watch what happens (and maybe if the EU is close to victory join the fight at the last moment and claim they won all by themselves(jk)). GazaAli, [QUOTE="Ninja-Hippo"]UK's military spending is pretty redonkulous, plus it's an island nation which is incredibly difficult to invade, with an elite branch of special forces. I'd guess it'd go down like every European war since napolean; they'd kick ass right across the continent, get stopped at Britain and gradually go down hill from there. Small as hell military, but swelled to over 1 million during the 1980's to curb Soviet aggression. Amazon Prime Day's Best Gaming Deals For Switch, PlayStation, Xbox, And More, Assassin's Creed Valhalla Brings Back Social Stealth, But It Sticks Out, Mass Effect Legendary Edition Rated In Korea. Russian border guards on patrol on the top of Zaozyornaya Hill at the Khasan crossing point on the Russian-North Korean border in the tri-border area where the boundaries of Russia, China and North Korea meet. Still have questions? Someone made a very good point. Russia would back down pretty quickly. Personally I don't think there will be a winner. However, Moscow refused to respond and the Home Secretary Amber Rudd has vowed the UK will send a “powerful response”. In total it has a defence budget of more than £33bn, making it the fourth largest in the world, behind the US, China, and the UK, according to Business Insider. Russia has clearly postured itself in response to NATO as though it can counter-balance or deter the alliance. There's a saying in Russia that goes something like this: "everything we were promised about Communism was a lie, but everything they warned us about Capitalism was true!". The former Soviet Union’s armed forces consist of 798,527 active personnel and also has a total of 2,572,500 personnel in reserve. Each nuclear war head has the ability to hit and cause damage at a scale of 100 times more than the bomb used by the USA in Japan. And they seem so confident, hahaha... fighter planes? There is no possible accurate answer for such a question! Russia is a shell of its former self. These 5 Nations Could Win World War III. [QUOTE="Ninja-Hippo"]UK's military spending is pretty redonkulous, plus it's an island nation which is incredibly difficult to invade, with an elite branch of special forces. What can I do for my friend, a returning veteran? We will use your email address only for sending you newsletters. which side would be the invading force, Russia or the EU? I'd guess it'd go down like every European war since napolean; they'd kick ass right across the continent, get stopped at Britain and gradually go down hill from there. At the rate the US, EU and NATO are driving us to war we might found out sooner rather than later. The only thing that brits have now, is good memories from glorious, long gone, past. At about 8:15 a.m. Monday, August 6, 1945, the American atomic bomb “Little Boy” dropped on Hiroshima effectively killing 80,000 people and destroying 69% of the city’s buildings in an instant. Russia will trash the uk like a little child. Who would Win in an all out war? Russia also has the largest area of land to defend, commanding the largest land mass in the world, bordering both Finland and North Korea. ? Right now the EU economy dwarfs the russian one, and the EU has a massive industrial base, and Russia does not. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. However, there troops are bad equipped and not very well trained. In total it has a landmass of more than 17million kilometres. However, Russia possess more than ten times the nuclear weaponry of the EU, if total war broke out between the two it is likely that Putin would be in the ascendency. Their power is in numbers and nukes. What do you think of the answers? Only the US has that type of power projection. The countries have access to a total of 579 naval assets, including 48 submarines. The no nukes thing is what makes it decisive; Russia's military is big but old as ****. It was even worse that they had a very inflexible economy. UK has no trouble going to war at the drop of a hat and has proven that throughout history... Look at the current situation with Gibraltar or the Falklands - we might be percieved to be in the wrong but for the sake of not looking weak we give them a pissing contest they can't win. Does Russia have good cyberwarfare capabilities or just a lot of computer criminals (doesn't it seem like a lot of computer viruses originate in Russia and eastern Europe?). The UK on the other hand has the best trained troops in the world, and has the 2nd largest spending budget on the military. What are the targets? I really dont think either side would have the logistics or even the manpower and equipment to support a war on that scale. China doesn't get involved in the war either, but does still trade with both of them. As of right now the vast majority of the Russian conventional military is decommissioned and sitting in warehouses. In logic Britain wins. He recently boasted Russia has a new “invincible” cruise missile and a nuclear torpedo. newspaper archive. Russia’s foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova added nobody should threaten a nuclear power. I don't know where this perception of cowardice comes from with regards to the British government but I think some of you may wish to look back over the history books. By the time they got their act together Russia would have steam rolled across a large part of Europe (whether or not they have to resorces to actually take and hold the entire continent is beyond me).

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