Post was not sent - check your email addresses! However, these politicians did not purchase the shares in a conventional sense, but held on to their shares with the option sell them back to the South Sea Company at a later date, allowing them to keep all profits made. Desmaretz was unpopular with the elite due to his reforms and was replaced by Law. Cibber adapted Molière’s (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, 1622–1673)  Les Femmes Sauvantes with ‘a South Sea twist’.53 Curll published Susanna Centlivre’s (ca. 106–124. The Review of English Studies, XXIV(93), 452-458. For supplying the town of Deal with fresh water. 1163–1182. [CDATA[ In return for these exclusive trading rights, the company assumed England’s war debt. Rodger, Nicholas Andrew Martin: The Command of the Ocean: A Naval History of Britain, 1649–1815, London 2006. Goldgar, Anne: Tulipmania: Money, Honor, and Knowledge in the Dutch Gold Age, Chicago 2007. The financial centres of Europe were interlinked and hence the South Sea Bubble had effects beyond the London market. Merchants came from a variety of social backgrounds and nations.32 Likewise, the South Sea Company directors were an international group. The government intended to fund interest payments by placing tariffs on goods that were imported from South America (Carruthers, 2005). Baines and Rogers, Edmund Curll 2007, p. 145. Robert Morden • 56–57. However, the South Sea Bubble was popularly supposed to have been caused by fraud and folly. 277–294. Its own history is more complicated. This deal resulted in a steady stream of earnings for new shareholders. It gives a very broad-brush account of both, and is reliant on the more outlandish primary source material. 72 The bookseller, Thomas Guy (1644–1724) likewise paid for his famous hospital in London partially out of the proceeds of the Bubble. Cries of London • Dickson, P. M., & Carswell, J. The Postmaster General was accused along with James Craggs the Elder, James Craggs the Younger, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, John Aislabie , Lord Sunderland and Lord Stanhope. Carlos, Ann M. and Neal, Larry: The Micro-Foundations of the Early London Capital Market: Bank of England shareholders during and after the South Sea Bubble, 1720–25, in: Economic History Review 59 (2006), pp. 150–151. Particular individuals were sought out as conduits of financial knowledge or to serve as brokers, even if they were not technically employed as such. Some, like Sir Theodore Janssen (ca. Some content is licensed under a Creative Commons license, and other content is completely copyright-protected. During his reign he made his court at Versailles into a model which many European rulers sought to emulate. Dutch money went into the French market during the Mississippi boom and then into the London market at the time of the South Sea. Information, gossip and rumours were relayed in a variety of ways. Correspondence could move along all the major routes of travel, at a reasonably fast pace. Activities could be damaged by association with ‘stock-jobbing’. It gave monopoly rights to trade in slaves to Spanish colonies  in the Americas. 34–45. This refinancing scheme allowed illiquid high-interest debt to be converted into highly-liquid low-interest debt – a win-win for all parties involved. 1687–1757) made his fortune in the Bubble. Singer, Charles: The Life of Dr. John Radcliffe (1652–1714), Benefactor of the University of Oxford by Campbell R. Hone, in: British Medical Journal 4703 (1951), p. 412. Carswell, J. The bookseller, Edmund Curll (1675–1747) , apparently saw the Bubble ‘as a publishing opportunity’.52 The actor-manager, Colley Cibber (1671–1757)  had a similar idea. A debt-for-equity swap allowed them to exchange their annuities for joint-stock company shares. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. 20–35. The South Sea Company was founded in 1711 by the Lord Treasurer Robert Harley and John Blunt, the former director of the Sword Blade Company. Those who lost, and especially those who were ruined, might have no incentive to hide their distress. It was originally established as a hospital to treat "incurables" discharged from St Thomas' Hospital. Randall, Riotous Assemblies 2006, p. 161. Instead, Law’s company was to settle land in Louisiana (which was much larger than the present day state of the same name).23 It was to merge many different trading companies into one leviathan. Some of the satires looked back to earlier episodes and some to existing popular tropes. By joining together under the aegis of a joint-stock company, small creditors could have a stronger voice. This purchasing arrangement enticed many government employees as well as the King’s mistress. The Duchess of Chandos, Cassandra Brydges (1670–1735) , was approached by her relatives and friends to assist their investments in the South Sea. He banned them from investing abroad and from holding their wealth in the form of gold.25 Boom was followed swiftly by bust. Later, the bubble inflated and he wisely sold his shares. The Guardian newspaper quoted him as saying: One of the South Sea stocks was memorably ‘a company for carrying out an undertaking of great advantage, but nobody to know what it is’. The remaining South Sea Company shares were allocated to the East India Company and the Bank of England. Prints now appeared often enough to make the print-shop a political institution, with crowds pressing their noses against the windows to see the latest comment on the issues of the day, from the South Sea Bubble to the American Revolution.46 William Hogarth (1697–1764)  was the most famous British printmaker of the early eighteenth century. Dickson, Peter George Muir: The Financial Revolution in England: A Study in the Development of Public Credit, 1688–1756, London 1967. Coffee houses were information centres.35 They provided newspapers for their clientele. It then had the option to issue more shares. Centlivre, Susanna: A Woman’s Case: In an Epistle to Charles Joye, Esq: Deputy-Governor of the South-Sea, London 1720. They would offer their shares in exchange for government debt such as annuities. As a place of sale, exchange, auction, and lottery, it was never excelled. Shares leaped to £1000 per share by August 1720 and finally peaked at this level before plunging and triggering an avalanche of selling. A debt for equity swap was supposed to benefit all parties. 70–71. (Dutch prints were often adapted by English engravers to suit the local market. He endowed a number of Oxford institutions, including the Radcliffe Infirmary and the Radcliffe Camera.71 A careful analysis of the Bank of England’s records shows that those who invested their money in the Bank did quite well. Aislabie was imprisoned and the rest of the Cabinet members were impeached (Melville, 1968). Tirole, Jean: On the Possibility of Speculation under Rational Expectations, in: Econometrica 50 (1982), pp. 1–28. Prices on the London stock market rose to unsustainable heights before crashing in the autumn of 1720. Symbolism, by its very nature, simplifies the actual event until it becomes a series of basic ideas. Some British investors then moved their money to the Netherlands.31, The London market was affected by a variety of international events . Randall, Adrian: Riotous Assemblies: Popular Protest in Hanoverian England, Oxford 2006. Mackay, Charles: Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, London 1841, online: [29.04.2015]. The South Sea bubble,. The Beggar's Opera • Pamphlets, books and artworks of all sorts travelled around the same transport networks that brokers’ letters did. New York: B. Franklin. It was paid a fee by the government and also granted the Asiento: a monopoly contract to trade in slaves to the Spanish colonies in the Americas. Government debts had often been arranged on a short-term and ad hoc basis and were highly complex to manage. Gay, John: The Beggar’s Opera, London 1728. ): The Feminization Debate in Eighteenth-Century England: Literature, Commerce and Luxury, Basingstoke 2004, pp. 51–73. Carlos and Neal, Micro-Foundations 2006, pp. Lord, Evelyn: Hellfire Clubs, Cumberland, RI 2010. Scott, William Robert: The Constitution and Finance of English, Scottish and Irish Joint-Stock Companies to 1720, Cambridge 1911, vol. A series of new measures were implemented in order to restore confidence and the estates of the company directors were confiscated in an attempt to remunerate South Sea Company investors. This required property owners to declare their income and was in contravention of the social structure of the time.22 The nobility and the church had previously been largely exempted from taxation and were not in favour of these proposals. 63 His real contribution was his management of the political drama. Sculpture by Gianlorenzo Bernini / Palace of Versailles via Wikimedia Commons, The South Sea Bubble immediately followed a similar, but not identical, event in the Paris market. The Bank of England was one of the three corporations and owned £3.4 million of that total debt, while the British East India Company owned £3.2 million and the South Sea Company owned £11.7 million. For example, one walk might be for the Levant trade. University of Southampton. The front looks into Threadneedle Street, the walls being well built and of great thickness. The bursting of the Bubble led to the complaints that the populace was being punished for its immorality. Clery, Emma: The South Sea Bubble and the Resurgence of Misogyny: Cato, Mandeville and Defoe, in: Emma Clery (ed. When the peace Treaty of Utrecht was signed at the end of the War of Spanish Succession in 1713, the South Sea Company’s trading rights were finally put into writing: the right to supply the Spanish colonies with slaves and to send one trading ship per year. The shares were easy to sell or bequeath, which was a valuable feature in itself. Their new shares would also give them the possibility of dividend payments or capital gains (by selling the shares on). Law had come to power as the Controller General of Finances for the new regent of France, Phillippe Charles d’Orléans (Duke of Orléans) (1674–1723) . There was talk of compensating those who lost in the Bubble and also revoking any financial contracts made before the crash.69, A London merchant named Matthew Wymondesold (ca.

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