I have done a complete 180 on the machine. Did the machine actually clone him? We see Angier's blind assistants taking tanks of Angier "clones" out of the theater each night and dumping them in a deserted theater, where Angier and Borden will have their final encounter. Thanks for getting back so quickly. OR DID HE HVE THE CLOME MADE AFTER THE FINGERS INCIDENT ? He saw him come on stage and that is how he knew not to reappear I think. Cloning would require growing a child from a modified egg, and Angier’s magic act didn’t have time for that. In fact, just as Angier expires, he gets the ultimate satisfaction of seeing his life goal, a genuine “look of wonder”, on his most hated enemy’s (Borden’s) face. He is really a man to admire for what is said to be done by him. Tesla burned down his own workshop (theres a scene we’re it shows him leaving his workshop as it burns). so while doing that, with his right hand he is already preparing the ground for his next magic while we are fascinated by the “magic” of his left hand. There are plot spoilers ahead! If so, why does Cutter seem surprised to see Angier alive at the end (when he reveals himself to be Lord Caldlow)? But I’m ultimately not attempting to convince anyone as everyone is looking for something different in their entertainment. At the start of the third batman has. Tesla’s assistant explicitly states that he didn’t think to take measurements because the “the hat never moved,” leading me to believe the original hat remained in the machine. The audience would see two angiers only. When he resurfaces as the Lord, only three people in the world now know that he framed Borden for his own murder: Borden, who no one will believe, Cutter, who will not reveal his secret because of the fraternal code of magicians, and Fallon, who is mute and who also would not be believed because of his association with the “guilty” Borden. Even two would be problematic and abhorrent to Angier, as we see when he kills himself after first using it. ;-), When Borden talked to his “brother ” clone he talked to him like he was talking to himself not to a brother meaning that he sees his clone as himself. With the help of the acclaimed inventor Nikola Tesla, Angier develops an act called "In a Flash", which produces a similar result through a starkly different method. This is just as implausible and not supported by the rest of the movie. When Angier asks Tesla what hat is his hat, Tesla tells him they all are. Someone’s word that it works isnt always enough. because it wouldn’t be a trick anymore! Just believe. Why? As someone earlier pointed out, Fallon and Borden living double lives would explain how Borden was able to determine the secret to the Chinese Magician’s act so quickly, as he lived a double-life himself. Plus one of the things that I noticed too at the end is that Angier is not limping. There is more to that man than we see. Similarly with Angier – if he was Lord whoever all the way through and was merely masquerading as Angier so he could indulge in his passion to perform magic, why did he lower himself to be a mere stage hand?

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