and to carry with us the author’s best ideas. The air temperature was appropriate relative to the annual mean temperature and to the aperiodic monthly fluctuations of the temperature. Print Word PDF. pages, Rating: They like everything that comes in contact with their fingers, and are purely private persons insofar as this is at all possible. Available on Amazon » A barometric low hung over the Atlantic. The events of people’s lives have, after all, only to the last degree originated in them, having generally depended on all sorts of circumstances such as the moods, the life or death of quite different people, and have, as it were, only at the given point of time come hurrying towards them”, “An impractical man--which he not only seems to be, but really is--will always be unreliable and unpredictable in his dealings with others. We'd have no way of understanding or judging anything if things flitted past us only once. That is, he fills the many moments of his day, each of which needs a content and an impetus, not with his ideal state but with the many ways of achieving it by overcoming obstacles and incidents which guarantees that he will never need to attain it. Truth is something without end.” For all of us, quotes are a great way to remember a book It’s not only that they haven’t got to the end of anything today. When he is angry, something in him laughs. Perhaps they can’t even wish it. ― Robert Musil, quote from The Man Without Qualities, “In her misery she read a great deal, and discovered that she had lost something she had previously not really know she had: a soul.What’s that? The isotherms and isotheres were functioning as they should. When something moves him, he turns against it. As the world communicates more and choose the ones that are most thought-provoking. If he monitors his feelings, he finds nothing he can accept without reservation. A world of qualities without a man has arisen, of experiences without the person who experiences them, and it almost looks as though ideally private experience is a thing of the past, and that the friendly burden of personal responsibility is to dissolve into a system of formulas of possible meanings. It is something he suffers from. I'll tell you: You leave out whatever doesn't suit you. Morality is generally understood to be a sort of police regulations for keeping life in order, and since life does not obey even these, they come to look as if they were really impossible to live up to and accordingly, in this sorry way, not really an ideal either. All he has is the passion for it. It’s all full of contradictions and passive suffering and at the same time enormously active and energetic.”, “Everything we feel and do is somehow oriented "lifeward," and the least deviation away from this direction toward something beyond is difficult or alarming. He will engage in actions that mean something else to him than to others, but he is at peace with himself about everything as long as he can make it all come together in a fine idea.”, “ must be regarded as one of the religious and dangerous experiences, because it lifts people out of the arms of reason and sets them afloat with no ground under their feet.”.

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