As long as the men collude in their own abasement, they perpetuate a system, even though it has become completely ineffectual. Gaines’s focus, however, remains firmly on the group of about fifteen black men, all past seventy, who gather at the scene of the shotgun killing of Beau Boutan, whose father, Cajun patriarch William “Fix” Boutan, has terrorized the black population on and around the Marshall plantation for a half century. Names also reflect a social hierarchy. This echo of regional chauvinism has a very hollow ring, as does Tee Jack’s empty appeal to racial solidarity. Candy— and everyone else in the story—also fears reprisals by the Boutan family, known for its cruelty to blacks. The ones who arrive first are Lou Dimes, Candy’s boy friend and Sheriff Mapes. Fix told him he had to take the bottle back into the store or fight. With impunity, Miss Merle refers to the blacks as bedbugs. Candy Marshall would be exposed for sharing these values. Divided into twenty chapters, the novel’s action moves forward through Gaines’s masterful weaving of fifteen different narrative voices encompassing an exceptionally wide range: black, white, male, female, young, old, educated, not educated, racist, liberal, and confused. This transformation is best seen in the character of Charlie. In contrast, Luke Will and his buddies have neither internal nor external controls, nothing, at any rate, that cannot be overcome by alcohol. One of the oldest living residents on Marshall, Mathu is proud of his pure Senegalese heritage, but he comes to characterize himself not as a hero but ‘‘a mean, bitter old man’’ who has placed ‘‘myself above all’’ (182). The Cajuns used the efficiency of the tractor which they could run themselves to push the blacks off the land. He thinks that hitting them will make them speak the truth. Social processes might be simple or complex, depends on the society we view. Of course, one of the many ironies of this novel is that Mathu has been defending his honor throughout his life. For most of the black characters, this official name merits little recognition by the white community, reflecting their lack of access to civil rights. This story is taking place … Consumer behavior analysis is regarded as a data-centered marketing technique that is used to directly reach out to individuals with customer data assessment that help in improving an organization’s business profits. On the contrary, it is Mathu who has the courage and the spirit to raise a gun on a Cajun. Readers should pay careful attention to Gaines’s use of three major images throughout the novel: guns, tractors, weeds, and cultivated plants. They became marginalized and had to look for an alternate livelihood. As a child closely observing the actions of adults, Snookum absorbs the lessons of manly behavior throughout this day.

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