In fact, accusations Capitol Hill's legislative sausage-making would put Medicare at risk were also leveled against President Trump. Vote against him, they said, and the funds would simply be returned to the donors. Welcome to U.S. Susan Collins Faces Barrage of Attack Ads. At this early stage, it’s the most expensive Senate race in the country. Still irate over the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, progressive big-money donors are stepping up their crusade against centrist Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, by pouring "dark money" into attack ads charging she "put Medicare and Social Security in jeopardy" by supporting the Trump tax cuts. By David A. Patten    |   When The Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler looked into that allegation, however, he dismissed it with four Pinocchios. . The Senate Budget Committee projected a reduction in Medicare spending. Wisconsin rolled out a 530-bed emergency field hospital at a park near Milwaukee to deal with a massive increase in coro . Keep discussions on topic, avoid personal attacks and threats of any kind. Email Susan Collins, MFT. Collins is seen as one of the few bipartisan figures in Congress willing or able to work across the aisle. The group planned to run $60,000 in ads over the next three weeks focusing on the law. "The campaign season has barely begun," Kessler wrote, "but there's little excuse for this line of attack. The group running the ads, Maine Momentum, is classified for tax purposes as an educational nonprofit. But the group behind the buy is tripling its investment over the end of the year: Now, instead of $180,000 over a three-week period, the group will spend $540,000 on the ads, punctuating the edge Democrats currently have on the airwaves in the state. That same month, by a 91-8 vote, the Senate passed a Collins' amendment to avert any automatic cuts to Medicare. The massive ad buy will go far in Maine, a state with a relatively cheap media market. 2,888 talking about this. are registered trademarks of Newsmax Media, Inc. Newsmax TV, and Newsmax World are trademarks of Newsmax Media, Inc. Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine (Leigh Vogel/Getty Images). Weaponizing the Trump tax cuts to attack Collins might seem unlikely. Susan Collins, do your job. December 6, 2019 at 5:00 pm EST By Taegan Goddard Leave a Comment. "The number one thing we hear from Mainers about Senator Collins is how disappointed they are in her vote on the tax bill. The other side of that equation: Collins has turned in some record fundraising numbers lately. In fact, pro-business conservatives maintain the landmark Trump tax cuts will help keep Medicare solvent by giving businesses, workers, and wages a much-needed boost. When the tax cuts passed, Collins reassured Mainers she already had a pledge from the White House that the payment scheme would not impact funding for Medicare. "It's commendable that The Washington Post would notice the lies about Medicare cuts," he remarks. The latest anti-Collins blitz looks like a variation on the old "Medi-scare" tactic of suggesting to voters any Republican must secretly oppose, or would somehow wish to weaken, the social safety net of Medicare and Social Security. Susan Collins, Cory Gardner, Martha McSally, and Thom Tillis, all of whom have demonstrated their allegiance to Trump over the voters who elected them in their states. American. With this buy, Maine Momentum will near $2 million in spending, nearly matching Gideon’s $2 million in ad buys, while Majority Forward spent more than $200,000 just this week and is over $750,000. Still irate over the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, progressive big-money donors are stepping up their crusade against centrist Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, by pouring "dark money" into attack ads charging she "put Medicare and Social Security in jeopardy" by supporting the Trump tax cuts.

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