The city has suffered much from partisan strife, and the removal of the government to La Paz greatly diminished its importance. The problem which was to be settled by a century of strife was now posed. It is hid from the secret counsel of the wicked and the strife of tongues. It had to wait two centuries after the revolution of 987 before it was strong enough to take up the dormant tradition of an authority like that of Rome; and until then it cunningly avoided unequal strife in which, victory being impossible, reverses might have weakened those titles, higher than any due to feudal rights, conferred by the heritage of the Caesars and the coronation at Reims, and held in reserve for the future. During this period, the band also went through some personal strife and some personnel changes. This had hardly been established before it became distracted by the fratricidal strife of its adherents, from September 22, 1792, to the 18th Fructidor (September 4, 1797). ATE, in Greek mythology, the personification of criminal folly, the daughter of Zeus and Eris (Strife). By way of asserting his right to resume theological disquisition, he also issued in 1798 his Strife of the Faculties, in which all the strongest points of his work on religion were urged afresh, and the correspondence that had passed between himself and his censors was given to the world. (3) What are the prospects for overcoming the strife between the Christian minority and Muslim majority? The harder part was to recreate a spirit of order and subordination among a nation accustomed to long civil strife. (92) He even had a brief career in law, which may partly explain his inclusion of lawsuits and legal strife in The Misanthrope. They mounted his badge, and joined his banner when strife broke out, in return for his championship of their private interests and his promise to maintain them against all their enemies. the trend of public opinion veered round, and Margaret and her friends were rightly held responsible for the embittered nature of the strife. , The young people could not date because of the strife between their two families. In order to avoid the intestine strife so common in Italian civic life, it soon became the custom to select a stranger to fill this position. Examples of strife in a sentence, how to use it. Before the strife flamed up again, Hobbes had published, in 1658, the outstanding section of his philosophical system, and thus completed, after a fashion, the scheme he had planned more than twenty years before. Strife then arose between the committee and the Liberal Union, a body which mainly represented the Christian electorate, and on the 5th of April Hassan Fehmi Effendi, who edited the Serbesti, the official organ of the union, was assassinated. Meanwhile party strife was stilled by an outbreak of the plague. The possession of Bouillon thenceforward became a constant cause of strife until in 1678 Louis XIV. Strife in a sentence (31) Economic development since independence was severely handicapped by sabotage and political strife. on the one handnow master of Portugal and delivered from William of Orange, involved in strife with the English Protestants, and desirous of avenging the injuries inflicted upon him by the Valois in the Netherlandsand the Guises on the other hand, whose cousin Mary Stuart was a prisoner of Queen Elizabeth, there was a common interest in supporting one another and pressing things forward. They also annexed a certain fertile portion of Basuto territory, and finally terminated the strife by a treaty at Thaba Bosigo, by which Moshesh gave up the tract of territory taken by the Boers and professed himself a subject of the Free State. Rheims. From this event dates the beginning of the secular strife between England and France which runs like a red thread through medieval history. The reign of the caliph Mottaqi (CALIPHATE: C, 21) was a period of perpetual strife between the Dailamites, the Turks and the Hamdanid Nasir addaula of Mosul. The opposition between Shammai and Hillel was perpetuated by their respective schools, till, under Gamaliel II., the strife was decided at Jabneh in favour of the school of Hillel. Civil strife for a time was at an end, but the injuries inflicted on the state were deep and lasting. It is impossible here to follow the course of the strife, in which the godly were led by the earls of Gowrie and Angus. Lord Carey says that bitterness, hostility, misunderstanding and strife now separate provinces from one another and divide individual provinces. In the war of independence it was repeatedly subjected to pillage and slaughter by both parties in the strife, and did not recover its losses for many years. Dante's message is once more, degenerate Italy, fallen from its ancient virtues, lost in factional strife. After much factious strife, and many stormy meetings of the Witan, Edward was murdered at Corfe in 978 by some thegns of the party of the queen-dowager. The fanaticism of the caliph Hakim destroyed the church of the Sepulchre and ended the Frankish protectorate (Ioio); and the patronage of the Holy Places, a source of strife between the Greek and the Latin Churches as late as the beginning of the Crimean War, passed to the Byzantine empire in 1021. In the long strife over dogma the old belief of the Greeks in the value of knowledge had made itself felt, and this faith was not extinct in the Eastern Church. The attempted reconciliation with the king having failed, the Assembly ended by working alone, and made the control that it should have exerted an instrument, not of co- Declaraoperation but of strife. There is none of the complacent and wise-browed sagacity of Bacon, for Burke's were days of personal strife and fire and civil division. This conception of the strife of God with the devil was further interwoven, before its introduction into the Antichrist myth, with another idea of different origin, namely, the myth derived from the Babylonian religion, of the battle of the supreme God (Marduk) with the dragon of chaos (Tiamat), originally a myth of the origin of things which, later perhaps, was changed into an eschatological one, again under Iranian influence? strife in the African countries if we still had control. But the centre of strife was not to be Arabia. In the 10th century Count Bernard of Armagnac founded the Benedictine abbey of St Orens, the monks of which, till 1308, shared the jurisdiction over Auch with the archbishops - an arrangement which gave rise to constant strife. Would there be so much strife in the African countries if we still had control. As usually happened in this strife of the land power and the sea power, Napoleon's continental policy attained an almost complete success, while the naval and oriental schemes which he had more nearly at heart utterly miscarried. The strife was often conducted on both sides with a zeal and bitterness of language which were characteristic of the period. The destruction of Rome has now become a secondary event: the reviser's thought is fixed on the final strife between the Lamb and the Antichrist. The years that followed the death of Huss formed in Bohemia a period of incessant theological strife. Such teaching necessarily brought Fox and his friends into conflict with all the religious bodies of England, and they were continually engaged in strife with the Presbyterians, Independents, Baptists, Episcopalians and the wilder sectaries, such as the Ranters and the Muggletonians. Here he dwelt for some time, until strife arose between his herdsmen and those of Lot. After years of strife, they turned to federalism as a solution. For a time no serious steps were taken against Louis, but after King John had met his death at Crcy Charles, who succeeded him as king of Bchemia, began to make vigorous preparations for war, and only the sudden death of the emperor (October 1347) saved Germany from civil strife. In considering, however, the subsequent disorders and wars, it must be borne in mind that they affected only individual portions of the empire, and only on isolated occasions involved more extensive areas in long and serious strife. Neighbouring states encroached upon its borders, and the nobles ignored the authority of the dukes, who, deprived of the electoral vote, were mainly occupied for fifty years with intestine strife. For, while the power of Charlemagne's successors was decaying, the papacy itself became involved in the confusion of the party strife of Italy and of the city of Rome, and was plunged in consequence into such an abyss of degradation (the so-called Pornocracy), that it was in danger of forfeiting every shred of its moral authority over Christendom. Robert Bruce was now dead and his throne was occupied by the young David II., whose factious nobles were occupied in civil strife when, in. She struggled long against her powerful kinsfolk, nor did she know happiness till near the end of her life, when she abandoned the unequal strife, and found repose with Francis of Borselen, Ruward of Holland, her fourth husband. Despite frequent internal strife, the sultans of the Deccan retained their independence until conquered by the Mogul emperor Aurangzeb in the latter half of the 17th century. A long-standing and bitter cause of … From 1803 to 1807 he was a member of the State House of Representatives, becoming during this period the leader of one of two personalpolitical factions in the state that long continued in bitter strife, occasioning his fighting two duels, in one of which he killed his antagonist, and in the other was wounded in his wrist. In 1876 new mining laws were enacted which gave better titles to mining properties and better regulations for their operation, but the outbreak of the war with Chile at the end of the decade and the succeeding years of disorganization and partisan strife defeated their purpose. Vehement feud had probably long subsisted between these parties, when the Libyan war intervened to suspend the strife. But for some years the three rivals in Macedonia, to which a fourth, the Rumanian element, must be added, were in constant strife (see Macedonia). still dazed by the bombing, a survivor of Tuesday's violence at Baghdad's Shi'ite shrine insisted there would be no civil strife. The real effect of sortition was to equalize the chances of rich and poor without civil strife. His later years were spent in strife with his son Frederick, and he died in 1230 at San Germano, whither he had gone to arrange the peace between the emperor Frederick II. He took the part of the nobles against the burghers, but Duke Charles of Gelderland, jealous of the growing power of the house of Habsburg, intervened, put an end to the strife, and, in 1527, himself occupied the city. The subject of the extension of the franchise has also been the cause of violent party strife and controversy. The older religious differences were small compared with the strife for life and death between Christendom and Islam. Peter began the long strife of the Angevine and Aragonese parties in southern Italy. 54. (1853-1861) and Luiz (1861-1889) Portugal obtained a respite from civil strife. The result was, of course, a long period of domestic strife. Historically these principles were only in part embodied, for the Reformation was involved in political strife. With his defects of temper, his violent antipathies, his extravagant notion of papal prerogative, his pontificate was filled with strife. We again hear of their interference in the dynastic strife of the Cherusci some time after the year 47. The large loans raised in Europe, the first instalment of which Byron had himself brought over, while providing the Greeks with the sinews of war, provided seco n d civil w them also with fresh material for strife. This reading also discussed "strife" in Libya, Ankara, Egypt and Syria. He therefore proposed to unite his forces to those of Murad, who would thus have no difficulty in making himself master of the empire while the two elder brothers were divided by their own strife.

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