The origins of coffee are legendary, but the craze spread from Africa and Arabia to Europe, the Far East, and then to the Americas. Harrar coffees are dry-processed coffees and tend to come from old varietal typica coffee trees. While an individual microclimate or farmer’s unique technique might make a single-origin coffee different from others in the same area, we can speak broadly of common characteristics found in the world’s four main coffee-growing regions: South America, Central America, Africa and Asia. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Some, depending on country, provide deep berry, chocolate, nut, spice, and fruit notes. She can most often be found drinking coffee, riding her bike or exploring markets. They often have heavy, musty notes that capture the climate they come from. Guatemala Antigua Coffee is quite full-bodied (like the Guatemalan) for an American coffee, and is known for its rich and spicy flavors, sometimes almost velvety. We're always looking to team up with individuals and companies doing awesome things in the coffee industry. All product names, logos, and brands are property of their respective owners. Once a month for the next few months I'm going to cover different aspects of making coffee at home—including where and how to purchase beans, brewing styles, grind differences, and the best way to store beans—but before learning those topics, you'll need to know what it is you're buying. Enjoy! Many believe this produces an enhanced flavor. [3][4] Often these coffeehouse chains pay a premium above market price in order to alleviate fair trade and sustainable farming concerns. Flavors from Ethiopia’s, Rwanda’s, Kenya’s and Burundi’s coffees are often fruity or floral. If you see something not so nice, please, report an inappropriate comment. In Central America, you’ll find varying acidity, but usually beans from this region are known for their balance, which makes them good for people just getting started on their relationship with coffee. Their acidity may fall anywhere between that of a nice merlot or a tannic British breakfast tea. These coffees are smooth, dense, and exotic with dark chocolate, bold nuttiness, and subtle earthy tones. We approach many Central American coffees with our Balanced Roast Profile, which is a little lighter than the Classic Profile. (888-262-2528), 2002-2020 © Copyright He worked as a barista for eight years, but today prefers to enjoy his beverages from the other side of the counter. latest web standards. We may earn a commission on purchases, as described in our affiliate policy. Central America produces coffees that are often bright and clean. They come from the environment the coffee grew in and how it was processed. Complexity: Simple and balanced Acidity: High Body: Heavy mouthfeel, like cream Facts about Costa Rican coffee. South American Coffees are Classics June 17th, 2011. Mate is a drink from South America that’s made by steeping yerba mate leaves in hot water. African coffees are often as exotic as the lands they come from. These coffees are noted for their big body and sometimes extremely "wild" fruity finish. Find out more About us and what we're doing. This leaves the third group growing in Asian soil. Central American Coffee Costa Rican. Some Ethiopian beans smell and taste like fresh blueberry pie, while some Kenyans can taste so juicy they make me feel like I'm drinking a Capri sun. It is important to note that Tanzania is known for a particular type of coffee bean, peaberry, that results from the cherry of the coffee plant containing just a single round bean rather than 2 flat-sided half beans. Required fields are marked *. Some HTML is OK: link, strong, em. That’s a lot of different soils and locations, and while it’s hard to definitively say how much of a role that plays on coffee — unlike terroir in wine — there’s no denying that different coffees from different regions do have different characteristics. Their flavor traits, depending on country, present such flavors as blueberry, tomato, spice, and melon. Taste, Taste, Taste. Hopefully you’ve been reading this column long enough to know the answer to that question! Today we’re going to talk about coffee from Central and South America, and what characteristics define the coffee from this region. These coffees often feature a big body that’s enhanced with a strong sweetness. Facts: Brazil is the world's largest coffee producer and produces approximately 25% of the world's coffee. They have favorite countries of origin and can already taste the profiled nuances just by reading the label. Mate – A South American Drink like Coffee or Tea. African coffees can have the vibrant and exotic fruit and floral. Some common flavors from South America include chocolate, nuts and caramel tones. The second group is the African bean. African coffees are generally juicier, fruitier, heavier bodied and express higher acidity. These are just some of the many great American coffees you can explore in the Espresso Coffee Guide. PhotogImageraph: Norman B. Leventhal Map Center at the BPL on Flickr, The Perfect Dip Exists: Nam Prik Ong (Thai Pork-and-Tomato Chile Dip), Serious Eats' Halal Cart-Style Chicken and Rice With White Sauce. There are no rules about the differences in coffee, but because certain coffee varieties are often more prevalent in some geographical locations than others. South American Coffee Brazilian. We are committed to doing our part in our community and beyond. For instance, a coffee from South America might remind you of a milk chocolate bar with its slight sweetness, but a coffee from Central America may be described as having cocoa notes, which are more reminiscent of an 80-percent cocoa bar that’s less sweet. Flavor Characteristics (see Coffee Taste Terms):. Mate is usually shared with family and friends in … This cast iron pizza recipe is the easiest method for making a crisp-crusted, airy, chewy pan pizza at home. If you’d like to learn more about how we’re ensuring you have the highest quality coffee possible, follow us on Twitter for updates on Brewniversity posts. All Rights Reserved. Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest recipes and tips! Copyright © 2020 EspressoCoffeeGuide Pro on the Foodie Pro Theme. Coffea arabica (/ ə ˈ r æ b ɪ k ə /), also known as the Arabian Other flavors found in this region range from nuts to fruits. Colombia and Brazil are two of the most prolific coffee producers in the world, with vast mountain ranges and a climate ideal for coffee … They’ll be able to tell you exactly what their beans from a certain place taste like in order to help guide you towards the coffee that you’ll like the best. Scott is a professional writer for Driftaway Coffee. From here, you can expect an even, well-rounded taste; moderate acidity and sweetness, and a medium to full body, probably the kind of coffee you are already most used to drinking. South American coffee growers are beginning to process coffee cherries and sell them alongside the coffee as a product known as cascara. American. The dramatically high elevations and lush soil conditions are optimal for the cultivation of premium coffee. The rich soils of Mexico, Guatemala and Nicaragua produce flavors that are slightly less sweet than those from South America. It has gained traction thanks to Starbucks introducing the cascara latte in early 2017. The area’s infrastructure is set up for washed and semi-washed processing, which produces a mellow acidity and clean cup. She also can be found pouring lattes as one of three trainers at Joe on Waverly Place. Moving to South America, we get beans that have a wider flavor profile, but coffee drinkers are probably most well versed on the beans of Colombia, which is one of the top coffee producing countries in the world. Grown and harvested on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro near the Kenyan border, this gourmet African coffee displays many of the characteristics of Kenyan coffee, though much lighter in acidity. Colombia and Brazil are two of the most prolific coffee producers in the world, with vast mountain ranges and a climate ideal for coffee growing. Each region of the world, South America, Central America, Africa and Asia, produces coffee with unique qualities. Disclosure: We may earn commission at no cost to you from some links on this website. (After all, Guatemala and Honduras are much closer to the States than any African coffee-growing region is, and it's easier for us to buy from them than to … In the U.S., we drink a lot of coffee from Central and South America, simply because its geographic proximity makes it easy to import. American coffees typically exhibit a slight sweetness in the flavor which is often accented by a sparkling, crisp, and lively acidity that may be also be spicy. Another great American coffee is Panama Geisha Coffee with its elongated coffee cherry that produces a light body, bright acidity, and jasmine-like aroma. This medium roast balances is versatile and lets the well-rounded characteristics of these coffees shine. Characteristically full in body, rich in flavor and slightly fruity, the coffees of this Kenyan neighbor also offer a winy acidity, bold cup and lower acidity. Your email address will not be published. In other words, while all coffee in Central America certainly doesn’t taste the same, different coffees from different Central American countries may have more similarities than when compared with those on the other side of the ocean. Their coffee also has the most recognizable flavor for most North Americans, which is why the flavor reminds some people of a classic coffee. Coffees from countries like Brazil and Colombia tend to have characteristics that remind people of a classic coffee. Learn more in the Comment Policy section of our Terms of Use page.

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