By MEG KINNARD October 11, 2020 GMT. Election 2020; Politics; AP Top News; Senate elections; Jaime Harrison; Ted Cruz; Elections; Campaigns; Lindsey Graham; Beto O'Rourke; South Carolina; Dem challenger in SC Senate race raises record $57 million. 1886/87 | Daines' lead against Bullock in the polls has varied, from a New York Times/Siena poll that had Daines up just one point last month to an early October Emerson University poll that saw Daines with nine points on his opponent. 1866/67 | 1936 | Election Polls | President Polls | State Polls | Senate Polls | House Polls | Governor Polls | Approval Polls | All Latest Polls 1820/21 | There are eight Republican-held seats rated as either leaning Democratic or toss-ups by the nonpartisan Cook Political Report, which by contrast lists only one Democratic seat as leaning Republican and none as a toss-up. 1838/39 | 1948 | 2018 | Wahlen zum Senat der Vereinigten Staaten. 1966 | 1822/23 | 1872/73 | 2000 | 1968 | 1982 | The election is billed as a toss-up by the Cook Political Report. Ernst, who is serving her first term in the Senate, has been a close ally to Trump. Trotzdem befinden sich die meisten der Senatssitze mit Mandatsinhabern der Republikaner 2020 in traditionell eher republikanisch geneigten Staaten, weshalb politische Beobachter die Republikaner in einer guten Position sehen ihre Mehrheit zu halten[1][2]. 1828/29 | A recent Des Moines Register Iowa Poll showed Greenfield leading Ernst by three percentage points. Januar 2021 zusammen. 1964 | amtierender Gouverneur (Steve Bullock in Montana) des jeweiligen Bundesstaates. Vor Verabschiedung des 17. [7] 2020 | While all the attention has been on the possibility of a contested presidential election, control of the Senate could take a while to determine … 1856/57 | 2002 | Senator, Georgia 1900/01 | 1836/37 | 1962 | 1896/97 | 1788/89 | The other is a special election with an open primary, which means incumbent Sen. Kelly Loeffler is facing a challenger from her own party in Rep. Doug Collins, as well as the Democrat currently leading in polling, Raphael Warnock. 1914 | Tuberville is a former Auburn University football coach who beat former Attorney General Jeff Sessions in the Republican primary runoff earlier this year. 1796/97 | 1912/13 1 of 2. Zusatzartikels: Republicans gained two Senate seats in the 2018 general elections, bringing their majority up to 53. 1892/93 | 1860/61 | 1958 | 1826/27 | Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 23. There are two Senate seats up for election, both currently held by Republicans. 1804/05 | [4] In Arizona und Colorado sehen verschiedene Voraussagen den demokratischen Kandidaten vorne, während in North Carolina und Maine die republikanischen und die demokratischen Kandidaten als gleichauf eingestuft werden.[5][6]. 1870/71 | The most recent polls for the 35 Senate races contested during the 2020 elections. 1910/11 | Bullock has recognition as governor and as a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination briefly, and Trump's lead in the state has shrunk to a margin of about eight points, according to FiveThirtyEight. These are some of the key races to watch in the 2020 Senate elections: Democrat Doug Jones is in a race against Tommy Tuberville that leans Republican. The Economist is analysing polling, economic and demographic data to predict America’s elections in 2020 Michigan's seat that is up for grabs is Democrat-held but has a possibility of turning red. 1938 | 1926 | Senate simulations. Sen. Lindsey Graham, the Republican known for his support of Trump and the current chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, faces a serious contender in Democrat Jaime Harrison, who has broken fundraising records for Senate candidates. 1946 | 1976 | 1880/81 | Though Trump flipped Iowa to the Republican column in 2016, Trump's support has declined, leaving him in a virtual tie with Biden in average state polling data. Republican Sen. Joni Ernst is in a close race with Democrat Theresa Greenfield. 1832/33 | 1810/11 | 1794/95 | 2006 | 1908/09 | 1844/45 | The Grand Canyon State is within reach for Democrats, with one Senate seat up in a special election to fill the rest of the term held by the late Sen. John McCain. In: RealClearPolitics (englisch) Kategorie 2020 Senate Elections. 1878/79 | More:Here are the Senate races to watch as the COVID-19 election comes into focus. These simulations allow one party to do unusually well or poorly nationwide, and also provide appropriate uncertainty in each specific contest. 1932 | 1998 | 1862/63 | Democrats count 45 senators and there are two independent senators who caucus with Democrats. 1960 | Though Hickenlooper has led in polling against Gardner, his campaign has had to deal with an ethics scandal involving a Colorado panel that found he twice violated rules as governor against giving valuable gifts to officials. Latest forecasts and polls for the 2020 Senate elections by Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight. November 2020 die Zusammensetzung dieser oberen Kammer des Kongresses der Vereinigten Staaten bestimmt. Democrats would need a net gain of three or four seats to win a majority in the Senate, which is currently held by Republicans with 53 senators. [3], Um eine Mehrheit im Senat zu erhalten, müssen die Demokraten – abhängig vom Ausgang der gleichzeitigen Präsidentschaftswahl – drei oder vier Mandate dazugewinnen (der Vizepräsident der Vereinigten Staaten hat beim einem Gleichstand von 50 zu 50 Sitzen die entscheidende Stimme). 1904/05 | The race is also rated as a toss-up. 1858/59 | 1952 | Collins, known as a moderate conservative who sometimes wavers in support for Republican-backed positions, has faced a mountain of criticism for siding with Trump on issues like the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court and his acquittal in this year's Senate impeachment trial. 1842/43 | 2012 | Former astronaut Mark Kelly, a gun control activist whose wife former Rep. Gabby Giffords survived an assassination attempt in 2011, is taking on incumbent Sen. Martha McSally, a former military pilot who has aligned herself closely with Trump. Senate Election Polls. The Cook Political Report ranks the Arizona seat as leaning Democratic. S. Click here to see the Senate forecast. Gewählt werden die Senatoren durch Direktwahl auf sechs Jahre von den Wahlberechtigten des jeweiligen Bundesstaates, den sie im Senat der Vereinigten Staaten repräsentieren. 1874/75 | More:Martha McSally, Mark Kelly clash on COVID-19, health care, China. WASHINGTON – With less than a month before Election Day, this year's Senate races could have just as big of an impact on the direction of the country as the presidential race between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. Während der demokratische Mandatsinhaber Doug Jones im konservativen Alabama, der eine Nachwahl 2017 gewonnen hatte, als besonders gefährdet gilt, werden den Demokraten Chancen auf die republikanisch gehaltenen Sitze in Arizona (Martha McSally), Colorado (Cory Gardner), Maine (Susan Collins) und North Carolina (Thom Tillis) eingeräumt. 2008 | 1924 | 1894/95 | 1868/69 | Bei den Republikanern verzichten drei Mandatsinhaber (Pat Roberts, Kansas und Lamar Alexander, Tennessee sowie Mike Enzi, Wyoming) auf eine Wiederwahl, bei den Demokraten einer (Tom Udall, New Mexico).

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