"The Social Teaching of Paul. He denounced as a pact with heresy the Peace of Augsburg, the first permanent legal basis for the existence of Lutheranism and Catholicism in Germany. The young congregation suffered more than its share during the sack of Rome in 1527, and its few members retired to Venice. "I have never conferred a favour on a human being", he said. The name of Cardinal Oliviero Caraffa recurs frequently in the history of the papacy during the days of the Renaissance. At the end of the unfortunate war with Philip II the aged pope lost faith in his nephews and banished them from the Court. We're not salespeople, but we depend on donations averaging $14.76 and fewer than 1% of readers give. "Paul IV" redirects here. You could also do it yourself at any point in time. Following the trend in the Roman Catholic Church that wrongly suspected Jews of influencing the Reformation to some degree, Paul in 1555 established the ghetto at Rome. The pontificate of Paul IV was a great disappointment. The great Cardinal Morone was brought before the tribunal on suspicion of heresy and committed to prison. Nihil Obstat. He was one of the most energetic of the reforming popes of the 16th century. of Paul III had perceived the importance of the institute in his projected reform of the clergy, and he summoned the Theatines back to Rome. Saint of the Day for Thursday, Oct 15th, 2020. One of the great cardinal's merits was that of superintending the training of his young relative, Giovanni Pietro, whom he introduced to the papal Court in 1494, and in whose favour he resigned the See of Chieti (in Latin, Theate), from which word he was thenceforward known as Theatinus. [19] On the third day of rioting, the crowd removed the Carafa family coat of arms from all churches, monuments, and other buildings in the city. He was bedridden, and on 17 August it became clear he would not live. The young congregation suffered more than its share during the sack of Rome in 1527, and its few members retired to Venice. I grew up and lived most of my adult life believing that Hitler was the sole founder of the Jewish Ghetto.I grew up believing that the restrictions placed on the Jews, where the could work, what they had to wear, who they could marry, and of course where they lived was all Hitler’s idea. [2] His father Giovanni Antonio Carafa died in West Flanders in 1516 and his mother Vittoria Camponeschi was the daughter of Pietro Lalle Camponeschi, 5th Conte di Montorio, a Neapolitan nobleman, and wife Dona Maria de Noronha, a Portuguese noblewoman of the House of Pereira. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1911. The Austrian and Spanish Habsburgers treated Paul IV with studied contempt, and thus forced him to enter an alliance with France. Although Paul was himself an excellent classicist, he was not a patron of the arts. New York: Robert Appleton Company. The antagonisms he aroused proved fatal to his reforming cause. Paul IV's body was taken to the Sistine Chapel in the Apostolic Palace at 6 pm. Pope Paul IV, C.R. A collage of images of Pope Paul IV, c/o Corrispondenza Romana. His residence in Spain served to accentuate that detestation of Spanish rule in his native land which characterized his public policy during his pontificate. Pope Paul IV was born Gian Pietro Caraffa (also Carafa) on June 28, 1476 in Sant'Angelo a Scala, a small town south of Benevento and east of Naples. For the party of Pole, Contarini, and Morone he had the most heartfelt detestation; and his elevation boded them no happiness. Pole himself was relieved by the pontiff of his legatine office and ordered to come to Rome to stand before the Inquisition. ", Mampieri, Martina. Known for his harsh and imperialistic manner, he broke many of the papal ties with the secular elements of the Renaissance. A single gate, locked every day at sundown, was the only means of reaching the rest of the city. As a result of this, 25 were burned at the stake in the spring of 1556, Paul IV's health began to break down in May 1559. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor. In Rome and, even more so, the seaport of Ancona, they thrived under benevolent popes Clement VII (1523–34), Paul III (1534–49), and Julius III (1550–55). Soon after his ordination as priest he was made, in 1505, the bishop of Chieti. . In 1524 he joined Cajetan in founding an apostolic-orientated group of priests known as the Theatines. [18], The crowd dedicated to him the following pasquinata:[20], Such hostile views have not mellowed much with time; modern historians tend to view his papacy as an especially poor one. of the Popes in the XVI- XVIII Centuries; REUMONT, Gesch. Loughlin, James. But the sharp intellect of Paul III had perceived the importance of the institute in his projected reform of the clergy, and he summoned the Theatines back to Rome. A good comprehensive study of Paul IV is Ludwig Pastor, History of the Popes, vol. Under him, the Roman Inquisition, established in 1542, launched a reign of terror. Historians seem to be unjust towards Paul IV. . Still more disastrous were his relations with England, which had been reconciled to Rome by Mary, and Cardinal Pole. At the end of the unfortunate war with Philip II the aged pope lost faith in his nephews and banished them from the Court. [16] That same day, or the next day (records are unclear), the crowd attacked the Church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva. Such a reactionary attitude alienated clergy and laity alike: historian John Julius Norwich calls him "the worst pope of the 16th century. Caraffa was placed by the pontiff on the committee named to outline the project of reform of the papal Court; and on 22 Dec., 1536 he was created cardinal with the title of San Pancrazio. He succumbed to the counsels of his nephews, whom he elevated, and to his hatred of the Habsburgs and of the Spaniards, whom he attempted to drive from Naples by allying with France in December 1555. There was that in his bearing as he looked slowly round which sent a shiver down the spine of some and gave even his most loyal supporters a vague feeling of uneasiness. He compelled the Jews of Rome to wear distinctive clothing and confine themselves to a ghetto. "Pope Paul IV." Neither in the matter of the succession to the empire nor in the conclusion of the religious peace were the interests of the Holy See consulted in the slightest degree. This was to challenge every principle for which the aged cardinal had stood during his long career. Carafa was elected pope in 1555 through the influence of Cardinal Alessandro Farnese in the face of opposition from Emperor Charles V. His papacy was characterized by strong nationalism in reaction to the influence of Philip II of Spain and the Habsburgs. Vol. Paul IV put in place a reform of the papal administration designed to stamp out trafficking of principal positions in the Curia. On May 23, 1555, he was elected pope and took the name Paul IV. He could boast that no day passed without seeing a new decree of reform. Worried that the rioters might break in and desecrate the pope's corpse, at 10 pm Cardinal Carafa had Pope Paul IV buried without ceremony next to the Cappella del Volto Santo (Chapel of the Holy Face) in St. Peter's. Your Catholic Voice Foundation has been granted a recognition of tax exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Rome, February 20, 2015: On Wednesday of this week, Rorate Caeli published an interesting article on the possibility of heresy in the Pope, entitled, “Paul IV and the Heretics of His Time – by Roberto de Mattei“, translated by Francesca Romana. [14], All begging was forbidden. (Latin: Pau­lus IV; 28 June 1476 – 18 Au­gust 1559), born Gian Pietro Carafa, was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 23 May 1555 to his death in 1559. Paul IV May 23, 1555 - August 18, 1559 . His favourite author was St. Thomas Aquinas . [1], He was mentored by Cardinal Oliviero Carafa, his relative, who resigned the see of Chieti (Latin Theate) in his favour. Omissions? [9] All secular offices, from the highest to the lowest, were assigned to others based on merit. Cardinals and other officials gathered at his bedside on 18 August, where Paul IV asked them to elect a "righteous and holy" successor and to retain the Inquisition as "the very basis" of the Catholic Church's power. At the end of the unfortunate war with Philip II the aged pope lost faith in his nephews and banished them from the Court. The few opuscula which he found time to write were Scholastic in character. At the end of the unfortunate war with Philip II the aged pope lost faith in his nephews and banished them from the Court. ", Pocock, Nicholas, Marinus Marinius, and J. Barengus. In England he ruined Cardinal Reginald Pole, archbishop of Canterbury, who had infuriated Paul by trying to prevent the conflict between France and the Habsburgs. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. "Bull of Paul IV concerning the Bishopric of Bristol. Ecclesiastical approbation. Paul IV was violently opposed to the liberal Giovanni Cardinal Morone whom he strongly suspected of being a hidden Protestant, so much that he had him imprisoned. “I have never conferred a favor on a human being”, he said. Paul established the hierarchy in the Netherlands and in the Orient. [18], The crowd broke into the three city jails and freed more than 400 prisoners, then broke into the offices of the Inquisition at the Palazzo dell' Inquisizone near to the Church of San Rocco. He who at the beginning was honored by a public statue, lived to see it thrown down and mutilated by the hostile populace. He carefully describes only the case of a person who commits heresy while he is not Pope, and then he states that the election of such a person is invalid. They were forbidden to have more than one synagogue per city—leading, in Rome alone, to the destruction of seven "excess" places of worship. Paul IV may be considered the instigator of one of the most wretched periods in the history of the Jews in Italy – the period of the ghettos, which dragged on for three centuries. 14, translated by Ralph F. Kerr (1924), which includes a full bibliography and list of sources. That unbending Italian patriot, born whilst Italy was “a lyre with four strings”, Naples, Rome, Florence, and Venice, was certainly justified in using the prestige of the papacy to preserve some relics of liberty for his native country. It will enhance any encyclopedic page you visit with the magic of the WIKI 2 technology. Although Caraffa was highly educated and surpassed most of his contemporaries in the knowledge of Greek and Hebrew, still he remained throughout medieval in life and thought.

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