Percy was tall and thin, like his father and brothers Bill and Ron, and with the vivid red hair and freckles characteristic of the Weasley family. Percy became Prefect in the summer of 1991, which he was very proud of and kept telling everyone in the family about. He was also very academic and ambitious and had great plans for the future. When Cornelius Fudge did not believe Harry Potter's claim that Lord Voldemort was back, he thought that Dumbledore was using the threat of his return as a springboard, spreading rumours so as to destabilise his administration. He could also not see that both the Ministry and the Daily Prophet were not telling the public the truth over the return of Lord Voldemort. Finding the letter extremely offensive, Ron tore it up and threw it into the fire. Percy, while working as a scribe for the Ministry. He took the rules very seriously, and did not believe that Fred and George Weasley would get very far with their constant pranks. It can also be short for Perseus, which is derived from Ancient Greek, meaning "destroyer." [3] A stickler for rules and regulations, he respected authority, and when he attained it himself, expected respect in return. This eventually got Percy into trouble, as when Crouch escaped and was seen delirious on Hogwarts ground, the Ministry accused Percy of being irresponsible and unperceptive, that he should have seen the written orders as potential forgeries and that he should have informed a superior of Crouch's questionable status. [6] Finally, in the brief ceasefire allowed to them by Lord Voldemort during the Battle of Hogwarts, Percy comforted Ron following Fred's death. [13] In May, Percy thought a pale Ginny was going to tell Harry and Ron and he interrupted her. [4] He met her on Platform 9¾, showing off his Head Boy badge, and, later in the year, wagered ten Galleons on the outcome of the Gryffindor - Ravenclaw match, despite not actually having ten galleons. Molly Weasley (mother) Audrey Weasley (wife) Molly Weasley II (daughter) Lucy Weasley (daughter) Bill Weasley (elder brother) Charlie Weasley(elder brother) Fred Weasley (younger brother) George Weasley (younger brother) Ronald Weasley (younger brother) Ginny Weasley (younger sister). LEGO Friends : L'encyclopédie des personnages. Percy eventually accepted he was wrong and made up with the family at the Battle of Hogwarts, where he fought and was grief-stricken when he found Fred was killed. He was scowling and wanted to get near them to shout, but the crowd was celebrating it for being "brilliant" and he couldn't get close enough. However, Percy usually came off as seeming arrogant or pompous since he constantly tried to look and sound dignified, including calling his parents "Mother" and "Father" rather than "Mum" and "Dad" like the rest of his siblings. Wizarding World He married a woman named Audrey and had two daughters, Molly and Lucy. He also learned about the plans for the resurrection of the Triwizard Tournament, which he took great delight with in hinting about to his younger siblings. Percy with Harry Potter in Dumbledore's office after the discovery of Dumbledore's Army, In early 1996, Percy was one of the Ministry officials summoned to Hogwarts following Professor Umbridge's discovery of the secret organisation, Dumbledore's Army. Percy was duelling the then Minister Pius Thicknesse and in the middle of the battle, he jokingly told the Minister he had resigned. [21] He was also very dismissive of Ludo Bagman's skills in running the Department of Magical Games and Sports when compared to Mr Crouch, but that didn't stop him attempting to make a good impression in front of him when he met him at the Quidditch World Cup.[22]. They would meet in deserted classrooms to kiss, but were caught once by Percy's sister, Ginny. fi:Percy Weasley [5], Percy was extremely pompous, stiff-necked and always very serious; he took himself very seriously and was often the butt of pranks and jokes played on him by his fun-loving siblings. [22] While Harry was also generally friendly towards Percy — although he frequently laughed at Fred and George's pranks — he also felt that he had always liked Percy the least of all the Weasleys after he abandoned his family, possibly due to his somewhat pompous nature.[14]. It could possibly be clues for him destroying his relationship with his family. He swore her to secrecy. Along with the rest of his family, he attended the Quidditch World Cup, and was embarrassed when Mr. Crouch addressed him as "Weatherby" in front of his family. Percy was tipped off by Aberforth Dumbledore about the Battle of Hogwarts in 1998 and finally made up with his family. His mother was overjoyed to see him and immediately ran to hug him, while his father and siblings simply stared at him. Over the final year of Fudge's term as Minister, he used Percy as the court scribe on at least two occasions: Harry's disciplinary hearing and the meeting in the Headmaster's Office following the discovery of Dumbledore's Army. However, he showed rare flashes of a sense of humour when joking with Penelope Clearwater over sabotaging Harry's Firebolt,[5] and when duelling Pius Thicknesse during the Battle of Hogwarts. A high achiever, he went to work at the Ministry of Magic after leaving school, working in the Department of International Magical Cooperation under Barty Crouch Sr., and later as Junior Assistant to the Minister for Magic himself. Wiki Sorcellerie-Info est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Littérature. no:Perry Wiltersen Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Durant ses sept années à l’école de magie, Percy prend son travail et ses responsabilités très à cœur. Percy introduced himself and his pet rat to this individual. "Course, he's very ambitious, Percy, he's got it all planned out... he wants to be Minister for Magic..." —Percy's ambitious personality Percy was extremely pompous, arrogant, and stiff-necked; he took himself very seriously and was often the butt of pranks and jokes played on him by his fun-loving siblings. [21] He met her on platform 9¾, showing off his Head Boy badge, and, later in the year, wagered ten Galleons on the outcome of the Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw match, despite not actually having ten galleons. [17], At some point during the year, Scabbers went missing. Harry Potter : Percy Weasley, l’ambitieux, Publié Following the downfall of Voldemort, Percy returned to work for the Ministry as a high-ranking official under the new Minister for Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt. [22] However, the twins' pranks were generally good-natured ribbing at his expense — during Christmas in 1991, the twins forbade him from sitting with the other prefects, noting that Christmas was a time for family. Percy Weasley (b. That year, when Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was under a constant threat of attack by Sirius Black, he prided himself in helping with security, being trusted wholly by Albus Dumbledore to keep the students safe. Prior to the Christmas of 1994, Percy was promoted to Mr Crouch's personal assistant, and began taking orders from him via owl post. Back at school, Percy's duties as prefect led him into conflict with his brothers when he caught Ron in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, and Fred and George's loud, sarcastic proclamations over Harry Potter being the Heir of Slytherin. In the weeks that followed, Percy had to work doubly hard at the Ministry to cope with the large number of Howlers that crossed his desk from the disgruntled and frightened public. In February, he presided as a judge for the Second Task of the Triwizard Tournament, once again filling in for Crouch. The 1994 Quidditch World Cup that Percy attended with his family and friends. Infuriated at his family’s request, Percy split ties altogether, moving out of the house and living in an apartment in London , where he worked ever closer to the ministry. Fred was surprised with his brother for making a joke after so long — but the joyous mood was shattered when an explosion destroyed part of the corridor they were in and killed Fred. Aber gute Schulleistungen genügen ihm natürlich nicht, weil er sich ganz nach oben arbeiten will. He would not speak to his family for two years when they sided with Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Emportez vos fandoms favoris partout avec vous. In the weeks that followed, Percy had to work doubly hard at the Ministry to cope with the large number of Howlers that crossed his desk from the disgruntled and frightened public. Following the end of the Second Wizarding War, Percy returned to the now-reformed Ministry of Magic, and became Head of the Department of Magical Transportation[11] under new Minister for Magic Kingsley Shacklebolt. This was in retaliation for Ron breaking Fred's toy broomstick. Percy graduated in summer 1994 and found a job working for Barty Crouch Snr. Percy's estrangement from his family continued, although he did write a letter to Ron, congratulating him on becoming a prefect and urging him to stop associating with Harry (who he felt was a bad influence) as well as believing that his family would one day realise their mistake for believing Dumbledore and apologise to him. Studio Tour London. Ambitieux, il se fâche avec sa famille mais finalement les rejoint lors de la bataille de Poudlard. Percy spent much of the summer of 1992 in his room exchanging letters with Penelope Clearwater, and his family only saw him at mealtimes. Percy finally began to see what was happening around him, but could do nothing since he was being watched closely. Through the marriage of his brother Bill Weasley, Percy became brother-in-law to Fleur Delacour. [28] Later that year, when Gryffindor won the final match of the season, vs. Slytherin, Percy jumped "up and down like a maniac, all dignity forgotten."[29]. He could also not see that both the Ministry and the Daily Prophet were not telling the public the truth over the return of Lord Voldemort. Curiously enough, while it was the twins who were the most angry at him within the family, constantly telling the others that he was no good and to forget about him, it was also Fred and George who were the first to forgive him and welcome him back to the family.

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