“I really wish he had been more of a role model in showing us how to be safe,” said Karen Pellerin, a 57-year-old retiree from Sparks, Nev. “I’m pretty disgusted that he gets out the hospital and walks around the White House with the virus.”. a favorable opinion of him and 47 percent saying they have an unfavorable opinion. Still, he said he is more concerned about the prospect of a Biden administration than he is about Mr. Trump’s handling of the pandemic. The Massachusetts governor, a Republican, says he ‘may take a pass’ on voting for president rather than vote for Trump. President Trump won Ohio by eight points in 2016 but is now virtually tied with Mr. Biden. Ms. Loda said she remained undecided in the presidential campaign, but was leaning toward backing Mr. Trump. Election Projection. job handling issues: Likely voters are divided on the way Trump is handling his job as president, 50 - 48 percent, and are As the two campaigns spar this week over safety precautions for next week’s debate, voters in both states, including about 20 percent of Mr. Trump’s supporters, said by wide margins the president did not take adequate precautions to protect himself from the virus. She described herself as a fiscal conservative but said Mr. Trump had failed to lead the country through the coronavirus pandemic. At this point, it's a toss-up," said Quinnipiac University Polling Analyst Mary Snow. Mr. Brandyberry, 61, said his mother died of the coronavirus in May and her cremated remains sit on his fireplace hearth because restrictions in Pennsylvania, where she is to be buried, limit funerals to 25 people. on the economy. American. Six percent of Nevada voters … Links will not be permitted. Likely voters in Texas give President Trump a mixed favorability rating, with 49 percent saying they have Trump and Biden even in Ohio, as Biden leads in Pennsylvania — Battleground Tracker poll. in Texas and it's too close to call in Ohio, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea-ack) University poll of likely The nation’s partisan divide even colors voters’ perception of the seriousness of Mr. Trump’s illness. In Columbus, Ohio, Kirsten Mullins, an accountant for a hedge fund, voted for Mr. Trump in 2016 but plans to vote for Mr. Biden this year. Joe Biden has improved on Hillary Clinton’s margin of victory in Nevada, and is virtually tied with Donald Trump in Ohio, a state Mr. Trump won in 2016. Eighty-four percent of voters say their Check here often to see who the polls say is expected to carry Ohio. Bill Brandyberry, a home inspector from Canton, Ohio, said he was offended by the haranguing Mr. Trump took from Democrats and some journalists for removing his mask upon returning to the White House on Monday night. Until recent weeks Mr. Biden’s campaign has barely contested Ohio, a state that has moved solidly toward Republicans in recent years. In Ohio, 97 percent of likely voters who selected a candidate in the presidential match up say their minds “They’re making a big deal about how he removed his mask,” Mr. Brandyberry said. President Donald Trump holds a firm advantage over Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden in the latest poll of Ohio from the Trafalgar Group released Monday. Likely voters are mixed when it comes to handling the military and keeping your family safe: Likely voters slightly disapprove of the way Trump is handling his job as president, 51 - 46 percent, and “I have family members who have gotten the virus. “It’s sad when anybody gets the virus,” she said. The results show the extent to which voters’ views on the coronavirus crisis and Mr. Trump’s management of it continue to hang over the election. Christine Ponkowski, who owns a housecleaning business in Henderson, Nev., described Mr. Trump’s handling of his own coronavirus case as infuriating.

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