Which newsletter would you like to receive? We are not just locked into our own world of microscopes and petri dishes though…we are actively collaborating with experts,  putting theories into practice, and testing new ideas for ‘real life’ applications. Once your plant is 8 weeks old, we recommend that you fertilise it every 8 weeks throughout the season. Many of you have no doubt been following with interest our tomato fertiliser Dead Horse, which has been under trial with Diggers Club. You can also purchase a great range of seeds online, via Diggers Club. Research and Development is at the heart of what we do and what we care for at Neutrog. It’s composted, inoculated with eNcase and filled with nutrients, so that when added to soil it introduces a wide diversity of beneficial bacteria. Grafted seedlings are more expensive, but they are on tough, hardy rootstock which means you will have a very strong plant which will grow and fruit well. Click for retail brochure, or commercial brochure. If you are in a really hot region you might not do this, as the foliage can protect the fruit from sunburn. Plus, a couple of unknowns. This method allows the tomato to develop a very strong root system. The Neutrog team told us what they’re growing in their home gardens this year. Depth Charger reduces the surface tension of the diluted inoculant, allowing for the bacteria within to penetrate crop stubble, thatch and other organic materials, thereby speeding up decomposition, unlocking  nutrients and improving the soil’s ability to retain moisture. In many instances Neutrog supplies the fertiliser that grows the crop from which the straw is sourced. In the summer of 2016-17 a tomato seedling popped up on their river flats. Download Acrobat Reader to view our newsletters. When Neutrog releases a new product, it is always trialled in the commercial market before it’s released into the retail market. If you’re doing that then do use a premium potting mix. We are in the process of conducting formal efficacy trials at Adelaide University (partly funded by a federal research grant). To subscribe to regular newsletters join the Pooh Bah Club here. Catcandoo is our own kitty litter. It contains a wide diversity of bacteria and fungi capable of liberating and unlocking plant nutrients trapped in either an insoluble form or within organic materials. It has been used as the basis for much of our initial research, and from it we are creating innovative products that have far-reaching benefits. Please Select OneHome GardenerProfessionalBoth, Neutrog Australia Pty Ltd 288 Mine Road, Kanmantoo, South Australia 5252. At Neutrog, we strive to deliver innovative, first-class products by expanding research and development activities both in-house and in collaboration with external partners. Tomatoes like a good full day of sun and ideally some protection from the wind. The not so humble tomato is at the top of the “must grow” list for many gardeners. When Neutrog releases a new product, it is always trialled in the commercial market before it’s released into the retail market. Amongst other commercial growers, Diggers have agreed to trial our new specialised tomato fertiliser called ‘Dead Horse’ – developed to produce the optimum balance of nutrients in tomatoes. Please choose a optionACTNSWNTQLDSATASVICWAOutside Australia Seed was saved and it has been affectionately named Flood Red. eNcase can also be used to aid in the decomposition of crop stubbles and thatch in lawns and turf, also speeding up the production of humic acid within the soil. Some 300 fruit trees have been planted across two areas, made up of 150 differing varieties of peaches, nectarines, figs, apples, pears and quinces. The fabulous and ever reliable Grosse Lisse. This means less foliage and more sun for the fruit to ripen. Keep your plants roots moist and warm – especially whilst the soil is still warming up after winter, by mulching with WhoFlungDung. Amongst other commercial growers, Diggers have agreed to trial our new specialised tomato fertiliser called ‘Dead Horse’ – developed to produce the optimum balance of nutrients in tomatoes. Much of our initial research has centred on bacteria and the roles they play in the decomposition of organic matter. If you have quite a large seedling – as pictured – dig a good-sized hole. How did you hear about the Pooh Bah Club? Do ensure that the top of the plant in particular is covered and that the covering is not touching the foliage. The many cherry tomatoes available all do well in pots and some of the smaller growing varieties you could look out for include KY1 or Principe Borghese. Recent research has been focussed around a species of fungi called Trichoderma, which form a mutualistic relationship with the plant’s root system, thereby keeping the pathogen away. If you are growing a variety which needs staking, then put the stake into the soil before you put your seedling in. This ensures that you don’t damage any roots, which you could do if staking occurred later. Which newsletter would you like to receive? How did you hear about the Pooh Bah Club? A soft tie is best. Litterbugs is a biological product specifically developed to control and reduce the ammonia levels in the bedding materials of housed animals such as poultry and pigs, which makes for a more productive, much healthier and less odorous environment for the animals (and farmers). The following are some of our possibilities that have become (or are becoming) realities: The Poultus System is a propriety owned and developed static air composting system designed to save energy costs, speed up the composting timeframe and reduce the composting footprint. Please choose a optionACTNSWNTQLDSATASVICWAOutside Australia Another tip with Gyganic is to incorporate some through the bottom of your hole at planting time – cover with some fresh untreated soil and let the roots grow down into the Gyganic. Through our own efforts, we have invented new and improved ways of composting, manufacturing and delivering fertilisers. If you are limited for room then you could grow a tomato in a pot. Fatal Attraction is in its developmental stage, however, slowly but surely, it will become an organic, environmentally friendly snail bait. Known as Mr Curry, because that’s the old bloke who provided the original seed. If your region is past the cold and frosts of winter, then you can start to plant out your tomatoes now. For a garden that’s not even 12 months old, Alma Saenz Gabriele has ... worked hard to achieve the great results seen in these photos. This is just an overview of the breadth and depth of our inquisitiveness – we’re on a journey that has no destination, and we’re very comfortable with that. As the plant starts to grow, you might like to nip out the laterals. Unfortunately, due to COVID, we could not conclude our trials, but these will be continuing next year. Neutrog added a new photo. There is also good evidence to show that Trichoderma can induce the plant’s own defence mechanisms. One of the team had their property under flood in June 2016. As we continue to delve into the natural science of microbiology, the future is literally alive with possibilities. Select a State This method is for seedlings only. Treat a smaller seedling similarly but decrease in size relevant to your seedling and remove one lateral. Don’t be tempted to skimp on a cheap product. If it is, the frost could still penetrate through. Whoflungdung is a biologically activated, nutrient rich, weed free, absorbent, super mulch. It was a delicious little truss tomato which was never watered, had cows trampling over it and it survived right through until the worst of the frosts the following winter. Most significantly, Whoflungdung reduces, if not eliminates, the nitrogen draw-down which is often reflected in plants after mulch has been applied. Neutrog Australia Pty Ltd 288 Mine Road, Kanmantoo, South Australia 5252, International Update – News from South Africa, Better Homes & Gardens – Sudden Impact for Lawns, Neutrog Radio – Why natives need fertilising, International Update – Fertiliser in Fiji, Sudden Impact for Lawns on Better Homes & Gardens, Neutrog Radio – Avoiding sick soil disease, Feed & protect now for a headstart in spring, The Biological Approach – Controlling nematodes in your garden. Look for strong, upright seedlings. The arboretum is an extension of the relationship Neutrog established with the Rare Fruit Society of SA a number of years ago when it teamed up with its members to develop, trial and release Neutrog’s well known, organic-based vegetable, fruit and citrus fertiliser ‘Gyganic’. GOGO Juice is a diverse collection of microbes designed to be used as a probiotic within the soil. Apart from reducing weeds, many users also happily report that blackbirds don’t like it. Several varieties of cherry tomatoes in different colours. These little bugs do so much good in your soils and work really well in breaking down your organic matter and providing you with strong, vigorous and healthy plants. Litterbugs also has the potential to be used for reducing odours from domestic household cat litters and from urine smells in soft furnishings. Some of the more popular tall growing varieties are Grosse Lisse, Beefsteak & Apollo. This project will play a significant role in the conservation of these  varieties, plus it provides a unique opportunity for Neutrog and its Research Development team to carry out further research and development into determining the optimum nutritional and biological needs of these fruit trees. The flow-on effect is mind boggling – more sustainable,  robust and nutrient-rich environments from which we can help feed the world. These beneficial bacteria readily proliferate through the soil, acting as a barrier/deterrent to pathogenic bacteria, providing a safe environment for healthy plant growth. You can cover your plants up for the night. Dead Horse is our specialised tomato fertiliser that is currently being developed in collaboration with the iconic Diggers Club, Australia’s largest garden club, to produce the optimum balance of nutrients.

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