Next, you’ll need to create or add an existing advertising account. For example, our team discovered that using no call-to-action (CTA) button on a carousel ad will get more clicks than using one of the built-in CTA buttons (such as “Shop Now” or “Learn More”). Because customers likely need to see your product a few more times before they’re ready to purchase. Try Shopify free for 14 days, no credit card required. The Facebook product catalog is another connection between your business website and your ad account that can be set up within Business Manager, under the Assets menu. In 2017, I spent $191,480.74 USD on Facebook Ads. You could create the world’s greatest Facebook ad, but if your funnel sucks, it won’t convert. And have an exit intent popup when someone is about to leave your store without buying. Looking for new customers is often referred to as “prospecting” and involves advertising to those who have not purchased from you or interacted with your business online. I know it doesn’t make our website look beautiful but it helped create a sense of urgency when people were directed to that page from an ad. Keep it Short and Lead with Value. In this beginner's guide, we'll look at what makes Facebook such a popular advertising platform with so many brands and walk you through step-by-step how to set up a Facebook ad campaign to drive sales for your business. I’ve been reading a nice little CMO Council report on social analytics in the auto industry. Audiences is a section within Business Manager where you can create lists of people to target with your ads. All rights reserved. Since they were niche influencers the audience was targeted and I landed a few sales with this strategy. Facebook recommends selecting automated placements for your ad set. Check out one of our most popular eBooks, Facebook Advertising for Auto Dealers, where we take a close look at Facebook ad tips and tricks for dealerships. If you’ve read my free ebook 50 Ways to Get Sales with Dropshipping you’ve likely already read how I got a 9x ROI from a retargeting ad that targeted those who read our store’s blog. As people clicked on the ad with “Download” call-to-action, the download pop-up was what they expected to see. It’s one of the best dropshipping secrets around when it comes to getting sales via Facebook ads. The Facebook advertising platform is designed to be easy to use for those with little to no experience with digital marketing, making it even more attractive to bootstrapped entrepreneurs who don’t want to pay an agency to run their ads. Best CTA for Facebook Ads – The Hypothesis. I created blog posts that featured influencer quotes. But a product that costs $150 might require a few more ads to help a customer realize they’re ready to purchase it. I mean the United States has 325.7 million people which would drastically affect the audience of an ad especially compared to a smaller country like Jersey. Show the right vehicles to the right people at the right time, and you’ll find a healthy boost in relevance score, click-through rate (CTR), and cost per click (CPC). When all you want to do is sell as many cars as possible, it just doesn’t feel right to forgo large swaths of people. It’s the one mistake I see people make the most. A 1% Lookalike Audience contains people who most closely resemble the Custom Audience source and therefore are an easy first target for your prospecting campaigns. If one of your ads falls on its face (or gets rejected by Facebook), you still have a pony in the race. Finding new customers is an even better way to scale your business using Facebook ads than retargeting past customers and converting website browsers.

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