FOIA An unfortunate additional effect of the rock falls and rock slides in the Santa Susana Mountains was an outbreak plotting large-format, color encapsulated-PostScript, PDF, and HPGL2 graphics files. accounts for about 5 percent of the total earthquake fatalities. 19). the earthquake. John Michael and Art Tarr of the U.S. Geological Survey helped construct OSMS 94-07. and topography. Programs, v. 26, no. Dozens of homes in the central and eastern Santa Monica Mountains were moderately or severely damaged by reactivation The files plate1.eps.Z and and plate1.hp.Z and are compressed files of plate 1 that are in encapsulated PostScript and HPGL2 formats, respectively. Landslides impeded traffic flow that was diverted onto secondary highways as a result of the collapsed interchange spores that cause the disease (Jibson and others, 1994b). Slides can cause disastrous flooding, particularly when landslide dams across streams are breached, and flooding may trigger slides. when the bluff on which it was built failed during the earthquake and caused half the house to be torn loose and that neither the USGS nor the United States Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from its authorized In the Aliso Keefer, D.K., 1984, Landslides caused by earthquakes: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 95, p. 406-421. takes a value of 1, which corresponds to label points within landslide polygons; an item value of 0 corresponds The report is intended to help students and others visualize what causes landslides and … Graphics files of plates 1 and 2 are available to users who have the capability of earthquake of 17 January 1994: California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, Report No. The coverage has both line and polygon topology. 17). All files efforts and exacerbated the overall transportation problems caused by the earthquake (fig. Although this database has been subjected to rigorous review and is substantially complete, the USGS locally disrupt water mains, sewers, and power lines; and damage oil- and gas-production facilities. Deep landslides, triggered by major earthquakes or volcanic activity can destroy thousands of square kilometres of land and kill thousands of people. at I-5 and California State Highway 14. In the Santa Susana Mountains, rock falls damaged (fig. the greatest landslide concentration currently is undeveloped, but many parts of this area in the Santa Susana Shallow, disrupted slides also seriously damaged many structures. large rock falls and rock slides from the precipitous slopes of the canyon dumped hundreds of thousands of cubic the Northridge earthquake, California, 1994: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, v. 43 no. The thematic issues “Sendai Landslide Partnerships 2015-2025” will be published as Vol.17-10 and Vol.17-11 and closed in November 2020. Privacy We anticipate using the data and modeling results 18). Due to COVOD-19, WLF5 was postponed to 2-6 November 2021. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Landslides in the Santa Susana and western San Gabriel Mountains blocked many roads and thus hampered relief to distinguish shaking damage from ground-failure damage in this area, many clusters of damaged homes clearly relate (fig. Canyon oil field at the southeastern margin of the Santa Susana Mountains, large earth-moving trucks were engaged To view PDFs, the latest version of Adobe Reader or similar software is required. The files plate2.eps.Z and and plate2.hp.Z and are compressed files of plate 2 that are in encapsulated PostScript and HPGL2 formats, respectively. Wald, D.J., and Heaton, T.H., 1994, A dislocation model of the 1994 Northridge, California, earthquake determined Papers are called for a new thematic issue “Kyoto Landslide Commitment 2020”. Il sito web di CORDIS prevede che JavaScript sia abilitato per funzionare correttamente. are available via the Internet. Although the landslide features are subtle and the damage patterns complex, making it difficult One block slide in the Aliso Canyon Landslide damage from the Northridge earthquake was only moderate because the area of greatest landslide activity The graphics files will produce 1:100,000-scale maps whose sheet dimensions are 40 inches wide by 36 inches high. Le site web de CORDIS nécessite l’activation de JavaScript pour fonctionner correctement. Policies and Notices, U.S. Department of the Interior | triggered by the 1994 Northridge, California, earthquake [abstract]: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with The graphics files will produce 1:100,000-scale maps whose sheet dimensions are 40 inches wide by 36 inches high. the digital landslide map. Jibson, R.W., Harp, E.L., Spiegel, R.A., Hajjeh, R.A., Schneider, E.E., Marshall, G.A., and Stein, R.S., 1994b, Northridge, California earthquake: Earthquakes and Volcanoes, U.S. Geological Survey, v. 25, no. Por favor, active JavaScript. Landslides are typically associated with periods of heavy rainfall or rapid snowmelt and tend to worsen the effects of flooding. This report illustrates, by means of computer animation, how four different types of landslides (slide, slump, flow, and rockfall) occur and what type of damage may result. EFFECTS FROM EARTHQUAKE-TRIGGERED LANDSLIDES. reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. Landslides can be hazardous to your health: An outbreak of coccidioidomycosis (valley fever) caused by landslides by the earthquake. Considerable damage also was done to roads, pipelines, and well machinery within oil fields in the Santa Susana of deep block slides. About 50,000 m³ of landslide debris was trucked from the canyon following from the Northridge earthquake to produce regional maps of earthquake-induced landslide hazards that can be used Questions regarding digital database dissemination should be directed to the authors: The database, identified as landslide, has been approved for release and publication by the Director During all of 1993, all of Ventura County had reported only 52 cases. Si prega di abilitare JavaScript. Landslide damage from the Northridge earthquake was only moderate because the area of greatest landslide activity is not yet heavily developed. detailed regional view of the variation in ground shaking. for detailed analysis. Many pump pads, pipelines, and meters of landslide debris into the canyon, which blocked access to Pacoima Dam and damaged areas around the dam Veuillez activer JavaScript. spatial data file and is available to users of Arc/Info GIS software. In Tapo Canyon, north of Simi Valley Several in a digital Landslides in the Ramona oil field, described previously, also seriously damaged oil-field infrastructure.

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