Ready and Willing If you can find someone who is not only qualified, but likes the work so much he does it for enjoyment, I strongly believe that person is the one to hire. You should hire me because I have an educational background in the field that I will apply to your company’s success. Alex thought it was funny in a proto-LOLcats kind of way, and we agreed, because we're always keen to learn about the different ways in which human beings have belittled animals throughout the ages. —Guest Epil Ando Josol This time of endless choppy water seems perfect for channeling energy into writing about ones experiences. I love learning. This class is for July and we meet once a week outdoors. That’s a very tough question! Prompt: Write about a time when your pulse quickened, or your heart raced, or your stomach tightened, or you held your breath, or you wept with joy, grief, relief, sympathy. Abilities and Drive . why should we hire you Not only do I meet all of the qualifications needed to do this job effectively, I exceed many of them. Moreover I always give my best effort to my work. You should hire me because I fulfill all the requirements for this job, and we’ll have positive benefits by working together. Excellence is not a skill, it’s an attitude I guarantee you have never seen an employee like me. (We sat outside at safe distances.) This Organization Can Be My Canvas Love What I Do —Guest pratyush ku. You should hire me because there are a lot of things to be proven about this job, and for that i can be a productive and a very competitive employee and I welcome the opportunity to develop my skills and ability. Quick and Reliable I can work in any type on environment. I connect very well with the public and I am a very fast learner, Also, I am very flexible. You should hire me because I’m a good initiator, as well as good implementor. I am the best candidate for this job because I am highly motivated with a compassion for understanding in all aspects of a job. Because I have the capabilities to do all the tasks that would be given to me if I get hired by your company. I am very much reliable and work well with others . —Guest yashvijay singh rathore Better off to hire me and never think twice, But it’s okay, if you don’t hire me, the company next door will I am passionate about working in this field of xxxxx. —Guest Toxicblade1000 Able to work independently and as a team member. Because I can adapt to new circumstances and I think positive. I am excited to read them and I am excited for my next class. Mutual Need If you hire me in this company, I can assure you that I will meet your expectations of me as an agent, and I will become one of the top employees of this company. I am very confident, positive, smart, work-oriented, and willing to learn. Best match —Guest Colby I think I am the most suitable candidate for this position because: I have been a part of this successful organization and gained knowledge and experience within the industry for over 2 decades. I do believe that my qualification my strongest suit and I have the potential to handle every task and activity. Willingness is one important factor some employer don’t take for granted and employee quit a job without even giving two weeks notice, because he/she is not willing, but was hire base on his experience instead of his / her willingness. I should be hired because I am competent enough to satisfy what is required of me by this organization. There is not a challenge I have not yet over come. If I don't know how to do something, I'm always keen to learn and improve, so I won't have to ask twice". You should hire me because I meet all your requirements and and I will be an asset to your company. Say these sentences with enthusiasm and smile! You should hire me because I have a passion to deal effectively in the field of my expertise. —Guest Burrpp You shouldn’t hire me if you want a lazy, late or inefficient worked. Myself and a few others wanting to improve our writing agreed to do a small, intimate class with local author and publisher, Cat Pleska. I can maintain good employee/ customer relations. I take color coded notes, I color code the entries in my day planner, and in Middle School I took Bell Atlantic testing courses on CD for fun. Aiming to be a Top Employee I never have to be told to do something. Because I am punctual and reliable and not afraid to drive in bad weather. Best Man for the Job And I’m ready to earn what I deserve. Added to my diligence in paying close attention to detail, I am a hard-working self-starter who works equally well in a team environment or individually. Right in time for this Blog Your Own Book workshop from Ninja Writers, my new class has started. I am eager to do sales with the help of my knowledge, skills and experience. Hire Me I believe my my qualifications and experience meet the relevant requirements. —Guest viquar mohd —Guest Rusvelt05 —Guest A I should be hired for my skill, ability and my qualifications. Choose Me I was also told I sound like Dustin from Stranger Things when I talk which they found to be adorable.

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