His Time to Rescue United States' Trusts Act, or the TRUST Act, that would require Congress to set up new committees to write legislation to deal with a host of entitlement funds that are set to run out of money in the near future. "[226][227] Romney has said of using military force against Iran, "I don't believe at this stage, therefore, if I'm President, that we need to have war powers approval or a special authorization for military force. 1-The Dems agree to drop all #RussiaGate related investigations. [144] And in October the Romney campaign questioned the assumptions behind a Commonwealth Fund report that Romney's policies would provide health care insurance for 45 million fewer Americans than Obama's policies. ", "Romney saw millions in fee hikes as Massachusetts governor", "Spin Meter: Romney used fees to close budget gap", "Romney vs. Santorum: a misleading contrast", "Romney seeks $225 million in tax cuts; says recovering economy allows more spending", "Romney Promotes Tax-Free Shopping Day On Saturday", "Romney Proposes C.H.O.I.C.E. [215] Legislators complained that he did not extend customary courtesies towards them, such as seat locations at public events, legislative liaison practices, and access to an elevator within the capitol building. [94] In 2005, against the will of the state legislature, he introduced federally funded abstinence-only education programs developed by a subsidiary of a Christian anti-abortion organization into some public schools. In 2007 Romney began criticizing the McCain-Feingold Law, saying "We step into dangerous territory when politicians start eviscerating our fundamental freedoms in the name of amorphous principles, like campaign finance reform. This includes help from the federal government and FEMA. [153] The Romney campaign noted that the study did not specifically model any proposal from either campaign. Romney said, "I'd veto it if it ever got to my desk. "[206], Romney favors keeping the United States embargo against Cuba in place. [92] It provides the state with the power to persecute anyone who won’t celebrate any aspect of the LGBTQ agenda. Romney released the following statement concerning Bashar al-Assad, the President of Syria, in August 2011: It has taken President Obama far too long to speak out forcefully against Assad and his vicious crackdown in Syria. Cora Mandy, by The Utah senator also took on what is often called the third rail of politics: America's entitlement programs. [321] He opposed the Missouri abortion ban, a law which bans abortion after eight weeks of pregnancy. Mitt Romney from the Campaign Trail", "Romney: Adjust minimum wage for inflation", "Left pushes for $10 minimum wage increase, but House Democratic leadership balks", https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/mitt-romney-says-gop-nuts-one-specific-issue, "Gingrich space plan promises the Moon, literally: lunar base by 2020", "Lunar Base Foe Romney Endorsement by Lunar Base Supporters a Contradiction", "GROUND CONTROL TO MAJOR NEWT: NEVADA NEEDS JOBS, NOT MOON COLONY", "New Space Policy Questions and Advice for Mitt", "LEADERS IN AMERICA'S SPACE PROGRAM WRITE OPEN LETTER IN SUPPORT OF MITT ROMNEY", "Mitt Romney chides stimulus spending at N.H. 'bridge to nowhere. [90], As a candidate for governor in 2002, Romney proposed indexing the minimum wage to inflation and raising the hourly pay for the state's lowest-paid workers from $6.75 an hour to $6.96 an hour starting January 2004, saying, "I do not believe that indexing the minimum wage will cost us jobs. "[U]nless America changes course," he said, "we will become the France of the 21st century—still a great nation, but no longer the leader of the world, no longer the superpower. "[498] In 2018, Romney said during a debate that he supported the legalization of medical marijuana if it is strictly regulated. "[178], As the new Governor of Massachusetts in 2003, Romney declined to publicly support the federal tax cuts proposed by the Bush Administration. [232], In a 2007 Republican presidential debate, Romney mistakenly said that the Iraq war could have been avoided if Saddam Hussein had allowed IAEA inspectors into the country. While campaigning for the presidency in 2012, he argued that students should not expect government handouts to fund their education. [367][368][369][221] Speaking in 2007 to NBC's Meet the Press, Romney said "I don't believe in discriminating against someone based upon their sexual orientation ... And so I would be effective in trying to bring greater recognition of the, of the rights of people not, not to be discriminated against". Huber was assigned to look at FISA applications and the electronic surveillance during the 2016 election and actions by Hillary Clinton. "[439] Romney expressed his own views in May 2007 by saying, "I believe that God designed the universe and created the universe. [320] Senator Romney said that he supports exceptions for rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother. Romney only cares about Romney. (Erin Schaff | The New York Times) Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) talks to reporters in the Capitol before a Senate Republican p... (Francisco Kjolseth | The Salt Lake Tribune) U.S. "[77] He insisted that a coal power plant not delay in meeting tough emissions standards even at the cost of losing jobs: "I will not create jobs or hold jobs that kill people. Retrieved November 26, 2012, from, 1994 U.S. senatorial campaign in Massachusetts, No Apology: The Case for American Greatness, in combination with the direct government financing, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, Governorship of Mitt Romney § Environment, regional greenhouse gas cap-and-trade initiative, Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, Governorship of Mitt Romney § Health care, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I would be willing to take military action, May 2007 Republican Party presidential debate, mass shooting at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, Governorship of Mitt Romney § Illegal immigration, Arizona's SB 1070 immigration enforcement law, Republican Party presidential primaries, 2012, "THE 1994 CAMPAIGN: MASSACHUSETTS; 'Perfect Anti-Kennedy' Opposes the Senator", "Romney in 2002 called his views "progressive, "Romney says media distort his views - The Boston Globe", "Romney: I'm The Consistent Conservative", "Romney says he is "in sync" with Tea Party", "A 'Severely Conservative' Romney Tries to Woo CPAC", "What the Republican senators considered the most moderate are saying about calling witnesses at Trump's impeachment trial", "Pro-Trump groups have a new impeachment enemy: Republicans", "Mitt Romney's ever-shifting role in the Senate impeachment trial", "The TRUST Act is a plot to gut Social Security behind closed doors", "Americans See Views of GOP Candidates Closer to Their Own", "Mitt Romney may vote Libertarian, as GOP criticism of Trump deepens", "Libertarian candidates say Mitt Romney is considering endorsing them", "Republican Senator Mitt Romney won't endorse President Trump for re-election", "Mitt Romney says he is 'not planning' to endorse Trump for 2020 elections", "Only 3 Senate Republicans aren't defending Trump from the impeachment inquiry. [500] However, in August 2012, he stated his opposition to Obama's plan to offer more flexibility to those states that move more people from welfare to work. I can't prove that, but I believe based on what I read that the world is getting warmer. Nonetheless, the vital necessity of providing for those without work should not be used as an excuse to ignore the very real problems of our unemployment system. Buyer's regret is spreading there, and I think Romney will be sent back home to Massachusetts next time around. During a private dinner last week at the Capitol Hill Club in Washington, D.C., I was taken to task by a Republican congressman after I pressed him on his lack of support for President Donald Trump’s proposed space force. [222] In September of that year he protested Iran's president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaking at the 62nd session of the United Nations General Assembly, stating that the invitation should be revoked and he should instead be greeted with an indictment under the Genocide Convention for threats against Israel. "[434] He further proposed abolishing the current federal student lending system that was put in place by the Obama administration, under which the Department of Education makes loans directly to students; Romney proposed returning to the previous arrangement in which private banks and other third-party financial institutions would make the loans and be paid federal subsidies for the service.

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