C'est le cas d'Emma Walmsley, PDG de GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) depuis 2010 et de Dame Sharon White qui a pris la tête du John Lewis Partnership … Comme le souligne le Guardian, en prenant à la tête du 8e groupe pharmaceutique mondial en termes de chiffre d'affaires, Emma Walmsley va devenir ainsi la plus puissante patronne du Royaume-Uni. Walmsley is thought to be the highest-paid female chief executive of a FTSE 100 company at present. Novartis — then Sandoz — had purchased Weissman’s spinout SyStemix in the ’90s, then scrapped it due to practical challenges. VUES, 6 What’s next? Pas de mercenaires dans le conflit au Haut-Karabakh, dit... Coronavirus: Plus de 22.000 nouvelles contaminations en... Coronavirus: Macron annonce un couvre-feu dans neuf métropoles... Coronavirus: L'état d'urgence sanitaire restauré samedi... Emmanuel Macron annonce des couvre-feux à Paris et dans huit... Entretien Poutine/Erdogan sur le Haut-Karabakh. En 2011, elle a pris du galon, devenant l'une des principales dirigeantes du groupe pharmaceutique britannique. But it was all a lie — and now he's been sen­tenced to 28 years, UP­DAT­ED: Vaxart was served a grand ju­ry sub­poe­na in Ju­ly over its con­tro­ver­sial role in OWS-fund­ed pre­clin­i­cal study, Pair of Lancet stud­ies give fi­nal word on a promis­ing Sh­iono­gi an­tibi­ot­ic that turned out to be 'as good' as the oth­er 'sub­op­ti­mal' op­tions, Roche turns to a Har­vard up­start out of George Church’s lab to con­struct AAV 2.0 mod­el vec­tors — a key part of build­ing the gene ther­a­py pipeline, News brief­ing: No­vo eyes the next ki­nas­es in a Finnish start­up; Boehringer In­gel­heim brings a bis­pe­cif­ic to the clin­ic, Months af­ter achiev­ing uni­corn sta­tus, Or­ca steers in­to the fast lane with an RMAT des­ig­na­tion for cell ther­a­py can­di­date. GSK is work­ing with Sanofi on a vac­cine that com­bines the French phar­ma gi­ant’s S-pro­tein Covid-19 anti­gen with a GSK ad­ju­vant. Please note the magic link is one-time use only and expires after 24 hours. “There is no doubt we are, as an in­dus­try, go­ing faster. En effet, avec 105,51 milliards de dollars (93 milliards d'euros) de capitalisation boursière au FTSE 100 (les cent entreprises les mieux cotées en Bourse au Royaume-Uni), GSK est la plus grande entreprise britannique ayant nommé une femme à sa direction. There’s an upfront, but the partners are keeping that part mum. Ses ventes de produits de produits de santé grand public représentent désormais un quart de ses revenus. But underneath those headlines came another piece of news: a grand jury subpoena. Renault va céder sa plateforme de VTC Marcel, rapporte La... Des citoyens de la Convention accusent le gouvernement de "détricoter"... Coronavirus: L'Europe se referme face à la deuxième vague. While not as far along as Mod­er­na, Pfiz­er or fel­low UK-based As­traZeneca, GSK launched a Phase I/II study in Sep­tem­ber and hopes to be­gin a Phase III tri­al be­fore the end of the year. 15 509 Her fixed pay – salary, benefits and pension – rose slightly to £1.47m, while Walmsley’s performance-related pay – annual bonus and shares awarded under the company’s long-term incentive scheme – increased to £4.42m from £3.45m. “The UK is one of the best places in the world to do ap­plied re­search, and life sci­ences clus­ters such as the one in Cam­bridge dri­ve the con­ver­gence of sci­en­tif­ic in­no­va­tion and tal­ent, en­abling us to bet­ter turn sci­ence in­to life-chang­ing med­i­cines,” he said in a state­ment. COMMENTAIRES, 2 © 2020 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. Ses ventes de produits de produits de santé grand public, Dans la santé, Watson, l'IA d'IBM, doit encore faire ses preuves. But Jeroen Bekaert, Ivan Dimov and Nate Fernhoff saw potential there. CO2, SUV... L'industrie automobile a-t-elle perdu la bataille de l'opinon ? Partageons les informations économiques, recevez nos newsletters, Votre email ne sera pas affiché publiquement Walmsley took home pay and bonus of £5.89m last year but others’ packages yet to emerge, Tue 12 Mar 2019 15.52 GMT Emma Walmsley deviendra la directrice générale du laboratoire pharmaceutique britannique le 31 mars 2017, a annoncé le groupe mardi 20 septembre. In one of two large studies for the drug, known chemically as cefiderocol and commercially as Fetroja, more patients died in the treatment arm than the control arm. La Tribune.fr, The big biotech had highlighted a similar approach to mid-stage work that got them through major R&D work in cystic fibrosis, which created the foundation the company is built on. In ad­di­tion to land­ing a $2.1 bil­lion Op­er­a­tion Warp Speed con­tract to sup­ply the US with 100 mil­lion dos­es, the part­ners have reached a deal to pro­vide the EU with up to 300 mil­lion dos­es, and Cana­da with 72 mil­lion. In a statement put out Monday evening, the pharma giant said that it had paused further dosing, noting that “the participant’s illness is being reviewed and evaluated by the ENSEMBLE independent Data Safety Monitoring Board as well as our internal clinical and safety physicians.”. One-time penny stock player Vaxart made market waves Tuesday morning when the company announced it had dosed the first patients in the Phase I study for its oral Covid-19 vaccine candidate. City equal pay campaigner Helena Morrissey quits Legal & General, GSK's Pfizer deal is just a small step towards fixing its share price, Imperial Brands' Alison Cooper steps down as CEO, GSK plans break-up after £10bn Pfizer deal, L&G steps up action against firms with few female board members, A watershed moment for women as Alison Rose takes charge at RBS, Horlicks up for sale as GSK looks to fund $13bn Novartis deal, GSK chief urges government to secure Brexit transition deal by April. COMMENTAIRES, 1 She al­so worked at L’Ore­al for 17 years, glo­be­trot­ting and serv­ing a num­ber of mar­ket­ing and gen­er­al man­age­ment po­si­tions. Building on alliances with Novartis and Sarepta, the global Roche/Genentech group has now stepped in with the latest discovery deal, willing to wager up to $1.8 billion that the spinout from George Church’s lab at Harvard has what it takes to deliver on AAV 2.0. Emma Walmsley (pictured) - a 51-year-old mother of four - is made a dame for services to the pharmaceutical industry and business, after heading the company for three years. As­traZeneca’s ex­ec­u­tive VP of bio­phar­ma R&D Mene Pan­ga­los was knight­ed at the New Year 2020 Ho­n­ours. After successfully prosecuting Anwar and winning a guilty verdict, a judge has now imposed a 28-year sentence on the convicted fraudster to think it over. Last modified on Tue 12 Mar 2019 20.15 GMT. A long-haul biotech with some im­pres­sive back­ers and big goals re­cruits a ma­jor league R&D ex­ec to the helm. “Since the introduction of Gleevec, it’s always been about kinases,” Bakker told Endpoints News, referring to the best-selling Novartis drug, first approved in 2001. Please note this link is one-time use only and is valid for only 24 hours. That round — which also added deep-pocket player ARCH to the list of backers — came up with $77 million for the next step in the long journey toward the clinic, a nice add to the A round that launched the company.

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