The EHIC or "Health Card" enables holders to access medical resources when travelling outside of their EU country of residence... European citizens and residents travelling within the European Economic Area, (i.e. The European Health Insurance Card has to be applied for before leaving the UK and will give you the same rights as a Polish person to access their state healthcare. Dutch residents using an EHIC card when out of the country must make sure that their insurance is valid. The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is only accepted by doctors or hospitals affiliated to the statutory health care system - private health care is not covered.If you use private health care, you may be able to claim reimbursement when you get home - but you should check your rights first, as reimbursement rules can vary. The European Health Insurance Card (Europese gezondheidskaart) allows all legal residents of the Netherlands to benefit from emergency medical treatment and care when temporarily abroad. Seeing a doctor is free of charge, and they will refer you to hospital if needed. The two are not interchangeable and have different features and benefits. Getting access to a private hospital could get your treatment in plusher surroundings, and be seen more quickly by an English speaking doctor. Being covered for medical emergencies when you are overseas is a sensible precaution, and the two main choices for cover are EHIC and additional travel insurance. If you travel abroad specifically for medical treatment, you will be covered under different rules. In general, the Polish healthcare system is good quality, especially in major towns and cities. Free dental services are available only in the restricted scope set out in the Regulation of the Minister of Health of 24 November 2004 (Official Journal 04.261.2601). Prescriptions: While some medication is free to the patient, this is not the case for all: some medicines are paid for in part by the patient and yet others must be paid in full. It contains the same information in all countries where it is issued. There are many UK citizens with Polish roots who return every year to see friends and family, and British holidaymakers who take advantage of budget flights to explore the Polish countryside. In Poland, if you’re ill or you just want to go through some medical examination, the first thing you have to know is that in order to do so, you need to be insured through the Polish National Health Fund (Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia). For anyone who falls outside of the usual categories, an application can be made to a person's primary health insurer (Basisverzekering zorgverzekeraar) or via the website of the Dutch EHIC, which distributes the card. Note: this is not independent travel insurance. The only personal information on the EHIC is the card holder's surname and first name, personal identification number and date of birth. European citizens and residents travelling within the European Economic Area, (i.e. With the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), you pay the same amount for medical and dental care as those who live in the country. In an emergency anywhere in the EU you can dial 112 free from any fixed or mobile phone to reach the emergency services. A growing number of Polish people are using the private sector for both minor and major illnesses, and some of the best private hospitals in Warsaw are every bit as good as the best hospitals back in the UK. There is also a nominal charge for prescription medicines depending on the item prescribed. Important: EHIC Direct is not connected to or affiliated with the Department of Health, the National Health Service, or any other official Government body. Holders of an EHIC in Denmark will only be eligible for free treatment in a public hospital in the event of: Cards are issued by the institution that provides health insurance in the country of residence. In an emergency, go straight to a NFZ hospital and you will be seen free as an emergency case. The card validity period varies from country to country. It will not cover any private medical healthcare or costs, such as mountain rescue in ski resorts or being flown back to the UK. The EHIC is not valid on cruises. The card cannot be used within the Netherlands unless it has been issued elsewhere in the EU. The card is only valid for state provided services and not private hospitals or treatments. For those countries that require a separate application, the Europa website publishes the application process applicable to each EEC member state and Switzerland. It is valid for one year and each member of a family, including children under 16, must have their own card. Note: Third-country nationals (from outside the EU/EEA) resident in the EU and holding an EHIC cannot use their EHIC in Norway, Liechtenstein or Switzerland. Further information is available from an individual's local health insurer (zorgverzekeraar). Applications can be made on line, and the non-electronic card will be posted within four working days. Hospital treatment: A doctor will need to get authorisation from the insurer to give free treatment to a foreigner. For DBS Check and CRB Check for work in uk. Select a country to get an instant quote for health insurance, European Health Insurance Card app for Android, An unexpected aggravation of a chronic condition. Please note that you can apply independently and at no cost for a card by visiting the official NHSBSA website or through the automated EHIC application service on 0300 330 1350. Doctors and dentists: make sure that the doctor providing treatment is a part of the health insurance scheme. Ideally, contact a doctor before being admitted to hospital, however, if that is not possible show the EHIC at the earliest opportunity so that the insurer can be contacted. It summarises the treatments, costs, procedure for reimbursement and emergency numbers.

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