On average there are 63,663 births and 56,266 deaths in Denmark per year. Lesotho National Assembly 2017 live Voting Dates Opinion Exit Poll Candidates, Next Article » The Earth has a population of 7.8 billion, with an overall population density of 50 people per km 2 (129.28 per sq. The other 13.3% have a foreign background which is defined as descendants of immigrants or recent immigrants. By continuing on this page, you accept our use of cookies. Here you can find information on the sources that the statistics are derived from, what the statistics contains and how often it is published. They form the ethnic minority in Denmark. Find the ethnic and racial composition of every country in the world, listed alphabetically. Danish citizenship can also be achieved through a decree of law if one does not meet the requirement of having either of their parents born in Denmark. Denmark has 5.6 million inhabitants . The population density of Denmark has changed from 120.9 in 1980 to 135.6 in 2018. Arabs in Denmark refer to citizens who are descendants of people from the Arab world. The demographics of Denmark constitutes of 2,923,000 women and 2,892,000 men, which means there are 989 men per 1000 women. The population growth rate is 0.38% (21,000 residents, including 54,751 deaths). General Terms and Conditions of Agreements, Subscribe to the International Consulting Newsletter, Dissemination Policy of Statistics Denmark, Get your own statistics in the Statbank about Population at the first day of the quarter (FOLK1A), Østeuropæere modvirker befolkningstilbagegang i landkommunerne. A report from Teori- og Metodecentret from 2006 found that seven out of ten young people placed on the secured youth institutions in Denmark are immigrants (with 40 percent of them being refugees). The earliest account of immigrants moving from China to Denmark was in 1902. Islam is the second largest religion in Denmark. Most parts f the country consist of rolling plains while the coastline is sandy with a bit of forested area. In 2018, the country's population was about 5.8 million inhabitants. These have the additional rights of having priests appointed by royal resolution and to christen/name children with legal effect. Mange landkommuner kæmper med befolkningstilbagegang. The break down of how many Black Or African American people live in Denmark, South Carolina in 2020, 2019 by gender, age and family size. De fleste flytninger er over korte afstande, Beskæftigede med adgang til mange jobs har højere indkomst. [21], note: data represent population by ancestry. Population in Denmark Documentation. [20], Demographic statistics according to the CIA World Factbook, unless otherwise indicated. We use cookies to improve the user experience. Yes, there are black people in Denmark. Immigrants in the country include people from Poland, Turkey, Romania, Iraq, Germany, Syria, Somalia, Pakistan, Lebanon, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, among other countries. But if you’re asking from an American perspective, there is some important differences to be aware of. [12], Data according to Statistics Denmark, which collects the official statistics for Denmark.[13]. There are several other minority languages spoken throughout the country and its dependent territories, and they include German, Faroese, and Greenlandic, among others. Most Albanians have been Christianized and are predominately Orthodox Christians. The majority trace their origin to countries such as Morocco, Palestine, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon, among other countries in the Middle East. I 2018 var der ca. Denmark is a sovereign country situated in the northern part of Europe, which is comprised of two autonomous constituent countries of Greenland and the Faroe Islands. More than 590 000 individuals (10.4%) are migrants and their descendants (142 000 second generation migrants born in Denmark. This makes it one of the world's more homogenous countries. En stor del af flytningerne foregik over en begrænset afstand, men der var også flytninger på tværs af det meste af landet. Since 1980, the number of Danes has remained constant at around 5 million in Denmark and nearly all the population growth from 5.1 up to the 2018 total of 5.8 million was due to immigration.[1]. The majority of the Danish people also speak English, and it is mandatory for pupils in the first grade of the public Elementary schools. With the same definition, the most common countries of origin were Poland, Turkey, Germany, Iraq, Romania, Syria, Somalia, Iran, Afghanistan, and Yugoslavia and its successor states. The contemporary Danish ethnic identity is based on the idea of "Danishness", which is the set of values that have been formed through history acting as a point of historical connection. It is estimated that at least 86.7% of the population of Denmark has at least one Danish parent. According to 1988 figures from Statistics Denmark, 89.77% of Denmark’s population of over 5,580,516 was of Danish descent, defined as having at least one parent who was born in Denmark and has Danish citizenship. As far as age distribution goes, 22.1% of population (1,285,697) is 19 or younger, 57.6% of population (3,351,185) is between age 20 and 64 and 20.2% of population (1,175,793) is over 65. Many of the remaining 10.4% were immigrants—or descendants of recent immigrants (defined as people born in Denmark from migrant parents, or parents without Danish citizenship) —less than a third of whom are from the neighbouring Scandinavian countries and Germany. Der kan være flere årsager til urbaniseringen. Early migrants of Pakistani arrived in Denmark between 1960s and 1970s mainly as migrant workers, and the majority came from Punjab particularly in Kharian and the surrounding area. There are also Danish living in the Diaspora consisting mainly of emigrants and their descendants. Denmark Urban Population Currently, 88.0 % of the population of Denmark is urban (5,081,840 people in 2019)

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