It throws him into a pillar, and he gets dazed. Derek threatens to kill him while making Allison watch. She disagrees and thinks staying on the sidelines is just saving their own asses. Family Members Chris remarque alors les impact des flèches explosives utilisées par sa fille. In Frayed, View Chris Argent’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Leur relation est aussi entamée lorsque pour protéger Scott, Derek va mordre Victoria, la femme de Chris. Requests are open. Gerard shot the dog and professed to Chris: "Anything that dangerous, that out of control, is better off dead"+. He is an expert when it comes to weaponry, due in part to his career as an arms dealer, and is able to identify, assemble/dissemble, and use a wide range of weapons including firearms, knives, swords, bows, and arrows, and other melee weapons, making him such a formidable opponent that he can hold his own against the supernatural even when he's been disarmed, as evidenced during his battle with his Werejaguar sister Kate and her Berserkers, as well as his fight with the Ghost Riders. Il est à la fois étonné et méfiant, et ils parlent du code des chasseurs. They eventually meet up with Scott and Melissa and come up with a plan to get Derek and Jennifer out of the elevator they're trapped in. Stiles then accuses the Argents of having set the fire at the Hale House. Chris rushes his wife home and frantically cleans out her wound. Christopher ArgentArgentCristof (by Araya) Ce n'est également pas les seuls créatures qu'il a chassé. Chris and his hunters waste lots of bullets, and eventually Derek and Boyd come out and fight. Nom : Argent Prénom : Christopher « Chris » Naissance : 1973 Caractéristiques: cheveux gris. Furious, he holds Scott at gunpoint, with his sidearm in the young man's face, threatening to shoot him right there and then. When he finally meets up with her outside a warehouse, Chris tells her to put away the assault rifle before someone sees them. Le shérif vient alors demander à Chris ce qu'il pense du comportement étrange des animaux, Stiles lui ayant dit qu'il était chasseur. He and Kate show up at a crime scene, they notice Stiles Stilinski is also there, Kate explains that he's one of Allison's friends, they begin to wonder if he's the second beta. Later, after the English class is attacked by birds, Chris goes to the school to check up on her. D'abord antagoniste dans les saisons 1 et 2 de part son activité de chasseur, Chris finit par devenir l'un des principaux alliés du loup-garou Scott McCall. Rather than fight, Chris electrocutes Isaac, chains Allison to the vault, and goes willingly with the Darach. In Abomination, Juste après, Allison l'appelle pour lui dire qu'ils ont trouvé Lydia et qu'ils sont en route. He doesn't want to let her go to school the following Monday and checks out the school building warily. While the police are chasing Derek through the ironworks trying to apprehend him for the murders around town, Chris closes in on him. He's clearly upset with how much she's willing to hurt fellow teenagers. Later, when Scott is about to leave, Kate accuses him of taking something from her bag. It's a circus, and it's brought Chris's father, Gerard, to town. Ils discutent des pouvoirs de Derek ainsi de ceux de Kate. When everyone starts evacuating the sheriff station because of a bomb threat, Derek can hear the bomb about to go off. Elle contient 150 000 dollars qui appartiennent à Katashi, sans qu'il ne sache pourquoi ils se trouvent ici.

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