W: www.biduk.org, Medical Justice - facilitates the provision of independent medical advice and independent legal advice and representation to asylum seekers detained in immigration removal centres. As you will note from the HO website, there is a web page entitled 'Claiming Asylum in the UK' - www.gov.uk/claim-asylum. See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, You can search for your local Law Centre here: www.lawcentres.org.uk/i-am-looking-for-advice. For more information on how to claim asylum in the UK, please refer to the website of the HO, which is available online at - www.gov.uk/browse/visas-immigration/asylum. Although in other countries in the world UNHCR recognises and registers refugees, it is not UNHCR UK’s role to determine who is and who is not granted asylum in the UK. You can ask for somewhere to live, a cash allowance or both as an asylum seeker. newspaper archive. www.aviddetention.org.uk/immigration-detention/information-people-detention/legal-advice, Brook House: Duncan Lewis, Lawrence Lupin Solicitors, Campsfield: Duncan Lewis, Turpin Miller Solicitors, Lawrence Lupin Solicitors, Colnbrook: Duncan Lewis, Fadiga & Co, Wilson Solicitors LLP, Harmondsworth: Duncan Lewis, Fadiga & Co, Wilson Solicitors LLP, Tinsley House: Duncan Lewis, Lawrence Lupin Solicitors, Yarls Wood: Duncan Lewis, Fadiga & Co, Wilson Solicitors LLP, Morton Hall: Thompson & Co, Duncan Lewis, Fadiga & Co, Wilson Solicitors LLP, Halliday Reeves, Parker Rhodes Hickmotts. www.unhcr.org/php/complaints.php. Previously, only adult refugees could apply for relatives to come and join them. '", The case had been brought by the family of the Eritrean teenager, who was 16 when he arrived in Britain in 2012 after fleeing his country where his father had been jailed for “political reasons.”. F: 020 7697 7799 Unfortunately, due to limited resources and the nature of our role in the UK, UNHCR UK cannot provide legal advice. British Refugee Council (England) 'owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality, and is unable to or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country', Article 1, 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. For advice on this matter, please contact your local British Embassy as well as consider taking specialist legal advice (see Question 2 above). UNHCR’s Office of the Inspector General (IGO) is an independent internal body responsible for investigating allegations of misconduct that involve people or entities with a direct contractual link with UNHCR. You may also contact Law Centres throughout the country. Consonant’s advice line is: 020 7354 9631  The British Red Cross Refugee Unit orientation service provides short-term support to help vulnerable and newly arrived refugees adapt to life in a new country. Cash support is available, and is currently set at £37.75 per person, per week, which makes it £5.39 a day for food, sanitation and clothing. These figures include all asylum applicants, not just main applicants (i.e. For advice and guidance on how to do this please contact Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) who run a telephone advice line and can also provide an information pack so that you can represent yourself at bail application hearings. E: [email protected] A teenage Eritrean refugee has been successful in getting permission for their relatives to join them in Britain, in a landmark ruling by Mr Justice Bernard McCloskey that keeping families separated breaches their human rights. Whether a refugee may be resettled also depends on the admission criteria of the third State as well as the cooperation of the country of initial asylum. 28 Commercial Street, London E1 6LS Housing. I think the Government will be very alarmed by this ruling. For further general information on resettlement please see UNHCR’s resettlement webpage. T: 0207 281 0533 •    If you are in Northern Ireland: the Law Society of Northern Ireland website: www.lawsoc-ni.org/solicitors-directory/ If an individual has, for example, relatives in the UK then that individual should obtain copies of their UK relatives’ identification documentation and bring them to the attention of the UNHCR office they are registered with. Mind E: [email protected]  Resettlement is not a right, and there is no obligation on States to accept refugees for resettlement. UNHCR recommends contacting the following organisations for advice on accessing non-legal support and assistance in integrating into the wider community. Please kindly note that UNHCR UK does not and cannot provide a referral to any individual seeking relocation from the UK despite the advice you may receive from some diplomatic missions to the contrary. Human rights considerations are important but cannot be given free rein.”. E: [email protected]  Does the UK have more asylum-seekers than most countries? Please note that there are no arrangement in the provision of legal services for Dungavel House (Scotland), and Pennine House. It will expose young children to awful risks, because traffickers will say to families, 'Let us have your son, we’ll get him into Britain then you can all come. T: 020 7456 9750 (please call between 10 am to 12 pm Monday to Thursday - outside of these times please leave a message) Refugees can be resettled to the UK via the Gateway Protection Programme, the Mandate Scheme, the Vulnerable Children Resettlement Scheme (VCRS), or the Syrian Vulnerable Person's Resettlement Scheme (VPRS). Turkey now hosts the highest number of refugees with 3.7 million, followed by Pakistan with 1.4 million. E: [email protected]  The top five countries of nationality for asylum applications were: Iran  (4,741), Albania  (3,467) , Iraq (2,696) and  Pakistan (1,848). Legal advice in detention is limited to certain contracted legal firms, operating under the Detention Duty Advice Scheme. Conservative MP Peter Bone, former chairman of a parliamentary group on people-trafficking, MP Peter Bone, a former chairman of a parliamentary group on people-trafficking, said: “I think the Government will be very alarmed by this ruling. In certain circumstances refugees in the UK are permitted  to reunite with family members who are living elsewhere. Applicants can also be given 'discretionary leave to remain', a form of temporary permission which is unlikely to be more than three years. Perpetrators of sexual harassment are also normally separated from service, and in both cases are banned from being rehired. According to UNHCR statistics, at the end of 2018 there were 126,720 refugees, 45,244​ pending asylum cases and 125 stateless persons in the UK. T: 020 3058 2020 Refugee resettlement involves the transfer of refugees from the country in which they have initially been granted asylum to another State that has agreed to admit them as refugees and to grant permanent settlement there. For more information on asylum advice, please visit - www.gov.uk/government/news/advice-services-for-asylum-seekers-and-refugees-contract-change and - www.gov.uk/one-stop-services. T: 020 7729 7985  Since many of their trained volunteers are refugees themselves, they speak a wide range of languages and can offer valuable support and advice. W: www.medicaljustice.org.uk, Association of Visitors to Immigration Detainees (AVID) - have 20 member groups throughout the UK, representing over 400 volunteer visitors who give up their time to provide essential support and practical help to immigration detainees. Anyone can contact the IGO if they have reason to believe that a staff member or other person associated with UNHCR has not behaved correctly. For further links to numerous helpful organisations please see our useful links page. Furthermore, in order to benefit from the family reunification provisions spouses / civil partners should be in a subsisting relationship and intend to live together. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. W: www.eavesforwomen.org.uk/, The Salvation Army Responding to the court ruling, Lord Green of Deddington, chairman of Migration Watch, said: “This case is a matter of concern. For more on actions UNHCR is taking to tackle sexual misconduct, please see: http://www.unhcr.org/uk/our-fight-against-sexual-exploitation-abuse-and-harassment.html. (Walk-in medical clinic open Mon, Wed, Fri 1-5pm) The IGO keeps the information it receives confidential. If you have fully exhausted your application for asylum in the UK and are in detention awaiting removal to your country of origin, we regret that UNHCR is unlikely to be able to assist you at this stage. In the year ending March 2020, 7,482 Family reunion visas were issued to partners and children of those granted asylum or humanitarian protection in the UK (up 37%). Freedom from Torture T: 01633266420 Apply for asylum to stay in the UK as a refugee - eligibility, documents you need, how to apply, screening, asylum interview, help you can get, children What should I do? Other immigration categories (such as those with Discretionary Leave) and British citizens seeking family reunification with their nuclear family must pay an application fee and are required to satisfy more stringent requirements, such as evidencing the finances to maintain and accommodate family members. In the UK, the normal procedure for family reunification allows recognised refugees (and those granted Humanitarian Protection on or after 30 August 2005) in the UK to reunite with their existing immediate (nuclear) family inside the UK, where family members are located outside of the UK. The decision to allow them to come to the UK means that ministers will now have to revise immigration rules to allow judges more ‘discretion’ in letting relatives into Britain. W: www.refugee-action.org.uk T: 01978363240 If you are considering returning to your country of origin, you can seek advice and assistance from the Central Voluntary Departure team at the Home Office to facilitate your return. W: https://legal.consonant.org.uk, UK Lesbian and gay immigration group (UKLGIG), UKLGIG’s advice line is: 020 7922 7811  For more information on refugee services in the following areas, please call the contact numbers listed below: International tracing and message services. F: 08450 529370 For more information: www.aviddetention.org.uk UNHCR also has specific frequently asked questions about resettlement. 6) I want to return to my home country. Wrexham office: 33, Grovesnor Road, Wrexham L11 1BT  Legal representation and advice to asylum seekers is provided through private solicitors or through specialised agencies that may be able to provide their services free of charge under the Legal Aid scheme. It is a life-changing durable solution for refugees whose life, liberty, health, or human rights are at risk in their country of refuge, or for whom relocating to another country is their only hope of being reunited with their family.

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