In ancient times he was sided with the Neyaphem, a horde of demonic humanoid mutants that went to battle against a rival group called the Cheyarafim, which were angelic yet xenophobic mutants. However, the child was then teleported away, apparently by Azazel, and given into Margali Szardos' care. Due to the shock and the strain of the boy’s difficult delivery, Mystique lost concentration and accidentally revealed her true form. Although Azazel would ultimately fail to free the Neyaphem as the portal had to be opened in an area where Cheyarafim blood could not be found and Archangel was present at the time, being a member of the X-Men, causing the portal to be destroyed. [5] In the depths of Hell, he encounters thousands of worm-like parasites whom he feeds with his blood and thus reforms them as Bamfs in his own image. What would happen if the heroes of the Harvey Comics universe meet their equivalents in the Marvel universe? Though left in a zombified state and forced to perform the ritual and open the portal to Azazel's own dimension, the X-Men had followed Nightcrawler to the island and jumped through the portal. Knowing that Mystique would be safe - having her resources and being the woman she was - Azazel left her to protect her and their child. That is the goal of this article. [volume & issue needed], It has been rumored that Azazel is actually a demon, or at least holds the blood of one. As punishment, Dream imprisoned him inside a small bottle. Azazel also claimed that he took over Heaven and Hell. Azazel is a fictional supervillain appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, in particular those featuring the X-Men. Considered a demon, she was chased off by an angry mob, barely able to escape. [3] Azazel had past relations with women before, resulting in the births of Abyss (Nils Styger) and Kiwi Black. Azazel displays a number of super-human abilities during his appearances; these include: Azazel can only spend limited time on Earth without the assistance of his children. Azazel claims that many years ago an ancient horde of demonic humanoid mutants from biblical times called the Neyaphem were in an epic battle with a group of angelic xenophobic mutants, named the Cheyarafim. The challenge is findi Azazel claimed he was one of the oldest mutants, leader of a group of demonic-looking mutants called the Neyaphem. Intelligence: Vastly Superhuman. Azazel is the biological father of the hero known as Nightcrawler but far from being a paternal benefactor, he is instead a demonic antagonist who seeks world domination and fear - this of course made him an instant enemy of the X-Men. Attack Potency: Unknown (Stood alongside Beelzebub and Lucifer as the three most powerful demons in Hell. Considered a demon, Mystique was chased away by an angry mob. If this sacrifice were to succeed, it would open a portal to bring the Neyaphem armies to Earth and destroy the Cheyarafim, which would thus allow the demonic mutants to live amongst the world's inhabitants and find their own place in it. Azazel … Immortality: He does not age at all, and can apparently regenerate injured or missing cells from even near-fatal injuries. When he met Mystique in Germany, she was married to a rich baron named Christian Wagner, who was sterile and unable to bear her children. During this time, Azazel would come to claim that he had taken over both Heaven and Hell, though the likelihood of this statement seems nebulous, at best, given his other failures. custody, Mystique frees him, despite Nightcrawler's attempts to stop her.[8]. Several mystical beings such as Mephisto and Blackheart have made slight references over time to the leader of the Neyaphem being much more than he seemed and had a strange set of 'ties' to mortals. The Neyaphem's leader, Azazel, was the only one who was able to breach the dimensional void for brief periods of time due to his teleportation powers. His only hope to make a return to Earth was by impregnating women, as his offspring are linked to the Neyaphem's dimension. In the "Age of Apocalypse" reality, Azazel first appears as a member of the Clan Akkaba. Only a few months later she would give birth to Nightcrawler, but due to the shock and strain of giving birth to a Neyaphem has even on a mutant's body, she lost concentration and accidentally revealed her true form, which was witnessed by those around her. Many mystical beings such as Mephisto and Blackheart have made slight references to the leader of the Neyaphem to be much more than he seemed and had a strange set of 'ties' to mortals. The Cheyarafim were victorious in the battle and banished the "demons" to an alternate dimension for all eternity. Metamorph: can disguise his appearance through unknown means. Azazel was Baron Wagner's business partner at the time, and Mystique had an instant attraction to him upon meeting. He has also studied many academic fields. Classification: Demon, Arch-demon, Fallen Angel, Member of the Triumvirate of Hell, Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Types 1, and 2), Reality Warping, Flight / Levitation, Telekinesis, Teleportation, Non-Corporeal, Shapeshifting, Size-Alteration, Soul Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, Space-Time Manipulation. Being the Neyaphem's leader, Azazel was the only one capable of breaching the dimensional void, if only briefly - this is due to his teleportation powers. Shortly after his "mission" was complete, Azazel left Mystique because the Cheyarafim had learned of his location in Germany, thus would attempt to kill Azazel, Mystique, and their unborn child. Once inside, Azazel took great pleasure in toying with the team, having them believe that he was actually Satan. Azazel, in comics, may refer to: . Subscribe to Marvel Unlimited to read Azazel (Mutant) comic lists by Marvel experts! Not long afterwards, Mystique believed she had no other option and killed Baron Wagner because he suspected her infidelity. Azazel is a mutant from biblical times who leads the Neyaphem and is father to X-Men member Nightcrawler, Abyss & Kiwi Black. The mutant children worked together in a zombie-like state and opened the portal to Azazel's dimension, but the X-Men had followed Nightcrawler to the island, and jumped into the portal. Non-alien Creatures Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Ultimately, Azazel would sire several dozen children who, along with Nightcrawler, were all mysteriously called together in their adulthood to sacrifice themselves on an island known as the Isla Des Demonas (Isle of Demons). While Mystique had actually fallen in love with Azazel, he seemed only to be interested in impregnating her, though in truth, he found himself in love with her as well, making her the only woman he ever truly loved. Far above all the deities depicted in the Season of Mists storyline, including Odin. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Azazel is a mutant from biblical times who leads the Neyaphem and is father to X-Men member Nightcrawler, Abyss& Kiwi Black. Azazel also seems to have studied swordsmanship to such a degree that he has become extremely skilled with bladed weapons. Marvel & DC Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. After Lucifer abandoned his position as the King of Hell and left the realm's key to Dream of the Endless, Azazel became the new leader of Daemonkind, and came to Morpheus as a petitioner for Hell's key. [6], Using his Bamf army and his link with Nightcrawler, who died in the meantime, Azazel begins invading the domains of afterlife - Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory - to gather souls and thus boost his power to divine proportions. A few months later, Mystique gave birth to Nightcrawler. His true form is depicted as its own dimension). [volume & issue needed], Azazel sired several dozen other children, who, along with Nightcrawler, were all mysteriously called together as adults to sacrifice themselves on the island known as the Isla Des Demonas. A mutant with the power of teleportation , he is the father of the X-Men's Nightcrawler .

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