Nobody rides to school on a Kangaroo. Halloween is increasingly popular and the Chinese New Year celebration in Melbourne is extravagant. Because holidays like Christmas, New Year’s Eve, and Australia Day tend to fall in summer in Australia, these occasions are often spent by the ocean. After five years of living in Melbourne, I tried Fosters for the first time in India, not even knowing that it was an Australian brand. Many foreigners who travel to Australia for the first time are often amazed by how relaxed everything seems. California residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data. The kids don’t wait at the Kangaroo stop and people do not struggle to find a good spot to park their Kangaroos. We find out. The tradition for the last game of the season, the Grand Final, is to have a barbecue with family and friends while watching the game. Fosters has gained popularity largely through exports thus leading to the false notion that Australians survive on Fosters. Nah mate, I'm pale as fuck. They live in the bush, sometimes appearing on country roads. But culturally speaking, Australians generally tend to enjoy a relaxed attitude towards life. While Down Under, you’ll find that most Aussies really are passionate about their sports, even if you come across the odd few who aren’t. People Down Under really do care about sport. Vanessa is a 25-year-old freelance writer based in Adelaide, Australia. For instance, in Australia, most of us are platonic ‘mates’ to each other. SURF. RELATED: 10 Unique Things To Do In Australia. Keep up with the latest daily buzz with the BuzzFeed Daily newsletter! Keep reading to find out. Austrian cakes and pastries are a well-known feature of its cuisine. When you travel to Australia for the first time, you’ll realize that for the most part, that’s not exactly accurate. Yes, we proudly have some of the most beautiful beaches in the world but there are a lot of places in Australia that aren't even close to a beach. Website for moms seeking advice, community, and entertainment. Upon moving back to Austria, I was amazed over and over again how the people here don't give a damn about those living around them. While Australia does have wonderfully endemic species a-plenty, we wrongly assume that visiting Australia is the equivalent to visiting an open-air zoo. It definitely isn’t slathered on everything as if it were seasoning. Once you become familiar with it, is much easier to understand what words like avo (avocado) and brekkie (breakfast) mean. So for obvious reasons, this is the worst stereotype. But overall, the drinking culture in Australia does tend to be stronger than it is in other countries. Turns out there's some truth to this because every Aussie has … So let’s check the Top 10 incorrect Australian stereotypes (or not) . The fashion standard is easily comparable to New York and London. Pretty soon, you’ll be confident enough to dine in Aussie cafes and ask for a bikkie (cookie) with your hot choccie (hot cocoa). It’s time to separate fact from fiction and find out what Australian stereotypes are completely false, and which ones are actually true. The sport that captivates most of the country is AFL or Australian Rules Football. The big male red kangaroos who are large enough to carry a small human definitely aren’t the kind that would allow someone to get on their back. It is one of the least popular beers in Australia and god knows Aussies love their beer. But you're probably a bogan too, and hey, there's no shame in it. Keep reading to … Unsurprisingly, there are a lot of stereotypes about Americans abroad. Austria is one of the few countries where 18th-century dances have survived and are still practiced. There are a few countries around the world that have a reputation of loving to drink. True. So let’s check the  Top 10 incorrect Australian stereotypes (or not) . You’ll definitely find Aussies who fit this description, but it doesn’t apply to everyone. Australian Stereotypes . Not sure why it's always Australia that's singled out, but this isn't a stereotype we really want to celebrate. Anti-social attitudes. The only place to satisfy all of your guilty pleasures. There are certain beaches in Australia where surfing is popular, but there are also many places that don’t have that surfing culture at all. The majority of people would have it on toast for breakfast or in a sandwich for lunch. Some of them can be true, depending on the person: There are Americans who are loud, extremely patriotic, and very cheerful. Not only would it be unethical to ride kangaroos like this but many of them aren’t big enough for this to be physically possible. One of the biggest (and most comical) stereotypes about Australians is that they ride kangaroos to work or at least use kangaroos as a regular mode of transport. Pregnancy and parenting news, given to you in a way nobody else has. A lot of foreigners don’t realize that Australia is nearly the size of the United States. In general, you won’t see kangaroos throughout the cities of Australia, anyway. Most Australians don't know every snake breed and probably can't name every different type of spider. So which are true and which are false? Try going to the Opera House on New Year’s Eve and you will know what I am talking about. And funnily enough, My friend is from Australia; do you know them? Vegemite is probably the most iconic Australian product. Whether you like it or not Australia, this is a stereotype that's pretty true. This stereotype is trash because it means every non-blonde Aussie is usually told "you don't look Australian" by someone. We can point out a brown snake and a redback spider but that's only because they're colour-coordinated. For some reason, a lot of Australian characters are depicted as funny. WE. The stereotypical Australian has blonde hair and tanned skin. Yes, there have been some significant crocodile and alligator references to Australia on an international level; nevertheless, this is not a sport kids learn at age 4 or at any age as a matter of fact. Not all Australians like to drink. I guess they ride kangaroos to go to school/work, but I don’t know where they park them. […] Vegemite is made from used brewers’ yeast extract, a by-product of beer manufacturing, various vegetables, wheat and spice additives. It's not ridiculously common, but yeah, it's a thing in some areas (it's also usually very fucking overpriced). Honestly, NEVER, and I've been living on this island for almost 25 years.

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