If she actually had cancer as well as Alzheimer's - who knows. Sorry everyone, I'm not trying to divert the top at all this came to my mind as I was reading this thread. Did any stars manage to hide their deaths? Ailey loathed the label "black choreographer" and preferred being known simply as a choreographer. Your flippant wording is very douchey. Mac Davis. In 1980, he made a hetero X-rated film called "Love You." Check out aids.org, thebody.com, etc for more information. He had a wife whom he loved very much and would not have wanted to put her in harm's way. 1960-1986 CAUSE OF DEATH: Lung cancer YEARS ACTIVE: 1953–86 SPOUSE(s): Cristina Rudy (1966–68) Joyce Bowman Rey (1969–80) CHILDREN: Brandon A. Alejandro Rey (February 8, 1930 – May 21, 1987) was an Argentine actor and television director. Would one of you call Nathalie Green & get her to spill beans? Later we discovered he was Bi. I had no idea he died. What does that have to do with AIDS? Otcas Observation Hours, It has been said that (a)if the epidemic did exist, millions more would be dead, and that (b)the figures have been tweaked so that African countries can get more aid (no pun intended)for malaria and typhus. How any woman could have lived with him boggles the imagination. [quote] People lied about it because they knew it would conjure up the image of them taking a condom-less dick up the ass. Same thing with Michael Landon: heavy smoking and heavy drinking ending in death by pancreatic cancer. R88,I heard that story about Warhol shortly after he died but then I heard that the night before he was admitted to hospital(and died a little over 24 hours after that) he was at a party. Ailey did want his cause of death to be listed as something different from HIV/AIDS. Do Anoles Lay Unfertilized Eggs, And he was on painkillers....but isn’t one of the side effects of some AIDS cocktails that attack your joints? Kenneth Lay. It's the result of losing a lot of weight so quickly. I do remember he was making some movie or something that placed him in the Brazilian rainforests and he looked like a dead man walking. When I used to do AIDS education back in the 90's, many of the speakers with HIV would talk about drugs, and murder and everything else EXCEPT the fact that they were gay/bi. The anti-AIDS drugs do. Alejandro Rey Social Profiles/Links Facebook Wikipedia Bio Alejandro … His family/publicist/fans pushed the drug addict story to cover the AIDS/Bi rumors and protect his wacky JW legacy. it's an open secret that Prince was dying from AIDS before he took an overdose to not have AIDS be official cause. Rey became a naturalized citizen of the United States in 1967 while appearing in The Flying Nun. I don't think it was a secret. You might want to ask him back again, and [italic]then[/italic] tell him to back off. R56 - you do know that HIV is present in a woman's vaginal secretions, right? R247, I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean. r128, the reason for the inconsistent numbers was put forward in a book called The Origin of AIDS, by a researcher named Pepin. Do you mean HOWARD Rollins, Jr.? I wondered about McQueen too. If no hospital was testing blood products for HIV because a test hadn't yet been devised, it's hard to see how there would have been sufficient grounds for a lawsuit. Gta 5 Casino Heist Fingerprint Hack Practice, My friend wasn't someone who would have been in a place where he'd be privy to up-coming Magic Johnson news. Dennis Parker's suicide was so shocking that it blew the lid off early on that his HIV diagnosis drove him to kill himself. He became known as an actor in Argentine movies. Steve Jobs. While I agree many on the above list may have been gay, bi or closeted, and AIDS carries a stigma associated with any self loathing and secretive activities, I think Swayze, Henson (healthy, sudden pneumonia, delay in treatment) and Ashe (surgery, transfusion and changes to blood testing) have had neutral corroboration suggesting otherwise. He was best known as a leading man in Universal Sci-Fi movies like "The Monolith Monsters," "The Leech Woman," and especially "The Incredible Shrinking Man." He lost weight (characteristic of metastasis) and had the food poisoning after the initial surgery. Uh, no, I'm not, R193, not last time I looked which was about 20 minutes ago when I peed standing up. Before his death, he spoke to the press about both his disease and his sexual orientation. every single site you visit? Wild. The sunken ashy features but particularly the bulging , vacant crazy eyes. There is an episode of Nip/Tuck about an HIV infected man who wanted cheek implants so he could look healthier. It came out on on VHS and I wore out my tape. what about Rick James? It was for him because he didn't want to answer questions about his own health. He seemed to be a troubled soul - seems that I remember him getting into some bizarre trouble around the Georgia town where they filmed "In the Heat of the Night". He never really recovered from his gunshot wounds. Although he'd been a heavy smoker, it was later determined that the cancer was probably the direct result of massive exposure to asbestos while removing asbestos lagging from pipes aboard a troop ship during his time in the Marines. Plus, how would he have gotten AIDS? R400, wasn’t Marvin Gaye murdered by his father? What about those celebrities who are alive, living with it, and pretend it doesn't exist? He kept it to himself in order to remain insurable and, in essence, played Russian Roulette with his health. I think the most fascinating rumor way upthread is that Jackie On Assistance had health problems including early onset dementia, and committed suicide. That and other symptoms made the article speculate HIV. Prince, George Michael, Whitey Houston, Joe Pepitone. He died of a heart attack, following a bout with hepatitis. The wife even wrote a book which is just full of disillusions. It was submitted by Patty, 25 years old. She was among the first batch of known cases in Canada to contract HIV through blood transfusion. There were also rumors going around in the 80s or early 90s that Prince and/or Michael Jackson had AIDS. Yes, he could have been lying, but it seems reasonable to ask why he would have raised the issue if he were HIV+. "Read Frank Langella 's book. This was in the mid 80's. I know what a man looks like when he dies from AIDS before all the meds were on the market. A little-known yiddish comic popular in certain parts of the East Village. Wasn’t there a song about this in the sixties? Other family members and associates include Shelly Ward, Mary Sullens, Alejandro Mckelvey, Eunice Mckelvey and Angela Ward. Or the drugs you were taking before you got your AIDS "diagnosis". Anyone who died suddenly from 1980 to 1995 and under 40 (not counting accidents and murders) was AIDS. There was something wrong with mould in their house but it has to be assumed that wouldn’t have killed most reasonably well people. [quote]Roy Cohn threatend to ruin anyone who speculated he had AIDS. I heard rumors he was gay for years. A local haberdasher in our community, someone who was very prominent, married two grown kids, on his third wife, a society maven, when he died. He had AIDS. Plus, I'd bet he eats like a bird now in hopes of staying slim. I guess you mean people who became positive before treatment for HIV began to improve. [bold]Some of the names listed in this thread:[/bold], [bold]Allegedly HIV+ according to this DL thread:[/bold], Al Sharpton (see R20 and R38 for additional gossip). But when someone whose body is swimming with every parasite and critter known to man becomes HIV+, they have little to no chance. He's had it for quite some time, but he has always been careful to make sure no one finds out. It wasn't till the mid 90s, when people lasted long enough for the first set of antiretrovirals to take hold. Malcolm Forbes couldn't have been gay! There was no mention of "forgetting" or whatever. Become a contributor - post when you want with no ads. Here on DL I read in a thread about studio 54 and Andy Warhol that Andy Warhol died from HIV/AIDS, and the person claimed it was because if his death from AIDS happened the value of his art would go down the toilet; but I read about how Warhol died from having a private nurse and in the hospital, how there was a 'code' and the private nurse ignored it but a nurse or medical professional working for the hospital would not have, and even in the late 1980s an HIV/AIDS death would not have made the value of art plummet. HUGE. Bengal Lancer Joke, But he was as ignorant as he was self destructive. He died from AIDS from drug use. Just a hunch, YMMV. R440/r441 doesn’t know what the word ‘secret’ means. The only one I really suspect is Easy-E, like r49 mentions. Arthur Ashe's AIDS death wasn't kept secret, but the CAUSE of his infection sure was. Raul Julia I could see; he seemed to have wasting for a while, particularly in the last Addams Family movie. i want to see the morbid side of slutty, druggie, irresponsible behavior, i just do. Trumpet Of The Swan Test Answers, I think people probably just thought, "Camp, theatrical man died at 54... in 1994... and had lost a lot of weight towards the end of his life..." and assumed he was a closet case who died of AIDS. The World Aids Day We Remember Our Soaps, had him listed as a victim of AIDS. Such as Robert Downey Jr. and Tom Cruise. There have been poz-rumours about RDJ since his stint in prison, even on other boards outside the DL. He had HIV and cancer, but not AIDS, "I forgot about bishop eddie long, he had HIV but his death was caused by cancer. She had no teef as they say, she was infested with HIV. [19] Cole's last musical performance was a short set of three songs in Manila. I'm sure THAT would have gone over really well with gay rights activists. Like many black men in the public eye he was articulate and probably too serious for his own good. It makes me wonder if MJs status resulted from something other than cheating on his wife with hundreds of thousands of women. The oral test was negative but he tested positive with the .....forget the name...test. When Prince died, they said that he had worn his hip bones out from years of strutting around on stage in high heeled boots. He said as much and it was discussed openly. No one followed up on that question. later the cia perfected the disease getting rid of the extreme swelling of the brain. Raul Julia didn't die from AIDS. He looks like a male Star Jones with that massive head and a shrunken body. Alvin Ailey, and other dancers including a lot of the soul train dancers, and broadway dancers did die from HIV/AIDS. Anytime a celebrity died relatively young, and sort of mysteriously (or of a certain type of cancer), she would always pipe up..."I bet he really had AIDS." [quote] What about those celebrities who are alive, living with it, and pretend it doesn't exist? I see there are several places that say AIDS but I don't see any actual proof of it so it could be a rumor. Patrick Swayze-his death did seem like it had all the hallmarks of an AIDS=related death, We know there are many closeted gay performers in Hollywood and Swayze's public profile had to be preserved as the death of a talented dancer and actor (his work as a dancer well into the 80s was almost always the same area where so many male dancers publicly died as a result of HIV-related causes.)

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