médicos e programadores analisam as informações partilhadas. Under the terms of the agreement, the transaction value for the acquisition of Flatiron Health was USD 1.9 billion on a fully diluted basis, subject to certain adjustments. No reproduction or republication without written permission. Roche can provide that. Editorial items appearing in 'CNET Japan' that were originally published in the US Edition of 'CNET', 'ZDNet', 'TechRepublic', 'GameSpot' and 'CNET News.com' are the copyright properties of CBS Interactive, Inc. or its suppliers. The Roche Group, headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, is active in over 100 countries and in 2017 employed about 94,000 people worldwide. Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window). As oncology leaders in their respective fields, the acquisition allows both companies to accelerate progress towards data-driven personalised healthcare in cancer. Per Roche, Flatiron Health is best positioned to provide the technology and data analytics infrastructure needed. A Roche, gigante farmacêutica suíça, adquiriu a Flatiron Health. without written permission. Flatiron was gearing up to add to its more than $300 million in VC funding when the idea of selling up gained pace. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Roche has struck a $1.9 billion deal to acquire Flatiron Health. A Flatiron possui um modelo semelhante ao de tecnológicas como a Google e o Facebook: criou um serviço com valor de utilidade para os utilizadores (médicos oncologistas) para depois vender os dados gerados por este serviço a outras empresas (farmacêuticas e institutos de investigação). By using our website you agree to our use of cookies in accordance with our cookie policy. The software has gained traction and given Flatiron links to more than 250 community oncology practices, a network that could prove useful to Roche’s clinical trial unit. Roche has been recognised as the Group Leader in sustainability within the Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences Industry nine years in a row by the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI). Flatiron built its business around oncology-focused electronic health record (EHR) software and a repository of real-world cancer evidence. 製薬大手企業RocheはFlatiron Health社を19億ドルで買収しました。これにより「がん患者のために画期的な新薬の提供を促進するだろう」とコメントしました。 Flatiron Health will continue its operations as a separate legal entity and its current business model, network of partnerships and overall objectives remain. Roche pens $1.9B deal to buy oncology data firm Flatiron, Praxis, on a roll, bumps up IPO target to $175M, Eli Lilly bets $135M on preclinical biotech Disarm Therapeutics, Black doctors work to make coronavirus testing more equitable. Founded in 1896, Roche continues to search for better ways to prevent, diagnose and treat diseases and make a sustainable contribution to society. For more information, please visit www.roche.com. Raxibacumab has orphan drug designation in the US and was approved by the FDA in 2012. また、CEOのTurner氏は、この買収は「まだ完結していない物語のマイルストーンになる」とブログに記載しています。, ニュース元:ZDNet Charlie Osborne (Special to ZDNet.com) 翻訳校正: 編集部. By coming together with Roche, Flatiron will have an accelerated ability to achieve our mission while continuing to operate independently with access to greater resources. Roche is the majority shareholder in Chugai Pharmaceutical, Japan. Porque é que a Roche adquiriu a Flatiron Health? Nat Turner, one of the two ex-Googlers who founded Flatiron, told Forbes the shift in strategy followed the realization that cash wasn’t the main bottleneck on the business. On February 15, 2018, Roche (RHHBY) announced the acquisition of Flatiron Health, a privately held healthcare technology and services company. Nat Turner, Mitbegründer und CEO von Flatiron Health, sagte: "Roche war in den letzten zwei Jahren ein hervorragender Partner für uns. A startup recorre a uma comunidade de profissionais de saúde para analisar meticulosamente dados que não estão estruturados (relatórios patológicos, notas clínicas,..), com a ajuda de tecnologia, e extrair apenas os insights relevantes. Hopefully it means not much change. Flatiron Healthは、引き続き独立した法人として活動していきます。, RocheのCEO Daniel O’Day氏は「腫瘍に関する優れた技術を持つFlatiron Healthは、Rocheのみならず業界全体の腫瘍研究開発活動に必要な技術やデータ分析インフラを提供する体勢が最も整っている」とコメントしました。 A Roche adquiriu a Flatiron Health, por 1,9 mil milhões de dólares. Currently, Flatiron partners with over 265 community cancer clinics, six major academic research centers and 14 out of the top 15 therapeutic oncology companies. Under the agreement, Roche would fully acquire Ignyta for $27.00 per share in an all-cash transaction at a total value of $1.7 billion on a diluted basis. This website contains information on products which is targeted to a wide range of audiences and could contain product details or information otherwise not accessible or valid in your country. Esta é uma forma de reduzir custos com estudos clínicos e de fornecer dados relevantes de forma muito rápida, que pode permitir tomar decisões mais rápido e reduzir o time-to-market. Roche is a global pioneer in pharmaceuticals and diagnostics focused on advancing science to improve people’s lives. Flatiron Health is a market leader in oncology-specific electronic health record (EHR) software as well as in the curation and development of real-world evidence for cancer research. It is under development for tumors that harbor ROS1 fusions in non-small cell lung cancer (or NSCLC) and NTRK fusions across a range of solid tumors. Copyright (c) 2020 ASAHI INTERACTIVE, Inc. All rights reserved. The integrity of segregated patient protected health information will be preserved, as will dedicated sales and marketing, provider-facing and life science business activities. Please be aware that we do not take any responsibility for accessing such information which may not comply with any legal process, regulation, registration or usage in the country of your origin. Black Philadelphians contract the coronavirus at a rate nearly twice that of their white counterparts. “We're going to continue to work with everybody, which was very important for us. exclude terms. No reproduction or republication The takeover is reward for the work Flatiron put in to build its real-world evidence repository. It just means a bigger platform for us,” Turner said. The transaction is expected to close in the first half of this year, at which time Flatiron Health will become an autonomous separate legal entity and member of the Roche Group. このサイトでは、利用状況の把握や広告配信などのために、Cookieなどを使用してアクセスデータを取得・利用しています。, 1万人のデータと機械学習で病気を予見--Alphabet傘下の「Project Baseline」, Ziddyちゃんの「私を社食に連れてって」:Pivotalの朝食で1日のエネルギーをチャージ編, 「Raspberry Pi 3」より安価なシングルボードコンピュータ--競合20製品の長所と短所, 「顧客の今」がなぜビジネスに貢献するのか - HBR調査で見る「リアルタイムアナリティクス」の効果, 自社の働き方改革の取り組みに効果を感じている企業は「2割」の衝撃!調査から明らかになった課題とは, ソニー、裸眼で立体視できるディスプレイ--4K15.6インチで触れられるようなリアル感, バンナム、現実世界の地図情報を活用したスマホゲーム「PAC-MAN GEO」を配信, シャープ、液晶テレビ「AQUOS 4K CH1」--リビングでも見やすい低反射パネル, 富士通、社員約13万人の働き方を変える「FUJITSU Work Life Shift」を提供開始, 独自ARMベースプロセッサー搭載--2in1ノートPC「Surface Pro X」を見る, ユニリーバ・ジャパンの新たな副業人材募集「WAAP」の発起人に聞く--求める「PC人材」とは?, 急変した電子チケットを取り巻く環境とエンタメビジネス--playground伊藤代表に聞く, 宿泊だけではなく”体験”を提供するAirbnbのオンライン戦略--クリック1つで旅に出る, オープンハウス、コロナ禍でも工期遅延ゼロを支えた基幹システム「KIZUNA-X」と先読みの力, 第二のN高となる「S高」がつくば市に開校--授業にVRデバイスを本格導入したコースも, カメラがさらに進化した「iPhone 12 Pro Max」--プロ写真家が期待する理由. Roche (SIX: RO, ROG; OTCQX: RHHBY) today announced that it has completed the acquisition of Flatiron Health, a privately held healthcare technology and services company headquartered in New York City, US. The takeover gives Roche ownership of the cancer software and real-world evidence that turned GV-backed Flatiron into a rising star. Roche currently holds a 12.6% stake in Flatiron Health. The company created a technology platform that learns from the experience of each patient via its network of community oncology practices and academic medical centers across the US. Roche has announced the acquisition of Flatiron Health in a deal worth $1.9 billion. Roche teilt unsere Vision, eine lernende Gesundheitsplattform in der Onkologie aufzubauen, die letztlich dazu dient, das Leben von Krebspatienten zu verbessern. Flatiron set itself apart by pulling data out of these hard-to-access sources and using them to build high-quality curated repositories. 'CNET', 'ZDNet' 'GameSpot' and 'CNET News.com' are trademarks of CBS Interactive, Inc. Use a + to require a term in results and - to The Flatiron platform enables cancer researchers and care providers to learn from the experience of every patient. Thirty medicines developed by Roche are included in the World Health Organization Model Lists of Essential Medicines, among them life-saving antibiotics, antimalarials and cancer medicines. A Connect Robotics é uma startup portuguesa com a visão de revolucionar a logística através de entregas por drones e que, neste momento, está focada no transporte de medicamentos e amostras de sangue. © 2020 Questex LLC. Esta compra é importante para dar seguimento à estratégia de personalização dos cuidados de saúde que a Roche está a seguir, permitindo acelerar o desenvolvimento de novos tratamentos para o cancro. Flatiron Health is a healthcare technology and services company focused on accelerating cancer research and improving patient care. 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