Banner asked the team if the Snap worked and Thor assured him that they were not sure. As the helicopter fell to the ground and exploded, he shielded Dr. Ross from the explosion while General Ross looked on in horror. However, Lang was not ready for the test and accidentally triggered one of the few Pym Particles. As Abomination had climbed up the wall and searched for Hulk, Ross then ordered his gunman inside of the helicopter to open fire on him, with the soldiers of the United States Armed Forces briefly unsure about which monster to target. Having kissed her goodbye, Banner then fell from the helicopter, hoping that the fall would trigger his transformation. Following his speech, Banner realized that it was Ultron, only to be interrupted about his appearance and that he no longer had strings holding him down. Thor denied the possibility of hope until Rocket explained they had beer on the ship.[13]. However, Banner is the Avenger his teammates are the most wary of despite their camaraderie and often don't call Hulk to a battle unless strictly necessary. General Ross ordered the soldiers to land the helicopter, but Banner insisted that they remain in the air so that he could jump out and keep everyone else safe, while also using the altitude to trigger a transformation. Upon Banner once again telling Thanos' name to Stark, he revealed that he is the mastermind of the Chitauri Invasion from some years ago, referring to the attack on New York as Thanos' doing instead of Loki's, due to coming to terms with the God of Mischief. Bruce wist Rick te redden voordat de bom afging, maar werd daarbij zelf blootgesteld aan de ontploffing waarbij zijn lichaam een hoge dosis gammastraling absorbeerde. He abandoned everyone and everything he cared about and became a fugitive for five years to prevent Hulk's power from falling into the wrong hands, while desperately searching for a cure and attempting to avoid transforming at all costs. Banner informed Thor that Selvig was an astrophysicist, to which Thor stated that he was a friend. 7 oktober 2020, Films & Series De Hulk, alias Dr. Robert Bruce Banner is een stripfiguur in de gelijknamige comics van Marvel Comics.Hij werd gecreëerd door Stan Lee en Jack Kirby.De Hulk gaat vaak door voor een superheld, maar is in feite meer een antiheld: hij moet dan ook vaak andere helden van zich afslaan.Sinds zijn eerste verschijning in mei 1962 is de Hulk een van 's werelds herkenbaarste stripfiguren geworden. Er wordt een nieuw team samengesteld en Banner moet daar een lid van worden. He explained to Lang that after eighteen months in a Gamma Lab, he was able to merge his mind with Hulk's body. While Banner was handcuffed, they were moved inside a helicopter with General Ross as Dr. Ross, who would be granted freedom by her father, while Samuel Sterns was left to be interrogated by Kathleen Sparr back at Grayburn College, who wished to know what they could do with Banner's blood samples. In latere strips waarin de oorsprong van de Hulk werd herverteld, wordt het feit dat de Hulk van oorsprong grijs was, weggelaten, behalve in een verhaal uit 1986. Banner weet niet dat Ross' plannen heeft om een experiment uit Wereldoorlog II voort te zetten om zo een leger supersoldaten te creëren. Iron Man then attempted to fly Hulk away from the city, but Hulk punched him mid-air, causing him to crash into a building full of people. Verder kan hij honderden meters hoog en ver springen. [12], Banner confronts Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian. Wilson interrogated Hulk after Rogers missed his timestamp, provoking Hulk to check the system's diagnostics. However, instead of giving him the Tesseract, Loki revealed that he had a Hulk on their side. Following Ultron's defeat, Hulk commandeered a Quinjet and left Earth, flying into space and coming across a wormhole that caused the Quinjet to crash on the planet Sakaar, where the stressful environment prevented him from regressing back into Banner, causing him to remain in Hulk form for two years. With the team gathered any suspicions on Ultron, Stark began examining the robot to understand what caused it. De Hulk is een van de sterkste personages uit de Marvel Strips. With Lang taking the photo, Hulk and the children said 'Green' in unison. Hulk then attempted to strike back, but to his complete surprise, Thanos displayed a vast superiority and proceeded to block all of Hulk's blows and punches, leaving Hulk completely stunned about being so vastly overpowered. Banner lashed out at Fury, declaring that the Avengers were not a team but rather a chemical mixture, likening them to a time bomb, adding that he knew Loki's cage was really intended for him, as a way to kill Hulk. As Doctor Strange and Wong investigated, they found Hulk reverting to the form of Bruce Banner, warning them that Thanos was coming. Rogers interrupted and reminded Banner about the plan they had pitched. Stark compared J.A.R.V.I.S. resorted to using many inventions developed by Banner that maybe did not have the use he intended to have, but were useful in other ways, such as Tetrodotoxin B[24] or Gamma Power Reserve[25]. Bruce Banner is shown as a mild-mannered, mysterious, shy and analytical man of science. Romanoff pointed out that if the team selected the right date, they could acquire three stones in New York City. Banner asked Fury how long he would be required to stay with S.H.I.E.L.D. As Abomination came closer to him, Hulk furiously smashed the two ends of the car together before striking his enemy as he repeatedly punched Abomination into the pavement so hard that it caused a deep crater and had completely destroyed the remains of the car. [15], Banner's file is given to those hunting him, In 2006, Banner had tried to contact Betty Ross one last time, but the email was intercepted by the military and she never received it. 28 september 2020, Films & Series Banner learns of Baron von Strucker's death. 24 september 2020, Films & Series The next day, Hulk did as Thor requested and had Valkyrie come up to his chamber, as together they playfully sparring with each other as Hulk played with the Sakaaran War Hammer while Valkyrie kicked him over. [2], Banner is finally captured by Thaddeus Ross. Leading the attempts was Clint Barton who was the first to try and when he failed, both Tony Stark and James Rhodes tried using Iron Man Gauntlets but still failed to even make the hammer move an inch, much to the great amusement of Thor who continued pushing the other Avengers to try out their luck during their game. After the battle was over, and the Avengers succeeded in saving the world and defeating Ultron, Hulk chose to remain in the Quinjet that Ultron had previously hijacked. Stark reminded Thor that the gauntlet had enough energy to power a continent, but Thor responded by stating that lightning ran in his veins. De eerste echte Marvel-serie die naar de streamingdienst komt zal steeds nog in 2020 van start gaan. Beloved by the arena crowds, Hulk came to enjoy his lifestyle as the Champion of Sakaar. De bekende Orphan Black-actrice Tatiana Maslany stapt in de huid van She-Hulk! [9], Banner informs Black Widow of his decision, The Avengers tracked Ultron down in Sokovia, where Natasha Romanoff was being held. Banner tries to find ways to control his rage. With Abomination threatening Betty, Hulk managed to reassert his control and liberated himself from Abomination's grasp, pulling him away from him before slamming him into the wall with all his might just as the helicopter caught fire due to the leaking fuel. Hulk, however, remained behind along with Thor, Loki, and Heimdall to fight the invaders. Later wordt Banner overgehaald en wordt lid van het team. De Hulk kent meerdere varianten. Banner encounters the Ancient One in 2012. As Stark plummeted down, Hulk leaped up and grabbed him, saving his life. When the jet began firing at him, Hulk's enforced skin was able to deflect the bullets leaving him unharmed. With that, Thor took a ball that Hulk was playing with and used it to crack the room's glass window, although this resulted in the ball bouncing back and striking Thor's face. Dan vindt er een ongeluk plaats, en komt de genetische afwijking die hij van zijn vader erfde naar boven. Once she had finished, Ross held Banner in her arms, leading to the pair kissing and falling on the bed. On their way back to Earth, the Statesman was attacked by the Black Order, who killed half of the Asgardians. Banner eventually relented and got in Ross' car as she drove him back to her home to rest so they could discuss everything that had happened since he had gone on the run. Hijzelf was altijd tamelijk timide, eigenlijk een nerd (hij bezat bijvoorbeeld tien identieke kostuums, zodat hij nooit een seconde zou hoeven nadenken over kledingkeuze). A security guard at the warehouse informed Banner that he did not harm anyone during his crash-landing and that he believed that Hulk had controlled his fall to prevent casualties. His increased self-awareness gave him increasingly visible layers of personality, similar to a five-year-old's [34], instead of just being a very destructive rage monster. Hulk eventually transformed back into Banner and woke up naked in the warehouse. Doc Samson, een psychiater, die besmet raakt met Banners radioactieve bloed, waardoor hij sterker werd, maar zijn intellect behield. Before Hulk could reach him, Abomination lunged and grabbed the helicopter just as Hulk arrived and grasped him. Banner was shocked to be informed that while they won the fight, that event happened two years ago. Hulk keeps fragments of Banner's personality and gradually attained a better reasoning capacity over time, becoming able to show affection, demonstrating a capacity to work collaboratively with others once they've established a rapport with him, be aware that his name is "Hulk," and demonstrating he's capable of directing his savagery at foes instead of allies.

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