Our two signs also share a long ascension, which can only be good news. It should be noticed that clocks, on which Tycho Brahe depended very little, were used at Cassel for finding the difference of right ascension between Venus and the sun before sunset; Tycho preferred observing the angular distance between the sun and Venus when the latter was visible in the daytime. The gas developed by the coal near the mouth of the retort is quickly washed out into the ascension pipe by the push of the gas behind, and the period for which it has been exposed to the radiant heat from the walls of the retort is practically nil; whilst the gas evolved in the portion of the retort farthest from the mouthpiece has only its own rate of evolution to drive it forward, and has to traverse the longest run possible in tile retort, exposed during the whole of that period to radiant heat and to contact with the highly heated surface of the retort itself. Sort by Sort output list by distance from search center (in arcminutes ), increasing right ascension or declination, or stellar magnitude. RA The Right Ascension of the X-ray source centroid location in the selected equinox. (Christianity) celebration of the Ascension of Christ into heaven; observed on the 40th day after Easter 2. a movement upward 3. Sentencedict.com try its best to gather and create good sentences. 2) terms it the Ascension of Isaiah - TO ava(3arcxov 'Haalou, and similarly Jerome - A scensio Isaiae. One of the two heads on this dated sheet may probably have been a study for the same St Bernard; it was used afterwards by some follower for a St Leonard in a stiff and vapid "Ascension of Christ," wrongly attributed to the master himself in the Berlin Museum. On apocalyptic generally the introductions to Charles's Book of Enoch, Apocalypse of Baruch, Ascension of Isaiah and Book of Jubilees, should be carefully noted. This angle is called the Longitude, Right Ascension or Azimuth of the body, in the various systems of co-ordinates. of Baruch and the Epistle of Barnabas were probably acquainted with it. Tumblejack's howling voice rose to a final, 12. The evens or vigils before Christmas, the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Easter day, Ascension day, Pentecost, St Matthias, the Nativity of St John Baptist, St Peter, St James, St Bartholomew, St Matthew, St Simon and St Jude, St Andrew, St Thomas, and All Saints are also recognized as " fast days.". They consist of paraphrases of parts of Genesis, Exodus and Daniel, and three separate poems, the first on the lamentations of the fallen angels, the second on the "Harrowing of Hell," the resurrection, ascension and second coming of Christ, and the third (a mere fragment) on the temptation. There are several stained-glass windows; the east and west represent the nativity and the Resurrection and Ascension of our Lord. 12 sqq.) The insertion of the alien matter 7-12 between 1-5 and 13-17 may be due to our author's wish to show that the expulsion of Satan from heaven after Christ's birth and ascension to heaven was owing in some measure to Christ, although he has allowed Michael's name to remain in the borrowed passage, 7-12 - a fact which shows how dependent the writer was on tradition. - This Jewish work has been in part preserved in the Ascension of Isaiah. Bessel's practice was to unclamp in declination, lower and read off the head, and then restore the telescope to its former declination reading, the clockwork meanwhile following the stars in right ascension. right ascension of the star in the selected equinox, i.e., the optical position. Since the distance of a body from the observer cannot be observed directly, but only the right ascension and declination, calling these a and 6 we conceive ideal equations of the form a = f (a, b, c, e, f, g, t) and 5=0 (a, b, c, e, f, g, t), the symbols a, b,. They were provided with large graduated circles adapted for measurements of declination and right ascension, and prove the Chinese to have anticipated by at least three centuries some of Tycho Brahe's most important inventions. ; and Charles, Ascension of Isaiah, lvii. Hummus also contains tahini (sesame seed butter) and the combination of nutrients makes this dish highly supportive of, 25. After the Reformation the processions gradually ceased to be ecclesiastical in England, and are now practically secularized into the perambulation of the parish boundaries on or about Ascension Day. In astronomy the "mean sun" is a fictitious sun which moves uniformly in the celestial equator and has its right ascension always equal to the sun's mean longitude. It is cited without acknowledgment in the Book of Adam and Eve, the Apocalypses of Moses and Paul, the Sibylline Oracles, the Ascension of Isaiah, the Epistle of Barnabas, and referred to by Origen and Irenaeus (see Charles, The Book of the Secrets of Enoch, 1895, pp. Considering the position of the vernal equinox, and also of a star on the celestial sphere, it will be seen that the interval between the transits of these two points across the meridian may be used to measure the right ascension of a star, since the latter amounts to FIG. Examples of how to use “right ascension” in a sentence from the Cambridge Dictionary Labs (Ukkama or Uchomo, "the black"), being afflicted with leprosy, sent a letter to Jesus, acknowledging his divinity, craving his help and offering him an asylum in his own residence, but Jesus wrote a letter declining to go, promising, however, that after his ascension he would send one of his disciples. 3. (Acts i. The driving clock moves the telescope in right ascension by means of a worm-gear wheel, 10 ft. xii.-xv.). RA The right ascension of the position of maximum probability density for the X-ray source location in the selected equinox. Also, Ascension Day. In 511 the first Council of Orleans ordered that the three days preceding Ascension Day should be celebrated as rogation days with fasting and rogationes. Thus the difficulty of ascension, in the present case, lay more in semblance than in reality. Of these methods Bessel generally employed the first because of its simplicity, notwithstanding that it involved a resetting of the right ascension and declination of the axis of the tube with each reversal of the segments. him, together with his invention of the planisphere, enabled him to solve a number of elementary problems; and he was thus led to bestow especial attention upon the position of the equinox, as being the common point of origin for measures both in right ascension and longitude. It was a fortunate thing for Poland that, during the first century of her ascension to the rank of a great power, political exigencies compelled her to appropriate almost more territory than her primitive and centrifugal government could properly assimilate; it was fortunate that throughout this period of expansion her destinies should, with one brief interval, have been controlled by a couple of superior statesmen, each of whom ruled for nearly fifty years. 5 Weeks Ascension Day Or Holy Thursday 39 Days Pentecost Or Whitsunday. It is held forty days after Easter, or ten days before Whitsunday, in celebration of Christ's ascension into heaven forty days after the resurrection. The ascension of Psalm 68: 18. The pope drew a ring from his finger and, giving it to the doge, bade him cast such a one into the sea each year on Ascension day, and so wed the sea. 26, &c.); so too the tyrant whom the Ascension of Moses (c. A.D. In 1871 a new Lectionary was substituted for the previously existing one, into the merits and demerits of which it is not possible to enter here; and in 1872, by the Act of Uniformity Amendment Act, a shortened form of service was provided instead of the present form of Morning and Evening Prayer for optional use in other than cathedral churches on all days exeept Sunday, Christmas Day, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and Ascension Day; provision was also statutably made for the separation of services, and for additional services, to be taken, however, except so far as anthems and hymns are concerned, entirely out of the Bible and the Book of Common Prayer. Assisted by the duke of Ossuna, viceroy of Naples, he formed a plan to bring the city into the power of Spain, and the scheme was to be carried out on Ascension Day 1618. On Ascension Day 1528 he committed an outrage on the sacrament carried in procession; he was placed in the pillory, had his tongue bored, and was banished from Delft for three years. The method needs not to compute the right, 16. Assuming, for example, that the northern star has the smaller right ascension, the instrument is first, with the aid of the stop, placed in the meridian towards the north; the verniers of the graduated circle g are set to read to the reading 40-2(Sn+Ss) where 0 is the approximate latitude of the place and Sn, Ss the declinations of the northern and southern star respectively; then the level frame h is turned till the levels k and I are in the middle of their run, and there clamped by the screw m, aided in the final adjustment by the adjoining slow motion screw shown in the figure. 's conquest of Dalmatia, was originally one of supplication and placation, Ascension day being chosen as that on which the doge had set out on his expedition. The declination circle reads from the eye-end, and four handles for clamping and slow motion in right ascension and declination are situated near the observer's hands. in diameter; he substituted equatorial for zodiacal armillae, thus definitively establishing the system of measurements in right ascension and declination; and improved the graduation of circular arcs by adopting the method of " transversals.". It differed only from the three Russian instruments in having a mounting by the Cookes in which the declination circle reads from the eye-end.5 This instrument was afterwards most generously lent by Lord Lindsay to Gill for his expedition to Ascension in 1877.6 These four Repsold heliometers proved to be excellent instruments, 5 For a detailed description of this instrument see Dunecht Publications, vol. : the Christian holiday that celebrates Jesus Christ's … If the local sidereal time of the observation is known, the right ascension of the star becomes known by adding the observed hour angle to the sidereal time if the star is west of the meridian, or subtracting it if east of the meridian. RA The Right Ascension of the spacecraft 's x-axis. right ascension in the default equinox (given to the nearest tenth of a second of time in the original catalog ). If your garden's field has been shattered, you can intend to reweave it just as you intend to reweave your own field following a bad, 28. sidereal time minus the apparent right ascension. Another story surrounding the rat's ascension to the number one slot begins with Buddha sending out an invitation to the animals to attend a convention. The telescope is moved in right ascension and declination by electric motors controlled from positions convenient for the observer. 20. He is provided with quick and slow motions in right ascension and declination, which can be operated from the eye-end, and he can work in a closed and comfortably heated room. ascension of the star in the selected equinox, i.e., the optical position. Sozomen also wrote an Epitome of History from the Ascension of Christ to the defeat of Licinius (323) which is not now extant (see his History, i. Rivalling this anonymous martyr, who is often supposed to have been St George, is an earlier martyr briefly mentioned in the Chronicon Pascale: " In the year 225 of the Ascension of our Lord a persecution of the Christians took place, and many suffered martyrdom, among whom also the Holy George was martyred.". These shells do not retain their individuality at depths greater than 1400 or 1500 fathoms, and in fact pteropod ooze is only found in small patches on the ridges near the Azores, Antilles, Canaries, Sokotra, Nicobar, Fiji and the Paumotu islands, and on the central rise of the South Atlantic between Ascension and Tristan d'Acunha.

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